Appendix A. Contributors

Jorge Aranda is a Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Victoria, working with the SEGAL and CHISEL Labs. He obtained his doctoral degree from the University of Toronto, after performing empirical studies, observations, and interviews with hundreds of professionals at dozens of software organizations. These studies, along with his previous experience as a software consultant and developer, convinced him that team coordination and communication are the greatest problems in our field, and his research aims to help fix them. Jorge is a Mexican who now lives in Victoria, B.C., Canada, with his wife and their cat. He likes board games, books, movies, cooking, jogging, and juggling.

Thomas Ball is Principal Researcher at Microsoft Research where he manages the Software Reliability Research group ( Tom received a PhD from the University of Wisconsin‒Madison in 1993, was with Bell Labs from 1993‒1999, and has been at Microsoft Research since 1999. He is one of the originators of the SLAM project, a software model checking engine for C that forms the basis of the Static Driver Verifier tool. Tom’s interests range from program analysis, model checking, testing and automated theorem proving to the problems of defining and measuring software quality.

Dr. Victor R. Basili is Professor of Computer Science at the University of Maryland. He was founding director of the Fraunhofer Center for Experimental Software Engineering, where he currently serves as Senior Research Fellow and one of the founders and principals in the Software Engineering Laboratory (SEL) at NASA/GSFC. For over 35 years he has worked on measuring, evaluating, and improving the software development process and product via mechanisms for observing and evolving knowledge through empirical research, e.g., the Goal/Question /Metric Approach, the Quality Improvement Paradigm, and the Experience Factory.

Dr. Basili received his PhD in computer science from the University of Texas and is the recipient of two honorary degrees. He has received awards from ACM SIGSOFT, the IEEE Computer Society, and NASA among others, and in 2005 the 27th International Conference on Software Engineering held a Symposium in his honor. In 2007 he was awarded the Fraunhofer Medal. He served as editor-in-chief of the IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering and is founding co-editor-in-chief of the Journal of Empirical Software Engineering.

Andrew Begel is a researcher in Microsoft Research’s Human Interactions in Programming group in Redmond, Washington, USA. He studies software engineers at Microsoft to understand how they communicate, collaborate, and coordinate, and the impact of these activities on their effectiveness in collocated and distributed development. After conducting studies, he builds tools to help mitigate the coordination issues that have been discovered.

Andrew has led workshops on human aspects of software engineering, kinesthetic learning activities for computer science education, and teaching teachers about computer science education and complex systems science. He has served on the program committees of many Computer Science and Computer Science Education‒related conferences and workshops.

Christian Bird is a postdoctoral researcher at Microsoft Research in the Empirical Software Engineering group. He is primarily interested in the relationship between software design and social dynamics in large development projects, and the effects of these issues on productivity and software quality. In an effort to empirically answer questions in that area, Dr. Bird has pioneered a number of software mining techniques. He has studied software development teams at Microsoft, IBM, and in the Open Source realm, examining the effects of distributed development, ownership policies, and the ways in which teams complete software tasks.

Dr. Bird is the recipient of the ACM SIGSOFT distinguished paper award and the “Best Graduate Student Researcher” at U.C. Davis, where he received his PhD under Prem Devanbu. He has published in the top academic software engineering venues, has a Research Highlight in CACM, and was a National Merit Scholar at BYU, where he received his BS in computer science.

Dr. Barry Boehm is the TRW Professor in the Computer Sciences and Industrial and Systems Engineering Departments at the University of Southern California. He is also the Director of Research of the DoD-Stevens-USC Systems Engineering Research Center and the founding Director Emeritus of the USC Center for Systems and Software Engineering. He was director of DARPA-ISTO 1989-92, at TRW 1973‒89, at Rand Corporation 1959‒73, and at General Dynamics 1955‒59. His contributions include the COCOMO family of cost models and the Spiral family of process models. He is a Fellow of the primary professional societies in computing (ACM), aerospace (AIAA), electronics (IEEE), and systems engineering (INCOSE), a member of the U.S. National Academy of Engineering, and the 2010 recipient of the IEEE Simon Ramo Medal for exceptional achievement in systems engineering and systems science.

