How to do it...

  1. Add the following snippet (at the beginning of the source code) to set the data type for the current JVM runtime:

  1. Write word vectors into a file:
WordVectorSerializer.writeWordVectors(model.lookupTable(),new File("words.txt"));
  1. Separate the weights of the unique words into their own list using WordVectorSerializer:
Pair<InMemoryLookupTable,VocabCache> vectors = WordVectorSerializer.loadTxt(new File("words.txt"));
VocabCache cache = vectors.getSecond();
INDArray weights = vectors.getFirst().getSyn0();
  1. Create a list to add all unique words:
 List<String> cacheList = new ArrayList<>();
for(int i=0;i<cache.numWords();i++){
  1. Build a dual-tree t-SNE model for dimensionality reduction using BarnesHutTsne
BarnesHutTsne tsne = new BarnesHutTsne.Builder()
  1. Establish the t-SNE values and save them to a file:;
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