



Applications of Electromagnetic Field Theory

Differences between Circuit Theory and Electromagnetic Field Theory

Notation of Scalar Parameters

Notation of Vector Parameters

Small Value Representation

Large Value Representation

Frequency Ranges of TV Channels

Some Great Contributors to Electromagnetic Field Theory

1. Mathematical Preliminaries

1.1 Fundamentals of Scalars and Vectors

1.2 Coordinate Systems

1.3 Del (∇) Operator

1.4 Gradient of a Scalar, V (= ∇V)

1.5 Divergence of a Vector, A (= ∇.A)

1.6 Curl of a Vector (≡ ∇ × A)

1.7 Laplacian Operator (∇2)

1.8 Dirac Delta

1.9 Decibel and Neper Concepts

1.10 Complex Numbers

1.11 Logarithmic Series and Identities

1.12 Quadratic Equations

1.13 Cubic Equations

1.14 Determinants

1.15 Matrices

1.16 Factorial

1.17 Permutations

1.18 Combinations

1.19 Basic Series

1.20 Exponential Series

1.21 Sine and Cosine Series

1.22 Sinh and Cosh Series

1.23 Hyperbolic Functions

1.24 Sine, Cosine, Tan and Cot Functions

1.25 Some Special Functions

1.26 Partial Derivative

1.27 Some Differentiation Formulae

1.28 Some Useful Integration Formulae

1.29 Radian and Steradian

1.30 Integral Theorems

Points/Formulae to Remember

Solved Problems

Objective Questions

Exercise Problems

2. Electrostatic Fields

2.1 Introduction

2.2 Applications of Electrostatic Fields

2.3 Different Types of Charge Distributions

2.4 Coulomb’s Law

2.5 Applications of Coulomb’s Law

2.6 Limitation of Coulomb’s Law

2.7 Electric Field Strength due to Point Charge

2.8 Salient Features of Electric Intensity

2.9 Electric Field due to Line Charge Density

2.10 Electric Field Strength due to Infinite Line Charge

2.11 Field due to Surface Charge Density, ρs (C/m2)

2.12 Field due to Volume Charge Density, ρυ (C/m3)

2.13 Potential

2.14 Potential at a Point

2.15 Potential Difference

2.16 Salient Features of Potential Difference

2.17 Potential Gradient

2.18 Salient Features of Potential Gradient

2.19 Equipotential Surface

2.20 Potential due to Electric Dipole

2.21 Electric Field due to Dipole

2.22 Electric Flux

2.23 Salient Features of Electric Flux

2.24 Faraday’s Experiment to Define Flux

2.25 Electric Flux Density

2.26 Salient Features of Electric Flux Density, D

2.27 Gauss’s Law and Applications

2.28 Proof of Gauss’s Law (on Arbitrary Surface)

2.29 Gauss’s Law in Point Form

2.30 Divergence of a Vector, Electric Flux Density

2.31 Applications of Gauss’s Law

2.32 Limitations of Gauss’s Law

2.33 Salient Features of Gauss’s Law

2.34 Poisson’s and Laplace’s Equations

2.35 Applications of Poisson’s and Laplace’s Equations

2.36 Uniqueness Theorem

2.37 Boundary Conditions on E and D

2.38 Proof of Boundary Conditions

2.39 Conductors in Electric Field

2.40 Properties of Conductors

2.41 Electric Current

2.42 Current Densities

2.43 Equation of Continuity

2.44 Relaxation Time (Tr)

2.45 Relation between Current Density and Volume Charge Density

2.46 Dielectric Materials in Electric Field

2.47 Properties of Dielectric Materials

2.48 Dipole Moment, p

2.49 Polarisation, P

2.50 Capacitance of Different Configurations

2.51 Energy Stored in an Electrostatic Field

2.52 Energy in a Capacitor

Points/Formulae to Remember

Objective Questions

Multiple Choice Questions

Exercise Problems

3. Steady Magnetic Fields

3.1 Introduction

3.2 Applications of Magnetostatic Fields

3.3 Fundamentals of Steady Magnetic Fields

3.4 Faraday’s Law of Induction

3.5 Magnetic Flux Density, B (wb/m2)

3.6 Ampere’s Law for Current Element or Biot-Savart Law

3.7 Field due to Infinitely Long Current Element

3.8 Field due to a Finite Current Element

3.9 Ampere’s Work Law or Ampere’s Circuit Law

