Using cameras with Intel Galileo

Even though Intel Galileo is a headless device without any video output support or graphical processor unit, you can get video streams to Intel Galileo. In order to work with video cameras, either a USB webcam or a network camera, we will need the OpenCV (Open Source Computer Vision) library. If you work with an USB camera, you will also need the required Linux kernel modules (v4l2) to recognize video devices connected to Intel Galileo from the USB port.

Before getting into the details of OpenCV API and internals, we will build the OpenCV library and v4l2 module for Intel Galileo and make it ready for development with OpenCV. If you have not built OpenCV, you can follow the instructions given in the following section.

Building OpenCV and V4L2 for Intel Galileo

As Intel Galileo has a different processor, Intel Quark, from regular computers, we need to recompile and build any libraries with the cross-compiler and toolchain provided with Yocto Project. A successful cross-compile process will create necessary binaries for us to run on Intel Galileo.

In the Chapter 1, Getting Started with Intel Galileo, we initialized a build environment for Yocto Project in order to create a Linux filesystem and toolchain for Intel Galileo. Yocto Project allows you to build a full Linux filesystem or any other software without rebuilding the whole Linux filesystem. During the build environment initialization process, many Yocto Project recipes have been downloaded but not been used as they have not been included in the image. OpenCV recipe is one of the recipes downloaded during this process along with many others.


If you've already made the full-image build in Chapter 1, Getting Started with Intel Galileo, it includes the OpenCV and video device drivers installed with the image.

You can locate the OpenCV Yocto Project recipe in $BUILD_DIRECTORY/meta-clanton_v1.0.1/meta-oe/meta-oe/recipes-support/opencv directory. is the file that includes instructions and rules to download the OpenCV source from an upstream repository and build. When you open the file, you will see that the line starts with DEPENDS; it is the variable that includes the OpenCV library, which needs to be built. v4l2-utils is the library that includes the kernel modules, so when we start building, OpenCV v4l2 modules will be built together.

$ cd $BUILD_DIRECTORY/meta-clanton_v1.0.1
$ cd source poky/oe-init-build-env yocto_build
$ bitbake opencv


The previous build process should work to build OpenCV for the Intel Galileo Quark processor without any problem. In some cases, the OpenCV recipe might not be updated and you could have some build errors. In the event of an error, you can check the upstream source code link; MD5 checksum in the recipe.

OpenCV ipk packages are listed under $BUILD_DIRECTORY/meta-clanton_v1.0.1/yocto_build/tmp/deploy/ipk/i586. The v4l2 kernel module packages are in the $BUILD_DIRECTORY/meta-clanton_v1.0.1/yocto_build/tmp/deploy/ipk/clanton directory.

In order to install related packages, you can copy OpenCV, the v4l2 packages, and their dependency module packages to the Intel Galileo filesystem and then install them with the help of opkg tool. In addition to installing the packages to Intel Galileo, you also need to install development files to the Intel Galileo toolchain directory on your host to compile and build your OpenCV application. In Chapter 1, Getting Started with Intel Galileo, we installed SDK to the /opt/clanton-tiny/1.4.2/ directory. You need to install development files into the /opt/clanton-tiny/1.4.2/sysroots/i586-poky-linux-uclibc directory.

However, instead of using a copy and install process, you can add OpenCV to the image recipe and that will automatically install the required packages to the filesystem image.

Edit $BUILD_DIRECTORY/meta-clanton_v1.0.1/meta-clanton-distro/recipes-core/images/, add a new line as IMAGE_INSTALL += "opencv", and rebuild the image and toolchain. Then follow the instructions from Chapter 1, Getting Started with Intel Galileo, to copy the required files to the SD card and re-install the toolchain into your host machine supporting OpenCV.


You can add any application you want to your custom Linux image built by Yocto Project with the defined method.

Introducing OpenCV

In order to work with images or video coming from your security camera, you need to know the basics of the OpenCV library. OpenCV is an open source cross-platform computer vision and machine learning library. OpenCV provides hundreds of algorithms for analytics on images, mostly for real-time use cases, and that's why it is used in robotics appliances.


This link is the OpenCV Official website:

This link has the OpenCV Offical documentation:

Visual analytics algorithms require a vast amount of processing power. Therefore, OpenCV requires a powerful CPU and GPU for complex analytics. However, we will only use some basic functionality from OpenCV just for surveillance purposes. Intel Galileo's CPU is powerful enough to do basic image manipulation such as saving a captured image or video from a camera. It will be enough for home surveillance. If you would like to do more complex analytics with your home automation application such as face recognition, Intel Galileo may lack the required computational power.


