Chapter 8

Radiation and Antennas

Antenna is a radiator and sensor of EM waves. It is also a transducer and impedance matching device. It can be designed to direct EM energy in desired directions and suppress it in unwanted directions.

The main aim of this chapter is to provide the fundamentals of antennas. They include:

  • antenna definition, functions, properties and parameters
  • basic antenna elements
  • radiation mechanism, radiated power and radiation resistance of current elements, dipoles and monopoles
  • directional characteristics of basic elements
  • solved problems, points/formulae to remember, objective and multiple choice questions and exercise problems.
Do you know?


The Mobile telephone, TV, radio, satellite, or any type of modern communication is not possible without one type of antenna or the other and no radar works without an antenna.


EMF theory is essential for solving all types of antenna and free space problems.


Broadcast antennas transmit at various radio frequencies, depending on the channel, from about 550 kHz for AM radio upto 800 MHz for some UHF television stations.


Frequencies for FM radio and VHF television lie in between these two.

The general Maxwell’s equations and retarded potentials are repeated here for the sake of continuity and clarity.

          × H = + J

          × E = −

          ∇.D = ρυ

          ∇.B = 0



H = magnetic field, (A/m)


D = displacement electric flux density (c/m2)


displacement electric current density (A/m2)


J = conduction current density (A/m 2)


E = electric field (V/m)


B = magnetic flux density (wb/m2)


magnetic current density (V/m2)

From these equations, it is possible to obtain general solutions for E and H fields in terms of potentials and also expressions relating potentials and their sources.


By definition, vector magnetic potential, A is given by



× A = B = μH


× Ȧ = μ


μ = − × E


× Ȧ = − × E


× (E + Ȧ) = 0

This is true only if (E + Ȧ) represents the gradient of a scalar. Hence,


E + Ȧ = −V


E + −V = Ȧ

And we know


B = × A



Therefore, the general expressions for E and H are given by


Expressions Relating Potentials and Their Sources



× A = B


× × A = μ × H


× × A = μ ∈ Ė + μJ


∇ ∇.A2 A = μ ∈ [− − Ȧ] + μJ


= −μ ∈ − μ∈ Ȧ + μJ

Curl of A is known and its divergence is not specified.

Helmholtz Theorem

This states that any vector like A has unique meaning only if its curl and divergence are specified.

Hence, the divergence of A is


∇.A = −μ ∈

This is known as Lorentz gauge condition.

Using Lorentz gauge condition, we get


(−μ ∈ ) − 2 A = − μ ∈ − μ ∈ Ȧ + μJ

or,              2A − μ ∈ Ȧ = − μJ

Now consider        ∇.D = ρυ

or,           ∇.E = ρυ/∈



.(−VȦ) = ρυ/∈


2 V + ∇.Ȧ = − ρυ/∈


2 V − μ ∈ = −ρυ/∈

The final expressions are:


For sinusoidal fields, these equations become


The potentials for static fields are


But for time varying fields, they can be written as,


The potentials are usually established due to time varying field only after some amount of propagation time. This propagation time depends on the distance between the point of the potentials from their sources and velocity of propagation of EM fields. As a result, the potentials are retarded by a time, r/ ʋ0. These potentials are known as retarded potentials, and they are expressed as


It is well known that a uniform plane wave propagating in rdirection has a phase variation represented by ejβr. Including this phase factor, the above potentials are given by


Antenna or Aerial means the same.

An antenna is defined in the following ways:

  1. An antenna is a piece of conducting wire or rod with excitation.
  2. An antenna is a source or radiator of Electromagnetic waves.
  3. An antenna is a sensor of Electromagnetic waves.
  4. An antenna is a transducer.
  5. An antenna is an impedance matching device.
  1. It is used as a transducer, that is, it converts electrical energy into EM energy on the transmitting side and it converts EM energy into electrical energy on the receiving side.
  2. It is used as an impedance matching device, that is, it matches the transmitter and free space on the transmitting side and it matches free space and the receiver on the receiving side.
  3. It radiates in the desired directions and suppresses in the unwanted directions.
  4. It is used as a radiator of EM waves.
  5. It is used as a sensor of EM waves.
  1. It has identical impedance when used for transmitting and receiving purposes.
  2. It has identical directional characteristics when it is used for transmitting and receiving purposes.
  3. It has the same effective length when it is used for transmitting and receiving purposes.

