Testing the network

This function allows us to test our network. Again, notice the return value, which makes this a fluent interface. For the most commonly used functions at a higher, more abstract layer, I tried to make the fluent interface available where it would be most beneficial, as follows:

public NNManager TestNetwork()
Console.WriteLine(" Testing Network", Color.Yellow);

while (true)

Get the input data from the user, as follows:

var values = GetInputData($" Type{_numInputParameters} inputs: ");
if (values == null)
return this;

Do the computations, as follows:

    var results = _network?.Compute(values);

Print out the results, as follows:

    foreach (var result in results)
Console.WriteLine(" Output: " +
DoubleConverter.ToExactString(result), Color.Aqua);

return this;
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