3.10 Differential Form of Ampere’s Circuit Law

3.11 Stoke’s Theorem

3.12 Force on a Moving Charge due to Electric and Magnetic Fields

3.13 Applications of Lorentz Force Equation

3.14 Force on a Current Element in a Magnetic Field

3.15 Ampere’s Force Law

3.16 Boundary Conditions on H and B

3.17 Scalar Magnetic Potential

3.18 Vector Magnetic Potential

3.19 Force and Torque on a Loop or Coil

3.20 Materials in Magnetic Fields

3.21 Magnetisation in Materials

3.22 Inductance

3.23 Standard Inductance Configurations

3.24 Energy Density in a Magnetic Field

3.25 Energy Stored in an Inductor

3.26 Expression for Inductance, L, in Terms of Fundamental Parameters

3.27 Mutual Inductance

3.28 Comparison between Electric and Magnetic Fields/Circuits/Parameters

Points/Formulae to Remember

Objective Questions

Multiple Choice Questions

Exercise Problems

4. Maxwell’s Equations

4.1 Introduction

4.2 Equation of Continuity for Time Varying Fields

4.3 Maxwell’s Equations for Time Varying Fields

4.4 Meaning of Maxwell’s Equations

4.5 Conversion of Differential Form of Maxwell’s Equation to Integral Form

4.6 Maxwell’s Equations for Static Fields

4.7 Characteristics of Free Space

4.8 Maxwell’s Equations for Free Space

4.9 Maxwell’s Equations for Static Fields in Free Space

4.10 Proof of Maxwell’s Equations

4.11 Sinusoidal Time Varying Field

4.12 Maxwell’s Equations in Phasor Form

4.13 Influence of Medium on the Fields

4.14 Types of Media

4.15 Summary of Maxwell’s Equations for Different Cases

4.16 Conditions at a Boundary Surface

4.17 Proof of Boundary Conditions on E, D, H and B

4.18 Complete Boundary Conditions in Scalar Form

4.19 Boundary Conditions in Vector Form

4.20 Time Varying Potentials

4.21 Retarded Potentials

4.22 Maxwell’s Equations Approach to Relate Potentials, Fields and Their Sources

4.23 Helmholtz Theorem

4.24 Lorentz Gauge Condition

Points/Formulae to Remember

Objective Questions

Multiple Choice Questions

Exercise Problems

5. Electromagnetic Fields and Waves

5.1 Introduction

5.2 Applications of EM Waves

5.3 Wave Equations in Free Space

5.4 Wave Equations for a Conducting Medium

5.5 Uniform Plane Wave Equation

5.6 General Solution of Uniform Plane Wave Equation

5.7 Relation between E and H in Uniform Plane Wave

5.8 Proof of E and H of EM Wave being Perpendicular to Each Other

5.9 Wave Equations in Phasor Form

5.10 Wave Propagation in Lossless Medium

5.11 Propagation Characteristics of EM Waves in Free Space

5.12 Propagation Characteristics of EM Waves in Conducting Medium

5.13 Summary of Propagation Characteristics of EM Waves in a Conducting Medium

5.14 Conductors and Dielectrics

5.15 Wave Propagation Characteristics in Good Dielectrics

5.16 Summary of the Propagation Characteristics of EM Waves in Good Dielectrics

5.17 Wave Propagation Characteristics in Good Conductors

5.18 Summary of Characteristics of Wave Propagation in Good Conductors

5.19 Depth of Penetration, δ (m)

5.20 Polarisation of a Wave

5.21 Sources of Different Polarised EM Waves

5.22 Direction Cosines of a Vector Field

5.23 Wave on a Perfect Conductor—Normal Incidence

5.24 Waves on Dielectric—Normal Incidence

5.25 Oblique Incidence of a Plane Wave on a Boundary Plane

5.26 Oblique Incidence of Wave on Perfect Conductor

5.27 Oblique Incidence of a Plane Wave on Dielectric

5.28 Brewster Angle

5.29 Total Internal Reflection

5.30 Surface Impedance

5.31 Poynting Vector and Flow of Power

5.32 Complex Poynting Vector

Points/Formulae to Remember

Objective Questions

Multiple Choice Questions

Exercise Problems

6. Guided Waves

6.1 Introduction

6.2 Waves between Parallel Plates

