Power semiconductor devices

Abdul R. Beig    Department of Electrical Engineering, The Petroleum Institute, Abu Dhabi, UAE


Power electronic circuits are essential parts in any renewable energy system. Power semiconductor devices are used as switches in these power electronic circuits. This chapter discusses the basic structure, properties, characteristics, ratings, and turn-on and turn-off characteristics of different types of power semiconductor switches. Recently, wide band gap devices such as silicon carbide- and gallium nitride-based power devices have shown a promising future for power-electronic applications, as they have a higher voltage rating, high temperature stability, and low switching and conduction losses. The basic features, characteristics, and applications of power devices based on these materials have also been presented.


p–n junction

13.1. Introduction

Renewable energy systems generate electrical energy in different forms. In order to match the source and load, power conversion circuits are required. In power conversion, efficiency is the key factor. High efficiency results in low power loss, hence the compact systems. In modern power conversion circuit semiconductor devices are used as switches. Power diodes, bipolar junction transistors (BJTs), metal oxide field effect transistors (MOSFETs), insulated gate bipolar transistors (IGBT), silicon-controlled rectifiers (SCRs), gate turn-off thyristors (GTOs), and integrated gate commutated thyristors (IGCTs) are the most widely used power devices in the industry. These devices serve a broad spectrum of power levels and frequencies [1]. In high-power and medium-voltage systems (>2.2 kV) such as high voltage DC (HVDC), electric trains, medium-voltage drives, wind farms, and large solar plants, power levels range from a few megawatts to a few hundred mega watts, and switching frequency ranges from 50 Hz to 1 kHz. SCRs, GTOs, and IGCTs are used at this power level [2]. In high performance drives, electric vehicles, and standalone renewable energy sources, the switching frequency is in the range of a few kHz to 500 kHz, and the power level ranges from 10 kW to 10 MW. IGBTs are the most popular in this power range and MOSFETs are used at low voltage applications [2,3]. In communication systems, audiovisual equipment, biomedical instruments, computers, etc., the power level ranges from a few megawatt to, say, a few kilowatts, and the switching frequency ranges from hundreds of kilohertz to megahertz. In these applications the operating voltage is low and hence MOSFETs are the most suitable [3]. Diodes are required in all power levels and frequency ranges. Schottky diodes and most recently silicon carbide (SiC)-based Schottky diodes are preferred in low voltage and high-switching-frequency circuits [4].
At low power levels, the requirement is very high switching frequency and low switching losses. At high power levels, the stress is on low switching frequency but low conduction loss. Silicon-based devices are reaching the limit of voltage-blocking capacity because of high on-state resistance [4]. The wide band gap materials such as SiC and gallium nitride (GaN) promise low conduction loss, high voltage with stand capability, and high thermal stability. At a preset SiC- and GaN-based devices with low voltage rating (<1700 V) are being used in low voltage applications [5]. High manufacturing cost prevents the production of high voltage devices based on a wide bad gap of material, but recent advances in the manufacturing process ensures the availability of these devices in the near future [48].
The focus of research in the area of power devices is to achieve device characteristics as close as possible to ideal switches. An ideal switch should be in a position to carry current without any limit, it should be able to withstand infinite voltage in both directions, it should be fully controlled, the control circuit should not require any power, it should not have any voltage drop when the device is on, that is a zero conduction loss, it should not have leakage current when the device is off, that is a zero off-state loss, and it should turn on and off instantly that is zero switching loss [2]. The diode is an uncontrolled device, BJTs, SCRs, GTOs, and IGCTs are current controlled, and the rest of the devices are voltage-controlled devices.
The basic structure, principle of operation, v–i characteristics, and turn-on and turn-off of all the popular power devices have been discussed in this chapter. Owing to the research interest and impact of wide band-gap material-based devices, Section 13.6 has been dedicated to these emerging devices.

13.2. Power diodes

A power semiconductor diode is a two terminal P–N junction device. Power semiconductor diodes are designed to carry higher currents and withstand large voltages. The P–-N junctions are formed by a masked diffusion of impurities [13]. The size of diffusion mask, length of diffusion, and magnitude of diffusion temperature has a direct impact on device characteristics. The power diodes have very high breakdown voltages. This high breakdown voltage is achieved by controlling depletion layer boundaries, which is achieved by means of floating field plates or guard rings. Usually a silicon-based P-type semiconductor (anode) is diffused with a silicon-based N-type semiconductor (cathode). Contact terminals are formed using aluminum. The circuit symbol and v–i characteristics of a power diode are as shown in Figure 13.1.
Figure 13.1 (a) Circuit symbol and (b) v–i characteristic of a diode.

