Utilization of bioresources as fuels and energy generation

Farid Nasir Ani    Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia


Energy crises and the continuously fluctuating cost of petroleum have moved researchers’ attention toward new sustainable and renewable energy sources and materials. Biomass or bioresources is one of the most abundant and cheapest renewable energy sources and materials, and is environmentally friendly and available in certain countries in the world. It has been identified as one of the main sources of sustainable energy in the fifth fuel strategy in Malaysia. This chapter describes several possible routes to provide energy as well as potential value-added products from bioresources. The various pretreatments and characteristics of potential bioresources are presented. Besides direct combustion of biomass, the products from other thermochemical conversion processes could be converted to renewable biofuels, materials, and chemicals. The applications of these renewable sources to produce biofuels, materials, and chemicals have been used in some countries around the world. The implementation of biomass technology will be best utilized and feasible when the technology is developed indigenously, and fabricated and commissioned with the utilization of locally produced biomass. Thus, with the available research and development efforts developed locally, the ability to utilize local expertise will reduce the high cost of imported technology.



8.1. Introduction

Bioresources are natural renewable sources like organic wastes and naturally formed or formable raw materials from human and animal activities. In large quantities they are generated by industries or mills in the agriculture, forestry, marine, and municipal sectors. These bioresources feedstocks are taken by processing and manufacturing industries like the oil palm mills. Their bioproducts are made from agricultural plants and may be used as energy carriers, platform chemicals, or specialty products. There is huge potential for bioproducts in Malaysia and tropical countries from the forestry, agriculture, marine, and municipal sectors. In bioproduct terms, these emerging industries are significantly different from conventional industries in that at the various sector levels, the nature and characteristics of the feedstocks, products, and applications are diverse. The sustainable carbon lifecycle as depicted in Figure 8.1 shows the continuous process of carbon mass transfer into various states of utilization. Energy input from the sun is taken into the carbon cycle, which processes it for food, energy, and materials depending on the requirements of the country.
Figure 8.1 Sustainable carbon lifecycle for food, energy, and materials production.
The bioproducts industry consists of the following sectors: the suppliers of the raw bioresources, manufacturing, and product users. In order to be viable, the bioresources must either have adequate quantities for a long-term basis or production of bioresources in large quantities must be available sustainably. The manufacturing industry must use a conversion process that is based on the best technology, is economically viable, is a sustainable process, and is environmentally friendly. Bioresources in the context in this chapter refer to biomass, organic solid wastes, carbonaceous solid wastes, and agricultural wastes. Most of the research in this chapter deals with solid wastes that are homogeneous in nature rather than heterogeneous wastes due to the handling nature and environmental constraints.
Biomass is gaining increased attention as it is one of the most available renewable energy resources for reducing dependency on fossil fuels. Agricultural wastes are categorized as biomass, and are generated continuously in enormous amounts from agricultural activities. Some of these agricultural wastes are utilized as fuel to generate the heat and electricity required for milling processes. The utilization of biomass for energy conversion is still considered limited due to its poor fuel properties such as high moisture and ash contents, low bulk density, low energy content, and difficulty in storage, handling, and transport. The excess biomass generated not only causes disposal problems but is also considered as a waste of primary resources.
The use of biomass as a renewable energy source is important for countries where there are limited supplies of fossil fuel reserves. The generation of these solid wastes from urban and agricultural sectors is increasing due to the industrialization activities of urban and rural development. The utilizations of biomass or carbonaceous solid wastes from industries for energy and value-added products have contributed to the provision of national energy as well as current and future materials supply. Biomass is the only renewable source of carbon, which is the basic building block for the energy, materials, and chemical industries.

8.2. Biomass characterization

The utilization of biomass for biofuels and materials depends upon chemical and physical properties. Biomass comes from the agricultural, industries, and forest sectors and includes wood cuttings from saw mills and the wood industry. Biomass also comes from the urban sector as heterogeneous wastes, which basically are municipal solid wastes comprised of scrap tires, rubber waste cuttings, refuge-derived solids, unused furniture wastes, and organic and inorganic wastes. Another important characteristic of biomass is their thermal behaviors for usage in value-added products. Knowledge of these parameters will help in properly designing and developing a suitable thermal conversion process, which should be simple, reliable, efficient, and economical for local uses.
Generally, plantation biomass materials contain three major constituents, which are cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin. Table 8.1 shows the composition of cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin of various oil palm solid wastes and other biomass materials. The main component of biomass is cellulose with hemicelluloses present in between the cell wall. It is a mixture of polysaccharides, which comprises sugars such as glucose, mannose, xylose, and arabinose, and methlyglucorine and galacturonic acids. Hemicelluloses bind the cellulosic fibers together with lignin to form microfibrils, which enhance the stability of the cell wall [1].

