

Acceptance angle, 151

Acoustic requirements of studios, 164

Adaptation and glare, 21

Additive colour mixing, 23

Air conditioning, 147

requirements, 1612

Alternating current (a.c.) power supplies, 191

American National Standards Institute (ANSI), 59, 270

ANSI lumens, 1801

Angle of lighting, 48

Anti–halation layer, 38

Apostilb, 43

Argon, 55

Auto transformer dimmers, 138

Automated control systems, 1434

Automatic voltage regulator, (AVR), 72

Backlighting, 7, 9, 10, 11

Back–up systems, 143

Ballast, 69

Barndoors, 103, 127, 231, 237

motorised, 181

Barrel loading, 1224

Barrels, 108

fixed, 156

installations, 1545

motorised, 108, 111, 118, 1557, 185

rigging, 1212

roller, 109, 156

self–climbing, 111, 155

sockets, 115

Bars, dimmers on, 127


emergency lighting, 212

hand lamps, 101

BBC lighting system, 14, 15, 108, 121, 131, 150, 155, 186, 207

Beam angle, 12, 48

light, 94

Black body radiation, 279, 50

Blacklight, 18

Block and tackle, 108

Blonde, 12

Boats, 108, 151

Bohr, Niels, 29

Bond, safety, 216

Borosilicate glass lamps, 62, 67

Bottom cyc lighting, 152

Bottom limit switch, 114

Brightness, 23, 25

Brite arc lamps, 67

Bromine lamps, 61

Brute spotlight, 12, 63

Buffon, George Louis Leclerc de, 78

Building construction, 147

Burning angles, 104, 218


armoured, 226

mixing of voltages/multicore, 2012, 2278

Calibrated lamp, 46

Cameras, light conversion in, 40

Candela, 42, 51

Candles, 42

Carbon arc lights, 12, 63, 106

CE conformity mark, 222, 230

Celsius, Anders, 49

Centigrade system, 49

Centre of gravity (C of G) of luminaires, 104

CCDs (charged coupled devices), 3940

sensitivity, 41

Charging batteries, 102

Choke ballasts, 649

Chroma, 23

key, 100

CID lamps, 67


chromacity diagram, 26

guidelines for sports lighting, 170

CIE (cont.)