    These properties can be proved using reciprocity theorem.

  1. Antenna Impedance,     Z a It is defined as the ratio of input voltage to input current, that is,

    Z a is a complex quantity and it is written as


    Za = Ra + jXa

    Here, the reactive part Xa results from fields surrounding the antenna. The resistive part, Ra is given by


    Ra= R1 + Rr

    Here Rl represents losses in the antenna. Rr is called radiation resistance.

  2. Radiation Resistance, Rr     Rr is defined as the fictitious or hypothetical resistance that would dissipate an amount of power equal to the radiated power.




  3. Directional Characteristics     These are also called radiation characteristics or radiation pattern. These are of two types:
    1. Field strength pattern     It is the variation of the absolute value of field strength as a function of θ.

      That is, images is called field strength pattern.

    2. Power pattern     It is the variation of radiated power with θ.

      That is, images is called Power pattern.

    More generally an antenna radiation pattern is a three dimensional variation of the radiation field.

  4. Effective Length of Antenna, (Leff)     It is used to indicate the effectiveness of the antenna as a radiator or receiver of EM energy.

    Leff of transmitting antenna It is that length of an equivalent linear antenna that has a constant current along its length and which radiates the same field strength as the actual antenna.

    Refer Fig. 8.1


    Fig. 8.1 Definition of effective length of transmitting antenna

    Leff of transmitting antenna is defined mathematically as


    Leff of receiving antenna     It is defined as the ratio of the open circuit voltage developed at the terminals of the antenna under the received field strength, E, that is,


    Effective length of an antenna is always less than the actual length.

  5. Radiation Intensity, (RI)     It is defined as the power radiated in a given direction per unit solid angle, that is,


    η0 = intrinsic impedance of the medium, (Ω)


    r= radius of the sphere, (m)


    P= power radiated-instantaneous


    E= electric field strength, (V/m)


    RI= RI(θ, ϕ) is a function of θ and ϕ

  6. Directive Gain, (gd)     It is defined as the ratio of radiation intensity in that direction to the average radiation intensity, that is,


    wr = radiated power


  7. Directivity, D     It is defined as the ratio of the maximum radiation intensity to the average radiation intensity, that is,
  8. Power Gain, (g p)     It is defined as the ratio of radiated power to the total input power, that is,

    where                wt = wr + wl ,


    W1 = ohmic losses in the antenna


  9. Antenna Efficiency, (η)     It is defined as the ratio of radiated power to the input power, that is,
  10. Effective Area     It is defined as



    WR = received power (watt)


    P= power flow per square metre (watts/m2) for the incident wave

  11. Antenna Equivalent Circuit     It is a series Ra , La and Ca circuit (Fig. 8.2).

    Fig. 8.2 Antenna equivalent circuit

    The main difference between the antenna equivalent circuit and an RLCcircuit is that Ra , La and Ca vary with frequency. As a result, the antenna conductance peak appears not at resonant frequency but at a frequency slightly away from fr (Fig. 8.3).


Fig. 8.3 Antenna conductance and susceptance variation


The basic antenna elements are:

  1. Alternating current element or Hertzian dipole
  2. Short dipole
  3. Short monopole
  4. Half wave dipole
  5. Quarter wave monopole
  1. Alternating Current Element or Hertzian Dipole It is a very short linear antenna in which the current along its length is approximately constant.
  2. Short Dipole It is a linear antenna whose length is less than images and the approximate current distribution is triangular.
  3. Short Monopole It is a linear antenna whose length is less than images and the approximate current distribution is triangular.
  4. Half Wave Dipole It is a linear antenna whose length is imagesand the current distribution is sinusoidal.
  5. Quarter Wave Monopole It is a linear antenna whose length is imagesand the current distribution is sinusoidal.

