

Abbott, Pamela, 278n

Accessibility, 365367

Accuracy, 364365

Acharya, Parul, 97n

Activity-based costing (ABC), 226227

Activity streams, 113

Adaptability, 187188

Agarwal, S., 84n

Agile business processes, 142143

Agile development, 306308

Crystal, 306

Dynamic System Development Method (DSDM), 306307

Feature-Driven Development, 306

Rapid Application Development (RAD), 306

Scrum, 306

XP (Extreme Programming), 306

Allocation funding method, 224225

complaints about, 224225, 2, 26

American LaFrance (ALF), 159

Analytical capabilities maturity levels, 342

Andrews, Lori, 360n, 363

Angwin, Jula, 361n

Appian BPM product, 147148

Applegate, L., 264n, 312n

Applegate, L. M., 83n

Applications, 172

Archetypes, IT governance, 242, 244

Architecture, 18, 167196

architectural principles, 180

basic components to be considered, 172

building vs. IT, 168

capacity-on-demand, 177

cloud computing, 183185

common configurations of architecture, 173

enterprise architecture (EA), 180183

existing architecture, understanding, 185186

financial issues, assessing, 190192

leap from strategy to architecture to infrastructure, 170177

manager's role, 169170

‘One-VA’ architecture, 176

strategic timeframe, assessing, 186187

technical issues, assessing, 187188

virtualization, 183185

from vision to implementation, 168170

Web-based architectures, 176

Ashford, Warwick, 237n

Assumptions, 90

Audio Home Recording Act (1992), 328


Babin, R., 277

Backsourcing, 281

Bala, H., 129n, 176n

Balaji, S., 135n

Balanced scorecard, 218220

customer perspective, 220

financial perspective, 220

innovating and learning perspective, 220

internal business perspective, 220

Barki, H., 314n, 315n

Barley, S., 101n, 110n

Barney, Jay, 59n

Basu, Amit, 153n

Bates, J., 176n

Bean, L. L., 26

Beck, John, 138n

Beck, Kent, 307n

Beliefs, 90

Berinato, Scott, 30n

Berkman, Eric, 220n

Berleur, J., 369n, 370

Best Buy's approach, 100

Best-of-breed approach, 270

Bhasin, Aditya, 276n

Big data, 340342

‘Big Data Problem’, iv

Blogs, 106

Blown to Bits, 17

‘Bolt-on’ systems, 153

Bond, M. H., 92n

Bosworth, Martin, 356n

Boudreau, Marie-Claude, 123n

Boyd, Ron, 375

Braganza, 255n

Brancatelli, J., 98n

Brandeis, Louis D., 359n

Brandenburg, A., 65n

Bridges, William, 102n

Brin, Sergey, 41

Bring Your Own Device (BYOD), 121, 177, 248

Broadbent, M., 49n

Brooks, Frederick, 302n, 303n

Brynjolfsson, Erik, 31n, 79n

Buchanan, Richard D., 187n

Building the Information Age Organization, 35

Burnham, Kristin, 115n

Bush, Jonathan, 227

Business analytics, 325330

competing with, 336338

components of, 338340

Business case, 209213

benefits in, classification framework for, 211

components of, 209

Business continuity plan (BCP), 250

planning stage, 250

postplanning stage, 250

preplanning stage, 250

Business diamond, 33

Business ethics, normative theories of, 356

Business integration with information systems, 5

Business intelligence (BI), 325330, 335336

caveats for managing, 345

Business-IT maturity model, 198

business effectiveness, 198

business efficiency, 198

business transformation, 198

Business of IT, 197235

activities that IT organization should not do, 205

anticipating new technologies, 202

building a business case, 209213 (See also Business case)

chief financial officer (CFO), 206

chief information officer (CIO), 205

chief information security officer (CISO), 207

chief knowledge officer (CKO), 207

chief mobility officer (CMO), 207

chief network officer (CNO), 207

chief privacy officer (CPO), 207

chief resource officer (CRO), 207

chief social media officer (CSMO), 207

chief technology officer (CTO), 207

chief telecommunications officer (CTO), 207

community management, 208

developing and maintaining systems, 201

establishing architecture platforms and standards, 202

global IT activities, managing, 203204

innovating current processes, 202

integrating the use of social IT, 202

IT investments, valuing, 215217

IT portfolio management, 213215

manager's expectation from IT organization, 199203

managing data, information,

and knowledge, 201

managing human resources, 201

managing Internet and network systems, 201

managing supplier relationships, 201

maturity model, 198199

operating the data center, 201

organizing to respond to business demand, 198199

participating in setting and implementing strategic goals, 202

planning for business discontinuities, 201

promoting enterprise security, 202

providing general support, 201

understanding the IT organization, 199

Business process continuity, 250

Business process reengineering (BPR), 143

Business processes management (BPM), IS for, 135166

Appian BPM product, 147148

ARIS, 147

building agile and dynamic business processes, 142143

changing business processes, 143145

enterprise systems, 148162 (See also individual entry)