primary functions, 41

standard light sources, 27

standard observer, 245

Circuit breakers and fuses, 59, 201

Circular true radius reflectors, 82

Citizen Kane, 5

Coiled lamp filaments, 55

Cold cathode lamps, 63

Cold inrush, 129, 134


balance, 14

correction, 347

frames, 217

matching, 24

measurement, 50

mixing, 23

perception, 22

primary, 24

prism, 22

rendering, 234, 28, 100

sensitivity system, 20, 3940

shift in dimming, 71

specification, 24

temperature, 14, 50, 196

wheels, 27, 178

Commission Internationale de l'Eclairage see CIE

Condenser lens, 989

Cones (eye photoreceptors), 201

Consoles, 13844

basic functions, 140

lighting, 13844

Consultant, lighting, 147


of dimmers, 13844

of lighting, 69, 143

of motorised lighting systems, 181

of pantographs, 1878

of winch units, 1201

Conversion of light in cameras, 37

Correlated colour temperature (CCT), 66


corrected meters, 512

cubed law, 46

law, 445

Counterweight systems, 111, 11718, 154


bars, 123

keys, 10

Crosslighting, 20, 373

CSI lamps, 67

Cyclorama, 87, 151, 152, 153, 209

(cyc) lights, 95, 98, 159

design, 97

distribution, 199201

reflectors, 87

Davy, Humphrey, 63

Daylight filter, 32

Daymax lamps, 67

D.C. component of dimmers, 133

'Delta’ connected systems, 147


coatings of lamps, 55

filters, 32, 33

Dietrich Marlene, 5

Digital control of dimmers, 127

Dimmers and dimming, 12645

chokes, 130, 132

control systems, 134, 13844

digital control, 127

distributed, 137

EMC directive, 1445

fusing and sub–fusing, 135

in luminaires, 146

law, 127

mechanical, 126, 163

problems in practice, 130

safety, 224

rack safety, 224226

technical parameters, 133

theory, 128

types, 132

Dimmer rooms, 1315

noise, 164

Dipless crossfade, 140

Disability glare, 21

Discharge halides, 646

Discharge lighting, 63

colour distribution, 50, 66

safety, 21920

sources, 2830, 6271

tables, 27981, 2768

Discomfort glare, 21

Diverter pulleys, 113, 231

DMX, 1, 101, 134, 137, 144, 176

Doors, lens discharge, 219

Dressing room lighting, 210

Drop arms, 124

Earth leakage circuit breaker see Residual current devices

Earthing, 193, 197

Edison, Thomas, 55

Edison and Swan United Electrical Company, 55

EEC Mechanical Regulations, 221

Effects optics, 98

Efficacy of lamps, 76, 100, 158


discharge, 54

track system, 190

Electricity (and electrical distribution), 191205

cables, 1947

isolating transformers, 205

lighting loads, 192

meters, 203

phasing, 194

plugs and sockets, 192


factor, 68

patching, 199

requirements, 162, 187, 192

sockets, 199

problems in practice, 198

on the ‘set’, 204

substations, 193

supply, 5960, 1913

switchgear, 193

voltages worldwide, 2669

Electricity at Work Regulations, 229

Electromagnetic interference, 131

Electromagnetic spectrum, 1718

Electronic ballasts, 701

Ellipsoidal/profile lights, 79

Elliptical reflectors, 82, 84, 98

EMC directive, 1445


exits, 21112

lighting, 211

switching, 209, 214, 229

Equal energy white, 26

Escape lighting, 211

Euclid, 22

Expendables and spares, 235

Eyes, 19, 27

F–number, 18

F–stop, 18

Fader settings, 140

Fading lights, 140

Fahrenheit, Daniel Gabriel, 49

Fahrenheit system, 49

Fault currents, 202, 135

Field angle, 48

Filaments construction, 567

Fill lighting, 7

Film and film emulsion, 389

Film sensitivity, 38

Film studios, 5, 150

arc lights, 63

lighting, 13

power, 191

technical design see Studio technical design

Filters, 31, 37

cellulose acetate, 32

colour, 35, 37

colour correction, 35, 36

colour transmission, 35

dichroic, 32

effects, 34

glass, 32

historical, 312

mireds, 367

polyester/polycarbonate, 32

Final lighting, 11

Fire safety, 215, 227

Flat wall testing, 47

Flicker, 68

Flood luminaires, 92

Fluorescence, 54

Fluorescent lamps, 30, 745, 99, 1001, 207

Focusing reflector lights, 93

Follow spot, 90

Foot candle, 43, 45

Foot lambert, 43, 51

Formulae and conversion tables, 2859

Franklin, Benjamin, 62

Fresnel, Augustin Jean, 78


lens, 3

lens distribution, 49

luminaires, 11, 12, 88


key light, 9

softlight, 8

Fuses and circuit breakers, 127, 135, 2013


filling, 55

lighting, 108

pipes, 108

Gates, 8990, 98

Glass Safety, 216

Greenfield sites, 149

Grids, 1089, 153, 158

basic, 109, 156, 161

monopole, 111, 153

roller barrel, 109

motorised, 111, 185

structural loads, 153

walkways, 109


fill light, 9

light, 3

Harmonics (triplet), 72

Heat generation:

