Chapter 16. Ten Mobile Marketing Resources

In This Chapter

  • Keeping up with industry trends and standards

  • Complying with current (and future) laws and regulations

  • Staying on top of advancements in technology

Mobile marketing standards and technology are rapidly changing, so it's almost guaranteed that the mobile marketing strategies tactics of today will need to adapt over time. Moreover, more and more people are coming up with new and exciting ways to use all the capabilities with mobile — innovation is occurring on an exponential scale. You can also expect that with all this change, you'll need to keep track of new laws, best practices, and industry regulations.

The following list of ten mobile marketing resources can help you keep up with trends and advancements so you can keep your marketing on track and compliant with the entire mobile marketing ecosystem, now and in the future.


In addition to the list of organizations and players in this chapter that are on the top of their game when it comes to mobile marketing, you can also find a host of other great resources by searching on the Internet.

The Mobile Marketing Association (MMA)

The Mobile Marketing Association (MMA, at is a global association with headquarters in New York that focuses on developing and promoting the mobile marketing industry, educating the market players about mobile marketing, measuring the industry, providing best practices in metrics, guiding the industry through the thought-leadership of its members, and publishing industry self-regulatory guidelines and best practices.


dotMobi ( is the main source of .mobi domain names. It provides a number of other valuable mobile technology services and resources to businesses and individuals to ensure that the Web works well on mobile phones. Here are some of the services dotMobi provides:

  • Instant Mobilizer: Instant Mobilizer is an automated tool that converts an ordinary Web site into a mobile site. The process is completely automated, so there is no programming or content management required.

  • mobiThinking: mobiThinking is a resources Web site with insight, analysis, and opinions from the world's mobi-marketing gurus.

  • mobiForge: mobiForge is a developer forum that offers mobile Web developer tools, resources, and support. More than 25,000 developers and designers use the site to compare notes, share tips, upload ideas, and download expertise.

  • mobiReady: mobiReady allows you to test your mobile Web site and get a free report and in-depth analysis to determine how well your site performs on a mobile device.

  • DeviceAtlas: DeviceAtlas is one of the largest open databases of mobile device profiles. You can use the database to detect a particular mobile phone and then adjust your marketing campaigns automatically based on the features of each device.

  • enables you to build your own mobile Web site.

The Common Short Code Administration (CSCA)

If you want to register a common short code (CSC) in the United States, you need to go through the Common Short Code Administration (CSCA, at The CSCA also has a resource center with whitepapers, tutorials, videos, podcasts, best practices, and case studies. Find more about common short codes in Chapter 4.

Mobile Testing Services

If you can remember only one word before launching a mobile marketing campaign, it should be the word test. To test your campaigns, you can go out and buy a few thousand of the most popular devices, or you can use services like Device Anywhere ( to provide instant remote access to more than 2,000 real devices across live global networks in seven countries.

Device Anywhere allows you to see how your applications, automations, and certifications are going to function so you can either discover problems or have the confidence to launch your campaigns without fear of technical glitches across multiple devices and networks.

Another great mobile testing and monitoring service is Keynote ( Keynote monitors and tests your messaging (SMS and MMS), mobile Web, and applications. They can do this over short periods of time or you can contract them to continuously monitor your services to ensure that they are performing properly. They can also compare the performance of your services against your competitors.

Another form of testing is test and control benchmarking to compare your customer engagement before and after you add mobile marketing to your marketing programs, or when you make changes to your mobile marketing programs. A number of research firms can help you with this, including Synovate (, Insight Express (, Dynamic Logic ( and Luth Research (

The Wireless Telecommunications Bureau (WTB)

The Federal Communications Commission has a wireless division known as the Wireless Telecommunications Bureau (WTB). The WTB governs all the wireless telecommunications programs and policies in the U.S. including licensing, enforcement, and regulatory functions.

The WTB publishes resources on its Web site ( related to new laws and government policies. Be sure to check it out periodically to keep up with changes. See Chapter 3 for more on related resources.