hierarchical structure, 138

IBM, 147

NPD process redesign, 135136

process perspective, 139141

silo perspective versus business process perspective, 137142

workflow and mapping processes, 145148

Business strategy and IT, co-creating, 6869

Business strategy frameworks, 2633 (See also Generic strategies framework)

direct-to-customer model, 28

dynamic environment strategies, 3132

Business technology strategist, 206

Business, assumptions about, 1314

functional view, 13

hierarchical view of firm, 13

process view, 1314


Cairncross, Frances, 80n

Capability Maturity Model (CMM), 279

Capacity-on-demand, 177

Captive Centers, 278279, 115

Carmel, Erran, 278n, 280, 280n, 281, 281n

Carr, David F., 113

Carter, M., 206n

Case studies

Altia Business Park, 286287

Anyglobal Company Inc., 22

big fix at Toyota Motor Sales (TMS), 259260

Boeing 787 Dreamliner, 165166

business intelligence at CKE restaurants, 348349

case of extreme scientists, 195196

crowdsourcing at AOL, 285286

dealing with traffic jams in London, 322324

Enterprise architecture (EA) at American

Express, 194195

ethical decision making, 372375

FBI, 9899

Google, 4143

Groupon, Inc., 7172

implementing enterprise change management at Southern Company, 321322

IT governance at university of the Southeast, 258259

Lego, 3941

Midwest Family Mutual goes green, 375376

Santa Cruz Bicycles, 164165

Social Networking: How Does IBM Do It?, 133134

Southwest Airlines, 9798

Stop & Shop's scan it! App, 347348

Terry Cannon, MBA, 2022

Trash and Waste Pickup Services, Inc. (TWPS's), 132133

Zipcar, 7273

Cash, J. I., 35n, 77, 83n

Cathedral and the Bazaar, The, 310

CEMEX, 149

Centralized architecture, 173175

Centralized organizational structure, 237240

Chandrasekaran, N., 75, 81

Changes, IT-induced, gaining acceptance for, 128130

managing change, 128

stages and steps in, 129

technology acceptance model and its variants, 128130

Chargeback funding method, 223224

Chasney, Jeff, 349

Cherbakov, L., 111n, 112n, 209n

Chief information officer (CIO), 205

Chief information security officer (CISO), 207

Chief knowledge officer (CKO), 207

Chief mobility officer (CMO), 207

Chief network officer (CNO), 207

Chief privacy officer (CPO), 207

Chief resource officer (CRO), 207

Chief social media officer (CSMO), 207

Chief technology officer (CTO), 207

Chief telecommunications officer (CTO), 207

1998 Children's Online Privacy Protection Act, 362

Chudoba, K., 126n

Clair, D. St., 49n

Classic management model, 11

Cloud computing, 167, 183185, 272274

iCloud, 274

Netflix, 273

public clouds, 273

CoActive Digital, 110

Coghlan, John Philip, 354

Cognizant Technology Solutions, 7476

Coleman, T., 135n

Colin, Michelle, 43

Collaboration, IT supporting, 33, 104

changing, 110111

groupware, 106

social networking site, 106

virtual world, 106

Web logs (blogs), 106

wiki, 106

Collis, David J., 48n

Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (COSO), 252253

control objectives, 253

Common project vocabulary, 295, 299301

Communication challenge in virtual teams, 124126

Communication, IT supporting, 86, 104

changing communication patterns, 108109

e-mail (electronic mail), 105

file transfer, 106

instant messaging (IM), 105

intranet, 105

really simple syndication (RSS), 106

unified communications (UC), 105

video teleconference, 105

virtual private network (VPN), 105

voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP), 105

Community management, 208

Compensation, changes to, 114

Competitive Advantage, 28

Competitive challenges, 6

Complexity, 312313

Confucian work dynamism (future orientation), 93

Conlin, M., 100n, 114n, 119n

Constance, Hays, 339n

Consumerization of IT, 177

Consumerization of technology, 248

Control decisions, governance frameworks for, 251257

Sarbanes–Oxley Act (SoX) of 2002, 251252 (See also individual entry)