13.2.1. Forward bias

Let vD = vAK be the voltage drop across the diode. For vD ≥ 0, the diode is said to be in forward bias. Diode current iD is small, as long as vD < VTD (VTD is in the range of 0.7–1.5 V). A diode conducts fully if VD > VTD. The diode current is given by,


where, VD is the voltage drop across the anode and cathode (V). IS is the leakage current, typically in the range of 10−6–10−9 A. Here, η is the empirical constant in the range 1.8−2. VT is the threshold voltage ≈25.7 mV, for power diodes IDISe(VD/ηVT)image. Large currents in a power diode create ohmic drop and v–i characteristics appear to be linear. For large currents, the on-state resistance of the diode is given by RON=VD/IDimage.

13.2.2. Reverse bias

For VBRR < vD < 0, the diode is said to be reverse biased and only a small leakage current flows through the diode. When vD reaches the reverse bias breakdown voltage (VBRR), iD increases rapidly due to an avalanche of electrons and is limited by external circuit. The large power at breakdown will damage the device. Operation of a power diode in breakdown must be avoided.
Power diode requires finite time to go from reverse bias state to forward bias state. This time is called turn-on (ton) time. The dv/dt (rate of fall of voltage across diode) is decided by the diode. The rate of rise of diode current (di/dt) during turn-on time is decided by the external circuit. Power diodes exhibit a voltage rise before attaining the on-state voltage, as shown in Figure 13.2a. The magnitude of voltage rise depends on the stray inductance in connecting leads and rate of rise of the anode current. During turn-off, the rate of fall of current (di/dt) is determined by a semiconductor diode. The rate of rise of voltage (dv/dt) is decided by the external circuit element. In Figure 13.2b, trr is the reverse recovery time and td is the delay time. The diode is a bipolar device. Minority carrier takes some time to become neutralized and this time is trr.
Figure 13.2 (a) Turn-on and (b) turn-off characteristics of a diode.

13.2.3. Types of diodes

Power rectifier diodes: these diodes are used in AC to DC power rectifier circuits. These are slow, meant for low frequency circuit operations, are optimized for low conduction loss, and can withstand only moderate dynamic stresses. Typical ton for a power diode is 5–20 μs and toff is 20–100 μs. Voltage rating varies from a few hundred volts to 10 kV and current rating varies in the range from 1 A to 10 kA [9,10].
Fast diodes/fast recovery diodes: these are usually companion diodes to fast switches like IGBTs. These diodes are optimized to accept high dynamic stress and also for switch applications. These devices have high conduction losses. Typical ton time is in the range of a few nanoseconds and typical toff time is in the range of a few tens of nanoseconds to a few microseconds, depending on the rating of the diode. Voltage rating and current rating are available up to 6 kV and 3 kA, respectively [11,12].
Fast switching diodes: these are optimized for high-frequency applications, such as high-frequency rectifiers in switched mode power supplies. They have a very small recovery time (1 ns to 5 μs). The power rating varies from a few hundred milliwatts to a few kilowatts [13].
Schottky diodes: these diodes have very low on-state drop and very fast switching action. The on-state voltage drop can be as low as 0.1–0.7 V. Many applications such as high-frequency rectifiers in low voltage power supplies require fast diodes with low on-state drop. Schottky diode is formed by making a nonlinear contact between an N–type semiconductor (cathode) and a metal (anode), creating a Schottky barrier. The current is due to majority carriers resulting in insignificant minority carriers stored in the drift region. This reduces the turn-off time of the device significantly. The silicon-based Schottky diodes have very low (<100 V) reverse biased voltage-blocking capacity [13]. Silicon carbide (SiC)-based Schottky diodes have higher voltage-blocking capacity, say up to 3 kV [13]. Schottky diodes have low on-state resistance, very low on-state voltage drop, and low switching timings and hence are used in high-frequency resonant converters, low voltage power supplies, etc.
Zener diodes: these are special purpose diodes that allow current to flow in a forward direction and also in a reverse direction. In reverse direction it is designed to operate in the breakdown region. Zener diodes are designed to have low breakdown voltage, typically a few volts up to a maximum of 1 kV. Forward current will be in the range of a few microamperes to 200 A [13].
Light emitting diodes: light emitting diodes (LEDs) emit light when activated. These are used mainly as indicators and display elements. Recently they have been used for lighting purposes [2,3].
Power diodes must be protected against high di/dt and dv/dt. Snubber circuits are used for this purpose. Fast acting fuses are used to protect the power diodes against overcurrent or short circuit; however, the I2t rating of the fuses must be far above the I2t rating of the diode [2,3].