Marcelo Cataldo is a Researcher in the Institute for Software Research at Carnegie Mellon University. His research interests focus on understanding the relationship between the structure of large-scale software systems and the ability of development organizations to realize those systems. Specific areas of inquiry include (a) the development and analysis of software architectures suitable for distributed software development; and (b) the assessment of the impact that technical factors, socio-organizational factors and the interplay among them have on development productivity and software quality in geographically distributed projects.

Dr. Cataldo received MS and PhD degrees in Computation, Organizations and Society from the School of Computer Science at Carnegie Mellon University in 2007. He also holds a BS in Information Systems from Universidad Tecnológica Nacional (Buenos Aires, Argentina) and a MS in Information Networking from Carnegie Mellon University.

Steven Clarke is a Senior User Experience Researcher in the Developer Division at Microsoft. He received both BSc and PhD degrees from the University of Glasgow, Scotland, in 1993 and 1997 respectively. He was a software developer at Motorola from 1997 until 1999, building development tools for smartcard operating systems. He has been working in his present position since 1999. With colleagues in the Visual Studio team and in Microsoft Research, he uses results from studies into developer behaviors and work styles to identify ways to significantly improve the experience that developers have building applications with Microsoft tools and platforms.

Jason Cohen has started four companies, including Smart Bear Software, which makes Code Collaborator, the most popular peer code review tool. He’s also the author of Best Kept Secrets of Peer Code Review, which includes the largest case study ever recorded of code review. Currently, Jason writes about startups for geeks at and runs his latest startup,

Robert DeLine is a principal researcher at Microsoft Research (, working at the intersection of software engineering and human-computer interaction. His research group designs development tools in a user-centered fashion: they conduct studies of development teams to understand their work practice and prototype tools to improve that practice. He received his PhD from Carnegie Mellon University in 1999 and his BS/MS from the University of Virginia in 1993.

Madeline M. Diep is a research scientist at the Fraunhofer Center for Experimental Software Engineering. Her research interests include software quality assurance, software analysis, and empirical evaluation. She received a PhD in computer science from the University of Nebraska–Lincoln.

Hakan Erdogmus is an independent consultant based in Ottawa, Canada, an adjunct faculty member at University of Calgary’s Department of Computer Science, and Editor in Chief of IEEE Software. He specializes in software process, software development practices, and the economics of software development. From 1995 to 2009, he worked as a research scientist at the Canadian National Research Council’s Institute for Information Technology. Hakan holds a doctorate degree in Telecommunications from INRS, Université du Québec, Montreal (1994), an MSc degree from McGill University’s School of Computer Science, Montreal (1989), and a BSc degree from Bogaziçi University’s Computer Engineering Department, Istanbul (1986). He is a senior member of IEEE and IEEE Computer Society and a member of ACM and Agile Alliance.

Michael W. Godfrey is an Associate Professor in the David R. Cheriton School of Computer Science at the University of Waterloo (Canada), where he is also a member of SWAG, the Software Architecture Group. After finishing his PhD in computer science at the University of Toronto, he was a faculty member at Cornell University for two years before joining the University of Waterloo in 1998. Between 2001 and 2006, he held an Associate Industrial Research Chair in telecommunications software engineering sponsored by Nortel Networks and the National Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC).

His main research interests concern software evolution: understanding how and why software changes over time. In particular, he is interested in evidence-based software engineering, software clone analysis, mining software repositories, software tool design, reverse engineering, and program comprehension.

Mark Guzdial is a professor in the School of Interactive Computing at Georgia Institute of Technology. He is a leading researcher in computing education, and has helped change the discourse towards addressing the computer science education needs across campus, not just among CS majors. He recently wrote a series of textbooks called Media Computation to introduce computing through manipulation of digital media.

