66 Managing Information Access to an EIS Using J2EE and Services Oriented Architecture
3.1 Scenario description and requirements
This scenario involves the ITSO Trading Firm, which provide customers with the
service to buy and sell stocks.
A customer at an internet trading site creates a request to buy a number of
shares at a target price. The system processes the order by validating the order.
Then, the system retrieves the current stock analysis information and performs a
risk analysis using the customer’s profile. The system debits the users account
for the amount required, then places a request with the brokerage system for the
number of shares desired. If successful, the customer is sent an e-mail
notification. If the purchase request fails, the customer’s account is then credited,
and a notification of the failure is sent via e-mail.
3.1.1 Business description
ITSO Trading Firm allows customers to login to the trading Web site and perform
queries on company stocks and purchases and to sell shares of stocks.
A customer can place an order with the system, which retrieves a quote to
withdraw money to purchase the stock, then place an order with the broker.
Figure 3-1 shows the business view for this scenario.
Figure 3-1 ITSO Trading Firm business
The Internet Trading System from ITSO Trading Firm provides customers the
option to link to their checking account to provide funds for the stocks they buy
and sell. The firm uses the stock quote service from ITSO FastQuote
Incorporated which updates the firm’s quote data store periodically. The
Places Order
ITSO Trading Firm
Buy and Sell
Stock Broker
Chapter 3. Scenario overview and design 67
information that is updated includes stock price and analysis information. The
firm also uses the ITSO Trading Firm Stock Brokerage System to acquire the
shares of stocks for their customers. The firm allows customers to place
conditions on orders when buying and selling shares. These conditions include:
???? The ability to place a future order based on a target stock price.
???? The ability to place a time based restriction on an order.
???? The ability to place an order based on company stock analysis.
The firm provides e-mail notification to customers on the outcome of their orders.
The firm uses stock and customer information to make trading decisions based
on business rules and policies. The stock quote service provides analysis
information that is used when applying policies on an order. The trading services
allows for risk based investments using the customers risk profile and the stock
performance analysis data.
ITSO Trading Firm plans in the near future to replace the periodic data repository
system which holds stock information with an SAP system. This system change
needs to be considered in the design of the solution.
3.1.2 Business use cases
This use case covers the basic flow to be completed for this scenario. The Buy
Shares use case shows the associations between different systems as seen by
the business. Figure 3-2 displays the use case for when a customer issues a
request to buy shares through the Internet Trading System.
Figure 3-2 Customer Buy Shares use case
68 Managing Information Access to an EIS Using J2EE and Services Oriented Architecture
A trader or customer issues a request with the Internet Trading System to
purchase a number of shares of a certain stock. The Internet Trading System
validates the stock with the Trader Application. Then, it proceeds to retrieve
stock analysis and match it against the customer’s profile. An order to buy the
stock is then issued with the brokerage system. Not shown in this use case is the
notification for a successful order request via e-mail. The place buy order request
is a composite use case which involves several other use cases which are
described later in this chapter, showing how the trading and brokerage system
are used.
Figure 3-3 illustrates the use case for the place order activity within the buy
shares scenario.
Figure 3-3 Place Order use case
The trading system debits the customer’s account and submits an order request
the brokerage system. The send order request is a composite use case which
involves the asynchronous request for the order to the brokerage system.
Figure 3-4 shows the retrieve stock use case.
Figure 3-4 Retrieve Stock Analysis use case
Internet Trading System
Brokerage System
Debit Account
Send Order Request
Stock Analysis System
Analysis Retriever
Validate Request
Get Stock Analysis
Audit Request
Chapter 3. Scenario overview and design 69
There are other use cases that exist for the business which involve:
???? The matching of customer profile to stock performance, which is an
interaction within only the Internet Trading System, where the stock analysis
information is checked against the customer’s profile.
???? The failure to place an order with the brokerage system, and the recovery
procedures that are activated. This includes the crediting of the customers
bank account and a notification of the failure to purchase shares.
There are numerous other business use cases in this scenario that we do not
cover. Many of these are related to exceptions, recovery, and extrapolating each
use case where appropriate.
3.1.3 Business requirements
The ITSO Trading Firm requires that the customer has easy-to-use, responsive,
and customizable interactions with the Internet Trading System. The solution
provided should be an on demand operating environment that enables the
company to adapt to changes, as well as be ready for growth, scalable, and
The solution should contain components to allow different departments of the
business to take advantage of the solution. These components also enable the
software to be moved to different environments or even isolated if necessary.
The solution must be standards-based, where a mature and robust enough
standard exists. The solution should be keen in allowing for the use of proposed
specifications that will soon be standards or are going through the review
ITSO Trading Firm would like to use proven technology within the solution, with
the capability of high volume throughput and high availability. The interaction and
processes need to be secure and configurable. Security is a major requirement
in this scenario, and each phase of the process needs to be secure. The firm
would prefer a single sign-on solution.
The transactions by customers should be resilient. They should still be possible
even if parts of an external or remote service is unavailable for a short period of
ITSO Trading Firm requires that the solution can support multiple stock analysis
companies. They would like to be able to decide on an analysis based on a
criteria to be determined and choose which company’s service that they will use.
70 Managing Information Access to an EIS Using J2EE and Services Oriented Architecture
Table 3-1 consists of the firm’s key business requirements and the description of
some of the attributes that are required to meet the requirements.
Table 3-1 Key Requirements
3.1.4 Technology requirements
One major requirement for ITSO Trading Firm is that the solution has a service
oriented architecture (SOA), which provides the ability to link different services
on demand. (For an overview of SOA components, see 2.2.3, “Components and
SOA” on page 33.)
Although SOA de-couples the system to an extent, we want to emphasize that
our EIS connectivity services should be available as components in the
infrastructure. There should be EIS connectivity services available and easily
used or plugable into different systems.
The solution should be configurable at deploy time and run time. Activities and
processes should be context sensitive with the ability to execute or route
processes based on the criteria found in the context data.
Because the brokerage firm is at a remote location, the solution should allow for
the brokerage firm to be remote. ITSO Trading Firm will be using their in-house
remote brokerage system. The solution should consider using guaranteed
messaging to alleviate any time-out or synchronization issues that may arise.
There should be multiple quote and stock analysis providers for resiliency,
business flexibility, and competitiveness. These features should be available as a
service and be interchangeable.
Managers and analysts would like the ability to manage business processes and
view reports. Services and process management should be easy and
configurable. The application processes should be manageable and some
monitoring should be available.
Requirement Description
Flexible Componentized and configurable
Secure Authentication and authorization, single
sign-on, and encryption
Resilient High availability, redundancy, and
Multiple service providers Allow for multiple quote stock analysis
service providers
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