Control Objectives for Information and Related Technology (COBIT), 253

advantage of, 254

control objective, 254

critical success factor, 254

domain, 254

key goal indicator, 254

key performance indicator, 254

maturity model, 254

Co-opetition, 65

Copyleft rule, 310

Corporate budget, 225226

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), 277, 356359

ethical tensions with governments, 358359

green computing, 357

triple bottom line (TBL), economic, environmental, and social, 358

Cost leadership, 2829

Cost of IT, 226231

activity-based costing (ABC), 226227

of informal support, 230231

soft cost areas, 230

total cost of ownership (TCO), 227228

Cost-risk-benefit analysis for business case, 211212

Cotterman, H., 296n

Couto, Vinay, 276n

Critical path method (CPM), 297

Cross-functional nature of business processes, 140142

Zara's, 141142

Crowdsourcing, 161

Crystal, 306

Cule, P., 314n

Culnan, M., 351n, 367n, 368n

Culnan, M. J., 122n, 353n, 355n

Cultural differences and offshoring, 280281

Culture and IS, 77, 8995

assumptions, 90

beliefs, 90

enacted values, 90

espoused values, 90

IT adoption and diffusion, 9192

levels of culture and IT, 9092

national cultural dimensions and their application, 9295 (See also individual entry)

observable artifacts, 90

values, 90

Curran, Chris, 221n

Customer pull, 6

Customer Relationship Management (CRM), 30, 59, 151, 153156

dynamics CRM, 155

Oracle, 155, 155

SAP, 155

Cyberslacking, 87


Dagen, H., 304n

Daniel, Elizabeth, 209n

Dashboards, 221222

architecture of, 223

business-IT dashboards, 221

improvement dashboard, 221

portfolio dashboards, 221

service dashboard, 221

Data, 14, 37, 173174, 330335

data center, 173

data collection and IS, 8688

data mining, 339

data repositories, 338339

Davenport, Thomas, 138n, 327n, 337, 340

Davenport, Thomas H., 332n

Davenport, Tom, 14, 332

Davis, F. D., 129n

Davis, Fred, 128

Davis, G. B., 129n

DeBoever, Larry R., 187n

Decentralized architecture, 174175

Decentralized organizational structure, 237240

Decision-making mechanisms, 248251 (See also Control decisions, governance frameworks for)

business process continuity, 250

C-level executives, 249

lower-level steering committees, 249

review board, 249

steering committee, 249

Decision rights, 7879

Decision rights-accountability gap, IS, 242

Decisions about IS, participating in, 36

dialogue among managers, 3

importance, 4

manager's not participating in, consequences of, 69

skills needed, 910

ways to, 10

Design of work and IS (See Work design framework)

Dessain, Vincent, 240n

Destroy your business (DYB), 31

Differentiation, 29

Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DCMA), 330

Digital natives, 6

DiRomualdo, Anthony, 264n

Disaster Recovery Institute International (DRII), 250

Disher, Chris, 276n

Distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks, 369

Diversity challenges, 124, 127

Domain Excellence Platforms (DEPs), 84

Donegan, C., 222n

Dorfman, P., 93n

Dourish, P., 101n, 330

Drucker, Peter F., 330n

Dudley, Bob, 25

Dunaway, G., 68

Duquenoy, P., 369n, 370

Duvall, Mel, 188

Dynamic business processes, 142143

Dynamic environment strategies, 3132

destroy your business (DYB), 31

grow your business (GYB) strategy, 32

hypercompetition models, 31

Dynamic System Development Method (DSDM), 306307

Dynamics CRM, 155


Earl, Michael J., 200n, 240n, 241

Eccles, Robert G., 35n, 77

Economic value added (EVA), 216217

Economics of information versus economics of things, 1719

El Sawy, O. A., 222n

E-mail (electronic mail), 105, 126

Enacted values, 90

End-to-end NPD process, 136

Engagement, 33

Enterprise architecture (EA), 180183

components of, 181

The Open Group Architecture Framework (TOGAF), 182

Zachman framework, 182

Enterprise Architecture as Strategy, 180

Enterprise Information Systems (EIS), 150

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), 59,

151153, 167

characteristics of, 152153

global vs. local ERPs, 154

Enterprise systems, 148162

benefits of, 158160

between companies, challenges of integrating, 162

crowdsourcing changes innovation processes, 161

disadvantages of, 158160

Enterprise Information Systems (EIS), 150

integration versus standardization, 149

Oracle, 150

and the processes they automate, 151

SAP, 150

when the system drives the change, 160162

Eras model, 45

Espoused values, 90

Ethical use of information, 350376

corporate social responsibility, 356359

managers' role in ethical information control, 367368

privacy, accuracy, property, and accessibility (PAPA), 359368

property, 365

responsible computing, 352356 (See also individual entry)