by dimmers, 136

by lamps, 55

Heat loads, 161

Hewitt Banks, 14

High temperature seal lamps, 56

Highest takes precedence (HTP), 143

Hiring of equipment, 2339

History of TV lighting, 14


Fresnels, 3

lamps, 12

Hoist Controls, 198

Hot cathode lamps, 63

House lights, 206

Hue, 23

J2t of fuses, 135

Icarus system, 18890

IEE regulations, 223

IGBT, 129

Ignitors, 701


system, 71

voltage, 701


(incident) light, 43

meter, 51

Incandescence, 54

Incandescent sources, 50

history of, 55

tables, 2813, 2715


angle, 67

light, 67

light meters, 512

Indicators, 136

Infrared radiation, 17, 278

Input phasing, 136

Inrush current, 58, 154

Interference, electromagnetic, 130

Inverse square law, 44

Iodine lamps, 60

IP ratings, 224

Iris, 126

Isaacs, Tony, 138

Kelvin, Lord (William Thomson), 49

Kelvin scale, 4950

Key lighting, 7

Labels on equipment, 11415

Lambert's cosine law, 45

Lamp sing, 130


bases, 62

codes, 59

development of, 55

operating and safety instructions, 21921

spectral outputs, 56

tables of, 2708

types, 58, 67

watts, 68

Latest takes precedence (LTP), 143

LD, 12, 34

LEDs (Light Emitting Diodes), 1, 767


meters, 51

sources (standard), 27


designer (director) (LD), 34

grids see Grids

Industries Federation (LIF), 270

loads, 1934

Limit switches, 113

overload/slack rope, 11314

Linear lamps, 2745, 2768

Linnaeus, Carolus, 49

Location and sports lighting, 16572

electrical distribution, 1668

generators, 168

lighting levels, 170, 172

setting up, 166

sports lighting requirements, 170

trussing and support systems, 169

Lumen, 42

Lumens per watt, 42

Luminaires, 78107

assessment of, 46, 47, 10214

automated control, 144

barndoors, 103

carbon arc, 106

centre of gravity design, 104105

dimmers, 162

focusing, 103

multipurpose, 99100

open–faced, 93

pan and tilt, 102

profile edge focus, 103

rigging, 1245

safety, 104, 1245, 216

shutter blades, 89, 103

special designs, 99100

types, 88, 104

ventilation, 105

Luminance, 43

meter, 51


flux, 42

intensity, 42, 43

Lux, 43, 45

Maintenance, 2339

access, 1367

holding spares and expendables, 2357

luminaires, 234

monitoring equipment usage, 238 rooms, 233

standardisation for, 233

suspension system, 234

Manual control of lighting, 140

Mcb, 135, 137, 202

Mccb, 202 MEI lamps, 67

Melvill, Thomas, 28

Memory, 1389, 142, 144

Mercury lamps, 64

Mesh, safety, 216

Metal halide lamps, 31, 64

Metering electricity, 203

Micro reciprocal degrees (mired), 367

Mixing of colours, 23

MMS console, 139

Molybdenum airseal, 56

Monopoles, 108, 11920

installations, 153

motorised, 1856, 188

operation, 121

rigging, 1212

Moore tubes, 63

Motorised lights, 17390

acoustic noise, 173

colour wheels, 1789

control, 175

Digital Light Processing (DLP), 179

digital projection, 179

digital projection control, 180

discharge, 176

electrical track systems, 190

Fresnel/PC, 173

grid system functions, 185

LCD, 179

mechanics, 177

mirrors, 175

pan and tilt, 1756

TV lighting, 1814

vertigo system, 180

Motors for suspension units, 111

Moulded case circuit breaker (mccb), 202

Moving pantographs, 121

MSR lamps, 12

Multi–layer film stock, 389

Munsell, Albert, 23

Munsell system, 23

Musco lighting, 166

Neenan factor, 93

Neon lamp, 63


current, 226

density filters, 37

Newton, Isaac, 22

Newton's colour wheel, 27

Nitrogen, 55

Ni–cad batteries, 102

Nit, 43


arc, 73

induced, 73, 131

Off–line programs, 139

Open–faced luminaires, 85

Panning of luminaires, 11, 231

Pantographs, 11, 110, 11517

control, 11617

motorised, 111, 116, 1856

motor units, 116

rigging, 1212

spring, 110, 116

unit spacing, 186

wind up, 111

PAR lamps, 11, 95, 165

Parcan, 13

Parabolic reflectors, 85

‘Paramount’ lighting, 5

Patching (soft), 127, 142

PC based console, 139, 189

Phase balance, 1945

Phosphors, 54, 100

Phosphorescence, 54

Photopic vision, 20, 51, 52

Photoreceptors, 20

Pinch temperatures, 56

Planck's blackbody radiation law, 50

Plano–convex (PC):

lenses, 78

luminaires, 88, 90

Plastic filters, 32

Plug–in dimmers, 132


diagrams, 467

plot, 49

tests, 47


rotating filter, 15

sheet, 15


correction circuit, 70

factor, 68, 73

Gems, 70

see Electricity (and electrical distribution)

