104 Managing Information Access to an EIS Using J2EE and Services Oriented Architecture
5.3.3 Components of the building block
The CICS Transaction Gateway (CTG) is used to provide access to the trader
CICS-COMMAREA program. The CTG is configured to connect to the CICS
system, and both are running on a z/OS machine.
The trading application component runs the business processes and system
functions for ITSO Trading Firm. The main component of the system is the
trading system’s BPEL process that coordinates the activities during the
The IBM CICS ECI resource adapter provides connectivity to the back-end
system to retrieve the company list. A system process exposes this functionality.
The system process is implemented using BPEL.
5.3.4 Extending the building block
The building block can be extended by implementing the framework integration
pattern mentioned in the previous section. This extension exposes more CICS
program calls via features and uses integration beans to process the requests
coming from business processes.
5.4 Developing EIS interaction using J2C
The artifacts required to build this solution include:
???? the IBM CICS J2C Resource Adapter which conforms to J2C 1.0 specification
???? the WebSphere Business Integration Server Foundation application server
???? the Business Process Container
???? the COBOL copybook, for the COMMAREA program we call
???? the CTG, for connecting to the CICS system.
5.4.1 The buy shares scenario
In the Buy Shares scenario, the validation of the stock is checked against the
company list. In this step, the trading system business process retrieves the list
of companies from its CICS system that is running on z/OS platform. The
process validates and then proceeds with the request depending on the results
of the validation.
Chapter 5. Using J2EE Connector Architecture 105
5.4.2 Creating the J2C EIS service
The service based on J2C EIS is the IBM CICS J2C resource adapter that is
exposed as an EJB service with SOAP bindings. Here are the steps involved in
creating this service using WebSphere Studio Application Developer Integration
1. Create a service project for exposing the IBM CICS Resource Adapter.
2. Create a service for the COBOL program Get Company List.
3. Generate EJB Deploy code with SOAP bindings.
4. Test the Get Company List Service.
5. Incorporate the service in the system.
Creating the service project
To create the service project using WebSphere Studio Application Developer
Integration Edition:
1. Select Windows-Preferences
J2EE. Select the radio button, Enable
server targeting support.
2. Select Window
Open Perspective Business Integration.
3. Select File
New Service Project.
4. For Project name, enter CICSJCA. Click Finish.
5. Right-click the project folder and then choose New
Package to create a
6. Enter com.itso.cicsjca as the package name. Click Finish.
Importing CICS resource adapter and COBOL source
To import the resource adapter and the COBOL source for the Get Company List
1. Right-click the package and choose Import.
2. On the Import-Select panel, select RAR File. Click Next..
3. On the Connector Import panel, Click Browse, then navigate and select the
esource adaptersctg510cicseci.rar file.
4. For the Connector project, enter cicseciConnector. Figure 5-3 on page 106
shows this step in the wizard.
106 Managing Information Access to an EIS Using J2EE and Services Oriented Architecture
Figure 5-3 CICS ECI resource adapter import
5. Click Finish.
6. Set the Target server as Integration Server v5.1 by right-clicking the
cicseciConnector project and selecting Target Server
7. To import the COBOL source, right-click the package com.itso.cicsjca.
Choose Import.
8. On the Import-Select panel, choose File system. Click Next.
Chapter 5. Using J2EE Connector Architecture 107
9. Click Browse, and navigate to the location of the Traderbl.cpp COBOL
copybook source as shown in Figure 5-4.
Figure 5-4 Import COBOL code
10.Select the traderbl.ccp file. Leave defaults, and click Finish.
Building the cicseciConnector Service
To build the service:
1. Select the com.itso.cicsjca package,
2. Click File
New Service Built from.
3. On the New Service panel, choose the CICS ECI service by selecting CICS
ECI. The service wizard topology diagram illustrates that you are creating the
WSDL files for the CICS ECI connector, which is exposed as an EJB service.
4. Click Next until you reach the Service Bindings panel.
108 Managing Information Access to an EIS Using J2EE and Services Oriented Architecture
5. For Interface file name, enter Traderbl as shown in Figure 5-5.
Figure 5-5 CICS ECI service binding
6. Click Finish to generate the service and bindings WSDL. Click Ok on Next
Step Information.
7. The TraderblCICSECIBinding opens so that you can specify the binding
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