Jo E. Hannay holds a PhD in formal specification, type theory, and logic from the Laboratory for Foundations of Computer Science at the University of Edinburgh. Currently a researcher at Simula Research Laboratory in Norway, he has worked as a programmer in the insurance industry and has been an associate professor at the University of Oslo. His research includes defining software engineering expertise and tasks, developing and combining scientific and practitioners’ theories, and understanding what goes on in large agile development projects. He used to be a violinist.

Ahmed E. Hassan is the NSERC/RIM Industrial Research Chair in Software Engineering for Ultra Large Scale systems at Queen’s University in Kingston, Ontario, Canada. Dr. Hassan spearheaded the organization and creation of the Mining Software Repositories (MSR) conference and its research community. The MSR community seeks to support decision-making processes through empirical data about software projects and their evolution. Dr. Hassan co-edited special issues on the MSR topic for the IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering and the Journal of Empirical Software Engineering.

Early tools and techniques developed by Dr. Hassan and his team are already integrated into products used by millions of users worldwide. Dr. Hassan’s industrial experience includes helping architect the Blackberry wireless platform at RIM, and working for IBM Research at the Almaden Research Lab and for Nortel Networks at the Computer Research Lab. Dr. Hassan is the named inventor of patents at several jurisdictions around the world, including the United States, Europe, India, Canada, and Japan.

Israel Herraiz teaches and conducts research at the Universidad Alfonso X el Sabio in Madrid, Spain. He obtained a PhD from Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, while working at the GSyC/Libresoft research group. His research interests lie in the intersection between software evolution, mining software repositories, and empirical software engineering, with an emphasis on large scale studies and statistical analysis of software projects. He is also an active contributor to several free/open source software projects.

Kim Sebastian Herzig is a graduate student in the Software Engineering Lab of Professor Andreas Zeller at Saarland University, Germany. The focus of his current research activities lies in empirical software engineering and mining software repositories. He is currently exploring and analyzing version archives and bug databases to create tools and techniques to help software developers code reliable software and estimate the risk of source code changes.

Cory Kapser has published numerous papers on coding practices, notably concerning code cloning. He won Best Paper Award at the 13th IEEE Working Conference on Reverse Engineering in 2006.

Barbara Kitchenham is Professor of Quantitative Software Engineering at Keele University in the UK. She has worked in software engineering for over 30 years, both in industry and academia. Her main research interest is software measurement and its application to project management, quality control, risk management, and evaluation of software technologies. Her most recent research has focused on the application of evidence-based practice to software engineering. She is a Chartered Mathematician and Fellow of the Institute of Mathematics and Its Applications, a Fellow of the Royal Statistical Society, and a member of the IEEE Computer Society.

Andrew Ko is an Assistant Professor at the Information School at the University of Washington. His research interests include human and cooperative aspects of software development and design, and more broadly, the fields of human-computer interaction and software engineering. He has published articles in all of these areas, receiving best paper awards at top conferences such as the International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE) and the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing (CHI), as well as extensive press on the Whyline, a debugging tool that lets users ask “why” questions about problematic output. In 2004, he was also awarded both NSF and NDSEG research fellowships in support of his PhD research. He received his PhD at the Human‒Computer Interaction Institute at Carnegie Mellon University, advised by Brad Myers. He received Honors Bachelors of Science degrees in Computer Science and Psychology from Oregon State University in 2002.

Lucas Layman is Research Scientist at the Fraunhofer Center for Experimental Software Engineering. His areas of expertise include the application of measurement and metrics to evaluate and improve software development processes and products, agile methods, and software reliability. He has performed empirical studies and technology transfer with a number of organizations, including NASA, Microsoft, the Department of Defense, IBM, and Sabre Airline Solutions. In addition to empirical evaluations of process and process improvement, Dr. Layman has investigated human factors in software development and authored a number of papers on computer science education. He received his PhD in Computer Science from North Carolina State University in 2009 and his BS in Computer Science from Loyola College in 2002. He has previously worked at Microsoft Research and the National Research Council of Canada.