Table 8.1

Constituents of oil palm solid wastes and other biomass

Cellulose Hemicellulose Lignin
Oil palm shells [2] 31.0 20.0 49.0
Oil palm fibers [3] 40.0 39.0 21.0
Oil palm empty bunches [4] 40.0 36.0 24.0
Softwoods [5,6] 41.0 24.0 27.8
Hardwoods [5,6] 39.0 35.0 19.5
Wheat straws [5,6] 39.9 28.2 16.7
Rice straws [5,6] 30.2 24.5 11.9
Bagasses [5,6] 38.1 38.5 20.2

Lignins are highly branched substitutes, mononuclear aromatic polymers in the cell walls of woody types of biomass, and are often adjacent to cellulose fibers to form lignocellulosic complexes. Lignin is regarded as a group of amorphous, high molecular weight, chemically related compounds. The building blocks of lignin are believed to be three carbon chains attached to rings of six carbon atoms, which are cross-linked with each other with a variety of different chemical bonds giving the cell wall its main mechanical strength [1].
No standard procedure has yet been recommended for the determination of the waste properties but certain ASTM standards recommended for fossil fuel meet the purpose for the characterization of the solid waste. Large quantities of volatiles are available in coconut and oil palm shell, rubber woods, and tire wastes. Moisture content in solid wastes can vary depending upon the type and duration of storage and drying adopted. The energy content varies with the moisture and residual oil content of the solid wastes especially found in oil palm shells. The energy content varies from 13 MJ/kg to 30 MJ/kg and is found highest in coconut shell charcoal and wood charcoal. This is due to higher carbon content and less volatile matter. Ash and volatile matter influence the energy content of the wastes. Coconut shell, oil palm shell, and rubber wood give the next best heating value after charcoal.
Agricultural wastes are usually of high moisture content and low in bulk density, and consequently have relatively low calorific values. The energy content of the wastes varies according to their moisture and residual oil contents. The chemical and physical characteristics of some solid wastes are presented in Table 8.2. The range for the oxygen content of biomass is 38–45% on a moisture and ash-free basis. The result of high oxygen content leads to relatively low calorific values of 14–20 MJ/kg as compared to hydrocarbon fuels, which have calorific values of 40–45 MJ/kg. They have negligible amounts of sulfur content and most of them contain low ash composition compared to coal [7]. Biomass has a significant amount of potassium in it, which leads to ash deposition during combustion. This alkali ash can lead to corrosion or erosion of boiler tubes, heat exchangers, and turbine blades. Biomass also contains a small amount of inorganic minerals such as potassium, sodium, phosphorus, calcium, and magnesium.

Table 8.2

Analysis of typical biomass wastes

Elemental composition wt% (dry ash free) Proximate analysis wt% (air dry) Gross CV (MJ/kg) Average bulk density (kg/m3)
Shells 55.35 6.27 0.37 38.01 2.5 77.2 20.3 19.56 440 (size < 18 mm)
Fibers 52.89 6.43 1.08 39.6 7.1 73.3 19.6 19.15
Bunches 47.89 6.05 0.65 45.41 6.0 72.3 21.7 17.83
Rice husks 55.8 0.31 1.7 42.07 21.0 9.5 19.4 14.1 100
Rubber wood 1.0 81.0 18.0 18.6
Scrap tires 78.28 6.78 0.17 8.71 5.1 (sulfur: 0.96) 63.2 31.3 36.2

Biomass is basically from biological and organic material from living or recently living organisms in equal amounts. As a renewable energy source, biomass can either be used directly or converted into other energy products such as biofuels.

8.3. Pretreatment of biomass

The purpose of biomass pretreatment processes is to reduce the crystallinity of cellulose, which increases the porosity of the biomass and achieves the desired fractions. The various pretreatments are physical, physicochemical, chemical, and biological processes. The pretreatment of lignocellulosic materials have been reported extensively by Keshwani and Cheng [8].