13.3. Bipolar junction transistors (BJT)

A power transistor is a three terminal device with emitter, collector, and base, and has two types of configuration, namely n–p–n and p–n–p. The circuit symbols of a bipolar junction transistor (BJT) are given in Figure 13.3a.
Figure 13.3 (a) Circuit symbol and (b) basic structure of a BJT.
The basic structure of an n–p–n power transistor is shown in Figure 13.3b. A lightly doped N-drift region is used to achieve high blocking voltages. When collector (C) is forward biased, the collector–base junction (J1) becomes reverse biased, no current flows. When the base–emitter junction (J2) is forward biased, the electrons from base region sweep through the depletion region of J1 and produce collector current (IC). To turn off the device, J2 should be reverse biased. The BJT has a large cross-sectional area of the collector to emitter current because the on-state resistance is kept low to reduce conduction loss. The collector-drift region width determines the breakdown voltage. In a power transistor the base thickness is significant, which results in low current gain, β=IC/IBimage. In order to achieve high β, monolithic Darlington BJTs are designed by cascading the BJTs, as shown in Figure 13.4. The overall β=β1β2+β1+β2image.
Figure 13.4 Circuit schematic of a Darlington BJT.
Figure 13.5 shows the v–i characteristics of an N–P–N transistor. The Darlington pair also has similar characteristics but higher current gain. There are three regions of operation for BJTs, namely saturation, active, and cut-off. In power electronic circuits, power transistors are operated either in the cut-off (OFF) or saturation (ON) region. The power BJTs are operated deep in the saturation region, known as hard saturation. Hard saturation will reduce the on-state power loss but turn-off time increases. Primary breakdown takes place in normal emitter–base junction breakdown and results in a large current. The secondary breakdown is due to thermal runaway and is associated with large power dissipation. There are two forward breakdown voltages VCEO and VCBO, where VCBO < VCEO.
Figure 13.5 v–i characteristics of a BJT.
Power BJTs are current controlled devices. Due to high power requirements, the design of the base drive circuit will be very complicated compared to voltage-controlled devices such as IGBTs and MOSFETs. The BJT has now become obsolete and has been replaced by these voltage-controlled devices.

13.4. Metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistor

Power MOSFETs entered power electronic applications in the early 1980s. Power MOSFETs are unipolar devices, in which majority carriers constitute the current. There are two types of MOSFETs, namely enhancement and depletion type. Enhancement MOSFETs are used for power applications. The power MOSFET has a four-layered structure. The n + pnn + (p + npp +) structure forms an enhancement type n–channel (p–channel) MOSFET. Gate is insulated from the body using a SiO2 layer, as shown in Figure 13.6.
Figure 13.6 Basic structure of a power MOSFET.

13.4.1. Forward bias

For vDS > 0 with vGS ≤ 0, no conduction takes place. So ID = 0. For vDS > 0 with a small vGS > 0, electrons are induced into the layer below the SiO2 layer forming a depletion region between the SiO2 and silicon. A further increase of vGS causes the depletion region to grow in thickness, thus turning the semiconductor layer between drain and source into N-type [13,14]. The thickness of gate oxide and width of gate decides the current for a given VGS. Thus, a conduction channel is formed between the drain and source. The layer of free electron is termed an inversion layer and the value of vGS is termed threshold voltage VGSTH. The device will remain in the cut-off region for vGS < VGSTH. VGSTH is typically a few volts for a MOSFET. The device will block voltage applied across drain and source. For vDS > BVDSS breakdown takes place.
For vGS > VGSTH as vGS is increased, the inversion layer becomes more conductive. The MOSFET is said to be in active region, the iD is independent of the vDS and depends only on vGS as in 13.2.


where K is constant, which depends on device geometry.
The current is said to be saturated, hence this region is called the saturation region.
As VGS is increased further, such that VGSVGSTH > VDS > 0 the device is driven into the ohmic region. At the boundary of the ohmic region and saturation region, iD is given by,


In the ohmic region, at high currents, iD will vary linearly with vDS.

13.4.2. Reverse bias

For VDS < 0, P- and N-type form a connected diode. So MOSFETs do not have reverse blocking capability. The diode conducts in the reverse direction. The circuit symbol and v–i characteristic of a power MOSFET are given in Figure 13.7. In power electronic applications, MOSFETs are used as switches. MOSFETs are operated in cut-off (ON) and ohmic (OFF) regions. The absence of storage charges makes the turn-off time very small compared to BJTs and IGBTs.
Figure 13.7 (a) Circuit symbol and (b) v–i characteristics of a power MOSFET.

13.4.3. Important points

A MOSFET is a voltage-controlled switch.
A MOSFET is a unipolar (majority carrier) device either N- or P-type. No minority carriers contribute to the current flow. Hence, there is no storage time associated during turn-off. Hence, MOSFETs are fast devices, preferred for high switching frequency applications.
There are two types of MOSFET namely enhancement type and depletion type. Power MOSFETs are enhancement type. For enhancement type, a device is ON for VGS > 0 and OFF otherwise. For depletion type, a device is ON for VGS > VT and OFF otherwise, where VT is the threshold voltage and is always negative.
In power electronic circuits, the MOSFET is used as switch. VGS must be within the lower and upper limits as specified by the data sheet.
When the MOSFET is conducting, it behaves like a resistor. So the power loss is given by ID2RDS_ONimage, Where RDS_ON is the on-state resistance of the MOSFET.
The RDS_ON increases with the drain current ID. It also rises with the junction temperature. This gives rise to increased power loss during conduction and hence restricts its usage in high power circuits.
The RDS_ON increases with the drain to source breakdown voltage rating of the MOSFET. Low voltage-rating MOSFETs have low on-state resistance, hence for given voltage requirements, it is better to select power MOSFETs with minimum possible voltage rating considering the safety factor.
The protection and gate circuit requirements of MOSFETs are same as that for IGBTs and are discussed in Section 13.5.

