CHAPTER 10 Shell Scripting


In previous chapters, we looked at some of the common tasks associated with system administration. Beginning with the introduction to the role of the system administrator in Chapter 2, subsequent chapters have introduced the technical controls used to combat security threats and the efforts required after a security breach has occurred.

In this chapter, we will introduce you to a way to handle the sometimes complex and often repetitive, tasks required for effective system administration. The BASH shell provides a mechanism for creating a script – an application constructed from multiple command line applications – to accomplish complex tasks. At the end of this chapter, you should know:

  • how to write a simple BASH shell script
  • the use of common programming elements (variables, loops, etc)
  • how to handle user interaction
  • how to use common UNIX tools to parse and manipulate text files


Basic knowledge of shell scripting is necessary for anyone wanting to complete common system administration tasks, audit the security of a system, or implement many of the controls we have discussed in the previous chapters. Shell scripts are used for automating processes throughout a Unix system, from starting network services at boot up to configuring the user's shell environment during login. This chapter will just be an introduction to shell scripting. To begin, we will be creating scripts that are intended as examples of common structures and procedures used in all shell scripts. Later in the chapter, we will combine some of these common elements to demonstrate the automation of processes that would be too time-consuming to do manually or need to be repeated in the future.

What exactly is a script and how does it differ from a program written in other programming languages you may be familiar with such as C# or Java? The most important difference between a script and a program written in a language such as Java is that scripts don't have to be compiled into a binary file to be run. The script is interpreted and converted into the necessary binary code at run-time. Since the compilation process is eliminated, developing applications with a scripting language is generally faster than with compiled languages; however, there can be a performance penalty when the code is executed. There are several popular scripting languages in use, including PHP, Python, and Ruby. Unlike scripts written in these languages, shell scripts do not require an interpreter program to convert the script into binary. Shell scripts are interpreted directly by the shell process; BASH in our case, but any of the other popular shells could be used.

Windows Powershell

Since Windows 7, Microsoft has included a new scripting language called Powershell. Powershell provides all of the programming constructs we will be covering in this chapter and much more. Microsoft has integrated Powershell functionality throughout their operating systems, allowing an administrator access virtually to any Windows function both locally and on remote systems.

We will not be covering the use of Powershell in this text, but to learn more about it, visit the Microsoft Script Center at

So, how do we write a shell script? At its most basic, a shell script is a list of commands saved in a text file that we can run by calling the BASH program on the command line:

Listing 1: /opt/book/scripting/backup_v1

[alice@sunshine ~]$ cat /opt/book/scripting/backup_v1
mkdir -p /tmp/backups
cp -pr /home/alice/work /tmp/backups
cd /tmp/backups/
zip -qr work/
rm -rf /tmp/backups/work

echo “Done Backing up the work directory”
[alice@sunshine ~]$ bash /opt/book/scripting/backup_v1
Done Backing up the work directory
[alice@sunshine ~]$ ls /tmp/backups

This saves you the effort of retyping a list of commands each time you need to complete a task. However, by adding a single line to the top of the script and changing the file permissions to make it executable, we can convert this list of commands into a command of its own:

Listing 2: /opt/book/scripting/backup_v2

#! /bin/bash
# This is a comment.
# Lines starting with the pound sign (#) are ignored in BASH scripts
# This script copies and compresses files in /home/alice/work and
# saves them to /tmp/backups/work
mkdir -p /tmp/backups
cp -pr /home/alice/work /tmp/backups
cd /tmp/backups/
zip -qr work/
rm -rf /tmp/backups/work
echo “Done Backing up the work directory”

[alice@sunshine ~]$ chmod 500 /opt/book/scripting/backup_v2
[alice@sunshine ~]$ /opt/book/scripting/backup_v2
Done Backing up the work directory

The chmod command sets the executable bit for the owner of the file. All others will not be able to execute the script. The first line of this version of the script (#! /bin/bash) tells the operating system that this file should be sent to the specified program for processing. We have also added a comment to the script. Any line that starts with a pound sign (#) is ignored by the BASH interpreter as a comment. Comments help you document how a script works, especially if you are working with complex logic. You can add a comment explaining what a particular statement should be doing and what the expected output is. Comments also allow you to add important information about the script such as the author and last modification date.

Once this line is added to the top of a text file, you can set the permissions to make the file executable and you have created a brand-new custom application. You can use these steps to create a script for any set of commands you need to repeat on a regular basis. Also, the length of the list of commands doesn't matter – you could have a list of a hundred commands or just one. It's often a good idea to create scripts for a single command if multiple command line options are required to accomplish a task, such as with curl or wget.

Output redirection

We've seen how to save multiple programs into a single script file, but there is another way to integrate multiple command line programs to accomplish a complex task. The output from one command can be used as the input for another one, creating what amounts to a script on a single line. This is possible because of the UNIX architecture's use of streams. “A stream is nothing more than a sequence of bytes that can be read or written using library functions that hide the details of an underlying device from the application. The same program can read from, or write to a terminal, file, or network socket in a device-independent way using streams.”1 There are three standard I/O streams:

  • Standard Input (stdin) provides input from the keyboard.
  • Standard Output (stdout) displays output from commands to the screen.
  • Standard Error (stderr) displays error messages to the screen.