security and controls, 369371

Evaluation, 86

changes to, 114

Evidence-based management approach, 340

Explicit knowledge, 332335

External stakeholders, 152

Extreme Programming (XP), 306

Extreme Programming Explained: Embrace Change, 307n


Face-to face meetings, 126

Fair Credit Reporting, 362

Farshoring, 277

Fear, uncertainty, and doubt (FUD) factor, 247

Feature-Driven Development, 306

Federalism, 240

federal IT, 241

Feeny, David F., 264n

Field, Tom, 270n

File transfer, 106

FirstEnergy, 219

Flat organization structure, 8182

Fletcher, O., 203

Focus, 29

cost focus, 29

differentiation focus, 29

Foecke, T., 292n

Folksonomy, 335

Ford, John C., 216n

Formal reporting relationships, 77, 7984

flat organization structure, 8182

hierarchical organization structure, 7981

matrix organization structure, 82

networked organization structure, 8283

Forsberg, K., 296n

Forsyth, Jim, 366n

Foxman, Ellen R., 122n

Free software, 310

Friedman, M., 353n

Friedman, Thomas, 104, 157

Friedman, Thomas L., 104n, 109n

Full outsourcing, 270

Functional (or silo) perspective, 137142

Functional view of business, 13

Funding IT resources, 222226

allocation funding method, 224

chargeback funding method, 223224

corporate budget, 225226


Galal, Hossam, 111n

Game theory or role-playing, 217

Gannon, Emma, 208

Gantt charts, 297, 299300

Gardner, D. G., 359n

Garretson, Cara, 122n, 369n

Gartenberg, M., 228n

Gebelt, M., 270n

Geister, S., 122n

Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP), 253

Generic strategies framework, 2831

cost focus, 29

cost leadership, 2829

customer relationship management (CRM), 30

differentiation, 29

focus, 29

value-based strategy, 30

Geographic flexibility, 118

George, Joey F., 309n

Ghosal, S., 64

Global IT activities, managing, 203204

business continuity planning, 204

cultural differences, 204

data flow across borders, 204

political stability, 204

sourcing, 204

transparency, 204

Global Leadership and Organizational

Behavior Effectiveness (GLOBE) research program, 92

Global supplier relationships, managing, 203

Goh, M., 84n

Gombossy, G., 365n

Google, 2

Governance of enterprise IT (GEIT), 238

Governance of IS organization, 236260

advantages, 239

centralized versus decentralized organizational structures, 237240

decision rights-accountability gap, 242 (See also Decision-making mechanisms) disadvantages, 239

organizational continuum, 238

and security, 244248

Governments, ethical tensions with, 358359

Gramm–Leach–Bliley Act of 1999, 362

Gray, P., 222n

Green computing, 357

Greene, Tim, 273n

Groupware, 106

Grover, V., 206n

Grow your business (GYB) strategy, 32

Gruman, Galen, 185n

Gueutal, H. G., 359n

Gurbaxani, Vijay, 264n


Hamblen, M., 271n

Hammer, Michael, 137n

Hanges, P., 93n

Hardware, 37, 172174

Harris, Jeanne, 327n, 337, 340

Harrison, S., 101n

Hattar, Marie, 112

Hay, Gordon, 169n

Hayward, Tony, 25

Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) of 1996, 362

Heller, Martha, 249n

Henderson, Nicole, 236n

Hertel, G., 122n

Hierarchical organization structure, 7981

Hierarchical structure of business processes

management, 138

Hierarchy, information, 14

Hiring, changes to, 114115

Hirschheim, Rudy, 281n

Hof, Robert, 2n

Hoffman, Thomas, 197n

Hofstede dimensions (related GLOBE dimensions), 93

Hofstede, G., 92n

Hofstede, G. J., 90n

Hogue, F., 26n, 36n

Hollon, John, 100n

Holmes, Allan, 99

Holmes, Stanley, 166

Hookway, J., 68

Houghton, Robert, 222n

House, R., 93n

House, R. J., 94n

Hu, Q., 235, 270n

Huang, C. D., 235

Hulland, J., 59n

Hypercompetition, 31


iCloud, 53, 274

Identity Cards Act in 2006, 369

Identity theft, 366

In the Age of the Smart Machine: The Future of Work and Power, 107n

Incentives and IS, 89

Incremental change in business processes, 143144

and radical change, comparison, 145

Individualism/collectivism (societal and in-group collectivism), 93

Informal networks, 77, 8485

Informal support, cost of, 230231

Information Ecology, 14

Information, 14, 330335

Information hierarchy, 14

characteristics across hierarchical level, 16

comparison, 15

data, 14

information, 1415

knowledge, 14, 16

Information processing, changing, 109110

Information repository, 47

Information resources, 4473 (See also Strategic use of information resources)

advantages, 4850

becoming obsolete, 50

definition, 47

distribution of, 50

evolution of, 4547

mobility of, 50

value of, determinants, 4950

Information security education/training/awareness, 245, 247

Information security infrastructure, 245247

Information security investments, 245, 247

Information security policies, 245246

Information security strategy, 244245

Information Systems Audit & Control Association (ISACA), 253

Information systems strategy triangle (See Strategy triangle of IS)

Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL), 255

Informational systems, 213214

Infrastructure, 18, 167196, 213

peer-to-peer infrastructure, 176

wireless (mobile) infrastructure, 176

Innovation, 33

Insourcing, 264

Instant messaging (IM), 105

Integration versus standardization, 149

Intellectual capital, 328

Intellectual property, 328330

Intellectual property collide, 329

Intellectual property preservation, 310

Internal rate of return (IRR), 197, 217

International Standards Organization (ISO), 255

Intranet, 105

Intrusion detection systems (IDSs), 246

Investments in IT, valuing, 215217 (See also Valuation methods)