13.5. Insulated gate bipolar transistors (IGBTs)

The IGBT is based on MOS-bipolar integration. MOSFET structure is used to give the necessary base drive for the bipolar transistor. The basic structure of the n-channel asymmetric blocking (also known as punch through – PT) IGBT is given in Figure 13.8. The N-type drift region is grown over a P+ substrate. Initially, high doping is used to create a buffer layer. After this the remaining N-drift region is lightly doped to increase the voltage-blocking capability. In nonpunch through (NPT) or symmetric IGBTs, the P+ semiconductor of collector (C) is diffused from the back side of the N-drift region. The N+ buffer layer is absent. Then the deep P+ body regions are formed to eliminate the effect of parasitic thyristor. Gate oxide is grown after the formation of body regions. The N+ dopant is diffused into the body region to form an emitter (E).
Figure 13.8 Basic structure of a power PT–IGBT.

13.5.1. Forward bias

For VCE > 0, the IGBT is forward biased and device operation is controlled by gate to emitter voltage (VGE). When VGE = 0 the IGBT is capable of blocking high voltage. When the collector is forward biased, junction J1 is forward biased whereas junction J2 is reverse biased. When positive voltage is applied to the gate (G) terminals, that is, VGE > 0, an inversion channel under the gate electrode is formed, which connects the N+ emitter region to the N-drift region. The current through these two regions forms the necessary base current for the P–N–P transistor, which results in a hole injection at junction J1. The injected holes form the emitter current of the P–N–P transistor, thus the current is established between the collector and emitter terminals. The N-drift region reduces the on-state voltage drop as the IGBT structure allows high electron injection in the drift region reducing the on-state resistance. When the VGS is above the threshold voltage the device is said to be in the saturation or ON state. The rate of rise of collector current can be controlled by controlling the rate of rise of VGS.
When VGS ≤ 0, the device turns off. The turn-off is associated with the removal of stored charges in the drift region. Hence, the turn-off time (toff) of IGBT is larger than for MOSFETs.

13.5.2. Reverse bias

When the negative voltage is applied to the collector, that is VCE < 0, the junction J1 is reverse biased and J2 is forward biased. The thickness of the N-drift region and minority carrier lifetime determines the breakdown voltage. In the case of symmetric (NPT) IGBTs, the reverse blocking voltage is equal to the collector forward bias blocking voltage. In the case of asymmetric (PT) IGBTs, the reverse blocking voltage is much lower because of the presence of the N+ buffer layer. Asymmetric IGBTs used in inverter application where antiparallel diodes are usually connected between collector and emitter to carry reverse direction current.
The circuit symbol and the v–i characteristic of the IGBT has been shown in Figure 13.9. The IGBTs are not designed to operate in the active region due to the high on-state losses in this region. In power electronic circuits, IGBTs are operated either in the ON (saturation) or OFF (cut-off) region. Since the device is controlled by gate voltage, the gate drive is simpler and requires low power. Hence, IGBT is preferred over BJT. The IGBTs have low and constant on-state drop at very high voltage and currents compared to MOSFETs. So IGBTs are used in high-voltage and high-current circuits. At present, IGBTs with a voltage rating as high as 3.3 kV and current capacity as high as 3 kA, are commercially available [811].
Figure 13.9 (a) Circuit symbol and (b) v–i characteristics of an IGBT.

13.5.3. Important points

An IGBT is a voltage-controlled switch.
An IGBT is a bipolar device, hence the turn-off is slower than a MOSFET due to the presence of stored charges and reverse recovery time associated with these charges.
For n–p–n-type IGBTs, the device is ON for VGE > 0 V and OFF otherwise.
VGS must be within the lower and upper limits, as specified by the data sheet.
The on-state drop of an IGBT is low compared to MOSFET and remains almost constant with the device current, hence these are preferred in high-power applications.