Steve McConnell is CEO and Chief Software Engineer at Construx Software, where he consults to a broad range of industries, teaches seminars, and oversees Construx’s software engineering practices. He is the author of Software Estimation: Demystifying the Black Art (2006), Code Complete (1993, 2004), Rapid Development (1996), Software Project Survival Guide (1998), and Professional Software Development (2004), as well as numerous technical articles. His books have won numerous awards for “Best Book of the Year” from Software Development magazine, Game Developer magazine,’s editors, and other sources.

Steve serves as Editor-in-Chief Emeritus of IEEE Software magazine, is on the Panel of Experts of the SWEBOK project, and is past Chair of the IEEE Computer Society’s Professional Practices Committee. In 1998, readers of Software Development magazine named him one of the three most influential people in the software industry along with Bill Gates and Linus Torvalds.

Tim Menzies, an Associate Professor in CS at West Virginia University, researches data mining algorithms for software engineering. His algorithms find patterns in software engineering data that predict for aspects of software quality (defects, construction time, etc). A repeated conclusion for that work is “less is more,” propelling AI tools that can quickly and automatically learn the least number of constraints that most effect critical decisions.

A former research chair for NASA, Dr. Menzies holds a PhD from the University of New South Wales, Australia (1995) in artificial intelligence. He is the author of over 190 referred papers and the co-founder of the PROMISE series conference on repeatable experiments in software engineering (see Recently, he was ranked in the top 1% of over 26,000 SE researchers (see His website is

Gail Murphy is a Professor in the Department of Computer Science at the University of British Columbia. She joined UBC in 1996 after completing PhD and MS degrees at the University of Washington. Before returning to graduate school, she worked as a software developer at a telecommunications company for five years. She also holds a BSc degree from the University of Alberta.

Dr. Murphy works primarily on building simpler and more effective tools to help developers manage software evolution tasks. In 2005 she held a UBC Killam Research Fellowship, and she received the AITO Dahl-Nygaard Junior Prize for her work in software evolution. In 2006, she received an NSERC Steacie Fellowship and the CRA-W Anita Borg Early Career Award. In 2007, she helped co-found and is currently Chair of the Board and CFO of Tasktop Technologies Inc. In 2008, she served as the program committee chair for the ACM SIGSOFT FSE conference and received the University of Washington College of Engineering Diamond Early Career Award. In 2012, she will be a Program Co-Chair for the International Conference on Software Engineering. She is currently an associate editor for ACM Transactions on Software Engineering journal and on the editorial board of Communications of the ACM. One of the most rewarding parts of her career has been collaborating with many very talented graduate and undergraduate students.

Nachiappan Nagappan is a Senior Researcher at Microsoft Research in the Software Reliability Research group. His primary area of interest is empirical software engineering. He has collaborated with several product teams at Microsoft to apply his ideas to practice. He earned his PhD degree from North Carolina State University.

Andy Oram is an editor at O’Reilly Media. His work for O’Reilly includes the 2005 groundbreaking book Running Linux, the influential 2001 title Peer-to-Peer, and the 2007 bestseller Beautiful Code. Andy also writes often for the O’Reilly Network and other publications on policy issues related to the Internet and on trends affecting technical innovation and its effects on society. Print publications where his work has appeared include The Economist, Communications of the ACM, Copyright World, and Internet Law and Business.

Thomas Ostrand is a Principal Member of Technical Staff in the Information and Software Systems Research department of AT&T Labs in Florham Park, NJ. His current research interests include software test generation and evaluation, defect analysis and prediction, and tools for software development and testing.