When a transmitting antenna is excited with an alternating voltage, the initial motion of a wave which is propagated through space is started by the balanced motion of charges in the antenna. The transmitting antenna has characteristics similar to those of a resonant circuit.

When energy is supplied to it, resonant oscillations occur in the antenna and violent variations in charge form an electric vector. The same violent motions of charges create a magnetic field about the antenna in the same manner as a magnetic field expands and collapses about a resonant circuit tank coil.

If energy is continuously applied to the antenna, energy moves away from the antenna into space in the form of EM waves. It may be noted that it is not the original antenna charges themselves that move through space but rather the motion they create. The charges around the antenna are set in motion first and they, in turn, set other charges further separated from the antenna into motion. This disturbance fans out from the antenna into space.

Wave motion of charges forms an electric field and a magnetic field which result from the motion of charges. These electric and magnetic fields are perpendicular to each other. The motion of these fields in the form EM waves has no boundaries and expand spherically. The EM energy density decreases with distance as they propagate.


The concept of an alternating current element, Idlcos ωtis of theoretical interest. But the theory developed for this can be extended to practical antennas. To derive radiation fields of antenna elements including current element, the concept of retarded vector magnetic potential is very useful.

Derivation of radiation fields consists of the following steps:


  1. Write expression for retarded vector magnetic potential.

  2. Write expressions for the components of A in Cartesian coordinates.

  3. Express A in the components of the spherical coordinate system.

  4. Obtain the components of H from μ H = ∇× A.

  5. Obtain the component of E from images (as J = 0 for space).

Consider an alternating current element at the origin of a spherical coordinate system (Fig. 8.4).


Fig. 8.4 Alternating current element at the origin

The vector magnetic potential, A (r, t) is given by


As the element is z-directed, A is also z-directed.

The volume integral in the above equation can be simplified by taking integration over the cross-sectional area of the element and an integration along its length. We know,



This means A has only z-component and Ax = 0, Ay = 0. Changing Cartesian components into spherical coordinate components, we have


But we know



As Aϕ = 0 and Aθf(ϕ), Hr = 0.




Substituting the expressions of Aθ , Ar and simplifying, we get


From Maxwell’s first equation, we have


From this, we get

[as H = Hϕaϕ]




The total field components of an alternating current element are


The derivation of the expression for radiated power consists of the following steps:

  1. Obtain field components as in Section 8.10.
  2. Obtain expression for radiated power using Poynting vector.
  3. Obtain average radiated power.
  4. Obtain total power radiated from images
  5. Identify expression for radiation resistance.

Poynting vector is

                    P = E ×H xs watts/m2

                    P θ =−E r H ϕ




Using these identities, Pθ becomes


Pθ represents the instantaneous power flow in θ-direction. But the average value of cos 2ωtd or sin 2ωtd over a cycle is zero. Hence (Pθ) av = 0 at any value of r. This means power in θ-direction surges back and forth.

Similarly,     Pr = Eθ Hϕ

Using the expressions of Eθ and Hϕ , we get


It is obvious that the average value of Pr is





The total power radiated


Pr(av) is independent of ϕ and hence the elemental area ds on the spherical shell is


ds = 2πr2sin θ dθ

Now PT becomes



Here Iis the peak value of current.


Equation for PT becomes




This is in the form of P= I2R. Hence the coefficient of has the dimensions of resistance and it is called Radiation Resistance.

Radiation Resistance of a Hertzian dipole


The field components of current elements are:


Hϕ field consists of terms images and images. images term dominates over images term at points close to the current element. When ris small, images term is called Induction Field.

On the other hand, images term dominates over images term when ris large. This images term is called Radiation Field or distant field or far-field.

The expression for Eθ consists of three terms, images, images, and images and the expression for Er consists of images and imagesterms. The images term is called Electrostatic Field.

In short,


images term in E and H fields is called Radiation Field

images term is called Induction Field

images term is called Electrostatic Field

If the induction and radiation fields have equal amplitudes, then from the expression of Hϕ , we have



At a distance of imagesinduction and radiation fields have equal amplitudes.


