Chapter 9. Integration into business processes 259
shows the Stock Trade process, Figure 9-8 shows the Stock Analysis process,
and Figure 9-9 on page 260 shows the Stock Brokerage process.
Figure 9-7 Stock Trade business process
Figure 9-8 Stock Analysis business process
260 Managing Information Access to an EIS Using J2EE and Services Oriented Architecture
Figure 9-9 Stock Brokerage business process
9.2.3 Designing business processes and services
The process models have been imported into Rational XDE Developer 2003 and
WebSphere Studio Application Developer Integration Edition for further
refinement. Because both tools are based on Eclipse, XDE Developer can be
installed on top of Integration Edition. The XDE tools are then available from the
Modeling perspective within Integration Edition. You can find detailed instructions
on how to install the products in the installation package.
Exporting the process model from Modeler
You can export a process model to a UML 1.4 compliant XMI file that you can
then import into Rational XDE Developer. To export a process model as UML,
complete the following steps:
1. Select the project, catalog, or element that you want to export in the Project
Tree. Right-click and select Export. The Export wizard appears.
2. Select UML Business Modeling Profile and click Next.
3. Click Browse to select the target directory where you want to put the project.
Select the project to export from the drop-down list.
4. Click Finish. The name of the file is the name of the modeling project, and the
file extension is .xml.
We have exported the complete modeling project including process models and
business items. We recommend that you at least export these artifacts, because
they provide the most value for IT architects and designers. For our sample
scenario, we have not defined resources such as roles, timetables, and
Chapter 9. Integration into business processes 261
resources (instances of roles). If you create resources, exporting the resource
catalog may be useful, particularly if you assign resources to activities of the
process model. This resource assignment can be visualized later in the UML
activity graph.
Exporting the process model to a BPEL-compliant description is similar to
exporting UML. Use the Export wizard, but now select the WebSphere Business
Integration Server Foundation V5.1 profile. The export wizard creates BPEL files,
WSDL files to describe the process interfaces, and XML Schema (XSD)
descriptions for the business items that are defined.
Importing the UML process model
You can import the UML 1.4 XMI file that you exported from WebSphere
Business Integration Modeler into Rational XDE Developer. Because the
exported XMI file does not contain any diagram information, you must create
diagrams using the imported model elements after importing the model file. To
import the process model:
1. Start Rational XDE Developer and switch to the Modeling perspective. From
the main menu bar, select File
New and create a simple project.
2. Select File
Import. For the file to import, select the XMI file that you have
exported. For the directory, browse to the simple project you just created.
Click Finish.
3. In the Model Explorer view, find the model that has the new project name. You
may have to open the model by double-clicking on the model file in the
Navigator view. Under the model, you may find Data catalogs, Process
catalogs, Resource catalogs, Organization catalogs, and Business
Integration Modeler Classes packages.
4. To display the class diagram that includes business items of your data
catalog, open the main diagram in the data catalog folder by choosing Data
Business Items Main.
5. Drag and drop the classes in that folder onto the diagram to visualize them.
6. To create an activity diagram for a process model, select an activity graph in
the model by choosing Process catalogs
Processes Business Use
Case Stock Trade
7. Right-click, and select Add Diagram
Activity. Enter the diagram name.
An empty diagram is created.
8. Select all the elements under the Top activity graph (not including the activity
diagram) and drag and drop them onto the empty diagram. For a simple
process, select Diagram
Arrange from the main menu bar. For a complex
process, you may have to rearrange elements manually.
262 Managing Information Access to an EIS Using J2EE and Services Oriented Architecture
We have imported the Stock Trade process models and data into Rational XDE
Developer. Figure 9-10 depicts the Stock Brokerage activity diagram.
Figure 9-10 Stock Brokerage activity diagram
Figure 9-11 shows the class diagram, including all the business items that we
have defined.
Figure 9-11 Stock Trade class diagram (analysis)
Audit Order
Bu y St ock
Sell StockValidate Order
Buy o r Se l l
['Processes.Stock Brokerage.Stock
Brokerage.Buy or Sell ?.Input.Quantity'
is greater than 0.0]
['Processes.Stock Brokerage.Stock
Brokerage.Buy or Sell ?.Input.Quantity'
is less than 0.0]
«Business Entity»
Ana lysis De t a ils
+ Target 1Y[ 1..1] : String
+ Volume[ 1.. 1] : Str ing
+ Change[ 1..1] : String
+ Last Trade[ 1..1] : String
+ Stock[1..1] : String
«Business Entit
Or de r De t a ils
+ Account[ 1..1] : String
+ Price Limit[1..1] : String
+ Quantity[ 1..1] : Long
+ Stock[1..1] : String
«Business Entit
Tr a de De t a ils
+ Order Acknowledge[ 1..1] : String
+ Account Debit Acknowlwdge[ 1..1] : String
+ Risky Inclination[ 1..1] : String
+ Order Details
Chapter 9. Integration into business processes 263
Importing the BPEL process model
The BPEL-compliant process models that have been exported from WebSphere
Business Integration Modeler can be imported into WebSphere Studio
Application Developer Integration Edition.
When you import into Integration Edition, it is important to import the folder
structure that was generated while exporting the processes, because the
generated files use that structure to reference one another. To import the files
from any directory, complete the following steps:
1. In Integration Edition, ensure that you are in the Business Integration
2. Create a new service project as follows:
a. In the Services navigator, select File
New Service Project.
b. In the New Project window that opens, enter the name of the project that
you are planning to import.
c. Click Finish to create the new project.
3. Right-click the project and select Import.
4. In the Import wizard, select File system. Click Next.
5. Click Browse and select the directory where you exported the files from
WebSphere Business Integration Modeler. Place a checkmark beside the
directory and click Finish.
6. The files are imported into the project you have selected. Double-click the
processes to open the BPEL editor.
Designing services and data model
As described in “Modeling and designing business processes” on page 249,
business analysts define the analysis model using the WebSphere Business
Integration Modeler tool. The design model, however, has to be developed by IT
architects by redefining process and data model.
The architect’s main task is to map the activities of the analysis process model to
services. You can either reuse services, meaning that you map the required
function to functions already available from applications or components. In case
you cannot reuse application services, you have to design new service
implementations. We recommend that you design and implement all new
services using Java and J2EE technology. The tools for design and
implementation are provided by Rational XDE Developer and WebSphere Studio
Application Developer Integration Edition.
Furthermore, you have to create and refine the process design. We describe how
to design and implement the BPEL process in 9.3, “Developing business
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