These I/O streams can be easily redirected in BASH, allowing you to read input from a file instead of the keyboard, send one (or both) output streams to another program as input, or save the output to a file. The pipe (|) operator connects the stdout stream of one program to stdin of another program. As an example, we'll list all of the commands in /usr/bin that contain the word “gnome” in the filename:

[alice@sunshine ~]$ ls -l /usr/bin | grep gnome

When you run this command, you will receive about 50 files as a result. What if you just want the first three results? You can pipe the output from grep to another command:

[alice@sunshine ~]$ ls -l /usr/bin | grep gnome | head -3
-rwxr-xr-x. 1 root root  37070 Mar 20 2012 gnome-about
-rwxr-xr-x. 1 root root  88944 Jun 25 10:29 gnome-about-me
-rwxr-xr-x. 1 root root 233664 Jun 25 10:29 gnome-appearance-properties

The redirect operator (>) is used to send the output to a file instead of displaying it on screen. You can also append data to an existing file using the >> operator:

[alice@sunshine ~]$ ls -l /usr/bin | grep gnome | head -3 > /tmp/exam-
[alice@sunshine ~]$ cat /tmp/example.txt
-rwxr-xr-x. 1 root root    37070 Mar 20 2012 gnome-about
-rwxr-xr-x. 1 root root    88944 Jun 25 10:29 gnome-about-me
-rwxr-xr-x. 1 root root  233664 Jun 25 10:29 gnome-appearance-properties
[alice@sunshine ~]$ ls -l /usr/bin | grep gnome | head -5 >> /tmp/
[alice@sunshine ~]$ cat /tmp/example.txt
-rwxr-xr-x. 1 root root   37070 Mar 20 2012 gnome-about
-rwxr-xr-x. 1 root root   88944 Jun 25 10:29 gnome-about-me
-rwxr-xr-x. 1 root root 233664 Jun 25 10:29 gnome-appearance-properties
-rwxr-xr-x. 1 root root   37070 Mar 20 2012 gnome-about
-rwxr-xr-x. 1 root root   88944 Jun 25 10:29 gnome-about-me
-rwxr-xr-x. 1 root root 233664 Jun 25 10:29 gnome-appearance-properties

Using multiple small programs in sequence instead of a single, complex application is central to the Unix design. The original developer of the I/O redirection system in Unix, Doug McIlroy, summed it us this way: “This is the Unix philosophy: Write programs that do one thing and do it well. Write programs to work together. Write programs to handle text streams, because that is a universal interface.”2

Text manipulation

Because the use and manipulation of text streams is so important to writing BASH scripts, we are going to spend a little bit of time on command line applications that specialize in manipulating text streams. Together, these commands are the “swiss-army knife” of text manipulation, providing everything from file sorting to case conversion and are used in virtually every BASH script regardless of size.


You will often find yourself dealing with columnar data that uses some form of separator, such as a tab or comma, to delimit each column in the data set. The cut command allows you to parse each line of the data file and extract only the column that you need. For this example, we'll be using a Comma-Separated Value (CSV) file exported from Excel that has the following fields: first name, last name, username, and email address. To extract the email address for all users:

[alice@sunshine ~]$ head -3 /opt/book/scripting/users.csv
Ian,Cook,ian.cook,[email protected]
Christine,Riggs,christine.riggs,[email protected]
Lindsay,Fishbein,lindsay.fishbein,[email protected]
[alice@sunshine ~]$ cut -d, -f4 /opt/book/scripting/users.csv
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]

We can also return multiple columns and filter the output by combining the cut command with grep:

[alice@sunshine ~]$ cut -d, -f1,2,4 /opt/book/scripting/users.csv |
grep john
John,Jayavelu,[email protected]
Jennifer,Johnson,[email protected]
John,Altier,[email protected]

As you can see, it returned the first, second, and fourth columns and only returned those records that contained the string “john.”


The sort command does exactly what its name implies – it sorts the lines of a text file:

[alice@sunshine ~]$ cat /opt/book/scripting/words.txt
[alice@sunshine ~]$ sort /opt/book/scripting/words.txt

Be aware that the default sort order assumes text data, therefore the -n switch must be given if you are sorting numerical data:

[alice@sunshine ~]$ sort /opt/book/scripting/numbers.txt
[alice@sunshine ~]$ sort -n /opt/book/scripting/numbers.txt


Continuing the trend of simple commands that are named after their function, uniq removes duplicate lines from a text file. Uniq only searches adjacent lines to find duplicates, so input must be sorted first:

[alice@sunshine ~]$ cat /opt/book/scripting/duplicates.txt
[alice@sunshine ~]$ sort /opt/book/scripting/duplicates.txt | uniq


The tr command substitutes the specified list of characters with a second set of characters or deletes (-d) them from the input stream. To substitute x, y, and z for all occurrences of a, b, and c in a text file:

[alice@sunshine ~]$ cat /opt/book/scripting/original.txt
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
[alice@sunshine ~]$ cat /opt/book/scripting/original.txt | tr “abc”
The quizk yrown fox jumps over the lxzy dog.
[alice@sunshine ~]$ cat /opt/book/scripting/original.txt | tr -d
The quik rown fox jumps over the lzy dog.

A more commonly used function of tr is to convert lower case text to uppercase and vise versa:

[alice@sunshine ~]$ cat /opt/book/scripting/original.txt | tr “[:lower:]”

[:lower:] and [:upper:] are character sets; they are a quick way to specify all lower and upper case letters, respectively. See the manual page for tr (man tr) for a full list of available character sets.


A variable is a representation of a piece of data (number, filename, text string, etc.) stored in the computer's memory. To create a new variable, you simply need to supply the variable name and the data it represents: its value

[alice@sunshine ~]$ myVariable=20
[alice@sunshine ~]$ echo $myVariable

No spaces are allowed before or after the = when assigning a value. Therefore, the following assignments will all result in an error:

[alice@sunshine ~]$ myVariable = 20
[alice@sunshine ~]$ myVariable =20
[alice@sunshine ~]$ myVariable= 20

You can also assign text or even another variable as a variable's value.

[alice@sunshine ~]$ hello=“Hello World”
[alice@sunshine ~]$ world=$hello
[alice@sunshine ~]$ echo $hello
Hello World
[alice@sunshine ~]$ echo $world
Hello World

Finally, you can assign the output from a command as the value of a variable by enclosing the command in $(), which is known as a command expansion.