Hertzian dipole is defined as an infinitesimal current element Idlwhich does not exist in real life.



Hertzian dipole is a short linear antenna which, when radiating, is assumed to carry constant current along its length.

As Hertzian dipole and alternating current elements are virtually the same, the radiated power and radiation resistance are given by


The possible current distributions are:

1. Constant current along its length—valid in Hertzian dipole.

2. Triangular current distribution (Fig. 8.5).


Fig. 8.5 Short radiating elements

For triangular current distributions,


3. Sinusoidal current distribution (Fig. 8.6).


Fig. 8.6 Sinusoidal current distribution in dipole and monopole

4. Exact current distribution—This can be determined using the method of moment technique. The method is briefly presented in Chapter 9.



Radiated power by half wave dipole,

Radiation resistance of half wave dipole, Rr = 73Ω

Proof     The proof consists of the following steps:

  1. Write expressions for the assumed current distribution in the element.
  2. Obtain expression for vector magnetic potential, A.
  3. Obtain H from A.
  4. Obtain E from images
  5. Obtain average radiated power, Pav
  6. Obtain total power radiated.
  7. Obtain the value of radiation resistance.

    The sinusoidal current distribution is represented by Fig. 8.7.


Fig. 8.7 Sinusoidal current distribution

                I= Im sin β (HZ) for z > 0

                 = Im sin β (H+ Z) for z < 0

Here     Im = current maximum

The vector potential at a point, Pdue to the current element I dzis given by


Here d is the distance from the current element to the point P. Let rbe the distance of Pfrom the origin. The total vector potential at Pdue to all current elements is given by


It is of interest here to consider radiation fields. din the denominator can be approximated to r. But in the numerator, dis in the phase term and it is given by

                   d = rz cos θ

Now Az becomes


For a half wave dipole


But      sinβ (H+ Z) = sinβ cosβz + cos β H sin βz

            sinβ (HZ) = sinβ cosβz − cos β H sinβz



            sinβ (H+ Z) = sinβ (HZ) = cosβz

Using these values, Az becomes



But we have



We also know that


Eθ0 Hϕ , η0 = 120πΩ

The magnitude of E for the radiation field is


Eθ and Hϕ are in time phase. Hence the maximum value of Poynting vector is


The average value of Poynting vector is one half of the peak value.




Therefore total power radiated through a spherical surface half wave dipole is


The numerical evaluation of the integral imagesby Simpson’s or the Trapezoidal rule gives a value of 1.218.


As PT becomes



The coefficient of is nothing but radiation resistance. That is,


Radiated power of quarter wave monopole, , watts.

Radiation resistance, Rr = 36.5Ω

Proof     Consider Fig. 8.8in which a monopole with current distribution is shown.


Fig. 8.8 Monopole

Obtain Pav exactly as described in half wave dipole, that is,


As the monopole is fed by a perfectly conducting plane at one end, it radiates only through a hemispherical surface. Therefore, the total radiated power is


Numerical evaluation of the integral imagesby Simpson’s or the Trapezoidal rule gives a value of 0.609.



The Radiation resistance,


Electric field as a function θ in free space for a dipole of length 2His given by


The amplitude of Eθ is


The normalised (Eθ) is


The radiation patterns are the variation of ⎢Eθn with θ. These patterns for different lengths of dipole are shown in Fig. 8.9.


Fig. 8.9 Radiation patterns of dipoles

Problem 8.1     Find the radiation resistance of a Hertzian dipole of length images

Solution     The radiation resistance of a Hertzian dipole of length dlis


Problem 8.2     Find the directivity of a current element, Idl.

Soultion     The amplitude of electric far-field of a current element is





Maximum radiation occurs at θ = π/2


The radiated power of the current element is


If wr is assumed to be 1 watt, then


The maximum radiation intensity is given by


The maximum directive gain, gd (max)


The directivity of current element


Problem 8.3     Find the directivity of a half wave dipole.

