Showing programming examples in Moodle



Module type



Andrés Moreno




Limited activity




Good, requires Java WebStart




None displayed

Jeliot is a software visualization tool for novice programmers. If you are teaching programming and Java is your language, then this may be a useful tool for you to illustrate the execution of programs to students.

Jeliot is a Java application and this module is a wrapper for the Jeliot environment. The module launches Jeliot and passes it a source code file for the student to work with.

Getting ready

Download and install the Jeliot files into the /moodle/mod/ directory, in a subdirectory called jeliot (even if the zip file has a different name), and visit the Notifications page.

How to do it...

Add a Jeliot Activity from the Add an activity… menu on your course page. You will then be asked to configure the activity.

How to do it...

There are three main settings you need to fill in. You will need to add a name and description. You will also need to provide a Java source code file. Clicking on the Choose or upload a file button will pop-up a file browser window. In the file browser, you will be able to upload and/or choose a file for this purpose. There are a few other settings that can be changed. These will be sent to the Jeliot application when it is launched. At time of writing it looks as though no feedback can be returned from the application and used for assessment in Moodle.

If you are using this module in your teaching, you will need to ensure that students have the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) installed.

When the activity link is clicked from the course page, it takes a student to a page where they can launch the Jeliot application. Clicking the Start Jeliot link causes the browser to download a Java WebStart file, which the student then needs to run with the Java Web Start launcher.

How to do it...

On the first launch, students will be asked to authorize the running of the application and indicate if they trust Java from your server. On successive runs, this check can be bypassed.

How to do it...

Jeliot shows the application of each statement and the evaluation of each expression. Students can step through the animation, or play the animation at a controlled speed. The visualization maintains a view of each variable and array in memory and simulates the effect of changes to their values.


Jeliot 3 is perhaps not the best available software visualization tool for novice programmers, but it is the only tool with Moodle integration at this stage.

There's more...

Here are some practical applications for the Jeliot module:

  • Algorithm visualization
  • Fill-in-the-gap exercises
  • Parson's puzzles (jumbled statements with multiple alternatives for each)
  • Debugging exercises
  • Examples of bad code
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