13.5.4. Gate drive requirements for MOSFET and IGBT

Isolation is required to isolate the gate signal from TTL/CMOS logic level to power level. The optocouplers or pulse transformers are used to isolate gate pulses.
There exists capacitance between gate and drain. In order to charge this capacitor during turn-on, current buffers are required at the gate circuit.
The turn-on time is decided by external series resistor, which is specified by the manufacturer data sheet. The turn-on time and/or -off time can be increased by increasing this external resistor.
During turn-off, the gate circuit must provide a path for the gate-to-source capacitor charges to discharge.
The gate-to-source voltage should not exceed the rated voltage. Parasitic inductance in the gate leads will result in resonance with gate-to-source capacitors and this may result in higher voltages at gate terminals. So, in order to reduce the effect of ringing in gate pulses, the gate leads will be generally short and twisted signal pair wires. Back-to-back-connected Zener diodes are connected across gate-to-source terminals to clamp the gate voltages to a safe value. A high resistance of the order of 10–100 kΩ is placed across gate-to-source terminals, in order to attenuate any spurious signals captured by these leads, thus avoiding the spurious turn-on of the devices. Also this helps in attenuating the ringing-in gate voltages. The Zener and resistors are mounted physically very close to the gate and drain terminals.
The undervoltage sensing of the gate signal is required to ensure that gate signals are blocked when the VGS or VGE < minimum voltage required to keep the device in the ohmic or saturation region.

13.5.5. Precautions required while handling MOSFET and IGBT

These devices are static-sensitive devices. So proper precautions should be taken while handling them. Gate-to-source or gate-to-emitter terminals must be shorted when the device is not in the circuit.
The power circuit should never be energized when gate terminals are open.
Since these devices are fast, they cannot be protected using fuse under- or overcurrent or short circuit. The preferred method for overcurrent/short-circuit protection is by current sensing or VCE sensing.
Power circuit layout is very important to reduce the stray inductance. Stray inductance in a power circuit will give rise to a large VCE during turn-off. In order to limit this voltage the turn-off time should be programmed accordingly, by using proper RGOFFimage.

13.6. GaN- and SiC-based devices

Gallium nitride (GaN) and silicon carbide (SiC) are wide band gap materials. GaN and SiC have high critical electric filed strength (e.g., 3.2 eV for SiC and 3.4 eV for GaN) compared to silicon (e.g., 1.12 eV) [4,5,8]. For a given breakdown voltage requirement, width of the layer reduces. This results in smaller sized and reduced on-state resistance, which in turn reduces conduction loss. SiC-based Schottky diodes are now available with a voltage-blocking capacity as high as 3 kV. Other SiC-based power semiconductor devices such as SiC-based thyristors, SiC-based IGBTs, and SiC-based MOSFETs are experimentally proven but have a long way to go before they are made economically viable [4,8,14]. Hence, only a brief discussion is presented in this book. However, SiC has a promising higher-voltage rating for these devices, which was not possible to achieve with silicon. At present SiC-based IGBTs and FETs are available in the voltage range between 600 V/50 A and 1.7 kV/50 A [12,15]. SiC has very high thermal stability compared to silicon. Experimental applications of SiC-based IGBTs in multilevel converters, inverters for drives, and grid-connected inverters are reported in [6,7]. SiC does not melt, instead it gradually sublimes at high temperatures, which makes it impossible to form large monolithic crystals. This requires a modified sublimation process, which is very expensive. However, the performance advantages offset a higher manufacturing cost in certain applications.
Figure 13.10 shows the cross-section of a typical SiC-based Schottky diode. A lightly doped N-type blocking layer is grown on a 4H–SiC substrate. The doping and thickness of this layer are chosen to achieve the desired blocking voltage. The Schottky junction on the top surface of the blocking layer is formed by implanting an edge termination ring at the surface, then depositing the Schottky metal. The edge termination rings avoid field crowding, hence avoid the reduction of voltage-blocking capacity. The SiC-based Schottky diodes are unipolar devices and have fast turn-on and -off capabilities. Due to the reduced layer thickness compared to silicon their on-state voltage drop is low, hence the conduction loss is reduced.
Figure 13.10 Basic structure of an SiC Schottky diode.
GaN is particularly attractive for high-voltage, high-frequency, and high-temperature applications due to its wide band gap, large critical electric field, high electron mobility, and reasonably good thermal conductivity. At present, GaN-based semiconductor material is still in the early stage concerning power applications. High manufacturing cost of GaN layers on large silicon substrates, is the main obstacle in the growth of GaN-based device technology [4,5,8]. Recently advances in the manufacturing process have enabled the growth of GaN epilayers on large Si substrates, which offer a lower cost technology.
High-electron-mobility transistors (HEMT) with a voltage rating of 600 V, for microwave applications are manufactured [16,17]. The basic structure of HEMT is shown in Figure 13.11. GaN layer is grown on a silicon substrate, an AlGaN layer is grown over a GaN layer to create a two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) at the AlGaN/GaN interface. This structure has normally on- or depletion-mode characteristics. Several modifications are proposed to achieve normally off HEMTs. These are (1) the use of a recessed-gate structure in such a way that the AlGaN layer under the gate region is too thin for inducing a 2DEG; (2) the use of a fluorine-based plasma treatment of the gate region; (3) combination of the gate recess together with a fluorine-based surface treatment; (4) the selective growth of a p–n junction gate; and (5) a cascade switch based on the series connection of a normally on GaN HEMT and an silicon MOSFET. EPC [16] supplies normally off GaN HEMTs from 40 V/33 A to 200 V/12 A and microGaN [17] offers normally on 600-V–170-mΩ GaN HEMTs, and a normally off 600-V GaN HEMT. For high voltage power switching applications, lateral GaN MOSFETs show the advantage of normally off operation.
Figure 13.11 Basic structure of a HEMT.

