
Alternative hypothesis, 44

Analysis of variance (ANOVA)

definition of, 53

description of, 5361

homogeneity of variance, 6061

in R, 6162

Assignment models, 150155

Average chart, 31

Bar graph, 1819

Big data, 157159

Binding constraint, 139

Boundedness, 135

Business analytic modeling tools

big data, 157159

data mining, 159160

Business analytics

definition of, 1

modeling, 160162

Business decision making

description of, 34

management decision process, 56

management science, 79

scientific method, 45

C-Charts. See Control charts

CDF. See Cumulative distribution function

Certainty, 133

Chart tools, 1920

Column graph, 1819

Confidence level, 2930

Continuity, 133134

Continuous numbers, 30

Control charts (C-Charts), 3840

Correlation, 9697

Critical path models, 9

Cumulative distribution function (CDF), 57

Data analysis Toolpak add-In, 8590

Data mining, 159160

Data series, 9195

Decision theory, 9

Degeneracy, 135

Dichotomous events, 103105

Dual prices, 139141

Dynamic programming, 9

Feasibility, 134

Finite population, 27, 28

Full model vs. actual HangSeng, 92

Game theory, 9

HangSeng monthly time series regression, 93

HangSeng regression vs. time, 95

HangSeng time series, 95

Heat map, 16

Histograms, 2325

Homogeneity of variance, 6061

Hypothesis, 43

Hypothesis statement, 44

Hypothesis testing

criteria of decision, 4446

definition of, 43

hypothesis statement, 44

making decision, 4647

observations and sample statistics, 46

“In control” process, 32

Infinite population, 28

Integer models, 142

Inventory modeling, 8

KM. See Knowledge management

Knowledge acquisition, 10

Knowledge management (KM)

analytics perspective, 12

big data, 1011

computer system perspective, 1112

definition of, 910

Kruskal-Wallis test

decription of, 6769

R solutions, 69

Lagged models, 100101

Linearity, 132

Linear programming, 89

complications, 134135

definition of, 119

integer models, 142

model assumptions, 132134

optimization, 119127

sensitivity analysis, 135141

solver, 127132

transportation models, 149155

zero-one programming, 143149

Linear regression

software demonstrations, 8182

time series forecasting, 7181

Line charts, 1617, 2021

Logistic regression

definition of, 103

log transformation of odds, 105107

multiple, 112114

odds of dichotomous events, 103105

simple, 107112

software solution for, 114115

Log likelihood function, 106107

Log transformation of odds, 105107

Lower control limit, 35

Management decision process, 56

Management science, 79

Mann-Whitney test, 6365

Mean line, 35

Modeling decision environments, 1314

Moving average models, 7172

Multiple logistic regression, 112114

Multiple optimal solution, 135

Multiple regression

correlation, 9697

data series, 9195

lagged models, 100101

models, 97100

Network models, 9

Nonbinding constraint, 139140

Nonlinear models, 9

Nonlinear programming, 9

Nonparametric tests, 47

Nonparametric tests of means

Mann-Whitney and Wilcoxon test, 6365

Wilcoxon signed rank test, 6566

Null hypothesis, 44

Optimization, 89

components, 122125

demonstration model, 120121

description of, 119120

solution, 125127

“Out of control” process, 32

Parametric tests, 47

P-Charts. See Probability charts

Pie charts, 2223

Probability charts (P-Charts), 4042

Quality control charts, 30

Quality control sampling, 3042

Random sampling, 29

Range chart, 31, 3738

Reduced costs, 136139, 141

Regression models, 7276

Representative samples, 28

Sampled population, 27

Sample size, 30

Sample variance, 49

Sampling, 27

Sampling frame, 28

Scatter plots, 1718

Scientific method, 45

Seasonality, 7881

Sensitivity analysis

description of, 135136

dual prices, 139141

reduced costs, 136139, 141

Significant variable model, 94

Simple logistic regression, 107112

Simple random sample, 28

Simulation, 8

Solver, 127132

Statistics, 8

Stratified random sampling, 2829

Subgroup markers, 35

Systematic sampling, 29

Time series error metrics, 7678

Time series forecasting

moving average models, 7172

regression models, 7276

seasonality, 7881

time series error metrics, 7678

Transportation models, 9, 149155

T test

description of, 4950

using R for, 5153

Two-sample Z test, 4849

Unique optimal solution, 135

Upper control limit, 35

Variety, 11

Velocity, 11


bar and column graphs, 1819

chart tools, 1920

heat map, 16

histograms, 2325

line charts, 1617, 2021

pie charts, 2223

scatter plots, 1718

using secondary axis, 2122

Volume, 1011

Wilcoxon signed rank test, 6366

Zero-one programming

constraints, 144149

objective, 143144

variables, 144

Z test

for independent samples, 4748

two-sample, 4849

using R for, 5153

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