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AAUW (American Association of University Women), Biases, Stereotypes, and the Role of Male Computer-Science Culture
ability deficits, women and, Evidence for deficits in female mathematical-spatial abilitiesEvidence for deficits in female mathematical-spatial abilities
ABS (Arch Build System), Measuring the Source Code
Abstract Factory pattern, Design Pattern Examples, The Second Experiment: Comparing Pattern Solutions to Simpler Ones
abstract syntax trees (ASTs), Detecting Clones in Software
Acceptance-Test-Driven Development (ATDD), The TDD Pill—What Is It?
ACM, Why Is It So Hard to Learn to Program?, Conclusion: A Fledgling Field
International Computing Education Research workshop, Conclusion: A Fledgling Field
SIGCSE Symposium, Why Is It So Hard to Learn to Program?
Ada Process Model, The Architecture and Risk Resolution Factor in Ada COCOMO and COCOMO IIArchitecture and risk resolution (RESL) factor in COCOMO II
Adams, R., Should We Care?
Adaptive Behavior and Cognition research group, A Broader View of Intelligence
Agile methods, Agile Methods, Agile Methods, Dybå and Dingsøyr, Dybå and Dingsøyr, Does the Cost of Fixing Software Increase over the Project Life Cycle?, Cost-to-Fix Growth Evidence, Does the Architecting Need to Be Done Up Front?, How Effective Is Test-Driven Development?Acknowledgments, Are Agile Methods Better for Communication?Are Agile Methods Better for Communication?, A Communal Workshop
architecting and, Does the Architecting Need to Be Done Up Front?
best-known approaches, Agile Methods, Agile Methods
communal workshops and, A Communal Workshop
communication and, Are Agile Methods Better for Communication?Are Agile Methods Better for Communication?
cost of change and, Does the Cost of Fixing Software Increase over the Project Life Cycle?, Cost-to-Fix Growth Evidence
Dybå and Dingsøyr studies, Dybå and Dingsøyr, Dybå and Dingsøyr
Test-Driven Development, How Effective Is Test-Driven Development?Acknowledgments
Ahern, K., Should We Care?
AI (Artificial Intelligence), The Effect of Context
Aldrin, Magne, Acknowledgments
Altabari, Nadja, Acknowledgments, Not All Bug Reports Get Fixed
American Association of University Women (AAUW), Biases, Stereotypes, and the Role of Male Computer-Science Culture
analytical intelligence, A Broader View of Intelligence
And-Or-Tree data structure, Design of the ExperimentResults
Anderson, Lew G., Acknowledgments
Antman, E. M., An Overview of Systematic Reviews
AOP (aspect-oriented programming), Fitness for Purpose, or Why What Convinces You Might Not Convince Me, How Effective Is Modularization?
Apache Portable Runtime (APR), Forking
APIs, Templating, Why Is It Important to Study API Usability?Why Is It Important to Study API Usability?, First Attempts at Studying API UsabilityCognitive Dimensions, Study DesignStudy Design, Summary of Findings from the First Study, Design of the Second Study, Summary of Findings from the Second StudySummary of Findings from the Second Study, Adapting to Different Work StylesScenario-Based Design
adapting to work styles, Adapting to Different Work StylesScenario-Based Design
study design, Study DesignStudy Design, Design of the Second Study
study findings, Summary of Findings from the First Study, Summary of Findings from the Second StudySummary of Findings from the Second Study
templating, Templating
usability study attempts, First Attempts at Studying API UsabilityCognitive Dimensions
usability study importance, Why Is It Important to Study API Usability?Why Is It Important to Study API Usability?
application walkthroughs, Means of preventionMeans of prevention, Underlying causes and means of prevention, What Have We Learned?
Aranda, Jorge, A Communal Workshop or Doors That Close?One More Thing…
Arch Build System (ABS), Measuring the Source Code
architecting, Architecting: How Much and When?, Does the Cost of Fixing Software Increase over the Project Life Cycle?, Cost-to-Fix Growth EvidenceCost-to-Fix Growth Evidence, Using What We Can Learn from Cost-to-Fix Data About the Value of ArchitectingROI for Software Systems Engineering Improvement Investments, Reducing software rework via architecture and risk resolution, Reducing software rework via architecture and risk resolution, So How Much Architecting Is Enough?So How Much Architecting Is Enough?, Does the Architecting Need to Be Done Up Front?, Does the Architecting Need to Be Done Up Front?
cost-to-fix considerations, Does the Cost of Fixing Software Increase over the Project Life Cycle?, Cost-to-Fix Growth EvidenceCost-to-Fix Growth Evidence
COTS products and, Does the Architecting Need to Be Done Up Front?
defined, Architecting: How Much and When?
determining investment level, So How Much Architecting Is Enough?So How Much Architecting Is Enough?
determining value of, Using What We Can Learn from Cost-to-Fix Data About the Value of ArchitectingROI for Software Systems Engineering Improvement Investments
reducing software rework, Reducing software rework via architecture and risk resolution, Reducing software rework via architecture and risk resolution
refactoring, Does the Architecting Need to Be Done Up Front?
ArchLinux software distribution, Measuring the Source Code, Statistical Analysis
Arisholm, Erik, Hannay, Dybå, Arisholm, and Sjøberg, Acknowledgments
Armstrong, J. S., Challenges to Statistical Strength
artifact size, comparing, Comparing Artifact Size
Artificial Intelligence (AI), The Effect of Context
artificial language, What Do People Understand Naturally About Programming?
aspect-oriented programming (AOP), Fitness for Purpose, or Why What Convinces You Might Not Convince Me, How Effective Is Modularization?
AspectJ programming language, How Effective Is Modularization?
Aspray, W., Biases, Stereotypes, and the Role of Male Computer-Science Culture
ASTs (abstract syntax trees), Detecting Clones in Software
AT&T, Fault DistributionCharacteristics of Faulty Files, Overview of the Prediction Model, Overview of the Prediction Model, Replication and Variations of the Prediction ModelPredicting Faults with Other Types of Models, Building a Tool, The Warning LabelThe Warning Label, The Battlefield
building defect predictor tool, Building a Tool
model replication/variations, Replication and Variations of the Prediction ModelPredicting Faults with Other Types of Models
operating system study, The Battlefield
predication model overview, Overview of the Prediction Model, Overview of the Prediction Model
prediction model warnings, The Warning LabelThe Warning Label
study overview, Fault DistributionCharacteristics of Faulty Files
ATDD (Acceptance-Test-Driven Development), The TDD Pill—What Is It?
ATL Server API, First Attempts at Studying API Usability, Study DesignStudy Design, Scenario-Based Design
background, First Attempts at Studying API Usability
study design, Study DesignStudy Design, Scenario-Based Design
Augustine, Norm, Individual Productivity Variation in Software Development, Extremes in Individual Variation on the Bad Side
Aulke, Gaylord, Plat_Forms: Web Development Technologies and Cultures
AWE (A Wonderfulnew Excitement), Types of Evidence and Their Strengths and Weaknesses, Surveys
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