8.3.1. Physical pretreatment

Physical pretreatment of lignocelluloses typically involves size comminution by grinding, milling, or chipping. The aim is to reduce the crystallinity of the cellulose fibers in the biomass. Size reduction is also necessary to eliminate mass and heat transfer limitation during the required reaction. The size of the resulting materials is typically 10–30 mm after chipping and 0.2–2 mm after milling or grinding. Ball milling is used for particle sizes smaller than 90 μm, with cellulose content lower than for larger particle sizes. For hammer mill, the energy requirements for size reduction increase linearly as the particle size is reduced and the moisture content increases, where the energy requirements tend to level off for particle sizes less than 2 mm. Generally, the higher the moisture content of the biomass, the more energy is required for size reduction.

8.3.2. Physicochemical pretreatment

There are three types of physicochemical pretreatment, which are steam explosion, ammonia fiber explosion (AFEX), and CO2 explosion. In steam explosion, the reduced size of biomass is subjected to high-pressure saturated steam for a short time before a sudden drop in pressure causes an explosive decompression of biomass. The process causes transformation of lignin and degradation of hemicelluloses. Steam explosion is known to be a cost-effective pretreatment for hardwood and agricultural residues. AFEX and CO2 explosion are similar to steam explosion, where the biomass is exposed to liquid ammonia or CO2 at high temperatures and pressures for a short period of time, followed by a sudden drop in pressure. AFEX does not solubilize hemicelluloses but does require recovery of ammonia for cost and environmental reasons.

8.3.3. Chemical pretreatment

Chemical pretreatment of biomass includes the use of ozone, acids, alkali, organic solvents, and peroxides. Ozonolysis is carried out at room temperature and is effective for lignin removal without the formation of toxic by-products. Mild acid pretreatment with sulfuric acid is efficient for the removal of hemicelluloses but fails to effectively remove lignin. It also helps in the removal of ash in biomass. Dilute alkali pretreatment using sodium hydroxide devastates the intermolecular bonds between lignin and hemicelluloses and improves the porosity of the biomass. Other studies on dilute alkali pretreatments have examined the use of ammonia water and hydrated lime. The use of methanol, ethanol, acetone, and ethylene glycol along with inorganic and organic acids as catalyst has also been studied but the pretreatment cost is relatively high as compared with physicochemical pretreatments.

8.3.4. Biological pretreatment

This treatment involves the use of microorganisms that selectively degrade lignin and hemicellulose. Biological pretreatments are less energy intensive compared to chemical and physicochemical processes and only require mild reaction conditions. However, the process is very slow, making it unattractive for commercial use.

8.4. Thermal conversion processes

8.4.1. Conversion processes

Awareness of the potential of recovering, utilization of energy, and upgraded products from agricultural wastes must be made known to researchers. There is a huge amount of energy locked in these solid wastes. By processing them in mills, tremendous savings can be realized through the potential of converting them into energy and value-added products. The dependence of industries on conventional energy and fuels can be reduced to a great extent. The potential offered by biomass energy for reducing a country’s energy problem seems viable to a certain degree. Figure 8.2 shows the main processes of thermal energy conversion. There are several technologies for conversion of biomass into energy and higher value products. These are mainly classified as biochemical, thermochemical, physical, and liquefaction.
Figure 8.2 The main processes of thermal energy conversion.
The biological process or the wet process may lead to anaerobic methane generation and ethanol fermentation. In the anaerobic digestion process, biogas and sludge are produced, where both could be processed into fuel and fertilizer, respectively. Selective microbial bacteria produce methane or hydrogen gas, operating at the required temperature and pH level. In the alcohol fermentation route, ethanol, carbon dioxide, and solid residues are produced. Biomass containing sugars and starch is converted into simple glucose using microorganisms to produce ethanol. In the liquefaction process, solvents are used at high pressure and moderate temperature to obtain the liquid product. The process employs a reactive carrier gas to produce hydrogenated liquid fuels.
Densification of biomass involves the physical transformation of the loose biomass into a more compact form, such as briquettes, pelletized fuel, and fuel logs, for ease of handling and storage. These involve the extrusion process of loose biomass particles with or without binder at high pressure and a carbonization process to obtain the charcoal form. Pelletizing or briquetting basically increases energy density of the initial biomass form.
The thermochemical or dry process is the main process of the thermal conversion process. There are three main thermal processes for converting solid wastes into energy and by-products, that is, pyrolysis, gasification, and combustion. Each process gives a different range of products, that is, gas, liquid, or solid, depending on how the process is controlled. Figure 8.3 shows the various thermal conversion processes with different oxygen requirement for energy and upgraded products [9]. The system involves a different reactor design and configuration for a particular application. With the constraint of harvesting, collecting, and transportation cost of biomass, the best utilization and conversion to upgraded products are at the mill sites where the crops are processed and produce an abundance of biomass.
Figure 8.3 Thermal conversion processes and oxygen requirement [9].
Biomass could contribute to value-added products after the excess availability of energy from the mills. Therefore, the utilization of this biomass seems appropriate in decentralized technological applications in the rural area scenario. This is an advantage for the rural population, on account of the social development and technological education for rural regions. Priority to their utilization as a fuel, agroresidues can also compete with other conventional sources for use as food, animal feed, fiber applications, fertilizers, chemical applications, etc. The basis of an agroresidue utilization strategy should therefore be processed on site and converted to value-added products, whichcan subsequently be stored and later dispatched.

