Chapter 17

1. Hitulu,18 November 1961.

2. Abdul Nafey and Om Gupta, Latin America in Emerging World Order: Opportunities for India, Reflections of R. Narayanan(Delhi: B.R. Publishing, 2000), p. 259.

3. Ibid.

4. Ibid., p. 260 Also see N.P. Chaudhary, India’s Latin America Relations (New Delhi: South Asian Publishers, 1990) and Daulatsinhji P. Jadeja, ed., India and Latin America: Partners in Progress(New Delhi: Trans Asia Publications, 1988).

5. Ibid., p. 261.

6. Ibid., p. 262.

7. Ibid., pp. 262–63.

8. Ibid., p. 266 Also see R. Narayanan, ‘Recent Trends in India–Latin American Relations’, India Quarterly (New Delhi), April-June 1975.

9. Ibid., p. 267. See R. Narayanan, ‘Indo-South American Economic Relations, Patterns and Promise’, Indian and Foreign Review,Vol. 18, No. 22, 1–14 September 1981.

10. Foreign Affairs Record (New Delhi), September 1968, p. 194. Also see ibid., April 1969, p. 77.

11. Nafey and Gupta, Latin America in Emerging World Order, p. 268. See Robert Gillete, ‘India and Argentina: Developing a Nuclear Affinity’, Science (London), 28 January 1984.See R. Narayanan, ‘India and Latin America’, International Studies (New Delhi), Vol. 17, Nos 3–4, 1978.

12. See FICCI, Report of the Indian Economic atul Trade Delegation to Latin America, April-May 1969 (New Delhi, 1969). Also see R. Narayanan, ‘Indo-South American Economic Relations, Patterns and Promise’ ,Indian atul Foreign Review,Vol. 18, No. 22, 1–14 September 1981.

13. Nafey and Gupta, Latin America in Emerging World Order, p. 278. For details refer to R. Narayanan, ‘India and Latin America’, in Bimal Prasad, ed., India’s Foreign Policy: Studies in Continuity and Change (New Delhi: Vikas, 1991) .

14. Ibid.

15. Ibid., p. 327.

16. Ibid., p. 315.

17. ‘Focus: LAC’ was launched in November 1997 by the Commerce Minister, Government of India, in order to significantly enhance India’s trade with the Latin American region.

18. For details see

19. Nafey and Gupta, Latin America in Emerging World Order, p. 324.

20. During the visit of the Chinese premier Chinese President Hu Jintao on 16 November 2004 to Argentina, China promised investments of up to $19 billion to Argentina over a period of 10 years in railroads, housing and oil exploration.

21. Initially, it was called the G-3 or the ‘India–Brazil–South Africa (IBSA) Dialogue Forum’, and was launched by the foreign ministers of India, Brazil and South Africa. All members have endorsed each other’s candidature to the permanent seats in the UN Security Council. The Minister of External Affairs of India, Mr Yashwant Sinha, the Foreign Minister of Brazil, Mr Celso Amorim, and the Foreign Minister of South Africa, Dr Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma, met in New Delhi on the 4th and 5th of March 2004 for the first meeting of the Trilateral Commission of the IBSA dialogue forum. The foreign ministers reviewed developments in the trilateral initiative that began with their meeting in Brasilia in June 2003 and the meeting of the three heads of state and government in New York in September 2003. They appreciated the progress achieved so far and stressed the importance of carrying forward the multi-faceted dialogue and of registering tangible results in the operational areas already agreed upon. The ministers noted the significant steps already envisaged at the trilateral meeting of the defence ministers of the three countries (held in Pretoria on 1 February 2004) for stepping up cooperation. IBSA has set as its agenda the issues of peace and security, environment, health, education, tourism, terrorism, infrastructure, trade and investment, sustainable development, telecommunications, e-governance, traditional medicines, energy, defence and many other issues that will benefit all the three members of G-3.

22. The Hindu, 22 October 2003. For instance, as part of the India–Brazil–South Africa caucus, direct flights commenced between India and Brazil via Johannesburg from December 2004.

23. The Hindu, 25 January 2004.

24. Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Government of India, 21 March 2005.

25. Ibid.

26. Ranja Sengupta, ‘Free Trade Between Mercosur and India: New Bonds, New Boundaries’, in Global Policy Forum (Washington, D.C.), 18 July 2003

27. Fabricando Pela Microservia Industria Brasileira—SOB encomenda do Ministerio das Relacoes Exterirores—Assessoria de Communicacao Social, Brasil em Foco (Rio de Janeiro, 1997) (CD-ROM).

28. The IBSA Framework of Cooperation on Information Society, which provided the basis for future trilateral work aiming at reducing the digital divide in their societies, was also signed. Also, the IBSA Facility Fund that was created would constitute a pioneer and unique initiative of South-South cooperation with initiatives in GuineaBissau and Haiti. The IBSA members underscored their countries commitment to allocate at least $1 million a year to the IBSA Facility Fund.

29. India Quarterly (New Delhi), Vols 60–61, Nos 1–2, January–June 2004.

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