Irwin, Gil, 276n

Isaacson, Walter, 32n

IT Governance: How Top Performers Manage IT Decision Rights for Superior Results, 243n

Ives, B., 47n, 111n, 112n, 209n


Jarillo, J. C., 283n

Javidan, Mansour, 93n, 94n

Jiang, J. J., 154

Jobs, Steve, 32, 32n

JobShift: How to Prosper in a Workplace without Jobs, 102n

Joint applications development (JAD), 308309

Joshi, A., 222n


Kao, Jon, 117n

Kaplan, R., 218220, 218n

Kavan, C. B., 282n

Kayworth, 358n

Kayworth, T., 91n, 93n

Keegan, Paul, 320n

Keil, M., 314n, 316n

Kelley, Diana, 273n

Kellwood, 261262

Kentish, Shenay, 45n

King, Gary, 342

Kinicki, A., 89n

Kleing, G., 154

Knowledge-Creating Company: How Japanese Companies Create the Dynamics of Innovation, The, 334

Knowledge/Knowledge management processes, 14, 16, 325335

caveats for managing, 345

folksonomy, 335

knowledge based work nature, 117

knowledge capture, 335

knowledge codification, 335

knowledge generation, 335

knowledge transfer, 335

tacit versus explicit knowledge, 332335

tagging, 335

taxonomy of, 332

value of managing knowledge, 333

Kodak effect, 264

Konradt, U., 122n

Kotabe, Masaaki, 283n

Kotalarsky, J., 278n

Kotter, John, 128, 128n

Kozmetsky, G., 84n

Krigsman, Michael, 312n, 313, 313n

Kumar, Akhil, 153n

Kunda, G., 101n, 110n


L.L.Bean, 26

Lacity, Mary C., 264n

Lagorio, Christine, 349

Langton, L., 367n

LaVallee, Andrew, 360n

Leavitt business diamond, 33

Leavitt, H. J., 33, 33n

Leavitt, Harold, 33, 110, 110n

Lee, Hau, 156n

Leidner, D., 91n, 93n, 358n

Lembert, Phil, 347

Lemos, Robert, 121n

Levels of culture and IT, 9092

IS development, 91

IT adoption and diffusion, 9192

IT management and strategy, 92

IT use and outcomes, 92

Levinson, M., 32n

Liew, C.-M., 278n

Lignment, 26

Lindsky, David, 227n

Liz, Benston, 326n

Loch, Karen, 123n

Lohr, S., 342n

Loveman, Gary, 325, 325n

Lunsford, J. Lynn, 166

Lynch, C. G., 110n

Lyytinen, K., 314n


Ma, D., 352n

Maintainability, 189

Majchrzak, A., 111n, 112n, 209n

Make Home Affordable Program, 364

Maloney, Daniel, 285

Mamodia, Raj, 82

Management control systems and IS, 8589

communication, 86

data collection, 8688

evaluation, 86

planning, 86

Management of information systems (IS), 1

business view, 45

competitive challenges, 6

customer pull, 6

importance, 1

Management, assumptions about, 1113

classic management model, 11

manager's role, 12

Mintzberg's model, 12

Managerial issues in virtual teams, 125127

Managerial levers model, 35

Managing IT projects, 288324

agile development, 306307

allocating software development projects, 302

development methodologies and approaches, 308312

IT project development methodologies and approaches, 303312

operations versus projects, 291

project, definition, 290292

prototyping, 307308

risk management in, 312319 (See also individual entry)

systems development life cycle (SDLC), 303306 (See also individual entry)

Mapping processes, 145148

Markus, M. Lynne, 152n, 162n

Martin, Bob, 5

Martinsons, M. G., 352n

Masculinity/femininity (general egalitarianism and assertiveness), 93

Mashups, 15, 311

Mason, Richard O., 359, 359n

Materials resource planning (MRP), 150

Matrix organization structure, 82

Maturity model (See Business-IT maturity model)