8.4.2. Combustion process

Presently, direct combustion of biomass is used in medium and large industries to produce electrical power and process heat, which is the simplest route for energy recovery from these wastes. There are various combustion technologies available in the market but their suitability depends on the characteristics of the biomass itself. Generally, biomass burns efficiently in an inclined moving bed combustion unit. Staged combustion techniques are used to improve the emissions standards. The combustion of biomass generally consists of volatile and char combustion. Therefore, the heat transfer and residence time for the two kinds of combustion will be different for different types of biomass. Thus, the design for the combustion process will be different for different types of biomass. The heat from the combustion process can then be used for drying, and steam can be used for thermal heating and steam electrical power generation.

8.4.3. Pyrolysis process

Biomass pyrolysis is a thermochemical decomposition of organic material at medium temperatures in the absence of oxygen. It is one of the oldest processes of making charcoal or biochar, which is often called carbonization that produces solid residues high in carbon content. The aim is to remove moisture and in the process convert the volatiles in the biomass material into higher carbon content. Long residence time and medium heating with an inert environment are the key requirements for the process. There are various techniques for the conversion of biomass to charcoal ranging from burying heated biomass, to beehive stoves, to modern carbonization plants. Table 8.3 shows the various pyrolysis processes with their respective residence time and terminal temperatures.

Table 8.3

Classification of pyrolysis process based on process variables [1013]

Pyrolysis process Residence time Heating rate T (°C) Pressure (bar)
Fast pyrolysis 0.1–2 s High 400–650 ∼1.01
Flash pyrolysis <0.5 s Very high >1000 ∼1.01
Slow (carbonization) Hours–days Very slow 300–500 ∼1.01
Slow pyrolysis Hours Low 400–600 ∼1.01
Vacuum pyrolysis 2–30 s Medium 350–450 ∼0.15
Liquefaction <10 s High 250–325 250–300 Fast pyrolysis process

Fast pyrolysis has been an advanced and relatively new emerging technology over the last 25 years compared with combustion and gasification. It converts solid bioresources into liquid products that can be processed into liquid fuel and value-added chemicals. It converts high yields of liquid products that can be stored and transported. The production of liquid pyrolysis oil from fast pyrolysis is known as bio-oil. It also utilizes moderate temperature and short vapor residence time, which are optimum for liquid production. The heart of the technology is the reactor itself, which current research and development is focused on. Bio-oil, which yields more than 75 wt% on a dry feed basis, together with the by-product of biochar and gas, could be reused within the process as energy recovery. Depending on the type of process used, the three main products are biochar (solid), pyrolytic oil or bio-oil (liquid), and gaseous fuel of low heating value. The bio-oil is a high energy density fuel and therefore is easily transported and stored. The treated bio-oil can be burnt directly in steam generation plants, or converted to high-grade fuel in a biorefinery plant. The upgraded bio-oil fuel of higher calorific value and quality could be used in internal combustion engines and gas turbines.