Soultion     For a half wave dipole,

But          Wr = 73I2 = watts

For          Wr = 1 w,


Problem 8.4     An antenna whose radiation resistance is 300Ω operates at a frequency of 1 GHz and with a current of 3 amperes. Find the radiated power.

Soultion     Radiated power,


Problem 8.5     What is the effective area of a half wave dipole operating at 500 MHz?

Solution     The effective area of an antenna is



Directivity of half wave dipole is


Problem 8.6     Find the effective area of a Hertzian dipole operating at 100 MHz.

Solution     As f= 100 MHz


Directivity of the Hertzian dipole,


Problem 8.7     An EM wave of 1 GHz is radiated by an antenna to cover a distance of 100 km. Determine the time taken by the wave to travel the above distance.

Solution     The time taken by the EM wave is



Problem 8.8     The directivity of an antenna is 30 and it operates at a frequency of 100 MHz. Find its maximum effective aperture.

Solution         D= 30
                           f= 100 MHz


Maximum effective aperture

  • Radiation intensity, imageswatts/unit solid angle.

  • Directive gain, images

  • Directivity, D= (gd) max .

  • Power gain, images

  • Antenna efficiency, images

  • Effective area, images

  • Far-field is represented by imagesfield term.

  • Induction field is represented by imagesfield term.

  • Radiation resistance of a Hertzian dipole is images

  • Electrostatic field is represented by imagesterm.

  • The far-field and induction field have equal magnitudes at images

  • Radiation resistance of half wave dipole is 73Ω.

  • Radiation resistance of quarter wave monopole is 36.5Ω.

  • Horizontal pattern of vertical dipole is a circle.

  • Radiated power flow of a vertical dipole is in the radial direction.



1. An antenna is a transducer.


2. An antenna is a sensor of EM waves.


3. An antenna acts as an impedance matching device.


4. Effective length of a wire antenna is always greater than the actual length.


5. Directive gain = Power gain for an antenna.


6. The radiation fields are nothing but far-fields.


7. The radiation pattern of vertical and horizontal dipoles are identical.


8. The patterns of half wave dipole and quarter wave monopole are identical.


9. The radiated fields of z-directed half wave dipole consists of Eθ , Er , Hr , Hθ , terms.


10. The radiated fields of z-directed dipole consists of only Eθ , Er and Hϕ


11. Effective area of antenna is a function frequency.


12. Electric and magnetic dipoles have the same physical structure.


13. Magnetic dipole is a small current loop of wire.


14. Input and radiation resistances are the same.


15. The radiation resistance of a current element depends on frequency.


16. The differential current element is nothing but Hertzian dipole.


17. Delayed and retarded potentials mean the same.


18. Jdʋ = IdL


19. Radiated power of a current element depends on frequency.


20. The units of scalar and vector magnetic potentials are the same.


21. Electrostatic field contributes to the radiated power.


22. Induction field does not contribute to radiation power.


23. Electrostatic field does not contribute to radiation power.


24. Array increases the directivity.


25. Beam width is decreased by array.


26. If the number of elements are increased, the beam width is reduced.


27. Dipole is an omnidirectional antenna.


28. Isotropic and omnidirectional antennas mean the same.


29. Dipole and monopole mean the same except in length.


30. Power gain and directive gain are the same.


31. Radiation resistance of half-wave dipole is more than that of quarter monopole.


32. Power gain and efficiency of antennas are the same.


33. Effective area of receiving antenna depends on frequency.


34. The effective area of an antenna is independent of the length of the antenna.


35. The units of radiation intensity are _____ .


36. Directivity is _____ .


37. Efficiency of an antenna is _____ .


38. Efficiency of an antenna in terms of directive and power gains is _____ .


39. Effective area is _____ .


40. The far-field is indicated by the presence of _____ .


41. The induction field is indicated by the presence of _____ .


42. The electrostatic field is indicated by the presence of _____ .


43. The radiation resistance of an isolated half wave dipole is _____ .


44. The radiation resistance of a quarter wave monopole is _____ .


45. The current distribution in a half wave dipole is _____ .


46. The current distribution in alternating current element is _____ .


47. The current distribution in short dipoles is _____ .


48. The directivity of current element is _____ .


49. The directivity of half wave dipole is _____ .


50. If a current element is x-directed, vector magnetic potential is _____ .


51. Radiation resistance of a short monopole is _____ .


52. Radiation resistance of a short dipole is _____ .


53. At LF and VLF, polarisation often used is _____ .


54. dBi means _____ .


