Appendix B

Autodesk Maya 2014 Certification

Autodesk® certifications are industry-recognized credentials that can help you succeed in your career—providing benefits to both you and your employer. Getting certified is a reliable validation of skills and knowledge, and it can lead to accelerated professional development, improved productivity, and enhanced credibility.

This Autodesk Official Press book can be an effective component of your exam preparation for the Autodesk Maya 2014 Certified Professional exam. Autodesk highly recommends (and we agree!) that you schedule regular time to prepare; review the most current exampreparation roadmap available at; use this book; take a class at an Authorized Training Center (find ATCs near you here:; and use a variety of resources to prepare for your certification, including plenty of actual hands-on experience.

To help you focus your studies on the skills you’ll need for this exam, the following table shows objectives that could appear on an exam and in what chapter you can find information on that topic—and when you go to that chapter, you’ll find certification icons like the one in the margin here. You are encouraged to build a solid foundation in by learning all of the objectivesowever, the objectives that are shown in bold in the table are most likely to appear on the exam.

These Autodesk exam objectives were accurate at press time; please refer to for the most current exam roadmap and objectives.

Good luck preparing for your certification!

Table B-1 Autodesk Maya 2014 Certified Professional exam topics and objectives

TopicLearning ObjectiveChapter
AnimationAnalyze the animation of an object using the Curve EditorChapter 5
Constrain an object to a pathChapter 5
Create a path animation and evaluate an object along the pathChapter 5
Edit animation curves using the Graph EditorChapter 5
Identify the constraint used for an animationChapter 5
List constraint typesChapter 5
Locate the value of keys in the Time SliderChapter 5
Use animation passes and animation editorsChapter 5
CamerasDifferentiate camera typesChapter 2
Edit FOV (Field of View)Chapter 2
Explain Near and Far Clip Planes for your cameraChapter 2
Identify controls for transforming the cameraChapter 2
CompositingDemonstrate how to composite multiple layers togetherChapter 12
Data Management/InteroperabilityDifferentiate common file types and usagesChapter 4
Use the Import feature to import model dataChapter 1
Dynamics/SimulationDifferentiate rigid body dynamics from alternate animation techniquesChapter 14
Explain how to control a soft body simulationChapter 14
Identify and describe the behavior of a soft bodyChapter 14
Identify nConstraint membership propertiesChapter 15
Identify rigid body propertiesChapter 14
Use soft body simulation toolsChapter 14
EffectsIdentify an atmosphere effectChapter 9
Identify an eventChapter 14
Identify and use physical fieldsChapters 13 & 14
Identify important attributes of OpticalFXChapter 9
Identify particle render typesChapters 13 & 14
Identify particle systemsChapter 13
Use particle system toolsChapters 13 & 14
LightingDescribe focus attributes on depth mapChapter 9
Differentiate light typesChapter 9
Differentiate Depth Map shadows from Raytrace shadowsChapter 9
Describe how to use Look Through Selected to place lights in a sceneChapter 9
Identify the specular component of a lightChapter 9
Materials/ShadingDescribe how to fix textures that move on animated/deforming surfacesChapter 11
Identify how to apply 2D texturesChapter 11
List available materials (Blinn, Phong, Lambert)Chapter 10
Indicate the specular shading attributes that are specific to BlinnChapter 10
ModelingExplain the typical workflow for edge loop modelingChapter 3
Identify the typical workflow for subdivision surface modelingChapter 4
Identify the type of Boolean operation performed on the objectsChapter 4
Use object creation and modification workflowsChapter 3
Use polygon modeling toolsChapters 3 & 4
Use BooleanChapter 4
RenderingDescribe raytrace/scanline quality settingsChapter 12
List and differentiate renderersChapters 9,10, & 11
Describe the functionality of render preview within IPRChapter 10
Indicate the rendering settings that change when the NTSC preset is enabledChapter 2
Rigging/SetupDescribe options for using the Blend Shape deformerChapter 6
Identify bonesChapter 7
Identify options for editing rigid skinChapter 7
Identify options for editing smooth skinChapter 7
Use Weight TableChapter 7
Scene Assembly/Pipeline IntegrationDescribe how to import files while preserving scene dataChapter 1
Describe how to improve scene organization by using Search and Rename operationsChapter 1
ScriptingApply (run) scriptsBonus Chapter 1
Execute basic scriptsBonus Chapter 1
Create and run scriptsBonus Chapter 1
Describe how to add syntax to a scriptBonus Chapter 1
UI/Object ManagementDescribe and use object transformationsChapter 1
Describe how to display safe framesChapter 2
Describe viewport configuration and ViewCube® navigationChapter 2
Identify the purpose and benefits of freezing transformation data on objectsChapter 5 & 7
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