13.7. Silicon-controlled rectifiers

Silicon-controlled rectifiers (SCRs), GTOs, and IGCTs are the most popular power semiconductor devices in the thyristor family. SCRs are the oldest semiconductor devices, invented by General Electric in 1957. An SCR is a four-layer device with alternating P- and N-type semiconductors, as shown in Figure 13.12a. The basic structure is constructed by starting with a lightly doped N-type silicon wafer. This forms the drift region and determines the breakdown strength of the thyristors. The anode P+ region is formed by diffusing the dopants on one side of the substrate. The p-gate and N+ region are diffused on the other side of the substrate.
Figure 13.12 (a) Basic structure and (b) two-transistor equivalent of an SCR.

13.7.1. Forward bias

Under the forward-biased conditions, junctions J1 and J3 are forward biased and junction J2 (junction between the N-drift region and base P region) is reverse biased. The device is off when the forward voltage increases to a large value, J2 junction breaks down, and the SCR conducts. Since VBO is very large, the forward current will be large and usually this type of turning ON is not recommended. The SCR can be modeled as a back-to-back connected two-transistor equivalent as shown in Figure 13.12b. When the gate is forward biased and iG flows into the junction, J3 injects electrons across junction J3. These electrons will diffuse across the base layer and be swept across junction J2 into the n1 base layer of the p–n–p transistor. This will result in positive feedback and the current will flow from anode to cathode [13].
The forward voltage, at which the SCR starts to conduct decreases with the increase of IG. Once the SCR turns on, it behaves like a diode. The latching current IL is the minimum on-state anode current (iA) required to maintain the SCR in the on state immediately after the SCR is turned on and gate signal is removed. Once the device is on with iA > IL, iG has no effect on the device. So iG can be removed. The SCR cannot be turned off by iG. The SCR can be turned off only by reducing the iA to be less than IH, where IH is the holding current and is the minimum IA required to maintain the thyristors in the on state. The v–i characteristic of an SCR is shown in Figure 13.13.
Figure 13.13 The v–i characteristics and circuit symbol of an SCR.

13.7.2. Reverse bias

In the reverse bias condition, junctions J1 and J3 are reverse biased and the SCR behaves similar to that of a reverse-biased diode. There exists a reverse voltage of VBR, which causes an avalanche of electrons and thereafter a breakdown takes place. Due to large current, the device will be damaged.
In AC-to-DC converter circuits, the SCR turns off when the current passes through zero, known as line-commutated circuits. In DC circuits, forced-commutation circuits are required to turn off the SCR. Due to the availability of other controlled devices like GTOs and IGCTs, the application of SCRs is restricted mainly to line-commutated AC-to-DC rectifier circuits.
A large diA/dt may result in large electron flow in a small area resulting in failure of the SCR. So it is advisable to limit diA/dt with the permissible limits of di/dt rating of the device. A small inductor is used in series with the SCR to limit the di/dt. Figure 13.14 shows the iA and vAK waveforms during turn-off. When the device is turned off from the on state a large dvAK/dt may result in false turning on of the device. The dvAK/dt is usually limited to a safe value by using a snubber capacitor across the SCR. A small resistor is connected in series with a capacitor to limit the discharge current during turn-on. The turn-off is slow due to the presence of minority carriers.
Figure 13.14 Turn-off waveforms of an SCR.
The thyristors (SCR and GTO) must be protected against high di/dt and dv/dt, and snubber circuits are used for this purpose.

13.8. Gate turn-off thyristors

The gate turn-off thyristor (GTO) is similar to the SCR but has the ability to turn off using gate current. The GTO is also a four-layered device like the SCR. The doping is modified and the width of the cathode region is reduced to achieve turn-off through gate current [1,14]. Since the GTO has gate turn-off capability, the asymmetrical structure with the N-buffer region is preferred. The asymmetric GTOs with a shorted anode structure have a fast turn-off but their reverse voltage-blocking capacity is very low, say from 20 V to 30 V [1,14]. The GTOs without a shorted anode are slow in turn-off but have higher reverse voltage-blocking capacity. The v–i characteristic of a GTO is almost similar to that of an SCR. However, a minor difference is that, for anode currents less than a latching current, the GTO behaves like a BJT. For this operating point, the GTO returns to the turn-off position when gate current is removed. GTOs are not operated in this region.
Figure 13.15 shows the circuit symbol and turn-off waveforms of a GTO. The turn-ON process and forward v–i characteristics of a GTO are the same as that of an SCR. The GTO is turned off by applying a large negative gate current in the range of one-fifth to one-third iA for a very short time. A large diG/dtimage is used to achieve short storage time and short anode current full time. The stored charges in the n1 and p2 layers will result in a small anode tail current. This anode tail current will flow from anode to gate. The reverse gate current removes excess holes in the cathode–base region.
Figure 13.15 Circuit symbol and turn-off waveforms of a GTO.