[alice@sunshine ~]$ now=$(date)
[alice@sunshine ~]$ echo $now
Wed Dec 19 10:41:40 EST 2012

Table 10.1 Arithmetic operators in BASH


You can also do basic arithmetic with integers (whole numbers) in BASH by using the $(()) construct, which is referred to as an arithmetic expansion. A list of arithmetic operations that can be performed by BASH are listed in Table 10.1.

[alice@sunshine ~]$ myVariable=20
[alice@sunshine ~]$ myBigVariable=$(( $myVariable * 100 ))
[alice@sunshine ~]$ echo myBigVariable
[alice@sunshine ~]$ echo $(( $myBigVariable + 1 ))


Enclosing a variable in double quotes (“ “) does not affect its use. However, single quotes (‘ ‘) will cause the variable name to be used literally instead of substituting the variable's value.

Listing 3: /opt/book/scripting/quoting

#! /bin/bash
echo “My name is $name and the date is $(date +%m-%d-%Y)”
echo ‘My name is $name date is $(date +%m-%d-%Y)’

[alice@sunshine ~]$ /opt/book/scripting/quoting
My name is Alice and the date is 12-19-2012
My name is $name and the date is $(date +%m-%d-%Y)

As you can see, the use of single quotes in the second line printed the literal variable names while the variable substitution took place on the first string. Also, note that the current date was substituted for $(date +%m%d%Y) without having to assign a variable name. Commands enclosed in $() are run each time they are encountered in a script and the value is determined dynamically.

Environment variables

Some variables are created automatically when you login or start a new terminal window. These environment variables hold default values and user preferences for the current terminal session. To view the list of environment variables and their values, use the env command:

[alice@sunshine ~]$ env
PATH=    (/usr/lib/qt-3.3/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/

You will see several screens of data in the results, most of which are application-specific, but there are a few that are worth mentioning (Table 10.2).

These variables can be used in a command line just like regular variables:

[alice@sunshine ~]$ echo “My name is $USER and my current directory is
My name is alice and my current directory is /home/alice

We can also take advantage of these variables in our shell scripts. For example, look at listing 4.

Listing 4: /opt/book/scripting/env_variable_example

#! /bin/bash
echo “Hello $USER”
echo “You are calling this program from $PWD”
echo “Your home directory is $HOME”

Since the environment variables are created automatically by BASH, we can have dynamic output based on the user that is executing the script. Here is the output when the user Alice runs this script:

[alice@sunshine Desktop]$ /opt/book/scripting/env_variable_example
Hello alice
You are calling this program from /home/alice/Desktop
Your home directory is /home/alice

And here is the result when Bob runs it:

[bob@sunshine tmp]$ /opt/book/scripting/env_variable_example
Hello bob
You are calling this program from /tmp
Your home directory is /home/bob

Table 10.2 Common environment variables

USER The current user
HOME Home directory of the current user
PWD The current directory
PATH List of directories (colon-separated) that the shell will search through when looking for an application

The PATH variable is different from the other environment variables we have looked at. Instead of being used as part of a command, the value in the PATH variable is used directly by the BASH shell itself. When a user inputs a command, such as firefox to start a web browser, BASH looks for that command sequentially in each directory listed in PATH. You can use the which command to see a demonstration of the search in action:

[alice@sunshine ~]$ which firefox
[alice@sunshine ~]$ which ThisProgramDoesNotExist
/usr/bin/which: no ThisProgramDoesNotExist in (/usr/lib/qt-

Built-in variables

In addition to environment variables, BASH also defines several variables with useful values; collectively they are referred to as built-in variables. The built-in variables provide a wide array of small functions, from reporting on the type of hardware the server is running on to returning the status of the last command issued. There are dozens of built-in variables to choose from (see the BASH man page for a full list), but we will be working with a small subset (Table 10.3).

The script in listing 5 is an example of how these can be used.

Listing 5: /opt/book/scripting/builtin_variable_example

#! /bin/bash
echo “This script is executing with process ID: $$”
echo “OS: $OSTYPE Hardware: $MACHTYPE”
echo “This is he current date and time:”
echo “The exit value from date was $?”
echo “This command should fail:”
ls -l NoFile
echo “The exit value was $?”
echo “Wait 2 seconds”
sleep 2
echo “Here are 3 random numbers:”
echo $RANDOM
echo $RANDOM

Table 10.3 Built-in variables

$? Returns the exit status of the last command. 0 means success, any other value indicates an error. The meaning of each value is application-specific.
$$ Returns the id number of the currently running script.
$MACHTYPE Returns the hardware architecture in use.
$OSTYPE Returns the operating system in use.
$SECONDS Returns the number of seconds the current script has been running.
$RANDOM Returns a random number between 0 and 32767.
echo $RANDOM
echo “Wait 3 seconds”
sleep 3
echo “This script has run for $SECONDS seconds”

[alice@sunshine ~]$ /opt/book/scripting/builtin_variable_example
This script is executing with process ID: 10380
OS: linux-gnu Hardware: i386-redhat-linux-gnu
This is the current date and time:
Wed Dec 19 11:41:40 EST 2012
The exit value from date was 0
This command should fail:
ls: cannot access NoFile: No such file or directory
The exit value was 2
Wait 2 seconds
Here are 3 random numbers:
Wait 3 seconds
This script has run for 5 seconds


In the last section, we introduced the $? variable and that it returns the exit value from the last command run. What if you wanted to take one action if the command succeeds ($? equal to 0) and another action if it fails? Like any other programming language, BASH provides constructs that test a set of given conditions and act based on the result of the test.


