How to do it...

  1. Call the load() method to import the model from the saved location:
File savedLocation = new File("");
boolean saveUpdater = true;
MultiLayerNetwork restored = MultiLayerNetwork.load(savedLocation, saveUpdater);
  1. Add the required pom dependency to use the deeplearning4j-zoo module:
  1. Add the fine-tuning configuration for MultiLayerNetwork using the TransferLearning API:
MultiLayerNetwork newModel = new TransferLearning.Builder(oldModel)
  1. Add the fine-tuning configuration for ComputationGraph using the TransferLearning API:
ComputationGraph newModel = new TransferLearning.GraphBuilder(oldModel).
  1. Configure the training session using TransferLearningHelper. TransferLearningHelper can be created in two ways:
    • Pass in the model object that was created using the transfer learning builder (step 2) with the frozen layers mentioned:
 TransferLearningHelper tHelper = new TransferLearningHelper(newModel);
    • Create it directly from the imported model by specifying the frozen layers explicitly:
TransferLearningHelper tHelper = new TransferLearningHelper(oldModel, "layer1")

  1. Featurize the train/test data using the featurize() method:
  while(iterator.hasNext()) {
DataSet currentFeaturized = transferLearningHelper.featurize(;
saveToDisk(currentFeaturized); //save the featurized date to disk
  1. Create train/test iterators by using ExistingMiniBatchDataSetIterator:
DataSetIterator existingTrainingData = new ExistingMiniBatchDataSetIterator(new File("trainFolder"),"churn-"+featureExtractorLayer+"-train-%d.bin");
DataSetIterator existingTestData = new ExistingMiniBatchDataSetIterator(new File("testFolder"),"churn-"+featureExtractorLayer+"-test-%d.bin");
  1. Start the training instance on top of the featurized data by calling fitFeaturized():
  1. Evaluate the model by calling evaluate() for unfrozen layers:
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