Prior to joining AT&T, Dr Ostrand was with Siemens Corporate Research, Sperry Univac, and the Computer Science Department of Rutgers University. He is a senior member of the ACM, and has been a Member-at-Large of the ACM/SIGSOFT Executive Committee. He has served as Program Chair and Steering Committee member of the International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis, and of the PROMISE Conference on Predictive Models in Software Engineering. He is currently an associate editor of the Empirical Software Engineering journal, and is a past associate editor of IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering.

Dewayne E. Perry is currently the Motorola Regents Chair of Software Engineering at The University of Texas at Austin. The first third of his software engineering career was spent as a professional software developer, with the latter part combining both research (as a visiting faculty member in Computer Science at Carnegie-Mellon University) and consulting in software architecture and design. The next 16 years were spent doing software engineering research at Bell Laboratories in Murray Hill NJ. His appointment at UT Austin began January 2000.

He has done seminal research in empirical studies, formal models of the software processes, process and product support environments, software architecture, and the practical use of formal specifications and techniques. He is particularly interested in the role architecture plays in the coordination of multi-site software development as well as its role in capitalizing on company software assets in the context of product lines.

He is a member of ACM SIGSOFT and IEEE Computer Society; and has served as organizing chair, program chair, and program committee member on various software engineering conferences. He has been a co-Editor in Chief of Wiley’s Software Process: Improvement & Practice, and a former associate editor of IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering.

Marian Petre is a Professor of Computing and the Director of the Centre for Research in Computing (CRC) at the Open University in the UK. She holds a Royal Society Wolfson Research Merit Award in recognition of her empirical research into software design. Her research focuses on expert reasoning and representation in professional software design. She is also an innovative educator in empirical research methods and has co-authored several books, including The Unwritten Rules of PhD Research (now in its second edition) and A Gentle Guide to Research Methods.

Lutz Prechelt is professor of software engineering at Freie Universität Berlin. He started his research career in artificial intelligence, neural network learning, compiler construction, and parallel computing before moving to empirical software engineering. He has also worked as a software developer and as a software development manager. Today, his research interests focus on qualitative and quantitative studies of software processes, in particular agile ones, and on research methodology and research quality.

Rahul Premraj is an Assistant Professor in the Computer Science Department of VU University Amsterdam. He received his Masters in Information Systems from the Robert Gordon University, UK in 2002 and his PhD from Bournemouth University, UK in 2007. His research interests include empirical software engineering, mining software archives, software quality assurance, distributed software development, and software process improvement.

Dr. Forrest Shull is a division director at the Fraunhofer Center for Experimental Software Engineering in Maryland (FC-MD), a nonprofit research and tech transfer organization, where he leads the Measurement and Knowledge Management Division. He is also associate adjunct professor at the University of Maryland College Park.

At FC-MD, he has been a lead researcher on projects for NASA’s Office of Safety and Mission Assurance, the NASA Safety Center, the U.S. Department of Defense, the National Science Foundation, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), and companies such as Motorola and Fujitsu Labs of America. He has also developed and delivered several courses on software measurement and inspections for NASA engineers.

Since 2007, Forrest has served as IEEE Software’s associate editor-in-chief for empirical results and editor of its popular Voice of Evidence department. He will be taking over as Editor in Chief of IEEE Software in January 2011. He also serves on the editorial board of Journal of Empirical Software Engineering.

Beth Simon is a faculty member in the Computer Science and Engineering Department at the University of California, San Diego. Her research interests focus on Computer Science education, with specific interests in novices in computing (both in university and industry), peer instruction, and assessment. Dr. Simon earned her bachelor’s degree in Computer Science at the University of Dayton, and her master’s and PhD in Computer Science and Engineering at the University of California, San Diego.

Diomidis Spinellis is a Professor in the Department of Management Science and Technology at the Athens University of Economics and Business, Greece. His research interests include software engineering, computer security, and programming languages. He has written the two award-winning Open Source Perspective books, Code Reading and Code Quality, as well as dozens of scientific papers.