OpenCV API is essentially a C++ API, but for basic functionality you can still use C API. It is suggested you use C++ API for this purpose. Yocto Linux also has a C++ compiler and libraries, and so you can also use the OpenCV C++ API with it.

Let's briefly overview the functionality we will use from OpenCV to capture frames from a network camera or USB camera.

highgui – high-level GUI and media I/O

The highgui module provides functions for developers to create graphical user interface (GUI) elements for applications. This helps developers to create windows to show the captured video or a frame. Another useful functionality of this module is to provide an interface for developers to read video from a USB camera, a network camera, or a video file on disk. While helping developers to read video, it also provides functions to write or save a picture or a video to a file on storage devices.

Since Intel Galileo doesn't have video output, we do not need to use GUI functionality. However, we definitely need to be able to read from video devices for home surveillance.

We will use the following functions from the OpenCV highgui module:

  • C++: This is the VideoCapture module that captures video from a USB device or network camera.
    VideoCapture cap(0) //Capture from /dev/video0
    VideoCapture cap("") //Capture from network camera
  • C: In the C API, we need to call the cvCaptureFromCAM(int index) function to get streams from a USB camera; we need to use cvCaptureFromFile(const char* filename) to capture streams from a network camera.
    cvCaptureFromCAM(0) //Capture from /dev/video0
  • C++: The imwrite(const string& filename, InputArray img, const vector<int>& params=vector<int>()) function can be used to save an image to disk in a C++ application.
  • C: The cvSaveImage(const char* filename, const CvArr* image, const int* params=0 ) function can be used to save an image to disk in a C application:
  • C++: The VideoWriter(const string& filename, int fourcc, double fps, Size frameSize, bool isColor=true) function can be used to save video stream to disk in a C++ application. A basic use of this is shown here:
    Size S = Size( (int)capture.get(CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH),   
    VideoWriter  vWriter("video_output.avi", CV_FOURCC('P','I','M','1'), 20, S, true);
  • C: The cvCreateVideoWriter (const char* filename, int fourcc, double fps, CvSize frame_size, int is_color=1 ) function can be used to save video streams to disk in a C application.
    CvSize S;
    s.width = iwidth;
    s.height = height;
    CvVideoWriter *writer = cvCreateVideoWriter("video_output.avi", CV_FOURCC('M', 'J', 'P', 'G'),  20, S);

We will mostly use the basic functionalities mentioned previously from OpenCV. Along with the functions mentioned previously, we will also need to use data structures that store frames and their properties. It is suggested you use the C++ API but, to bind with all the samples we have developed during the book, we will not develop a complicated application, and so we will do basic C applications in the later sections.

Let's follow up with sample applications to capture and store images from Intel Galileo.

Capturing images from a camera with Intel Galileo

We will have two sample applications to capture images from a USB camera and the D-Link DSC-930L network camera and save them to Intel Galileo.

We started with creating a new C Project, as described in Chapter 1, Getting Started with Intel Galileo, when we created a C file as capture_from_usb.c. We need to add OpenCV libraries to Makefile in order to build application with OpenCV libraries. should look like this:

bin_PROGRAMS = capture_from_usb
capture_from_usb_SOURCES = capture_from_usb.c
AM_CFLAGS = @capture_from_usb_CFLAGS@
AM_LDFLAGS = @capture_from_usb_LIBS@ -lopencv_core -lopencv_imgproc - lopencv_legacy -lopencv_ml -lopencv_highgui -lm

While capturing from USB devices, we need to provide the index of the video file. In our case, the video file is /dev/video0, and so we put the index as 0.

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "opencv/cxcore.h"
#include "opencv/cv.h"
#include "opencv/highgui.h"
#define USBCAM 0
int main(void) {
        //Get USB Cam Device
        CvCapture *pCapturedImage = cvCreateCameraCapture(USBCAM);
        //Get Frame from Capture Device
        IplImage *pSaveImg = cvQueryFrame(pCapturedImage);
        //Save Image to Filesystem
        cvSaveImage("capture.jpg", pSaveImg, 0);
        //Release Image Pointer
        return 0;

When we run the application capture_from_usb binary inside the Intel Galileo, it will create the capture.jpeg file.

root@clanton:~# ./capture_from_usb 

Let's create a new project to capture from a network camera. In the new project, we created capture_from_network.c and build with Intel Galileo toolchain.