Maxon, T., 98n

Mayer, Marissa, 42

Mayor, Tracy, 221n

Maznevski, M. L., 126n

McAfee, Andrew, 31n, 79n, 240n

McCarty, J. H., 292n

McClure, S., 359n

McFarlan, F. W., 312n

McKeen, James D., 213n

McKenney, J. L., 312n

McNichol, T., 363

Messmer, Ellen, 248

Metz, Cade, 358n

Mick, J., 358n

Middleware, 153

Miller, Jason, 330n

Mills, D. Q., 83n

Mintzberg, Henry, 12

Mission, 26

Mobile work, 116122

Monitoring IT investments, 218222 (See also Balanced scorecard; Dashboards), 115

Montealegre, R., 264n

Montgomery, Cynthia A., 48n

Moore, Gordon, 118n

Moore, James, 360n

Mooz, H., 296n

Moran, Gwen, 54n

Morozov, E., 363

Morris, M. G., 129n

Muñoz, Rick, 169n

Murphy, Kevin, 355n

Murray, Janet Y., 283n

Mythical Man-Month: Essays on Software Engineering, The, 302n


Nahapiet, J., 64

Nalebuff, B., 65n

National cultural dimensions and their application, 9295

Confucian work dynamism (future orientation), 93

Hofstede dimensions (related GLOBE dimensions), 93

individualism/collectivism (societal and in-group collectivism), 93

masculinity/femininity (general egalitarianism and assertiveness), 93

power distance, 93

uncertainty avoidance, 93

Nature of work, IT changing, 104116

Nearshoring, 278

Nelson, Gregory, 336n

Net present value (NPV), 197, 216217

Netflix, 273

Network, 48, 173174

Networked organization structure, 8283

Networking, 37

New product development (NPD), 135136

end-to-end NPD process, 136

reengineered NPD process, 136

Nicholson, B., 277

Nishant, R., 84n

Nohria, Nitin, 35n, 77

Nolan, Richard, 117n

Nolan, Richard L., 35n, 77

Nonaka, Ikujiro, 334

Normative theories of business ethics, 356

Norton, D., 218220, 218n


Object-oriented analysis, 308309

Observable artifacts, 90

Offshoring, 120, 275277

government involvement with, 275

selecting an offshore destination, 279281

Oil Purification Systems, Inc (OPS), 155

Online Protection and Enforcement of Digital Trade Act (OPEN), 330

Onshoring, 274275

Open source software (OSS), 310

Open sourcing approach, 309312

Oracle, 150, 155

Organizational continuum, 238

Organizational culture influences, 296

Organizational decision making, changing, 109110

Organizational strategies, 3336

business diamond, 33

managerial levers model, 35

social business strategy, 34

Organizational strategy and IS, 34, 7499

complex matrix structure, 76

control variables, 77

cultural variables, 77, 8995 (See also Culture and IS)

organizational design and IS, 7885

organizational variables, 77

Orrega, J. M., 101n

Oshri, I., 278n

Outsourcing, 264266

factors in outsourcing decision, 266267

risks, 267269

and strategic networks, 283

Overby, S., 262n, 268n, 269n, 279n, 280n

Owyang, Jeremiah, 208


Page, Larry, 41

Pavlou, Paul, 359n, 361n

Payback analysis, 217

Pearlson, K., 84n

Peer-to-peer infrastructure, 176

People and technology work together, 5

Peppard, Joe, 209n

Peretz, Hilla, 94

Performance measurement and evaluation, 77, 8889

Personal computer (PC), 238

Piccoli, G., 47n

Planning and IS, 86

Platform, 172

platform as a service (PaaS), 183

Polyani, Michael, 332, 332n

Porter, M., 28n, 29n

Porter's, Michael, 44

Portfolio management, IT, 213215

informational systems, 214

infrastructure systems, 213

strategic systems, 214

transactional systems, 213

Power distance, 93

Privacy, 359364

Privacy, Accuracy, Property, and Accessibility (PAPA), 359368

accessibility, 365367

accuracy, 364365

Mason's areas of managerial control, 360

personal data, 363

1974 Privacy Act, 362

Process integration versus standardization, 149

Process perspective, 139141

cross-functional nature of business processes, 140

metrics, 139

procurement business process, 140

Process view of business, 1314

Procurement process, 140

Product Life Cycle Management (PLM), 151, 158

Project cycle plan, 295, 297299

Project elements, 295301

common project vocabulary, 295, 299301

organizational culture influences, 296

project cycle plan, 295, 297299

project leadership vs. project management (PM) process, 296

project management, 295296

project team, 295, 297

socioeconomic influences, 296

Project evaluation and review technique (PERT), 297298

Project management, 292296 (See also Managing IT projects)