The most basic form of conditional is the if/then construct. The if command checks the exit value of a series of comparison statements. If the exit value equals zero, the commands in the then stanza are executed. The entire construct is terminated by the ficommand.

#! /bin/bash
if [ “$USER” = “alice” ]
     echo “Good Morning, Alice!”

If the user running this script has the username alice (“$USER” = “alice”), the echo command is executed. If their username is anything else, the script completes without executing any commands.

The syntax of the if/then construct in BASH is a bit different than that of most other programming languages.3 The most common mistake when writing an if/then statement in BASH is not separating elements with spaces. You must put a space between the if and the square brackets and around the comparison statement inside the brackets. Most other languages are more forgiving in their use of white space. Any of these attempts at an if statement will fail with an error:

if[”$USER” = “alice”]
if [”$USER” = “alice”]
if[ “$USER” = “alice” ]

Another difference in the use of if/then in BASH compared to other languages is that string comparison such as the example above uses a different operator (=) than a numerical comparison (-eq) would. The following chart has a list of the comparison operators with examples of their use.



If you want to take one action if a conditional statement is true and a different action if it is false, you'll use the if/then/else construct. It is identical to the if/then construct except that for the addition commands in the else stanza that will be executed if the conditions were not met. /opt/book/scripting/number_guess_v1 is an example of a basic if/then/else construct. We will be building on this basic example to develop a more complex application over the rest of the chapter.

Listing 6: /opt/book/scripting/number_guess_v1

#! /bin/bash
number=$(( ( $RANDOM % 100) + 1 ))
#Is the guess correct?
if [ $guess -eq $number ]
     echo “Correct Guess: The number is $number”
      # Is the guess high?
      if [ $number -lt $guess ]
      echo “Guess lower: The number is less than $guess”
     # Is the guess low?
if [ $number -gt $guess ]
     echo “Guess higher: The number is greater than $guess”

Because guess is equal to 2 and number is 5, the first if/then statement will always be false (we'll add user-supplied guesses later in the chapter), and the program should always execute the code in the else stanza. At this point, the script does something we haven't seen before: a nested-if statement.

A nested-if statement is just a normal if/then statement inside another if or else statement.

if [ condition1 ]
   echo “condition1 is true”
   #Nested-if statement
if [ condition2 ]
        echo “condition2 is true”
        echo “Neither condition is true”

If condition1 is true, the else section is skipped, so the nested-if statement is not executed at all and no tests are run on condition2. However, if condition1 is not true, the nested-if is executed and condition2 is checked. In the number guessing script, since guess is less than 5, the first of the two nested-if statements will return true and it should print Guess higher: The number is greater than 2. We can run the script to test the output:

[alice@sunshine ~]$ /opt/book/scripting/number_guess_v1
Guess higher: The number is greater than 2


The final construct we'll be looking at is the if/then/elif construct. elif is a contraction of “else if” and is an alternative to nested-if structures. The example from above can be written using elif as follows:

if [ condition1 ]
   echo “condition1 is true”
elif [ condition2 ]
     echo “condition2 is true”
     echo “neither condition is true”

Multiple elif stanzas can be added to an if statement if there are more than two conditions to be checked. As an example, we'll update the number guessing script as /opt/book/scripting/number_guess_v2

Listing 7: /opt/book/scripting/number_guess_v2

#! /bin/bash
number=$(( ( $RANDOM % 100 ) + 1 ))
#Is the guess correct?
if [ $guess -eq $number ]
    echo “Correct guess: The number is $number”
# Is the guess high?
elif [ $number -lt $guess ]
echo “Guess lower: The number is less than $guess”
# Is the guess low?
elif [ $number -gt $guess ]
echo “Guess higher: The number is greater than $guess”

The use of elif instead of a nested-if statement makes the code slightly shorter and easier to read. We can run the code to verify that it returns the same results:

[alice@sunshine ~]$ /opt/book/scripting/number_guess_v2
Guess higher: The number is greater than 2

User input

The values for all of the variables in the scripts we have looked at so far were hardcoded. They were defined in the script itself and the only way the values can be changed is by modifying the script. In many cases, this is fine, but you may also want values that are supplied by the user. There are two ways to accept input from the user: command line arguments and the read command.

Command line arguments

Like other commands that you execute in a terminal window, BASH scripts can accept program arguments. The arguments are automatically stored in special variables when the program executes. The variables are named with a number in the order the arguments were given on the command line:

Listing 8: /opt/book/scripting/user_input_ex1

#! /bin/bash
echo “The first argument: $1”
echo “The second argument: $2”
echo “The third argument: $3”

[alice@sunshine ~]$ /opt/book/scripting/user_input_ex1 42 “Hello World”
The first argument: 42
The second argument: Hello World
The third argument: Earth

Note that the second argument consists of two words (“Hello World”). The quotation marks around the group of words tells BASH that this is a single argument.

So, now we can accept arguments from the command line, but how can we ensure that the correct number of arguments are entered? BASH includes another special variable, $#, which stores the total number of arguments that were entered. This allows you to test the number of entered arguments against the expected number and print an error message if the test fails.

Listing 9: /opt/book/scripting/user_input_ex2

#! /bin/bash
if [ $# -eq 3 ]
echo “The first argument: $1”
echo “The second argument: $2”
echo “The third argument: $3”
    echo “Three arguments are required!”
[alice@sunshine ~]$ /opt/book/scripting/user_input_ex2 42 Earth
Three arguments are required!

