Chapter 15. Quality Wars: Open Source Versus Proprietary Software

Diomidis Spinellis

Talk is cheap. Show me the code.

Linus Torvalds

When developers compare open source with proprietary software, what should be a civilized debate often degenerates into a flame war. This need not be so, because there is plenty of room for a cool-headed, objective comparison.

Researchers examine the efficacy of open source development processes through various complementary approaches:

  • One method involves looking at the quality of the code, its internal quality attributes, such as the density of comments or the use of global variables [Stamelos et al. 2002].

  • Another approach involves examining the software’s external quality attributes, which reflect how the software appears to its end users [Kuan 2003].

  • Then, instead of the product, one can look at the process and examine measures related to the code’s construction and maintenance, such as the how much code is being added each week or how swiftly bugs are closed [Paulson et al. 2004].

  • Another approach involves discussing specific scenarios. For instance, Hoepman and Jacobs [Hoepman and Jacobs 2007] examine the security of open source software by looking at how leaked source code from Windows NT and Diebold voting machines led to attacks and how open source practices lead to cleaner code and allow the use of security-verification tools.

  • Finally, a number of arguments are based on plain hand waving. More than a decade ago, Bob Glass [Glass 1999] identified this trend in the hype associated with the emergence of Linux in the IT industry.

Although many researchers over the years have examined open source artifacts and processes [Fitzgerald and Feller 2002], [Spinellis and Szyperski 2004], [Feller 2005], [Feller et al. 2005], [von Krogh and von Hippel 2006], [Capiluppi and Robles 2007], [Sowe et al. 2007], [Stol et al. 2009], the direct comparison of open source systems with corresponding proprietary products has remained an elusive goal. The reason for this is that it used to be difficult to find a proprietary product comparable to an open source equivalent, and then convince the proprietary product’s owner to provide its source code for an objective comparison. However, the open-sourcing of Sun’s Solaris kernel (now part of Oracle’s portfolio) and the distribution of large parts of the Windows kernel source code to research institutions provided me with a window of opportunity to perform a comparative evaluation between the open source code and the code of systems developed as proprietary software.

Here I report on code quality metrics (measures) I collected from four large industrial-scale operating systems: FreeBSD, Linux, OpenSolaris, and the Windows Research Kernel (WRK). This chapter is not a crime mystery, so I’m revealing my main finding right up front: there are no significant across-the-board code quality differences between these four systems. Now that you know the ending, let me suggest that you keep on reading, because in the following sections you’ll find not only how I arrived at this finding, but also numerous code quality metrics for objectively evaluating software written in C, which you can also apply to your code. Although some of these metrics have not been empirically validated, they are based on generally accepted coding guidelines, and therefore represent the rough consensus of developers concerning desirable code attributes. I first reported these findings at the 2008 International Conference of Software Engineering [Spinellis 2008]; this chapter contains many additional details.

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