122 Managing Information Access to an EIS Using J2EE and Services Oriented Architecture
6.1 Message-oriented middleware and JMS
Message-oriented middleware (MOM) is one of the most established areas of
middleware software. It is an intermediary that facilitates enterprise messaging
by allowing enterprise applications to exchange information in the form of
messages across the network. Applications exchange messages through virtual
channels known as destinations. When a message client sends a message, it
sends the message to a destination, and the MOM delivers the message to
applications that register interest to receive messages from that destination.
This asynchronous communication method de-couples the sender and receiver,
allowing the applications to send and receive messages as they see fit. In
addition to asychronous communication, MOM also provides fast, reliable, and
guaranteed message delivery with fault tolerance, load balancing, scalability, and
transactional support. WebSphere MQ is the message-oriented middleware
product available from IBM that is widely used by customers for EIS integration.
WebSphere MQ is the market-leading software product in that segment.
MOM vendors provide application developers with APIs for sending and
receiving messages. While a MOM vendor can use proprietary message formats
and implement its own networking protocols to exchange messages, the basic
semantics of the developer APIs provided by different MOMs are the same. This
similarity in APIs makes the JMS possible.
JMS is an API for enterprise messaging that was created by Sun Microsystems.
JMS is not a messaging system itself. Instead, JMS is a vendor-agnostic API. It
is a set of interfaces and associated semantics that are needed by messaging
clients to communicate with messaging systems. Just as JDBC abstracts
accesses to relational databases, JMS abstracts accesses to MOMs and allows
application developers to reuse the same API to access many different
JMS-compliant messaging systems. Thus, JMS provides a common API and
framework that simplifies the development of enterprise applications and enables
the development of portable, message-based applications.
For more information, refer to the following publications:
???? Richard Monson-Haefel & David A. Chappell, Java Message Service.
O’Reilly, 2001, ISBN 0-595-00068-5
???? Scott Grant et. al., Professional JMS, Wrox Press, 2001, ISBN 1-861004-93-1
???? Enterprise Integration with IBM Connectors and Adapters, SG-2461-22
???? WebSphere Application Server and WebSphere MQ Family Integration,
???? WebSphere Studio Application Developer Version 5 Programming Guide,
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