Reading user input

The other option for including user input into your scripts is the read command. read pauses the execution of a script until the user enters a value and presses return. To demonstrate the use of read, we will update the the number guessing script:

Listing 10: /opt/book/scripting/number_guess_v3

#! /bin/bash
#Prompt for user input
echo “Enter a number between 1 and 100 and press [ENTER]: ”
read guess

number=$(( ( $RANDOM % 100 ) + 1 ))
#Is the guess correct?
if [ $guess -eq $number ]
     echo “Correct guess: The number is $number”
# Is the guess high?
elif [ $number -lt $guess ]
echo “Guess lower: The number is less than $guess”
# Is the guess low?
elif [ $number -gt $guess ]
echo “Guess higher: The number is greater than $guess”

[alice@sunshine ~]$ /opt/book/scripting/number_guess_v3
Enter a number between 1 and 100 and press [ENTER]: 15
Guess lower: The number is less than 15


One of the most useful aspects of BASH scripting (and computer programming in general) is the ability to reduce repetitive tasks down to a few simple commands. Instead of typing the same or similar commands over and over again, a loop allows you to write the commands you wish to execute once and then have the shell repeat them. We will be working with two types of loops available in BASH scripts:

  1. for loops – These loops repeat the commands using a given list of input items
  2. while loops – These loops repeat the commands while a given condition is true

For loops

For loops are the most basic and the most commonly used looping construct in BASH scripts. A for loop iterates over a list of items, executing any commands contained in the loop during each iteration. When the BASH intepretor reaches the keyword “done,” it jumps back to the beginning of the loop and begins the next iteration. During each successive pass through the loop, the value of the loop variable (var in the following example) is changed to the current element in the list. /opt/book/scripting/for_loop_example1 is an example of a simple for loop:

Listing 11: /opt/book/scripting/for_loop_example

#! /bin/bash
for var in “item1” “item2” “item3”
    echo “The current item is $var”
#More commands could be added here

When run, you can see that the value of $var changes with each iteration:

[alice@sunshine ~]$ /opt/book/scripting/for_loop_example1
The current item is item1
The current item is item2
The current item is item3

In addition to listing each item on the command line, you can also use the output of a command as the list of items to iterate over.

Listing 12: /opt/book/scripting/for_loop_example2

#! /bin/bash
for word in $(head -3 /opt/book/scripting/words.txt)
   echo “Original word: $word”
   echo “All uppercase: $(echo $word | tr ‘[:lower:]’ ‘[:upper:]’)”
[alice@sunshine ~]$ /opt/book/scripting/for_loop_example2
Original word: eyes
All uppercase: EYES
Original word: record
All uppercase: RECORD
Original word: explosive
All uppercase: EXPLOSIVE

As you can see, the first three lines in /opt/book/scripting/words.txt (eyes, record, explosive) were used as the list of items to iterate over. The first command in the loop is a simple echo statement, printing the value of $word, but the second command is a little more complex. In this command, we piped the value of the $word variable to tr and converted the lower case characters to upper case (echo $word | tr ‘[:lower:]’ ‘[:upper:]’), the output of that command is then printed to the screen.

Internal field separator

When reading the output from a command in a for loop, BASH determines the separation between each item by using a special internal variable $IFS, the internal field separator. The variable contains a list of characters which are used as field boundaries; when one is found, a new item for the for loop is created. The default values in $IFS are the white space characters (space, tab, and newline), but the list can be modified, for example, to parse a comma-separated list or to ignore one of the defaults as a separator and allow it as part of an item.

Listing 13: /opt/book/scripting/ifs_example1

!# /bin/bash
for line in $(tail -3 /etc/passwd)
    echo $line
[alice@sunshine ~]$ /opt/book/scripting/ifs_example1
russell.dacanay:x:1648:100: ”Russell
daniel.saddler:x:1649:100: ”Daniel
russell.lavigne:x:1650:100: ”Russell

As you can see, using the default value for $IFS, the lines from /etc/passwd are broken up in the middle of fifth column because of the space or spaces in the text of that field. To fix this issue, we will set $IFS to contain only the newline character ($’ ’).

Listing 14: /opt/book/scripting/ifs_example2

!# /bin/bash
#Change IFS to the newline character only
for line in $(tail -3 /etc/passwd)
    echo $line
[alice@sunshine ~]$ /opt/book/scripting/ifs_example1
russell.dacanay:x:1648:100: ”Russell Dacanay (Staff-Library)”: 
daniel.saddler:x:1649:100: ”Daniel Saddler (Staff-Student Services)”: 
russell.lavigne:x:1650:100: ”Russell Lavigne (Staff-Academic Affairs VP

Not that the backslash () in the output above is a line-continuation character, which is used because the output is too long to be printed on a single line. If you run the script in your Linux virtual machine, you will find the line with the backslash and the one after it are printed as a single line.


You will often need to execute an action a specific number of times or use a sequence of numbers as the input for a loop. Since version 3.0,4 BASH has included a built-in syntax for generating a sequence of numbers as input for a for loop. Number sequences are surrounded by curly braces ({ }) and the arguments are separated by two periods (..). Sequences can be created using either two or three arguments – if two arguments are given, the first is the starting value and the second is the ending value. The loop is then executed using each integer from the starting to the ending value.

Listing 15: /opt/book/scripting/sequence_example1

for number in {1..5}
    echo $number

[alice@sunshine ~]$ /opt/book/scripting/sequence_example1

You can also increment numbers backward by listing a higher number as the starting value and a lower number as the ending value.

Listing 16: /opt/book/scripting/reverse_sequence

for number in {10..1}
    echo $number

[alice@sunshine ~]$ /opt/book/scripting/reverse_sequence

If three arguments are given,5 the third argument determines what the increment between each number in the series should be.

Listing 17: /opt/book/scripting/sequence_example3

for number in {1..10..2}
   echo $number

[alice@sunshine ~]$ /opt/book/scripting/sequence_example3

Note that “10” was not part of the results returned. This is because the number sequence contains all of the numbers that are less than or equal to the ending value. Since the sequence is incrementing by two, the next number in the series would be eleven, but that is greater than our ending value of 10.