8.4.4. Gasification process

Biomass gasification is used to provide clean gaseous fuel for combustion in furnaces, boilers, and internal combustion engines for power generation and process heating. Biomass in the form of char is usually used rather than in its dried form because the producer gases are relatively free of tar, water, and corroding components. Downdraft gasifiers are of popular design, which specifically eliminates the tars and oils from the gas for gas engine application. In the fixed bed gasifier, the moisture is usually driven off at the top drying zone before entering the pyrolysis zone. The tars and oils pass through the bed of hot char where they are synthesized into simpler gases. The gas velocity is low in the downdraft gasifier and the ash settles through the bottom grate so that very little ash is carried over with the gases. Prior to the utilization of the gas in engines, the gas passes through the dry cleaning system, which usually consists of cyclone, filter bags, and gas coolers. Presently, small-scale biomass gasification is not popular for power generation due to the messy maintenance issue of the system, but commercial scale would be the biomass integrated plasma gasification combined cycle where it was initially designed and operated for coal gasification.

8.4.5. Biochemical process Biogas

Biogas is produced from the anaerobic bacteria or fermentation decomposition of organic matter in the absence of oxygen. It is a renewable energy source using anaerobic digestion of biodegradable materials such as manure, sewage, municipal waste, green waste, plant material, and organic effluents. It primarily contains methane (CH4), carbon dioxide (CO2), and trace amounts of hydrogen sulfide (H2S). Methane, hydrogen, and carbon monoxide (CO) can be combusted or oxidized with oxygen. This energy release allows the clean biogas to be used as a fuel; it can be used for any heating purpose, such as cooking. It can also be used in a gas engine to convert the energy in the gas into electricity and heat.
In Malaysia, the potential source comes from the palm oil mills, which generate about 3.5 tons of liquid effluents per ton of palm oil produced. Anaerobic processes are used for the production of biogas, producing about 28 m3/ton of POME (palm oil mill effluent). Utilizing the gas in a gas engine can generate 1.8 kWh of electricity per m3 of biogas. Biogas production from POME is used for power generation and process heating. Biogas with a methane content of 60–70%, 30–40% CO2, and small traces of hydrogen sulfide is used as fuel in steam boilers and thermal heaters in the palm oil refinery. In a conventional palm oil mill, about 2.5 m3 of POME are generated for every ton of palm oil produced. The gases are usually distributed near the palm oil mill to other industries that use gases, such as the ceramic industry or palm oil refinery. Biogas can be compressed, the same way natural gas is compressed to compressed natural gas, and used to power motor vehicles.

8.4.6. Physical conversion process

The torrefaction process can be described as a mild form of pyrolysis at temperatures ranging from 200°C to 320°C. During the process, the water contained in the biomass as well as superfluous volatiles are removed. The biomass loses about 20% of its mass and about 10% of its heating value, without any change in its volume, thus decreasing its energy density. The purpose is to obtain a much better fuel quality for combustion and gasification applications as well as allow the material to be easily pelletized or briquetted.

8.4.7. Biomass liquefaction process

Biomass like coal can be converted into higher value hydrocarbons: liquid fuels, methane, and petrochemicals. Biomass to liquid fuels or “BTL” mimics “coal to liquid fuels” or “CTL.” Biomass liquefaction is the production of liquid fuels from biomass using high pressure and temperature with the presence of solvents or catalysts. Specific liquefaction technologies generally fall into two categories: direct liquefaction and indirect liquefaction processes. Indirect liquefaction processes generally involve gasification of coal or biomass to a mixture of carbon monoxide and hydrogen (syngas) and then use a process such as the Fischer–Tropsch process to convert the syngas mixture into liquid hydrocarbon. The direct liquefaction processes converts coal or biomass into liquids directly, without the intermediate step of gasification, by breaking down its organic structure with the application of solvents or catalysts in a high pressure and temperature environment. Since liquid hydrocarbons generally have a higher hydrogen–carbon molar ratio than coals or biomass, either hydrogenation or carbon-rejection processes must be used in both direct and indirect liquefaction technologies. Biomass or coal liquefaction generally is a high-temperature/high-pressure process requires significant energy consumption at an industrial scale (thousands of barrels/day), and needs multibillion dollar capital investments. Thus, biomass/coal liquefaction is only economically viable at historically high oil prices, and therefore presents a high investment risk.