13.9. Integrated gate commutated thyristors

Integrated gate commutated thyristor (IGCT) is also a four-layer p–n–p–n device. A buffer layer is introduced at the anode to reduce thickness of the anode layer [14,18]. The electron can be extracted efficiently during turn off by the gate current. The above modification results in reduced on-state voltage drop, compared to a GTO. The IGCT has a hard drive feature diG/dt>1000A/μsimage, which can be operated without snubbers. The hard drive ensures that the anode current commutates quickly [1,14]. Figure 13.16 shows the circuit symbol and turn-off waveforms of an IGCT. In order to turn off, the gate drive circuit should supply a fast turn-off current pulse. With this current pulse, the cathode side n–p–n transistor structure turns off within 1 μs and leaves the anode side p–n–p transistor structure base open-circuited, forcing the anode current to zero. Due to a very short gate pulse the turn-off energy at the gate is reduced drastically as compared to a GTO. Also the IGCTs have a very short tail current interval, which makes these devices much faster compared to GTOs. Due to the high-pulsed current requirements of the gate circuit, the IGCT’s turn-on/off gate drive unit is supplied as an integral element of the device by the manufacturers [9,10]. IGCTs are meant for high-voltage and high-power applications, where switching frequency is quite low, hence they are optimized for low conduction losses. At present IGCTs with a forward-blocking capacity of 10 kV and a current rating as high as 6 kA are manufactured [10].
Figure 13.16 Circuit symbol and turn-off characteristics of an IGCT.
The IGCT must be protected against high di/dt and dv/dt, and snubber circuits are used for this purpose. With a well-designed gate circuit it is possible to achieve snubber-less operation with modern IGCTs.

13.10. Guidelines for selecting devices

Power semiconductor devices span a wide spectrum of power levels from milliwatts to a few hundred megawatts. The switching frequency requirements range from 50 Hz at high power levels to several GHz at low power levels. Efficiency and reliability are the key factors in the power converter circuits, hence proper selection of devices is very important.
Switching frequency: switching losses will increase with switching frequency. So selection of a device with proper switching frequency is important. Manufacturer data sheets will specify the maximum operating switching frequency of the device. The turn-off time and turn-on times decide the maximum switching frequency. For slow devices like rectifier power diodes, SCRs, and GTOs, the reverse recovery time (trr) decides the maximum switching frequency and trr will be specified in the data sheet. Owing to the switching losses, at high power levels, say from 500 kW to a few tens of megawatts, the switching frequency is limited to 3 kHz to power frequency that is 50/60 Hz. Modern IGCTs are capable of switching megawatt power at 3 kHz maximum and SCRs and GTOs are capable of switching in the range from 50 Hz to 1 kHz. For powers less than 500 kW, and voltage ranges from 500 V to 6.6 kV, IGBTs are used and have a maximum switching frequency of up to 30 kHz for a 600-V device, up to 20 kHz for a 1200-V device, and up to 3 kHz for a 3300-V device [11]. For low voltages (<100 V) applications and low power (<2 kW), MOSFETs are preferred as they have a switching capacity of 1 MHz maximum, at higher voltages (<1 kV), the MOSFET switching frequency is limited to 100 kHz [10]. SiC MOSFETs with a voltage rating of 1200 V and current up to 50 A can switch at 500 kHz maximum [11]. The GaN-based FETs/IGBTs with a voltage rating of 600 V and current up to 30 A can switch at 500 kHz maximum [16,17]. Low voltage Schottky rectifier diodes have a switching frequency from 1 kHz to 1 MHz [13]. Fast diodes and ultra fast recovery diodes can switch at high power levels (up to 3300 V and up to 4500 A, respectively) at frequencies in the range of 100–500 kHz [11,12]. Radio frequency and microwave grade GaN-based devices can switch at GHz, at very low power levels [10].
Voltage rating: devices must be rated for maximum blocking voltage. Devices for AC applications such as rectifier diodes have repetitive peak reverse voltage (VRRM) ratings [912]. The controlled power devices have repetitive peak off-state voltage (VDRM) rating. SCRs, with a blocking voltage capacity of 12,000 V and 6,000 A, are commercially available [10]. IGBTs with a blocking voltage level of 6 kV and 6000 A [11,12], are available in the market. For power MOSFETs the voltage is limited to 500–1000 V [13].
Current rating: the manufacturer’s data sheet will specify the maximum value of RMS and average current rating for diodes, SCRs, GTOs, and IGCTs. The switching diodes, IGCTs, IGBTs, and MOSFETs will specify the DC current and also peak repetitive current limits.
I2T rating: manufacturer data sheets of diodes, SCRs, IGCTs, and GTOs specify the I2T rating. The I2T rating of these devices must be higher than I2T rating of the protection fuse used [14].
Conduction loss: it is important to estimate the on-state loss of the device. The forward on-state voltage drop and/or the on-state resistance specified in the manufacturer’s data sheet, will decide the conduction loss. A proper cooling method must be used to dissipate heat and control temperature.
Junction temperature: proper design of the cooling method is required to limit junction temperature of the devices within the limits specified by the manufacturer’s data sheets.
dv/dt: dv/dt applied to the device must be within the maximum permissible dv/dt rating.
di/dt: in the case of diodes, SCRs, and GTOs di/dt should be limited to a safe value.
Gate drive voltage and gate resistance: for MOSFETs and IGBTs, the gate-to-source or emitter voltage and external series resistor must be within the limits specified by the manufacturer’s data sheet.