Break and continue

Under certain conditions, you may want to stop the processing of a loop or skip ahead to the next iteration of a loop. The break and continue keywords give you this ability. The break keyword stops the processing of a loop, skipping any remaining commands in the current iteration of the loop, and skipping all of the remaining items in the input list. Execution of the script is not interrupted; however, it will continue to execute any commands after the loop.

Listing 18: /opt/book/scripting/break_example

for number in {1..5}
if [ $number -eq 4 ]
   echo “Stop!”
echo “$number”
echo “This command runs AFTER the loop is complete.”

[alice@sunshine ~]$ /opt/book/scripting/break_example
This command runs AFTER the loop is complete.

Note that the loop is processed as expected for the first three numbers in the sequence. When the condition in the if statement ($number -eq 4) is met, “Stop!” is printed to the screen, the break keyword is reached, and execution of the loop ends. As another example, we will update the number guessing script to give the user five chances to guess the number and break if the number is guessed early.

Listing 19: /opt/book/scripting/number_guess_v4

#! /bin/bash
number=$(( ( $RANDOM % 100 ) + 1 ))
#Give the user 5 guesses
for loop in {1..5}
#Prompt for user input
echo “Enter a number between 1 and 100 and press [ENTER]: ”
read guess
echo “”
#Is the guess correct?
if [ $guess -eq $number ]
     echo “Correct guess: The number is $number”
     echo “You guessed it in $loop tries”
# Is the guess high?
elif [ $number -lt $guess ]
     echo “Guess number $loop”
     echo “Guess lower: The number is less than $guess”
# Is the guess low?
elif [ $number -gt $guess ]
  echo “Guess number $loop”
  echo “Guess higher: The number is greater than $guess”

[alice@sunshine ~]$ /opt/book/scripting/number_guess_v4
Enter a number between 1 and 100 and press [ENTER]: 15

Guess number 1
Guess lower: The number is lower than 15
Enter a number between 1 and 100 and press [ENTER]: 3

Guess number 2
Guess higher: The number is higher than 3
Enter a number between 1 and 100 and press [ENTER]: 5

Correct guess: The number is 5
You guessed it in 3 tries

The continue keyword skips the remaining commands in the current iteration of the loop and begins the next iteration. In the next example, we'll use the same code from listing 13 but replace the break keyword with continue.

Listing 20: /opt/book/scripting/continue_example

for number in {1..5}
if [ $number -eq 4 ]
       echo “Stop!”
echo “$number”

echo “This command runs AFTER the loop is complete.”

[alice@sunshine ~]$ /opt/book/scripting/continue_example

This command runs AFTER the loop is complete.

Note the difference in the output between this script and the script in listing 18. Again, the first three iterations of the loop are processed as expected and the condition of the if statement is met on the fourth iteration. However, instead of exiting from the loop, processing continues with the fifth (and final) iteration of the loop.

While loops

Instead of operating on a list of items like a for loop, while loops will continue running until a specific condition is met. Before starting an iteration of the loop, the condition is tested. If the result is true, the commands inside the loop are executed. If it is false, the loop is skipped and the rest of the script is executed.

Listing 21: /opt/book/scripting/while_loop_example1

#! /bin/bash
while [ $counter -le 5 ]
    echo $counter
    $(( counter=$counter + 1 ))

[alice@sunshine ~]$ /opt/book/scripting/while_loop_example1

As you can see, the output from this command is similar to some of the for loop examples that we have looked at previously. However, the script itself has some major differences. The first difference you'll notice is that unlike when using a for loop, we defined the initial value of the counter variable before executing the loop.

When the BASH interpreter reaches the while statement, if the current value of counter is less than or equal to five, the commands inside the loop are executed. During the loop, the current value of counter is printed to the screen and then increased by one ($((counter=$counter+ 1))). At this point, the value of counter is tested again and if it is still less than or equal to five, the loop continues.

When writing a script, you may need to create an infinite loop: a loop that continues until the user explicitly ends the script. They are typically used when you need to monitor something at regular intervals, such as the size of a file or the number of logged-in users. To create an infinite loop, you'll create a while loop whose test condition always evaluates as true. You can see the use of an infinite loop to monitor the size of a log file (/var/log/httpd/access_log) in listing 14. With each iteration, the time the file was checked and the size of the log file is printed to the screen. The script will loop until the user exits the script, either by pressing the “CTRL” and “C” keys together or closing the terminal window the script is running in.

Listing 22: /opt/book/scripting/while_loop_example2

#! /bin/bash
echo “This script will loop forever. Hit Control+C (CTRL+C) to exit.”
while [ true ]
    sleep 2
    echo “”
    echo “$(wc -l /var/log/httpd/access_log)”

[alice@sunshine ~]$ /opt/book/scripting/while_loop_example2
This script will loop forever. Hit Control+C (CTRL+C) to exit.

Fri Jan 4 08:11:00 EST 2013
  7 /var/log/httpd/access_log

Fri Jan 4 08:11:02 EST 2013
  7 /var/log/httpd/access_log

Fri Jan 4 08:11:04 EST 2013
  8 /var/log/httpd/access_log

Fri Jan 4 08:11:06 EST 2013
  9 /var/log/httpd/access_log

To test this script, you'll need to open the web browser and visit after starting the script. The number of entries in the log file will increase each time you load the web page.

Putting it all together

You've now seen the basic pieces of a shell script; let's look at a script that uses many of these elements to automate a process across all of the users on the system. The Linux virtual machine included with this text has over 1,000 accounts, far too many to support by hand. This script extracts important information for each account and displays it in an easy to read format.