8.5. Densification of biomass

The low bulk density of biomass makes it expensive and inefficient to be developed and used. In order to address this issue, biomass can be densified; this is usually achieved with some form of extrusion and increasing the bulk density of the biomass significantly. Briquetting is a densification technique that essentially improves the handling characteristics of the materials for transport and storage. Consequently, biomass is most economically feasible when used close to the source. It produces a homogeneous product with a higher energy density than that of the original raw material.
A previous study worked on the process of converting biomass material, selected from a group consisting of oil palm shells, oil palm fibers, empty fruit bunches, dried leaves, rice husks, and wood wastes, to biocoal. The process consists of pyrolysis that involves the application of pressure to the loose biomass particles in a mold that is simultaneously heated, in the absence or with a very limited quantity of oxygen to convert them into a compact and agglomerate form of the desired range of biocoal products. Various biomass materials can be used and improvements made to the physical and chemical characteristics of the biocoal produced by the application of pressure, temperature, and interval timings. The biomass could be blended with other types of biomass materials or additives used for improved quality. The biocoals could be produced with certain fixed carbon content, ash content, and volatile matter content. The variation of densities is shown in Figure 8.4. It shows an improved fuel characteristic from its raw state. The process provided for each type of biomass had its individual specific carbonization temperature and pyrolysis pressure with timing to produce the required physical characteristic of biocoal [14].
Figure 8.4 Densities of various biomass with respect to their biocoal and coal.

8.6. Biomass gasification

Biomass gasification is one of the chemical processes that convert biomass solid residues into usable gaseous fuel called producer gas. It offers the cleanest, most efficient method available to produce synthesis gas from low value carbon-based feedstocks such as low rank coals, petroleum coke, biochar, and biomass materials. Producer gas is generated when the carbon materials are burned in substoichiometric air conditions. Producer gas contains mainly CO, hydrogen (H2), CH4, water vapor, and some inert gases. When mixed with air, producer gas can be used in internal combustion engines with a little modification. It can also be used as a cocombustion fuel with other liquid fuels, such as diesel or biodiesel, to minimize the liquid fuel consumption. There are different types of gasifiers available for the gasification process such as updraft, downdraft, cross-draft bed, and fluidized bed designs.
In previous studies, there have been some efforts to use producer gas as fuel using the cocombustion technique for the drying process. This concept has been applied in a dual fuel burner. In another study, pressurized induced flow was utilized in a downdraft gasifier using a low emission swirl burner. It was coupled with an air ejector, orifice cylinder, and a gas burner. Cogasification of biomass and coal was used in the process with primary compressed air supply to the gasifier. Producer gas flowed out from the gasifier into an orifice cylinder and gas burner. Secondary compressed air was supplied to the gas burner through an air ejector to assist the mixing and burning process. Low emission levels were obtained at various secondary air pressure supplies.

8.7. Biodiesel fuels

Animal and plant fats and oils are composed of triglycerides, which are esters containing three free fatty acids (FFAs) and the trihydric alcohol, glycerol. Methanol is the most common alcohol used because of its low cost and high reactivity as compared to other long-chain alcohols. The reaction requires triglycerides, alcohol, and heat, and a catalyst (acid and/or base) is used to speed up the reaction. It is important to note that the catalysts are not consumed by the reaction process, thus they are not reactants, but catalysts. Biodiesel produced from high FFA requires acid catalysis, which is much slower. Esterification is an acid-catalyzed chemical reaction involving high FFA and alcohol, which yields fatty alkyl ester and water. Sulfuric acid is the common acid catalyst due to its low cost.
Almost all biodiesel is produced from neat vegetable oils using the base-catalyzed technique as it is the most economical process for treating virgin vegetable oils, requiring only low temperatures and pressures and producing more than 98% conversion yield (provided the starting oil is low in moisture and FFAs). Common base catalysts for transesterification include sodium hydroxide, potassium hydroxide, and sodium methoxide.
Biodiesel is produced from vegetable oils and/or animal fat through transesterification with alcohol to convert triglycerides into alkyl esters of the fatty acids (biodiesel) and glycerol using a basic homogeneous catalyst, such as sodium hydroxide, potassium hydroxide, and sodium acetate. Base-catalyzed reactions are very sensitive to the presence of FFA and are unsuitable for crude oils with FFA contents higher than about 3%. To prevent saponification during the transesterification reaction, neat oils with FFA of less than 0.5 and water contents of 0.05 wt% must be used. High FFA levels in the oil feed also deplete the base catalyst through acid–base neutralization reactions. Base-catalyzed reactions also require that the NaOH catalyst be neutralized with acid and removed from the reactor effluent with a water wash. The resulting salt by-product from the acid–base neutralization must then be separated from the biodiesel product.
In Malaysia, palm oil has successfully been processed into palm diesel (palm oil methyl ester) and run in unmodified engines in buses, trucks, taxis, and cars. Crude palm oil is used directly in Germany’s Esbett engines fixed in several Mercedes cars, which proved to be successful during the trial demonstration period. Nonedible seed oil such as Jatropha curcas has also successfully been used as biodiesel fuel in India and many tropical countries are cultivating and using these plants as a biodiesel substitute.
Homogeneous acid catalyst reactions are generally slow and less suitable for biodiesel processes. Although the performance of the acid catalyst is not affected by the presence of FFAs in the oil or fat feedstock, nevertheless, the process requires a high alcohol-to-oil mole ratio and long reaction times due to the low activity of the acid catalyst. When using a base or an acid catalyst, the transesterification process, which occurs in a corrosive environment, requires costly neutralization, water wash, filtration, and solid waste disposal steps to remove the spent catalyst from the biodiesel and glycerol product streams.
Heterogeneous acid and base catalysts can also be classified as Brönsted or Lewis catalysts. Some solid metal oxides such as those of tin, magnesium, aluminum, and zinc are examples of heterogeneous catalysts. The reaction is performed at a higher temperature than homogeneous catalysis processes, with an excess of methanol. Heterogeneous catalysts can be recycled and used several times with better separation of the biodiesel. They are environmentally friendly and can be used in a continuous process without the need for further purification steps. They are also potentially cheap and available abundantly. The catalysts can easily be tuned to include desired catalyst properties so that the presence of FFAs or water does not adversely affect the reaction steps during the transesterification process.