Dr. Spinellis is a member of the IEEE Software editorial board, authoring the regular “Tools of the Trade” column. He is also a FreeBSD committer and the developer of UMLGraph and other open source software packages, libraries, and tools. He holds an MEng in Software Engineering and a PhD in Computer Science, both from Imperial College London. Dr. Spinellis is senior member of the ACM and the IEEE and a member of the Usenix association.

Neil Thomas is a Software Engineer at Google. His work on HTML5 mobile web applications, including Gmail and Google Buzz, continues to push the mobile web forward and redefine what is possible in a web browser. He is named as a co-inventor on multiple patents in this area. He has also contributed to internal tools at Google for improving programmer productivity.

Mr. Thomas graduated from UBC in 2010 with a BSc in Computer Science. In his senior year, he had the pleasure of working with Gail Murphy in the Software Practices Lab. His research explored how developers understand and reason about the modularity of complex systems.

Walter F. Tichy has been professor of Computer Science at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (formerly University Karlsruhe), Germany, since 1986, and was dean of the faculty of computer science from 2002 to 2004. He is also a director of FZI, a technology transfer center in Karlsruhe. His primary research interests are software engineering and parallelism. In the 1980s, he created the Revision Control System (RCS), a version management system that is the basis of CVS and is still used worldwide. Dr. Tichy had his first exposure to parallel programming as a student, when C.mmp, a parallel computer consisting of 16 PDP-11 computers, was built at CMU. He has also worked on the Connection Machine and a number of parallel computers in the 1980s, and along with students developed Parastation, which runs a machine that is ranked 10th on the Top 500 list as of June 2009.

Dr. Tichy earned his PhD in Computer Science in 1980 from Carnegie Mellon University. His dissertation was one of the first to discuss software architecture. He has created controversy by insisting that software researchers need to test their claims with empirical studies rather than rely on intuition. He has conducted controlled experiments testing the influence of type-checking, inheritance depth, design patterns, testing methods, and agile methods on programmer productivity.

Burak Turhan is a postdoctoral researcher in the Department of Information Processing Science at the University of Oulu in Northern Finland. Before moving to Finland, he was a Research Associate in the Institute for Information Technology at the National Research Council of Canada. He holds a PhD in Computer Engineering from Bogazici University in Istanbul. His research interests include empirical studies on software quality, application of machine learning and data mining methods in software engineering for defect and cost modeling, and agile/lean software development with a special focus on test-driven development.

Elaine Weyuker is an AT&T Fellow doing software engineering research. Prior to moving to AT&T, she was a professor of computer science at NYU’s Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences. Her research interests currently focus on software fault prediction, software testing, and software metrics and measurement. In an earlier life, Elaine did research in Theory of Computation and is the co-author of a book Computability, Complexity, and Languages with Martin Davis and Ron Sigal.

Elaine is the recipient of the 2010 ACM President’s Award, the ACM SIGSOFT Retrospective Impact Paper Awards in 2009, the 2008 Anita Borg Institute Technical Leadership Award, and 2007 ACM/SIGSOFT Outstanding Research Award. She is also a member of the US National Academy of Engineering, an IEEE Fellow, and an ACM Fellow and has received IEEE’s Harlan Mills Award for outstanding software engineering research, Rutgers University 50th Anniversary Outstanding Alumni Award, and the AT&T Chairman’s Diversity Award as well has having been named a Woman of Achievement by the YWCA. She is the chair of the ACM Women’s Council (ACM-W) and a member of the Executive Committee of the Coalition to Diversify Computing.

Michele Whitecraft is a dynamic teacher, lecturer, and researcher. She takes a holistic, interdisciplinary approach to education and is actively involved in advancing women in science. She has been the recipient of the Presidential Award for Excellence in Secondary Science Education, the Tandy Scholar Teacher Award, and the Governor’s Award for Excellence in Education. From her unique research and consulting experiences with the Department of Energy, National Science Foundation, National Institutes for Environmental Health Science, National Institutes of Health, and National Aeronautics Space Association, Michele has designed science curricula with real world experiments ranging from her work on the International Experimental Thermonuclear Reactor at Princeton to the artificial transmutation of the transuranium elements at UC Berkeley. With more than 25 years’ experience in teaching high school and college chemistry, she has authored several monographs to enhance science education nation-wide and presented at several national conferences. She has publications in BioScience, Journal of Nuclear Materials, Human Ecology, and the Encyclopedia of Ethics.