Listing 23: /opt/book/scripting/user_info

#! /bin/bash
#This script returns import information about all users on the system

#Example line from /etc/passwd
#alice:x:501:501:Alice Adams:/home/alice:/bin/bash
for user in $(cut -d: -f1 /etc/passwd)
    #Grab the line from the password file that
    #contains this user's info. We append the
    #delimiter (:) to ensure we only get results
    #for this username and not similar users
    userinfo=$(grep $user: /etc/passwd)

    comment=$(echo $userinfo | cut -d: -f5)
    home=$(echo $userinfo | cut -d: -f6)
    groups=$(groups $user | cut -d: -f2)

   #We only want this to run on “regular” users,
   #not system accounts. Skip users that do not
   #have ‘/home’ in the path to their home directory
    if [ $(echo “$home” | grep -v ‘/home/’) ]

    echo “Username: $user”
    echo “User Info: $comment”
    echo “Home Directory: $home”
    echo “Groups: $groups”

    echo “Disk usage: $(du -sh $home)”

    last=$(last $user | head -1)

    if [ $(echo $last | wc -c) -gt 1 ]
        echo “Last login: ”
        echo “$last”
        echo “User has never logged in!”
    echo “”
    echo “--”
    echo “”

[alice@sunshine ~]$ /opt/book/scripting/user_info
Username: alice
User Info: Alice Adams
Home Directory: /home/alice
Groups: alice sys
Disk Usage: 75M /home/alice
Last login:
alice pts/3 Sun Jan 13 12:22 - 13:00 (0:48)
Username: bob
User Info: Bob Brown
Home Directory: /home/bob
Groups: bob
Disk Usage: 1.1M /home/bob
Last login:
bob pts/6 Sun Jan 6 16:48 - 18:46 (1:58)

Let's look at this script in depth. In the first few lines, we set up a loop using all of the username on this system. The username is always the first column in /etc/password.

for user in $(cut -d: -f1 /etc/passwd)

For each account, we search the /etc/password file to find the account information for the user.

userinfo=$(grep $user: /etc/passwd)

The next section of the script uses cut to separate the columns of the account information into usable variables. It also uses the groups command to get the list of groups the user is a member of and the du command to calculate the amount of storage their home directory is using.

comment=$(echo $userinfo | cut -d: -f5)
home=$(echo $userinfo | cut -d: -f6)
groups=$(groups $user | cut -d: -f2)
echo “Username: $user”
echo “User Info: $comment”
echo “Home Directory: $home”
echo “Groups: $groups”
echo “Disk usage: $(du -sh $home)”

The final portion of the script uses the last command to get the latest login for this user. If the user has never logged in, the result from last will be a blank line and the script will display an error message. If the user has logged in, the last time the user has logged in and the duration of that login session are displayed.

last=$(last $user | head -1)
if [ $(echo $last | wc -c) -gt 1 ]
  echo “Last login:”
  echo $last
  echo “User has never logged in!”

Example case–Max Butler

In 1998, Max Butler was a 26-year-old computer enthusiast, earning over $100/hour testing the security of corporate clients while also volunteering for the San Francisco office of the FBI. That year, a critical security flaw was found in the most popular open-source DNS server used on the Internet – BIND. BIND was used on virtually all servers to map URLS such as “” to IP addresses such as The flaw would allow hackers to get complete control of any server running an unprotected version of BIND. In particular, almost all US Department of Defense servers ran BIND. If these servers were to be protected from attackers, they were to be patched before attackers got to them. But the military bureaucracy can be slow. How is a concerned security expert with all the innocence of a 20-year-old to fix the problem asap?

Enter scripting. A script could operate at the speed of a computer and instruct hundreds of computers every second to download a patch and fix themselves. Max Butler did just that, putting together a script that located any server running the unpatched version of BIND and updating it with the specified patch. While he was at it, Max also modified the patch so that it created a backdoor that only Max was aware of. This way, Max thought he was protecting the computers from attackers, while at the same time, giving him unrestricted access to the same computers so he could go in and fix them all by himself the next time a vulnerability was reported. No need to waste time contacting DoD administrators.

The good deed worked, but unfortunately for Max, the backdoor was not seen kindly. When DoD system administrators found about it, they prosecuted Max. On May 21, 2001, Max was sent to prison for 18 months for the deed.

This was not Max's last brush with cybercrime or prison. He later went on to command the majority of illicit online credit card marketplaces. On February 12, 2010, he was sentenced to 13 years in prison for the offense, then the longest sentence ever awarded for computer crime. This was later eclipsed by the sentence awarded to Albert Gonzales for the T.J. Maxx case. Max is currently serving the sentence at the Yankton Federal Prison Camp, a minimum security facility in South Dakota. He is scheduled to be released on 1/1/2019. CNBC produced a case file segment on him, called “American greed.”


Poulsen, K. “Kingpin: how one hacker took over the billion-dollar cybercrime underground,” Random House.


This chapter introduced you to shell scripts and their utility. Scripts are one of the most powerful tools in the arsenal of any IT professional, and especially so for an information security professional. With discipline, a professional can incorporate all their professional experience into their script repertoire for reuse at moment's notice. We have tried to use an interesting use case to introduce the topic and hope you will be inspired to develop your own scripts to automate repetitive tasks in your day-to-day work.