cost, 292

Project Management Office (PMO), 294

project triangle, 292

quality, 292

scope, 292

scope creep, 293

software, 293

time, 292

Project stakeholders, 290

relationships among, 291

Project team, 295, 297

Project, definition, 290292

Property, 365

Protect IP Act (PIPA), 330

Prototyping, 217, 307308

drawbacks, 307

Prusak, Larry, 332

Prusak, Laurence, 332n

Public clouds, 273

Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), 273

Platform as a Service (PaaS), 273

Software as a Service (SaaS), 273


Radical change, 144145

and incremental improvement, comparison, 145

Raice, Shayndi, 26n

Ramadorai, S., 75

Ranganathan, C., 135n

Rapid Application Development (RAD), 306, 308309

Ray, Amy W., 122n

Raymond, Eric, 310

Raymond, Eric S., 310n

Really Simple Syndication (RSS), 106

Reengineered NPD process, 136

Remote work

disconnecting employees, 120

managerial issues in, 121122

Resource-based view (RBV), 5961

Zara stores and, 6264

Responsible computing, 352356

normative theories of business ethics, 356

social contract theory, 354356

stakeholder theory, 353354

stockholder theory, 352353

Results-Only Work Environment (ROWE), 100

Return on investment (ROI), 216217

Review board, 249

Rewards and IS, 89

changes to, 114

Risk management in IT projects, 312319

clarity, 313

complexity, 312313

gauging success, 317319

managing project risk level, 314316

size, 313314

sustaining commitment to projects, 316317

Rivard, S., 314n

Rivera, Barbara, 286

Robertson, David, 180

Robertson, David C., 181n

Robey, Daniel, 123n

Rockart, John F., 200n, 240n

Rohter, Larry, 157n

Roles of manager, 12

decisional, 12

informational, 12

interpersonal, 12

Rosenblatt, Zehava, 94

Ross, J., 150

Ross, J. W., 181n, 200n, 239n, 240n, 241n 243n

Ross, Jeanne, 149, 180, 241

Ross's, 242

Rural Payments Agency (RPA), 288289

Rutkowski, A. F., 101n

S, 155

Sambamurthy, V., 26n, 36n

Santosus, M., 294n

SAP, 150, 155

Sarbanes–Oxley Act (SoX) of 2002, 251252

Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (COSO), 252253

Control Objectives for Information and Related Technology (COBIT), 253254

frameworks for implementing, 252255

Sarbanes–Oxley Act compliance, 255257

implementation of, and IS, 255257

Sauer, 303n

Saunders, C., 101n, 127n, 270n, 282n

Scalability, 188

Schall, D., 98n

Schein, E., 90n

Schmidt, R., 314n

Scrum, 306

Security, 189190

security issue for remote workers, 121

Security and controls, 369371

broadcast medium security and controls, 370

hardware system security and control, 370

network and software security controls, 370

Security and IT governance, 244248

critical decision-archetype matches, 247

information security education/training/awareness, 245, 247

information security infrastructure, 245247

information security investments, 245, 247

information security policies, 245246

information security strategy, 244245

Selection-related decisions, 269

Selective outsourcing, 270

Server-based architecture, 174

Service Level Agreements (SLAs), 269

Services Oriented Architecture (SOA), 167, 174175

Shivapriya, N., 75n

Shumann, Evan, 54n

Sia, S. K., 154

Silo organizations, 137142

Silverman, R. E., 285n

Simulation, 217

Six Sigma, 144

Six Sigma DMADV (define, measure, analyze, design, verify) process, 144

Six Sigma DMAIC (define, measure, analyze, improve, control) process, 144

Sjman, Anders, 240n

Slater, Chuck, 42n

Sloan Valve Company, 135136

SmallBlue, 112

Smith, Heather A., 213n, 352n, 354n

Social analytics, 342345

social graphs, 344

Social business, 8

Social business strategy, 34

collaboration, 34

engagement, 34

innovation, 34

Social capital, 64

relational dimension, 64

structural dimension, 64

Social contract theory, 354356

Social Distribution, 53

Social graphs, 344

Social IT, 8

Social media, 8

Social networking, 8, 85, 106

Socialization, 335

Socioeconomic influences, 296

Soft cost areas, 230

administration, 230

technical support, 230

training, 230

Software, 37, 172174

applications, 172

system software, 172

Software-as-a-service (SaaS), 174175, 183

Soh, C., 154

Sourcing, information systems, 261287

deciding where abroad question, 277281

decisions about successful outsourcing, 269271

outsourcing and strategic networks, 283

reevaluation, status quo or change?, 281283

sourcing decision cycle framework, 262283

Stahl, B. C., 361n, 364n

Stahl, Bernd Carsten, 87n

Stakeholder theory, 353354

Standardization, 188

Steering committee, 249

Stewart, Thomas, 347n

Stockholder theory, 352353

Stoddard, Donna, 117n

Stone, E. F., 359n

Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA), 330

Strassmann, Paul, 282n

Strategic advantage models need, for IS planning, 3233

Strategic alliance, 64

Strategic networks, 283

Strategic sourcing, 270

Strategic systems, 214

Strategic use of information resources, 4473

to attain competitive advantage, 61

business strategy and IT, co-creating, 6869

co-opetition, 65

Eras model, 4546

to influence competitive forces, 5155

information repository, 47

IS infrastructure, 47

IT asset, 47, 49

IT capabilities, 4748

risks, 6668

strategic alliances, 6465

to sustain competitive advantage, 6162

value chain alteration, 5559

Web 2.0 space, 47

Zara stores, 4445, 6064

Strategy triangle of IS, 2343

business strategy, 24, 2633 (See also Business strategy frameworks; Generic strategies framework)