6.3 Derivation of Field Equations between Parallel Plates and Propagation Parameters

6.4 Field Components for TE Waves (Ez = 0)

6.5 Field Components of TM Waves (Hz =0)

6.6 Propagation Parameters of TE and TM Waves

6.7 Guide Wavelength

6.8 Transverse Electromagnetic Wave (TEM Wave)

6.9 Velocities of Propagation

6.10 Attenuation in Parallel Plate Guides

6.11 Wave Impedances

6.12 Waves in Rectangular Waveguides

6.13 Derivation of Field Equations in Rectangular Hollow Waveguides

6.14 Propagation Parameters of TE and TM Waves in Rectangular Waveguides

6.15 TEM Wave Does Not Exist in Hollow Waveguides

6.16 Excitation Methods for Different TE and TM Waves/Modes

6.17 Evanescent Wave or Mode

6.18 Wave Impedance in Waveguide

6.19 Power Transmitted in a Lossless Waveguide

6.20 Waveguide Resonators

6.21 Salient Features of Cavity Resonators

6.22 Circular Waveguides

6.23 Salient Features of Circular Waveguides

Points/Formulae to Remember

Objective Questions

Multiple Choice Questions

Exercise Problems

7. Transmission Lines

7.1 Transmission Lines

7.2 Types of Transmission Lines

7.3 Applications of Transmission Lines

7.4 Equivalent Circuit of a Pair of Transmission Lines

7.5 Primary Constants

7.6 Transmission Line Equations

7.7 Input Impedance of a Transmission Line

7.8 Secondary Constants

7.9 Lossless Transmission Lines

7.10 Distortionless Line

7.11 Phase and Group Velocities

7.12 Loading of Lines

7.13 Input Impedance of Lossless Transmission Line

7.14 RF Lines

7.15 Relation between Reflection Coefficient, Load and Characteristic Impedances

7.16 Relation between Reflection Coefficient and Voltage Standing Wave Ratio (VSWR)

7.17 Lines of Different Length images Lines

7.18 Losses in Transmission Lines

7.19 Smith Chart and Applications

7.20 Stubs

7.21 Double Stubs

Points/Formulae to Remember

Objective Questions

Multiple Choice Questions

Exercise Problems

8. Radiation and Antennas

8.1 General Solution of Maxwell’s Equations

8.2 Expressions for E and H in Terms of Potentials

8.3 Retarded Potentials

8.4 Antenna Definition

8.5 Functions of an Antenna

8.6 Properties of an Antenna

8.7 Antenna Parameters

8.8 Basic Antenna Elements

8.9 Radiation Mechanism

8.10 Radiation Fields of an Alternating Current Element (or Oscillating Electric Dipole)

8.11 Radiated Power and Radiation Resistance of a Current Element

8.12 Radiation, Induction and Electrostatic Fields

8.13 Hertzian Dipole

8.14 Different Current Distributions in Linear Antennas

8.15 Radiation from Half Wave Dipole

8.16 Radiation from Quarter Wave Monopole

8.17 Radiation Characteristics of Dipoles

Points/Formulae to Remember

Objective Questions

Multiple Choice Questions

Exercise Problems

9. Advanced Topics

9.1 Introduction

9.2 Secondary Sources of Electromagnetic Fields

9.3 Reciprocity in Electromagnetic Field Theory

9.4 Reaction Concept

9.5 Induction and Equivalence Theorems

9.6 Electromagnetic Interference and Compatibility (EMI/EMC)

9.7 EMI Sources

9.8 Effects of EMI

9.9 Methods to Eliminate EMI or Design Methods for EMC

9.10 Need for EMC Standards

9.11 EMC Standards

9.12 Advantages of EMC Standards

9.13 EMC Standards in Different Countries

9.14 Biological Effects of EMI/EMR (Electromagnetic Interference/Electromagnetic Radiation)

9.15 Electrostatic Discharge (ESD)

9.16 Origin of ESD Event

9.17 Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP)

9.18 Numerical Techniques for the Analysis of Electromagnetic Fields

9.19 Finite Difference Method (FDM)

9.20 Finite Element Method (FEM)

9.21 Method of Moments (MOM)

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Objective Questions and Answers


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