About Moodle For Dummies

This book is useful for instructors and trainers working in educational organizations or the business world who want to put their teaching content online. I provide step-by-step processes starting with the most useful tools and activities in Moodle. I use screen shots to illustrate steps, including creative and helpful hints how various activities have been used in the eLearning environment. By the end of this book, you'll have gained the skills and confidence to design complete interactive courses to deliver completely online or to supplement your face-to-face classes.

Here are just some of the things that you — as an instructor or trainer — can do with this book:

  • Find out what eLearning is all about and how to design and develop great Moodle courses.
  • Discover all the things Moodle allows you to do, such as linking and embedding Web pages as well as uploading your files in most industry-standard formats. (You can upload the create class notes, for instance.)
  • Add collaborative tools, such as wikis, forums, glossaries, RSS feeds, chat sessions, lessons, and multimedia content to create a rich learning environment.
  • Quickly create assignments and quizzes to evaluate learners' progress and use the powerful Quiz module to take grading off your hands and push results to the grade book.
  • Discover online grading and the grade book to simplify your classroom life.
  • Discover the Moodle community to share ideas, tools, and expertise to help you succeed — all for free!

IT staff and troubleshooters will also find this book useful because it can

  • Help you set up Moodle training sessions (in plain English) for personnel.
  • Help you understand what teachers are up against. If you're a system administrator, knowing what teachers need can help you better serve those needs.
  • Assist you with the installation and administrative tasks to get Moodle going.

Students of all education levels use Moodle, and because this book covers tools and features that students use in Moodle — such as blogs, profiles, wikis, glossaries, databases, and forums — this book is also helpful to them.

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