The Federal Communication Commission puts out a great report each year called the FCC Commercial Mobile Radio Services (CMRS) Competition Report. Find it at

Mobile Marketer and Other Reference Sites

Mobile Marketer ( is the leading news publication covering mobile marketing, media, and commerce. The publication covers topics that are relevant to advertisers, technology partners, publishers, agencies, senior executives, and everyone else who needs to make decisions about mobile marketing. They also include information about successfully combining mobile marketing with other marketing channels.

Mobile Marketer owns other publications and blogs, like Mobile Commerce Daily ( It also delivers Webcasts, events, and other resources with the latest mobile marketing information.

In addition to Mobile Marketer, here are a number of other great blogs and sources that you can check out to find information on mobile marketing:

  • Mobile advertising metrics can be found at Smaato (, Millennial Media Smart Report (, and AdMob (which was recently purchased by Google,

  • Marketing Charts,, a really useful Web site that puts out daily report highlights, may of which relate to mobile marketing.

  • SlideShare,, an online community-powered resource of published presentations. Just do a search on mobile marketing to find a ton of great info.

  • Pew Internet,, a government-funded research program that puts out numerous reports related to consumer mobile usage throughout the year.

  • Mobile Marketing Watch,, a great mobile blog.

  • Mobile Industry Review,, a great mobile blog with a focus on Europe.

  • Mobile Active,, a community focused on applying mobile for social impact work around the world.

  • Other mobile industry news blogs include MocoNews (, Fierce Wireless (, Mobile Crunch (, RCR Wireless News (, Marketing Sherpa (, Google Alerts (set up a private Google alerts channel at its Web site (, Google Images, (, search on mobile marketing for a great way to visually see the market), YouTube (, search on mobile marketing to get videos).

  • Great industry networking resources include INmobile (, LinkedIn, (, and Jigsaw ( These are all great resources for finding other executives active in the mobile marketing industry — just do a search on mobile marketing, mobile advertising, mobile commerce, and so on, and you can find someone to help answer your questions or to partner with.

The Direct Marketing Association (DMA)

The Direct Marketing Association (DMA) is the leading global trade association of businesses and non-profit organizations using and supporting multichannel direct marketing tools and techniques.

Because mobile has a lot of value in the direct marketing space, the DMA works to advocate industry standards and provide cutting-edge research, education, and networking opportunities at its Web site, found at

Founded in 1917, DMA today represents companies from dozens of vertical industries in the U.S. and 48 other nations, including nearly half of the Fortune 100 companies, as well as non-profit organizations.

CTIA: The Wireless Association

CTIA: The Wireless Association ( is an international non-profit membership organization that has represented the wireless communications industry since 1984.

The association is an advocate on government policy and provides consumers with a variety of choices and information regarding their wireless products and services. This includes voluntary industry guidelines, programs that promote mobile device recycling and reuse, and wireless accessibility for individuals with disabilities.

CTIA also supports important industry initiatives such as Wireless AMBER Alerts. The association also operates the industry's leading trade shows, as well as equipment testing and certification programs to ensure a high standard of quality for consumers.

Another leading carrier-centric trade association you should be aware of is the GSMA, which can be found at Whereas the CTIA focuses on U.S. carrier relationships, GSMA has a global focus. ( is an advocacy organization promoting government policies that benefit wireless consumers and promote freedom of use and innovation in wireless. focuses on unfair and excessive taxes and regulations on wireless that threaten the innovation, value, and choice wireless consumers enjoy, especially for those on fixed budgets, like seniors, working families, and small businesses.

The Netsize Guide

The Netsize Guide (available at is a comprehensive annual industry report documenting the state of the global mobile content and services market. The guide is put together using in-depth research and exclusive interviews with industry executives and opinion-makers.

The guide includes interviews with industry senior executives, survey results, and mobile data from more than 40 countries. The guide can be downloaded as an Adobe Acrobat PDF document from the Web site.

You may also want to check out Clickatel's Web site ( Like Netsize, Clickatel is a leading mobile aggregator. You can find a lot of useful information on international SMS deployment at its site.

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