Introducing Docker secrets

Docker 1.13 includes in Swarm the new concept of secrets management.

As we know, we need Swarm mode to use secrets. When we initialize a Swarm, Swarm generates some secrets for us:

$ docker swarm init

Docker 1.13 adds the secrets management with a new command, secret, with the purpose to handle them efficiently. Secret subcommands are created, ls, to inspect and rm.

Let's create our first secret. The secret create sub-command takes a secret from the standard input. So, we need to type in our secret, and then press Ctrl+D to save the content. Be careful to not hit the Enter key. We need only 1234 not 1234  as our password, for example:

$ docker secret create password

Then press Ctrl+D twice to close the standard input.

We can check if there is a secret called password:

$ docker secret ls

ID                      NAME                CREATED             UPDATED
16blafexuvrv2hgznrjitj93s  password  25 seconds ago      25 seconds ago

uxep4enknneoevvqatstouec2  test-pass 18 minutes ago      18 minutes ago

How does this work? The content of secret can be bound to a service by passing the secret option when we create a new service. The secret will be a file in the /run/secrets/ directory. In our case, we'll have /run/secrets/password containing the string 1234.

Secrets are designed to replace the abuse of environment variables. For example, in the case of a MySQL or MariaDB container, its root password should be set as a secret instead of passing it as a plaintext via an environment variable.

We will show a small hack to make MariaDB support the new Swarm secrets, starting from the following

$ wget

We put this line into this script, around line 56, before the check of MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD.

# check secret file. if exist, override
   if [ -f "/run/secrets/mysql-root-password" ]; then
      MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=$(cat /run/secrets/mysql-root-password)

This code checks if there exists /run/secrets/mysql-root-password. If so, it assigns the secret to the environment variable MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD.

After this we can prepare a Dockerfile to override the MariaDB's default

FROM mariadb:10.1.19
RUN  unlink /
COPY /usr/local/bin/
RUN  chmod +x /usr/local/bin/
RUN  ln -s usr/local/bin/ /

We then build the new image.

$ docker build -t chanwit/mariadb:10.1.19 .

Recalled that we have a secret named password, we have an image which allows us to set the root password from the secret file /run/secrets/mysql-root-password. So, the image expects a different file name under /run/secrets. With this we can use the secret with full option (source=password, target=mysql-root-password) to make a Swarm service work. For example, we can now start a new mysql Swarm service from this MariaDB image:

$ docker network create -d overlay dbnet
$ docker service create --name mysql 
  --secret source=password,target=mysql-root-password 
  --network dbnet 

To see if our secret works, we can start an instance of PHPMyAdmin on the same overlay network. Don't forget to link these services together by passing -e PMA_HOST=mysql to the myadmin service.

$ docker service create --name myadmin 
  --network dbnet --publish 8080:80 
  -e PMA_HOST=mysql 

Then you can open your browser to and log in to PHPMyAdmin as root with 1234 as the password, which we provided through a Docker secret.

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