55. dBm means power gain in dB _____ .


56. Antenna used in mobile communications is _____ .


57. If a current element is z-directed, vector magnetic potential is _____ .


58. If vector magnetic potential has only Az , Eϕ is _____ .


59. Radiation resistance of current element is _____ .


60. Radiation resistance of quarter wave monopole is _____ .


61. Directional pattern of a short dipole in the horizontal plane is a _____ .


62. Directional pattern of a horizontal halfwave centre-fed dipole is _____ .


63. Effective length of a dipole is always _____ than the actual length.


64. The directivity in dB of half wave dipole is _____ .


65. The directivity in dB of current element is _____ .


66. Effective area of a Hertzian dipole operating at 100 MHz is _____ .


67. The radiation pattern of a horizontal dipole is of _____ .


68. The radiation pattern of vertical dipole is of _____ .


69. Vector magnetic potential has the unit of _____ .


70. Retarded magnetic potential has the unit of _____ .


71. Radiated power is contributed by _____ only.


72. The radiation resistance of quarter wave dipole is _____ .


73. The radiation resistance of half wave dipole is _____ .


74. The total resistance of an antenna is _____ .


75. Power gain of an antenna is _____ .


76. The antenna of za impedance radiates maximum power when the transmitting line feeding the antenna has an impedance of _____ .


77. Directive gain of Hertzian dipole is _____ .


78. If the signal level is 1 mW, power gain is _____.

  1. 0 dBm
  2. 1 dBm
  3. 10−3dBm
  4. 10 dBm

79. Whip antenna has a physical length of _____.

  1. λ/4
  2. λ/2
  3. 3λ/2
  4. λ

80. For a 300 Ω antenna operating with 5 A of current, the radiated power is _____.

  1. 7,500 W
  2. 750 W
  3. 75 W
  4. 1500 W

1. Yes

2. Yes

3. Yes

4. No

5. No

6. Yes

7. No

8. No

9. No

10. Yes

11. Yes

12. No

13. Yes

14. No

15. Yes

16. Yes

17. Yes

18. Yes

19. Yes

20. No

21. No

22. Yes

23. Yes

24. Yes

25. Yes

26. Yes

27. Yes

28. No

29. No

30. No

31. Yes

32. No

33. Yes

34. No



35. Watts/unit solid angle

36. Maximum directive gain

37. images

38. gp /gd

39. images

40. images term

41. images term

42. images term

43. 73Ω

44. 36.5Ω

45. Sinusoidal

46. Constant

47. Triangular

48. 1.5

49. 1.64

50. x-directed

51. images

52. images

53. Vertical

54. Power gain of the antenna in dB relative to isotropic antenna

55. Compared to 1 mW

56. Whip antenna

57. z-directed

58. Zero

59. images

60. 36.5Ω

61. Circle

62. Figure of eight

63. Less

64. 2.15

65. 1.64

66. 1.07 m2

67. Figure of eight shape

68. Dumbell shape

69. Wb/m

70. Wb/m

71. Far-field only

72. 36.5Ω

73. 73Ω

74. Rr + Rl

75. The product of efficiency and gain

76. Za *

77. 1.5

78. 0 dBm

79. λ/4

80. (a)

