Sharing mindmaps



Module type

Activity Module





Limited activity








None displayed

Mindmaps were developed by Tony Buzan in the 1970s, as a means of recording thoughts in a non-linear organizational form. A mindmap is a representation of information, organized in a way that is meaningful to the author of the mindmap. A mindmap is presented around a central concept with associated concepts linked to it. Mindmaps can be used as a visual instrument to demonstrate how concepts are associated, or it can be used as a brainstorming tool to collect together the understanding of a cohort around a central topic.

The Mindmap activity module uses a Flash-based mindmapping tool that allows teachers to create mindmaps and also allows students to contribute and collaborate.

Getting ready

Unzip and copy the mindmap directory into the /moodle/mod/ directory then visit the Notifications page.

How to do it...

Once installed, a Mindmap can be added from the Add an activity... menu, while editing is turned on. You will then be asked to edit the settings for the activity.

How to do it...

A Mindmap activity must have a name. This name becomes the link text to the activity from the course page.

Unfortunately, there is no potential to add a description to the Mindmap, so if it is being created as an activity for students, task instructions will have to be communicated elsewhere.

There is a second setting, labeled Editable, that controls who can edit the mindmap. When checked, students can edit the mindmap. This would be appropriate if the Mindmap activity is being set up for students to complete. If the teacher merely wishes to express concepts related to a course diagrammatically and not allow student editing, this checkbox should be left unchecked.


There was a problem with the version of the Mindmap module reviewed for this book. When a Mindmap activity is created, the Editable setting can be checked, allowing all users to edit the mindmap. However, once set, the Editable setting cannot be unset. A correction for this is described in the There's more... section of the recipe.

In the Common module settings there is a setting labeled Group mode; however, the Mindmap activity does not allow students to work on mindmaps in groups. Nor can the activity be used as an assessable item.

After the configuration for the activity is set, the mindmap can then be edited.

How to do it...

Initially the mindmap text appears quite small. You can zoom in and out on the mindmap using the slider control on the top-right of the mindmap window. Zooming affects the current view only; when the mindmap is reloaded, the default zoom level is used.

The text inside a node of the mindmap can be edited by clicking inside a node. You will then be given the potential to type and alter the node text. Be aware that the focus of text editing will stay with that node until you shift it to another (even after creating new nodes).

To add a node, click the plus icon at the top-left of the mindmap window. Alternately you can press the Enter key.

How to do it...

To remove a node, click on it then click the minus icon. Alternately, you can press the Delete key after selecting a node. Holding the Ctrl key while clicking also deletes a clicked node.

Nodes can be moved by clicking and dragging them. A line should appear between linked nodes to show their relationship.

If the mindmap begins to grow off to one direction, you can move the mindmap within its window by clicking in an empty part of mindmap window and dragging the mindmap. Like the zoom, such shifting only affects the current view as the mindmap re-centres itself around the central concept node when it is reloaded.

Within a mindmap, nodes can have parent-child relationships. An existing node can be made a child of another node by dragging the first onto the second. To add a new node as a child node, select the parent node and press the Insert key.

How to do it...

On the toolbar at the top of the mindmap window, there are some controls for fonts and colors. Clicking the layout button in the centre of the toolbar causes the nodes to be rearranged into an even and symmetrical layout around the central node.

Once you have added the nodes and organized the relationships you wish to express, click on the save icon (which appears with a floppy disc icon). The module uses Ajax to save the current state of the mindmap in the background.


Ajax combines JavaScript and XML, usually through a library of functions, to create user interfaces in a web browser that can communicate with a web server in the background. Ajax allows the web browser to become an environment for client-side applications which can store and access information to and from a server.

How it works...

With the Editable setting turned off students do not have editing control.

How it works...

In earlier browsers, such as Internet Explorer 6, functionality is limited. In such browsers there is no capacity to zoom or move the mindmap. Nodes can still be added and moved, however.

Parent nodes appear with a button on their right-hand side. Child nodes can be hidden by clicking this button. Another way of simplifying the mindmap is to show child nodes up to a certain level. There is a control for this next to the zoom slider on the right of the mindmap toolbar. Hiding child nodes does not have a lasting effect on the mindmap, even when the mindmap is saved after hiding nodes.

There's more...

Of course the real potential of a mindmap is only realized when it is used to bring together the ideas of the collective mind. For this reason, the Mindmap module is an excellent tool for "encouraging student interaction", as the title of this chapter suggests.

According to Benjamin Bloom's Taxonomy of Educational Objectives, commonly referred to as Bloom's Taxonomy, the exercise of synthesizing separate ideas into a new pattern of thought is a higher level cognitive task. Being asked to contribute to the creation of a mindmap can promote synthesis and cause learners to reflect on concepts and relate them to others. Asking students to work collaboratively on such an exercise will allow the sharing and reinforcement of understandings.

Here are some ideas for how teachers could employ mindmaps in a course:

  • At the beginning of a course, asking students to map out the concepts they will cover and anticipate how such concepts may be related
  • At the end of a course, asking students to reflect on concepts covered in a course, organizing them in a way they now find appropriate (and how this might differ from what they anticipated at the start of the course)
  • Refreshing concepts students have previously learned, after a break
  • Within a course, asking students to relate the current topic to related topics outside of the course
  • Asking students to relate topical persons to others in the world, either through biological relationships or through related contributions to the world
  • Planning for a group project in an open and creative way

Fixing the Editable setting

There is an Editable setting attached to a checkbox on the module's configuration page. After the module is created, if this setting is changed to unchecked, the setting is not saved. This flaw can be overcomed by a simple modification to the code.

Inside the module's folder, locate the lib.php file. Using a text editor open this file. Within this file there is a function called mindmap_update_instance(), search for this by name. At the end of the function there is a line that begins with the word return. Add the following line before the return statement near the end of the function.

$mindmap->editable = isset($mindmap->editable)?'1':'0';
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