Gauging course quality


Rate a course

Module type



Jenny Gray






English, German




Online documentation


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Feedback on a course informs both teachers and students about the perceived quality of a course. For students, such information can assure them of the quality of education they are receiving. For teachers, feedback is essential to improve their teaching efforts.

Feedback can be as complex as an in-depth survey. The Feedback module reviewed earlier in this book is an excellent tool for such information gathering. A quick poll using the choice activity can also be a course-quality feedback mechanism.

The amount of feedback received from students can be affected by the effort required to provide feedback. Asking for a quick rating, such as a rating out of five stars, is simple and can entice more users to provide feedback. Certainly this method is popular on commercial websites to request consumer feedback.

Not all Moodle instances are used in regular classroom situations. Often Moodle is used in an open manner, allowing students to enroll in courses based on their interests. In such cases, providing a simple rating for each course could potentially lure students into a course they might otherwise have avoided.

The Rate a course block provides a simple way for students to give feedback, and also allows such course ratings to be used in flexible ways.

Getting ready

Unzip and copy the rate_course directory into the /moodle/blocks/ directory, then visit the Notifications page.

How to do it...

Once installed, you can add a Course ratings block from the Blocks menu.

There are no settings associated with the block. It's really quite simple—add it and it works.

How it works...

Once added the block appears as follows.

How it works...

Users can see the current rating and add their own rating by clicking the link labeled Give a rating.

To give a rating, a new page opens and the following simple form is shown to the user:

How it works...

Users can choose a numeric rating from 1 to 5. The levels are not defined, so the responses received from users will be based purely on their implied notion of quality, perhaps influenced by varied experiences they may have had.

By default, there is no distinction between the roles of users who can give feedback. It is open to students, teachers, course creators, and administrators. When the block is installed, a permission item is created, so it is possible to remove rating permission by role. Role permissions can be changed at a site or course level. If you wanted to disallow teachers from rating their own courses, you can affect the setting at Site Administration | Users | Permissions | Define roles; click on the Teacher role; then click on Edit, then change the permission labeled Give a rating to a course to Prevent.

An identity must be linked to each rating, so users cannot give a rating while they are not logged in or if they are logged in as a guest.

Users cannot change their rating. If they attempt to give a rating a second time, they are presented with the following screen:

How it works...

As users provide their ratings, the current course rating is presented each time the block is reloaded:

How it works...

The stars appear fully opaque or partially transparent. Each star can be a full star or a half star. The overall average rating is therefore rounded to the nearest half star, leaving 10 possible displays. Each display of stars is represented by a PNG image. Unfortunately the PNG transparency doesn't work in IE6 as it does in other browsers, but the message is still reasonably clear.

There is no way to reset ratings for a course. Even when block is deleted the ratings are retained in the database, so if the block is re-added it will include previous ratings.

There's more...

The block is an excellent way to collect a rating for a course. Once collected, a rating can be accessed from elsewhere in the course or around the site.

One suggestion for a rating display is within the course list on site root page. To achieve this you need to be confident enough to modify Moodle core code. If you are game, open the following file in your editor.


Within this file, locate the print_course() function, this function outputs a row of the course list table, relating to a single course. Towards the end of the function there are two echo statements used to output two</div> tags. Add the following lines of code immediately before those two echo statements:

echo '<div style="font-size:small;text-align:center;color:#666666;">';
$block = block_instance('rate_course'),
echo '</div>';

This new code instantiates the rate_course block object and calls the display_rating() method for a particular course. This will output the appropriate star rating image and number of ratings for the identified course. The output of this change appears as follows:

There's more...

Now students can see the ratings of each course from the list of courses. If they are free to choose a course, they may be more likely to choose a course if it has a high star rating.


You are within your rights to modify core and contributed Moodle code. You should be aware, however, that this comes with some risk. Apart from possible unexpected side effects, once you have changed core code, if you update your instance of Moodle in future, the code will be overwritten and you will need to re-do any changes you previously made.

See also

  • Feedback module (see Chapter 7,
  • Choice module (standard in Moodle)
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