13.11. Summary

Diodes are uncontrolled bipolar devices used in different voltage and current levels. Rectifier diodes are optimized for low-frequency operation with reduced conduction loss. Fast diodes and fast switching diodes are optimized for switching circuit applications. Schottky diodes are designed with low forward-voltage drop and used in low voltage circuits.
IGBTs and MOSFETS are voltage-controlled devices. MOSFETs are used at high switching frequencies in low-voltage circuits. IGBTs are used in the medium power range with voltages up to 6.6 kV.
SCRs are the only choice for controlled rectifiers.
GTOs and IGCTs are used in high voltage (>1 kV) and high power (>1 MW) applications.
Wide band gap material (SiC and GaN)-based devices are promising and improved devices for the future, with high switching frequency capability, low conduction and switching losses, and high temperature stability. Currently SiC- and GaN-based devices with up to 1.7 kV voltage rating, are commercially available.


1. List all the power semiconductor devices that you have studied. Classify them as,
a. voltage-controlled and current-controlled devices
b. uncontrolled, semicontrolled, and controlled devices
c. unipolar and bipolar devices.
2. Explain the reverse recovery phenomenon in a power diode. How is the reverse recovery time important in circuit design?
3. Compare a Schottky diode and a power diode.
4. In power conversion circuits, the devices are not operated in the active region and are used as switches. Give reasons.
5. Darlington BJTs are used to achieve high current gain. Explain.
6. Compare a BJT and a MOSFET.
7. Compare a MOSFET and an IGBT.
8. MOSFETs with lower voltage ratings are preferred. Give reasons.
9. Power MOSFETs do not have reverse voltage-blocking capacity. Give reasons.
10. Explain the need for snubbers in thyristors.
11. Compare a SCR, an IGCT, and a GTO.
12. Explain the overcurrent protection of a MOSFET and an IGBT.
13. Explain the significance of I2T rating of an SCR and a GTO.
14. What is the need for dv/dt protection in thyristors?
15. Explain the most common method of dv/dt protection of thyristors?
16. What is the need for di/dt protection in thyristors?
17. Explain the most common method of di/dt protection in thyristors?
18. Explain the undervoltage protection as applied to IGBT and MOSFET gate circuits.
19. Explain the significance of external ON state and OFF state gate resistance in IGBT and MOSFET gate circuits.
20. IGBTs are slower than MOSFETs. Give reasons.
21. IGBTs with higher voltage-blocking capacity are available compared to power MOSFETs. Give reasons.
22. IGBTs have lower conduction losses compared to MOSFETs at high current applications. Justify.
23. Give examples of wide band gap devices.
24. Compare wide band gap-based devices with silicon-based devices.
25. For a given voltage rating wide band gap-based devices have smaller on-state resistance. Justify.


[1] Baliga BJ. Fundamentals of power semiconductor devices. New York: Springer; 2008.

[2] Rashid MH. Power electronics: circuits, devices and applications. 4th ed Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall; 2013.

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[9] Available from: http://new.abb.com/semiconductors/.

[10] Available from: http://www.mitsubishielectric.com/semiconductors/.

[11] Available from: http://www.pwrx.com/Home.aspx.

[12] Available from: http://www.semikron.com/.

[13] Available from: http://www.irf.com.

[14] Baliga BJ. Advanced high voltage power device concepts. New York: Springer; 2011.

[15] Available from: http://www.cree.com/.

[16] Available from: http://epc-co.com.

[17] Available from: http://www.microgan.com.

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