Practical lights, 135

Preset, 138, 140

Primary colours, 234

Profile/ellipsoidal lights, 88, 91

Profile spot, 13, 91

Project team, 1467

Protection see Fuses and circuit breakers Pythagoras, 22

Quantity surveyors, 147

Quartz Iodine lamps, 55, 60

Racks for dimmers, 136

Radiant energy, 1718

Radio waves, 17

Rare earths in lamps, 50

Red/blue balance, 50

Redhead focusing reflector lights, 12, 13, 93

Reflectance (reflection factor), 51

Reflected light measurement, 51

Reflection, 79

types of, 80

Reflectors, 81, 82, 84

Refraction, 7981

Reid, Francis, 174

‘Rembrandt’ lighting, 5

Remote control systems, 143

Residual current devices (RCDS), 1367, 214

Resistance dimmers, 128, 138

Richardson, Mole, 63

Rigging, 1215

Rods (eye photoreceptors), 201

Ropes, 11213

Rutherford, Ernest, 29

Safe working load (SWL), 154

Safety, 2132

anchor point and bond, 1245, 216

cables, 218

checklists and inspections, 2302

electrical, 213

fire, 1489, 215

instruction sheet, 21920

luminaires, 216, 2201

working platforms (towers), 215

Safety glass, 216

Samoiloff, Adrian, 35

Saturated lighting, 108

Scoops, 14

Scrims, 126

Scroll rope winding drums, 112, 231

Sealed beam lights, 95

Sensors (slack rope and overload), 11314, 231

Shock, 21314 Shutter:

blades, 89

blinds, 126

Silicon controlled rectifier (SCR), 128

Sine wave dimmer, 130

Slow motion filming, 15

Sockets see Electricity (and electrical distribution)

Sodium lamps, 63

Softlights, 3, 86, 923

Source, colour, 27


distribution, 301

output of sources, 30, 50

spikes, 31


electromagnetic, 1718

visible, 17, 50

Spigot, 120, 217

Square law dimming, 14, 127, 134

Studio technical design, 14664

acoustic requirements, 164

air conditioning requirements, 147

equipment, 160

smaller studio, 159

structural loads, 153

television studio requirements, 158

standard observer, CIE, 20

Standby lighting, 211

‘Star’ connected systems, 147

Star quad cables, 131

Strand lighting, 139


engineers, 147

loading, 1538

Subtractive colour mixing, 23

Sunlight, 3

Supply of Machinery (Safety) Regulations, 2213

Suspension systems see Grids

Swan, Joseph Wilson, 55


dimming, 1356

electricity supply, 192

Technicolor, 38


cameras, 38

lighting, 158, 163

prompters, 1589

studios, 159, 160

Tenlites, 14


dimmers, 1312

safety, 22930

Thallium lights, 48, 89

Thoriated tungsten, 53 Thorn lighting, 138

Thorn Q file, 1389

Thyristor (silicon controlled rectifier (SCR)), 128

controlling, 1289

dimmers, 128, 209

Tilting of luminaire, 11

Top limit switch, 113

Towers, 215

Transformers, 1912

Triac, 128

Tri–phosphors, 75, 100

Tri–stimulus, 256

colour meter, 523

Triplet harmonics, 72

Trunking, 115, 137

Tungsten, 55

filament lamps, 55

halogen cycle, 61

halogen lamps, 55, 5961, 237

Twin backlights, 9

Ultraviolet (UV) radiation, 1, 66, 181

Value of colours, 23


dimmers, 136

luminaires, 105

studios, 147

Vertical illuminance, 6, 171

Vibration of filaments, 56, 130

Visible spectrum, 17, 66

Volta, Alessandro, 63


drop (cables), 137, 196

international tables, 2669

mixing in cables, 2278

variation in lamps, 5960

Warning labels, 218

Waster light, 83, 84, 90

Watts, 42

Waveforms of dimmers, 1289

Whybron, 182

Winch motors and gearboxes, 111

Winches and winding drums, 11213

Wire ropes, 113

Wired–in dimmers, 133

Working lights and emergency systems, 20612

dimmers, 209

discharge lighting, 207

dressing rooms, 210

emergency switch, 209, 214

integrating the system, 208

type of lights, 206, 207

Xenon lamps, 734

Yokes (luminaires), 216, 231

Zoom optics, 40

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