Chapter 7. Using Web services 195
???? XML Schema Part 1: Structures
???? XML Schema Part 2: Datatypes
???? RFC2246: The Transport Layer Security Protocol Version 1.0
???? RFC2459: Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure Certificate and CRL
???? RFC2616: HyperText Transfer Protocol 1.1
???? RFC2818: HTTP over TLS
???? RFC2965: HTTP State Management Mechanism
???? The Secure Sockets Layer Protocol Version 3.0
For more information about the WS-I Basic Profile see the following articles:
???? WS-I Basic Profile 1.0
???? WS-I Usage Scenarios
???? Preview of WS-I sample application
Security and interoperation
At the time that we wrote this book, the Basic Security Profile Version 1.0 was
still a draft document. Thus, we cannot give a WS-I certification for the
WS-Security implementations. Nevertheless, there are many test cases of
interoperability between the implementation by IBM and the implementation by
IBM is one of three editors of the Basic Security Profile 1.0, along with Microsoft
and Nortel Networks.
7.6 Further information
Because Web services technology is fast growing and touches many fields, it is
impossible to give a complete view of the technology in this redbook. This
chapter discussed Web services as they relate to our purpose in this book. For a
deeper understanding of Web services, this section lists some useful readings.
Note: The WS-I has recently updated the WS Basic Profile to version 1.1. The
content of the document has been reorganized. However, it is equivalent to
the previous version with the addition of published errata.
196 Managing Information Access to an EIS Using J2EE and Services Oriented Architecture
7.6.1 Redbooks from IBM
The Web services topic is widely exposed in many publications of the IBM
International Technical Support Organization. The following are summaries of
those redbooks mentioned in this chapter:
???? Using Web Services for Business Integration, SG24-6583
Web services technology and standards
???? Patterns: Service-Oriented Architecture and Web Services, SG24-6303 and
Patterns: Implementing an SOA Using an Enterprise Service Bus,
The SOA phenomenon: motivations, evolution, and best practices
???? z/OS WebSphere Application Server V5 and J2EE 1.3 Security Handbook,
Security issues related to EIS integration
A brief explanation of the Web Services security
???? IBM WebSphere V5.1 Performance, Scalability, and High Availability
WebSphere Handbook Series, SG24-6198
Scalability and high availability of the WebSphere platform as the host
environment for Web services
Performance considerations, with details, on how to enable the cache for
Web services
???? WebSphere Version 5.1 Application Developer 5.1.1 Web Services
Handbook, SG24-6891
Introduction to WSDL
Implementing Enterprise Web Services (JSR 109)
Web services invocation framework
Web Services Gateway
???? WebSphere Version 5 Application Development Handbook, SG24-6993
Web services evolution
Service-oriented architecture
Web services approach for a SOA
???? WebSphere Business Integration Server Foundation V5.1, SG24-6318
Describes this product and its implementation of the BPEL engine
Chapter 7. Using Web services 197
???? Patterns: Serial and Parallel Processes for Process Choreography and
Workflow, SG24-6306
Describes the flexibility of the BPEL language and implementation
???? Using BPEL Processes in WebSphere Business Integration Server
Foundation Business Process Integration and Supply Chain Solutions,
Contains some clear explanations of WebSphere Studio Application
Developer Integration Edition V5.1
???? Exploring WebSphere Studio Application Developer Integration Edition V5,
An extensive guide on how the product helps development in a service
oriented manner
???? IBM WebSphere V5.0 Security, WebSphere Handbook Series, SG24-6573
Describes security issues in detail
7.6.2 Resource on the Web
You can find the following resources on the Web:
???? For a discussion on the fundamental characteristics of a Web services
architecture and the benefits of this approach
???? For a collection of white papers on Web services and SOA
???? For a discussion on the best practices for performance of the Web services
???? For a discussion of the benefits of Web services and SOA, see ROI - The
Costs and Benefits of Web Services and Service Oriented Architecture at:
???? For information about the SOAP cache see WebSphere Dynamic Cache:
Improving J2EE application performance at:
198 Managing Information Access to an EIS Using J2EE and Services Oriented Architecture
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