Michele’s experiences with these national organizations and research projects have inspired her desire to help advance women in all scientific endeavors in an effort to realize NSF’s goal of 50-50 gender participation in science by 2020. Michele has been a member of the American Chemical Society, American Association for the Advancement of Science, Society of Women Engineers, American Association of University Women, Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, and National Association of Research in Science Teaching. Michele has her master’s degree in curriculum and instruction and is currently a doctoral student in Learning, Teaching and Social Policy at Cornell.

Dr. Laurie Williams is an Associate Professor at North Carolina State University. She received her undergraduate degree in Industrial Engineering from Lehigh University, an MBA from Duke University, and a PhD in Computer Science from the University of Utah. Prior to returning to academia to obtain her PhD, she worked at IBM for nine years. Laurie is the lead author of Pair Programming Illuminated and a co-editor of Extreme Programming Perspectives. She was a founder of the XP Universe conference, which has now evolved to the Agile Software Development conference. She has conducted several empirical studies on Extreme Programming and other agile development practices.

Wendy M. Williams, PhD is a Professor in the Department of Human Development at Cornell University, where she studies the development, assessment, training, and societal implications of intelligence in its many forms. She has authored nine books, edited five volumes, and written dozens of articles, including the 2007 edited volume Why Aren’t More Women in Science? (APA Books; winner of a 2007 Independent Publisher Book Award) and the 2010 coauthored book The Mathematics of Sex: How Biology and Society Conspire to Limit Talented Women and Girls (Oxford; both with Stephen Ceci).

Dr. Williams holds two Early Career awards from the American Psychological Association and three Senior Investigator Awards from the Mensa Research Foundation, and is a Fellow of various professional societies. Her research has been featured in Nature, Newsweek, Business Week, Science, Scientific American, The New York Times, The Washington Post, USA Today, The Philadelphia Inquirer, The Chronicle of Higher Education, and Child Magazine, among other media outlets. In 2009, she launched the National Institutes of Health‒funded Cornell Institute for Women in Science, a research and outreach center that studies and promotes the careers of women scientists.

Greg Wilson is the project lead for Software Carpentry, a crash course in basic software development skills for scientists and engineers. In previous lives, he has been a programmer, an author, and a professor. Greg has a PhD in Computer Science from the University of Edinburgh, and is a proud Canadian.

Andreas Zeller is professor for software engineering at Saarland University, Saarbrücken, Germany. His research is concerned with the analysis of large software systems, in particular their execution and their development history. He is one of the pioneers in automated debugging (“Why does my program fail?”) and mining software archives (“Where do most bugs occur?”).

Thomas Zimmermann received his Diploma degree in Computer Science from the University of Passau, and his PhD degree from Saarland University, Germany. He is a researcher in the Software Reliability Research Group at Microsoft Research, and an adjunct assistant professor in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Calgary. His research interests include empirical software engineering, mining software repositories, software reliability, development tools, and social networking. Notable research includes the systematic mining of version archives and bug databases to conduct empirical studies and to build tools to support developers and managers.

Dr. Zimmermann co-organized an ICSM working session on Myths in Software Engineering (MythSE ’07) as well as workshops on software defects (DEFECTS ’08 and ’09) and recommendation systems in software engineering (RSSE ’08 and ’10). He received two ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Awards for his work published at the ICSE ’07 and FSE ’08 conferences. He has served on a variety of program committees, including ICSE, MSR, PROMISE, ICSM, and the ACM Conference on Recommender Systems (RecSys). He is co-chair of the program committee for MSR ’10 and ’11. His home page is

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