consequences of strategy, 25

convergence, 25

information strategy, 24

IS strategy, 3637

organizational strategy, 2425, 3336 (See also individual entry)

synchronization, 25

Strategy, 26

Straub, Detmar, 123n

Supervision, changes to, 114

Supply Chain Management (SCM), 59, 151, 156157

demand-driven supply networks, 157

System hierarchy, 1819

architecture, 18

infrastructure, 18

System software, 172

Systems development life cycle (SDLC), 303306, 308

cutover phase, 304305

functional design phase, 304305

functional specifications translation phase, 304305

implementation, 304305

maintenance and review, 304305

project initiation phase, 304305

requirements definition phase, 304305

verification phase, 304305


Tacit knowledge, 332335

Tagging, 335

Takeuchi, Hirotaka, 334

Talbot, J., 314n

Tanis, Cornelis, 152n, 162n

Tata Consultancy Services (TCS), 7576

Tavani, H. T., 360n

Taylor, S., 129n

Tay-Yap, J., 154

Team diversity challenge in virtual teams, 124, 127

Technological leveling, 83

Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), 128130

TAM3, 130

Technology challenge in virtual teams, 124, 126127

Technology, changes in, 6

Telecommuting, 116122

disadvantages of, 119120

factors driving use of, 116119

Teo, T.S.H., 84n

Thatcher, J. B., 206n

The Open Group Architecture Framework (TOGAF), 182

Thompson, John, 114

Tjia, Paul, 280, 280n, 281, 281n

Todd, P., 129n

Toohey, Marty, 67n

Total cost of ownership (TCO), 227228

as a management tool, 231

TCO component breakdown, 228231

Total quality management (TQM), 143

Trainer, T., 26n, 36n

Transactional systems, 213

Triple bottom line (TBL), economic, environmental, and social, 358

‘True-up’ process, 225


Uncertainty avoidance, 93

Unified communications (UC), 105

Utility computing, 184


Valuation methods, 215217 (See also Monitoring IT investments)

economic value added (EVA), 216217

game theory or role-playing, 217

internal rate of return (IRR), 217

net present value (NPV), 216217

payback analysis, 217

prototyping, 217

return on investment (ROI), 216217

simulation, 217

weighted scoring methods, 217 Value-based strategy, 30

Value chain alteration, 5559

Value system

interconnecting organizations relationships, 58

Values, 90

Van Genuchten, M., 101n

Van Slyke, C., 127n

Vascellaro, J. E., 203

Veltri, N., 282n

Venkatesh, V., 129n, 129n, 176n

Venkatraman, S., 176n

Video teleconference, 105

Vijayan, J., 356n

Violino, Bob, 274n

Virtual private network (VPN), 105

Virtual teams, 122125

disadvantages and challenges of, 123125

factors driving the use of, 123

life cycle of, 122

managerial issues in, 125127

Virtual world, 106

Virtualization, 167, 183185

Vogel, D., 101n

Vogel, D. R., 127n

Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP), 105


Wade, M., 59n

Wailgum, T., 159n

Walters, J., 176n

Wang, E.T.G., 154

Ward, John, 209n

Warmwell, 288n

Warren Samuel D., 359n

Ways to connect, changing, 111113

Web 2.0, 5, 47

Web-based architectures, 176

Web-based technologies, 117118

Web logs (blogs), 106

Weighted scoring methods, 217

Weill, P., 49n, 180, 181n, 239n, 240, 240n, 241n, 242244, 243n

Welch, Jack, 31

Whang, Seungjin, 156n

Whisler, Thomas, 110, 110n

Whitehouse, D., 369n, 370

Wiki, 106

Willcocks, Leslie P., 264n

Williams, C., 351n, 367n, 368n

Williams, C. C., 353n, 355n

Wilson, C., 26n, 36n

Wingfield, N., 65n

Winning the 3-Legged Race, 25, 26n

Wireless (mobile) infrastructure, 176

Wisdom, 17

Work design framework, 100134

changes, IT-induced, gaining acceptance for, 128130

key questions, 102103

mobile work, 116122

nature of work, IT changing, 104116

new challenges in managing people, 113116 (See also under Work force)

new ways to do traditional work, 107113

Results-Only Work Environment (ROWE), 100

telecommuting, 116122

Work force, 113116

new challenges in managing people, 113116

Workflow, 145148

workflow diagram, 146

World is Flat, The, 104, 109n, 157

Wortham, J., 363

Worthen, Ben, 252n, 279n

Wu, Andy, 244n, 245

Wurster, 1718


Yeh, R., 84n


Zachman framework, 182

Zack, M. H., 331n, 2, 26

Zara stores, 4445

Zmud, R., 26n, 36n

Zuboff, Shoshana, 107, 107n

Zuckerberg, Mark, 26, 53

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