Apple's developer library has a very concise and well-written chapter to introduce shell scripting called Shell scripting primer.6


  1. What is shell scripting?
  2. What is shell scripting used for? Why is this helpful?
  3. What is the important difference between scripting languages and other computer languages?
  4. What is the first line of every BASH script?
  5. What happens when the script file does not have execute permissions for the user attempting to run the script?
  6. What is output redirection? Why is it useful?
  7. What character redirects the output of one command to be the input of another?
  8. How can you send the output of a script to a file? How can this be useful?
  9. Would echo “$PATH” and echo ‘$PATH’ result in the same output?
  10. What symbol does BASH use for multiplication?
  11. What character begins every comment in a BASH script?
  12. What does the cut command do?
  13. What is the sort command used for?
  14. What is the uniq command used for?
  15. Which of these variable assignments is correct?
    1. myVariable = 35
    2. myVariable = 35
    3. myVariable= 35
    4. myVariable =35
  16. What character reads data from a file and uses it as input for another command?
  17. What are environment variables? How are they useful?
  18. What are built-in variables? How are they different from environment variables?
  19. What should the value of $? be if the last command that was executed completed successfully?
  20. How can you collect user input from a script?
  21. What variable will return the second argument given to a script on the command line?
  22. What is an internal field separator? What is its default value? How can it be modified? Why might you do that?
  23. What sequence of numbers would {1..10..3} include?
  24. What are loops? Why are they useful?
  25. When does a while loop end?


  1. What were some establishments affected by Max Butler's script?
  2. Max Butler claims that he installed the backdoor on the affected computers as a benign move so that he could fix the computers in the future all by himself. How do you react to this claim, i.e., to what extent do you believe that this claim absolves him of guilt?


These activities are included to demonstrate your knowledge of the commands and scripting techniques learned in this chapter. Using the Linux virtual machine you configured in Chapter 2, open a terminal window by selecting the “System Tools” panel under the “Applications” menu. After completing each exercise, submit a screenshot of the output to your instructor.

  1. Save the output of /opt/book/scripting/user_info to a text file. Name it /opt/book/scripting/results/exercise1
  2. Write a script (name it /opt/book/scripting/results/exercise2) which:
    2.1 Lists all of the files in the /usr/bin directory whose name contains “my”
    2.2 Save the list of files to /tmp/exercise1.txt
    2.3 Displays the number of files found to the user
  3. Write a script (name it /opt/book/scripting/results/exercise3) which:
    3.1 Asks the user for the length and width (in feet) of a rectangular room
    3.2 Calculates the area of the room
    3.3 Displays the result to the user
  4. Write a script (name it /opt/book/scripting/results/exercise4) which:
    4.1 Counts backward from 10 to 1
    4.2 Displays the current number
    4.3 Pauses for 1 second between numbers
    4.4 Displays the text “LIFT OFF” after reaching number 1
  5. Make a copy of /opt/book/scripting/while_loop_example1 (name it /opt/book/scripting/results/exercise5) and modify it to:
    5.1 Ask the user for a maximum number
    5.2 Display all of the even numbers up to the maximum number
  6. Make a copy of /opt/book/scripting/number_guess_v4 (name it /opt/book/scripting/results/exercise6) and update it to give the user as many chances as necessary to guess the number.
  7. Make a copy of /opt/book/scripting/user_info (name it /opt/book/scripting/results/exercise7) and update it to:
    7.1 Accept a username as a command line argument
    7.2 Instead of displaying the account information for all accounts, output only the information for this account

Deliverables: Submit all of the files in the /opt/book/scripting/results directory to your instructor.


Scripting is a great utility. But we would be remiss in a book on information security if we did not alert you to important security concerns with scripts. Apple's developer pages have information on shell script security. Highlights include the following:

  • If the full (absolute) paths to commands are not specified, the script may end up running malicious code that has the same name as a command invoked from the script.
  • If user input is accepted without verification, a knowledgeable user can exploit the script's privileges. Therefore, as far as possible, user input should be used only if matches a set of allowed values.
  • Scripts should not have to determine whether a user has the required privileges to execute a script. The user invoking the script can modify environment variables to defeat such checks.


Apple Corp., “Shell scripting primer,” (accessed 07/19/2013)


  1. If scripts are primarily for use by expert system administrators, why should you care about security in the script code?
  2. Why is it dangerous to execute scripts as the root user?


You are called to investigate a possible break in on an Ubuntu Linux box. The log file storing ssh login information is of interest. The following is a snippet of the file auth.log. The complete file is available on the Linux Virtual Machine as /opt/book/scripting/design_cas/auth.log

Feb 17 08:00:08 inigo sshd[7049]: Failed
password for root from port 59146 ssh2
Feb 17 08:00:09 inigo sshd[7049]: Received
disconnect from 11: Bye Bye [preauth]
Feb 17 08:00:16 inigo sshd[7051]: pam_
unix(sshd:auth): authentication
failure; logname= uid=0 euid=0 tty=ssh
ruser= rhost=
Feb 17 08:00:18 inigo sshd[7051]: Failed
password for root from port 59877 ssh2
Feb   17   08:00:19   inigo   sshd[7051]:
Connection closed by
Feb 17  08:17:01  inigo  CRON[7296]: pam_
unix(cron:session): session
opened for user root by (uid=0)
Feb  17 08:17:01  inigo CRON[7296]: pam_
unix(cron:session): session
closed for user root
  1. Create a script that displays the IP addresses (without duplicates) of all servers that tried to login and failed to login as the user ‘root’ along with the number of times each server attempted to log in. Sort the results by the number of failed logins.
  2. Create a script which displays all of the account names and that were tried that do not exist on this server (Hint: look for the phrase ‘Failed password for invalid user’) and the IP address that attempt came from. Sort the list alphabetically and do not include duplicate lines.
  3. Create a script that will read a file (ip.txt) containing a list of IPs and try to resolve the Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) with the `host` command. The FQDN is the human mnemonic version of the IP address, such as or The script should store the IP and FQDN (or ‘UNKNOWN’ if the IP can not be resolved), one set per line, comma-separated, to a file named fqdn.txt.

1Shields, I. N.p.. Web. 10 December 2012, <>

2Peter, S. A Quarter-Century of Unix, Addison-Wesley, 1994.

3BASH supports multiple syntaxes for if/then. See for more information.

4See the manual page for the seq command for information on generating sequences in earlier versions.

5BASH version 4.0 or greater required.

6 (accessed 07/19/2013).

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