76 The Financial Times Guide to Business Development
The moment the ‘if’ word is used, the enquiry handler is planting a message
in the prospect’s brain that this is not the time to make their mind up and
to proceed to the next and nal stage, whatever that may be.
If you want to get a higher conversion rate, then having followed the
earlier steps, you must ask directly for the prospect’s business or an
appointment or whatever it is you are looking for. Note that at any future
appointment or encounter you can and should use exactly the same ve-
step system and structure for that call or meeting to get your ultimate
conversion to a sale.
Additional tips on this topic of sales and examples of how to overcome any
objections that might arise are given in Chapter 8.
General tips on handling leads and enquiries
Handling e-mail enquiries
Many businesses now receive an increasing and signicant number of
e-mail leads and enquiries directly or via the web asking for prices or other
information. Here is how to handle them:
1 If possible and practical, don’t ignore them or simply respond
to the e-mail with the costs gure or a standard information
2 If possible, you should do everything you can to ensure that the
prospect has put their contact details on their enquiry, so you can try
to speak to them and then use the ve-step conversion process.
3 If this is not possible, or the volume is too great, then ensure that the
written information that you do send to them is personal, inuential
and peppered with benets and value ‘weight blocks’. Even when
writing to people, you can still seek to build rapport. (See Chapter 3
on pricing and Chapter 8 on writing skills.)
Avoid the use of jargon
Have you ever had your car serviced to be told by the mechanic that the
‘triple threadle sprocket’ needs replacing? Jargon is very intimidating.
Whatever business sector you are in, there will be certain terms or an
internal language that is used. Remember, if your prospects are from
outside of your sector, speak to them in plain English.
Priority 1 – Convert leads, opportunities and enquiries into profitable business 77
Follow up a telephone enquiry in writing
Where a telephone enquiry has ended with the prospect indicating they
will give it some thought, then if possible, tell them you will send them an
immediate e-mail or letter conrming all that has been said.
Make it personal to the conversation, conrm what has been said, tell the
prospect you would like to do business with them, put forward as many
benets as possible, repeat your price or fee information and then make it
as easy as possible for them to say ‘yes’ to you.
I have seen businesses increase conversion rates by 10 per cent just by doing
this! Why? It potentially differentiates you from your competitors, shows
you are interested in the prospect and above all demonstrates you can keep
your promises. You told them you would write to them and you have.
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