While accessing streams from a network camera, we need to provide the IP address of the network camera. In our case, it is in our local network. In most cases, network cameras are secured with user credentials. We also provided the username and password as admin and 123 respectively with the link with IP_CAM, as seen in the sample code given here:

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "opencv/cxcore.h"
#include "opencv/cv.h"
#include "opencv/highgui.h"
#define IP_CAM "http://admin:[email protected]:80/mjpeg.cgi?user=admin&password=1 23&channel=0&.mjpg"
int main(void) {
  //Get Capture Device assign to a memory location
  CvCapture *pCapturedImage = cvCaptureFromFile(IP_CAM);
  //Frame to Save
  IplImage *pSaveImg = cvQueryFrame(pCapturedImage);
  //Save Image to Filesystem
  cvSaveImage("capture.jpg", pSaveImg, 0);
  //Release Memory Pointer
  return 0;

When we run the application capture_from_network inside Intel Galileo, it will create the capture.jpeg file:

root@clanton:~# ./capture_from_network

You can copy the .jpeg file to your host machine to open and view the frame. Just like copying files to Intel Galileo from your host machine using the SCP tool, you can use SCP to transfer files to your host machine using your host machine's credentials.

Saving a video from a camera with Intel Galileo

Let's follow up from the previous section with saving video, instead of only one frame, to Intel Galileo. We will get the video from a network camera and will save it to Intel Galileo.

We have created a new project and a new .c file save_video.c in the project. We will use the same libraries that were used in capturing an image. Our aim is to record 5 seconds of video to Intel Galileo, as shown here:

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "opencv/cxcore.h"
#include "opencv/cv.h"
#include "opencv/highgui.h"
#include <time.h>
#define IP_CAM "http://admin:[email protected]:80/mjpeg.cgi?user=admin&password=1 23&channel=0&.mjpg"
#define FPS 15
#define DURATION 5 //seconds
int main(void) {
  //Capture Device and Captured Frame
  CvCapture *pCapture = cvCaptureFromFile(IP_CAM);
  int width = (int) cvGetCaptureProperty(pCapture, CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH);
  int height = (int) cvGetCaptureProperty(pCapture, CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT);
  //Get Size of Video
  CvSize S;
  S.height = height;
  S.width = width;
  //Frame Structure
  IplImage *frame;
  //Create VideoWriter
  CvVideoWriter* videoWriter = cvCreateVideoWriter("record.avi", CV_FOURCC('X', 'V', 'I', 'D'), FPS, S, 1);
  //Get Current Time
  time_t now;
  struct tm *tm;
  now = time(0);
  //Start Recording for Given Time
  if ((tm = localtime(&now)) == NULL) {
    printf("Can't Get Time
    return -1;
  int start = tm->tm_sec;
  int progress = tm->tm_sec;
  while ((progress - start) <= DURATION) {
    frame = cvQueryFrame(pCapture);
    cvWriteFrame(videoWriter, frame);
    now = time(0);
    if ((tm = localtime(&now)) == NULL) {
      printf("Can't Get Time
      return -1;
    progress = tm->tm_sec;
  //Release Pointers from Memory
  //This is needed to make recorded video container to be closed properly
  return 0;

When we have run the save_video binary, it will create a record.avi file. You can copy the file to your host machine and view the recorded video with a video player:

root@clanton:~# ./save_video
Recording ....
Saved ....


Saving video to Intel Galileo is not recommended as it has limited space. The initial state of the filesystem on the SD card will not allow you to save larger files or use all the space on the SD card. It is advised to resize the filesystem image on the SD card. First mount your SD card on your Linux host machine as shown in the following command:

$ sudo mount /dev/sdc1 /media/sdcard

Run a filesystem check on the current filesystem image file as shown in the following command:

$ sudo fsck.ext3 –f /media/sdcard/image-full-galileo- clanton.ext3

Finally, you can resize with the following command. In our example, we resize our image to 4-gigabyte, by supplying 4-gigabyte as kilobytes:

$ sudo resize2fs /media/sdcard/image-full-galileo-clanton.ext3 1638400

Now you can unmount the SD card from the host machine and can boot on Intel Galileo.

Streaming a video from Intel Galileo

Accessing the video camera in your home remotely is essential for home security. If you want to connect your Intel Galileo to a cloud system and access a video stream through your Intel Galileo, you need to stream video from Intel Galileo. You may also want to stream video from a USB device and access it remotely; for this you would need to create an application, or a worker thread in your application, to stream the video.

Since Intel Galileo doesn't have GPU or any other supported video encoders/decoders, it will be wise not to try any transcoding to change the video format. A suggested method is to stream video from Intel Galileo, writing the JPEG frames to a network socket, and have another device read the frames.


You can check the Linux socket programming for more details.

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