8.8. Bioethanol from biomass

Sugarcane, corn, and cassava are the first generation bioethanol (food-based) sources and are the best plants for ethanol production. Oil palm empty fruit bunches, bagasse (second generation – nonfood source based), contains cellulose material, which can be converted into simple sugar. The fermentation of sugar produces liquid, which is then distilled to obtained fuel-grade ethanol. Ethanol is a high-octane fuel that can improve engines’ performance as well as reduce air emissions. Ethanol can be used in a neat form or blended with petrol, which is called gasohol (22% ethanol). ASEAN countries like Thailand and the Philippines have implemented the use of ethanol in commercial petrol (E5) and will increase its percentage to E11.
Bioethanol production consists of hydrolysis on pretreated lignocellulosic materials, using enzymes to break complex cellulose into simple sugars such as glucose, followed by fermentation and distillation. The stages to produce ethanol using a biological approach are, first, the pretreatment phase, to make the lignocellulosic material such as wood or straw amenable to hydrolysis. The second stage is cellulose hydrolysis, which breaks down the molecules into sugars. The next stage is the separation process of the sugar solution from the residual materials and the reaction of microbial fermentation of the sugar solution. In the last stage distillation produces roughly 95% pure alcohol with dehydration by molecular sieves to bring the ethanol concentration to over 99.5%.

8.9. Present and future utilization scenario of biomass

Presently, biomass from plantation is gathered in the mills such as palm oil mills, sugarcane mills, rice mills, etc., which are easier to manage. Urban waste such as municipal solid waste and industrial waste are heterogeneous types, which need to be segregated and further processed. Small biomass generators need to be able to store, sell, or utilize products for themselves for individual or community needs. The best application to utilize biomass is to know the value of the biomass for a particular application so that maximum benefits can be generated. Ideally, the first approach is the physical recycling process, followed by the thermochemical recycling approach. The last option for surplus biomass is to utilize it as fuel for combustion, which is the thermal recycling process where the biomass is burned in boilers for electrical power generation and for process heating for cogeneration plants.

8.10. Conclusions

Depending on the amount of biomass available, type and the distance to application, indigenous technology should be developed rather than importing foreign technology. Local technologies may be crude, unattractive, and lack of esthetic values but performance can be improved from experience. Funding may be limited but governments and indigenous populations should be proud of having their own technologies. Therefore, it is important for developing countries to nurture their own technologies, standards, and policies. Governments should act swiftly to promote local investors and private companies to develop and improve such technologies since the latest technologies from overseas are not easy to obtain. These activities will help local people to be creative and innovative and improve the living standards for future generations. Research from universities can provide new information to the various agencies regarding future activities and a comprehensive economic transformation plan can be formulated to propel the country’s economy for future needs.


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