  1. Input resistance of an antenna is
    1. Rr
    2. Rl
    3. Rr + Rl
    4. RrRl
  2. The radiation resistance of a current element is
    1. 36.5Ω
    2. 73Ω
    3. images
    4. images
  3. Horizontal dipole has the directional characteristics of
    1. circle
    2. figure of eight
    3. four lobes
    4. ellipse
  4. Retarded vector magnetic potential has the unit of
    1. wb/m
    2. V/m
    3. V/m2
    4. wb-sec/m
  5. Radiation resistance of half wave dipole is
    1. 73Ω
    2. 36Ω
    3. images
    4. 292Ω
  6. Effective length of half wave dipole is (a) >1 / 2 (b) <1 / 2
    1. > λ/2
    2. < λ/2
    3. 0.55λ
    4. 0.6λ
  7. Far-field consists of
    1. imagesterm
    2. imagesterm
    3. imagesterm
    4. r term
  8. Induction field consists of
    1. imagesterm
    2. imagesterm
    3. imagesterm
    4. r2term
  9. Radiated power is proportional to
    1. Rr 2
    2. images
    3. I2
    4. I
  10. The resonant length of a dipole is
    1. λ/2
    2. 0.6λ
    3. 0.4λ
    4. 0.35λ
  11. The length of Whip antenna is
    1. images
    2. images
    3. images
    4. λ
  12. For a 300Ω antenna operating with 4 A of current, the radiated power is
    1. 7,500 W
    2. 4,800 W
    3. 480 W
    4. 75 W
  13. If the signal level is 1 W, the power gain is
    1. 1 dB
    2. 0 dB
    3. 10 dB
    4. 10 dBm
  14. The vector magnetic potential of x-directed half wave dipole is
    1. x-directed
    2. y-directed
    3. z-directed
    4. θ -directed
  15. The directivity of current element is
    1. 1.5
    2. 1.64
    3. 1.76
    4. 2.15
  16. The directivity of half wave dipole is
    1. 1.5
    2. 1.64
    3. 1.76
    4. 2.15
  17. If half wave dipole is operating at one wavelength, its effective area is
    1. 0.13 m2
    2. 1.2 m2
    3. 0.012 m2
    4. 120 m2
  18. Radiation resistance of dipole of length 0.11 is
    1. 2Ω
    2. 20Ω
    3. 200Ω
    4. 73Ω
  19. Radiation resistance of a monopole of length 0.11 is
    1. 4Ω
    2. 2Ω
    3. 8Ω
    4. 1Ω
  20. If the maximum directive gain of an antenna is 2, its directivity is
    1. 4
    2. 2
    3. 1
    4. 6

1. (c)

2. (c)

3. (b)

4. (a)

5. (a)

6. (b)

7. (a)

8. (a)

9. (c)

10. (a)

11. (b)

12. (b)

13. (b)

14. (a)

15. (a)

16. (b)

17. (a)

18. (a)

19. (a)

20. (b)

  1. The field amplitude due to half wave dipole at 10 km is 0.1 V/m. It operates at 100 MHz. Find the dipole length and its radiated power.
  2. What is the length of a half wave dipole at frequencies of 10 MHz, 50 MHz and 100 MHz?
  3. Find the maximum effective area of an antenna at a frequency of 2 GHz when the directivity is 100.
  4. Obtain the gain of an antenna whose area is 12 m2and operating at a frequency of 6 GHz.
  5. Find the radiated power of an antenna if a current of 10 amperes exists and its radiation resistance is 32.0Ω.
  6. What is the radiation resistance of an antenna if it radiates a power of 120 W and when the current in it is 10 amperes.
  7. Find the directivity, efficiency and effective area of an antenna if its Rr = 80Ω, Rl = 10Ω. The power gain is 10 dB and antenna operates at a frequency of 100 MHz.
  8. If the transmitting power is 10 KW, find the power density at distances of 10 km, 50 km, 100 km assuming the radiator is isotropic.
  9. If the current element is z-directed, find the far-field components of H.
  10. Derive an expression for distant θ-field component of E for a dipole of length L.
    1. Find the current required to radiate a power of 50 W at 60 MHz from 0.1λ Hertzian dipole.
    2. Determine the radiation resistance of the element.
  11. Find the radiation efficiency of a Hertzian dipole of length 0.03λ at a frequency of 100 MHz if the loss resistance is 0.01Ω.
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