Getting more out of quizzes


Drag-and-drop matching question type,

Drag-and-drop ordering question type,

Image target question type

Module type

Question type


Adriane Boyd






English, German, Japanese, Russian




Design documentation, readme.txt file


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Automated assessment can be used to complement other assessment mechanisms, or in some cases, to replace it entirely. Moodle offers the Quiz module for automated assessment and quizzes can contain a variety of different types of questions. In line with Moodle's principle of modularity, it is possible to add new question types to this mix. Here are a few good examples.

Getting ready

Unzip and copy the question type directories into the /moodle/question/type/ directory, then visit the Notifications page.

How to do it...

You can add questions directly to the question bank to be added to quizzes later, or you can add questions as you are developing a quiz. To create questions in the question bank, click on Questions in the Administration block on a course page.

In the question bank, you can add new questions by selecting a question type from the list labeled Create new question.

How to do it...

The Drag-and-drop matching question type is an extension of the regular matching question type. It relies on JavaScript to allow students to drag together matching items, but falls back to the functionality of the regular matching question if JavaScript is not turned on. It is a pretty safe bet that you can rely on students having JavaScript turned on, so it is likely they will get the most out of this question type.

Selecting Drag-and-Drop Matching from the Create a new question menu will launch the creation of a new question of this type. All question types have the same General settings.

How to do it...

Enter a name for the question and the question text, then scroll down.

For a Drag-and-drop matching question, you must supply at least three pairings. The nomenclature for pairings is slightly odd. Each pairing is grouped as Question 1, Question 2, and so on:

How to do it...

For each pairing there is a Question and an Answer. When the question is displayed, the list of Question text labels will appear on the left and the matching Answer text labels will appear, in shuffled order, on the right. Adding a pairing without a Question label adds an Answer label that will not be matched. This is useful for adding distracters to the quiz question.

The Drag-and-drop ordering question type allows questions to be created that require students to put a list of items into the correct order.

Selecting Ordering from the Create a new question menu will launch the creation of a new question of this type. Again there are general settings that must be entered. Add a question name. You may also want to add question text that gives the context of the items and prompts the user to reorder the items.

Below the general settings, the items to be ordered need to be specified. The items should be entered in the correct order; they will be shuffled each time the question appears to a student.

How to do it...

There is also an option to Display the items horizontally. With this option checked, the items will appear side-by-side, which would be appropriate for a short list of items with brief labels. Leaving this option unchecked causes the items to appear in a vertical list.

The Image target question type allows the teacher to upload an image containing areas that can be identified. The student must drag a target onto the correct area (or one of a number of specified areas) to answer the question correctly.

Before adding an Image target question, you should upload an image to the course files area. Click on Files in the course Administration area. In Files, click on the button labeled Upload a file and you will be presented with a form containing a file browse box. Click Browse and a file dialog box will appear. Locate the image file (it should have a .jpg extension) and select it. Back at the Upload a file form, click on the button labeled Upload this file and, after the file is uploaded, it should appear in the files area. With the file in place, you can then create an Image Target question that makes use of it.

Selecting Image Target from the Create a new question menu will launch the creation of a new question of this type. In the General settings, add a question name and question text that prompts the user to drag the target onto the identifiable item.

Below the general settings, there is a drop-down list labeled Question image. Opening the list will reveal the images in the course directory that can be selected. Select the image you have uploaded and click on Insert image to specify answer.

How to do it...

The page will reload and the chosen image will appear.

How to do it...

You must now specify the area within the image that, if identified by the student, will be seen as a correct answer. On top of the image there is a semi-transparent mask and within this there is a resizable area. The area can be moved by clicking and dragging it. It can also be resized by dragging the handles around the edges of the image. It is possible to add more target areas if needed.

How it works...

The Drag-and-drop matching question type provides a far more intuitive interface for identifying matches, compared to the regular matching interface. This would be particularly useful for assessing younger students.

How it works...

To answer the question, a student must drag the options from the right on to the target locations on the left, next to the appropriate label. Students can drag questions off the targets or replace answers with another.

Answer correctness is not displayed in the teacher preview of the question, but it does appear when a student answers the quiz.

How it works...

A Drag-and-drop order question appears with the items appearing in shuffled order. The student must drag items to their correct position. When an item is moved, other items make way by moving around it. The end result is a very intuitive way of ordering items.

How it works...

The Image target question type appears with the question text above an image, and a cross-hair target to the left.

How it works...

The student must drag the target onto the image, within the designated area in order to achieve a correct answer.

There's more...

These new question types open up a number of new teaching applications. The Drag-and-drop matching question could be used for:

  • Matching injuries to first-aid treatments
  • Matching inventors to their inventions
  • Matching sports stars to their sports or movie stars to their movies

Drag-and-drop order questions could be used with information that falls into a sequence.

  • Ordering the atomic mass of particles
  • Ordering steps in biological process
  • Ordering statements in a computer program so it will produce a correct output

The Image target question type can be used to ask students to locate items visually.

  • Identifying locations on a map
  • Identifying specific people in a group photograph
  • Playing "Where's Wally"/"Where's Waldo", perhaps adapted to a particular teaching context, for example, "Where's Einstein"

See also

  • QuizPort module (see Modules and plugins database)
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