How to do it...

  1. Create an array to assign weights to minor labels:
INDArray weightsArray = Nd4j.create(new double[]{0.35, 0.65});
  1. Modify OutPutLayer to evenly balance the labels in the dataset:
new OutputLayer.Builder(new LossMCXENT(weightsArray)).nIn(incomingConnectionCount).nOut(labelCount).activation(Activation.SOFTMAX))
  1. Initialize the neural network and add the training listeners:
MultiLayerConfiguration configuration =;
MultiLayerNetwork multiLayerNetwork = new MultiLayerNetwork(configuration);
multiLayerNetwork.setListeners(new ScoreIterationListener(iterationCount));
  1. Add the DL4J UI Maven dependency to analyze the training process:
  1. Start the UI server and add temporary storage to store the model information:
UIServer uiServer = UIServer.getInstance();
StatsStorage statsStorage = new InMemoryStatsStorage();

Replace InMemoryStatsStorage with FileStatsStorage (in case of memory restrictions):

multiLayerNetwork.setListeners(new ScoreIterationListener(100),
new StatsListener(statsStorage));
  1. Assign the temporary storage space to the UI server:
  1. Train the neural network by calling fit():,100);
  1. Evaluate the model by calling evaluate():
Evaluation evaluation = multiLayerNetwork.evaluate(dataSetIteratorSplitter.getTestIterator(),Arrays.asList("0","1"));
System.out.println(evaluation.stats()); //printing the evaluation metrics
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