Combining Pandas Objects


A wide variety of options are available to combine two or more DataFrames or Series together. The append method is the least flexible and only allows for new rows to be appended to a DataFrame. The concat method is very versatile and can combine any number of DataFrames or Series on either axis. The join method provides fast lookups by aligning a column of one DataFrame to the index of others. The merge method provides SQL-like capabilities to join two DataFrames together.

Appending new rows to DataFrames

When performing data analysis, it is far more common to create new columns than new rows. This is because a new row of data usually represents a new observation, and as an analyst, it is typically not your job to continually capture new data. Data capture is usually left to other platforms like relational database management systems. Nevertheless, it is a necessary feature to know as it will crop up from time to time.

In this recipe, we will begin by appending rows to a small dataset with the .loc attribute and then transition to using the .append method.

How to do it…

  1. Read in the names dataset, and output it:
    >>> import pandas as pd
    >>> import numpy as np
    >>> names = pd.read_csv('data/names.csv')
    >>> names
           Name  Age
    0  Cornelia   70
    1     Abbas   69
    2  Penelope    4
    3      Niko    2
  2. Let's create a list that contains some new data and use the .loc attribute to set a single row label equal to this new data:
    >>> new_data_list = ['Aria', 1]
    >>> names.loc[4] = new_data_list
    >>> names
           Name  Age
    0  Cornelia   70
    1     Abbas   69
    2  Penelope    4
    3      Niko    2
    4      Aria    1
  3. The .loc attribute uses labels to refer to the rows. In this case, the row labels exactly match the integer location. It is possible to append more rows with non-integer labels:
    >>> names.loc['five'] = ['Zach', 3]
    >>> names
              Name  Age
    0     Cornelia   70
    1        Abbas   69
    2     Penelope    4
    3         Niko    2
    4         Aria    1
    five      Zach    3
  4. To be more explicit in associating variables to values, you may use a dictionary. Also, in this step, we can dynamically choose the new index label to be the length of the DataFrame:
    >>> names.loc[len(names)] = {'Name':'Zayd', 'Age':2}
    >>> names
              Name  Age
    0     Cornelia   70
    1        Abbas   69
    2     Penelope    4
    3         Niko    2
    4         Aria    1
    five      Zach    3
    6         Zayd    2
  5. A Series can hold the new data as well and works exactly the same as a dictionary:
    >>> names.loc[len(names)] = pd.Series({'Age':32, 'Name':'Dean'})
    >>> names
              Name  Age
    0     Cornelia   70
    1        Abbas   69
    2     Penelope    4
    3         Niko    2
    4         Aria    1
    five      Zach    3
    6         Zayd    2
    7         Dean   32
  6. The preceding operations all use the .loc attribute to make changes to the names DataFrame in-place. There is no separate copy of the DataFrame that is returned. In the next few steps, we will look at the .append method, which does not modify the calling DataFrame. Instead, it returns a new copy of the DataFrame with the appended row(s). Let's begin with the original names DataFrame and attempt to append a row. The first argument to .append must be either another DataFrame, Series, dictionary, or a list of these, but not a list like the one in step 2. Let's see what happens when we attempt to use a dictionary with .append:
    >>> names = pd.read_csv('data/names.csv')
    >>> names.append({'Name':'Aria', 'Age':1})
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    TypeError: Can only append a Series if ignore_index=True or if the Series has a name
  7. This error message appears to be slightly incorrect. We are passing a dictionary and not a Series but nevertheless, it gives us instructions on how to correct it, we need to pass the ignore_index=True parameter:
    >>> names.append({'Name':'Aria', 'Age':1}, ignore_index=True)
           Name  Age
    0  Cornelia   70
    1     Abbas   69
    2  Penelope    4
    3      Niko    2
    4      Aria    1
  8. This works but ignore_index is a sneaky parameter. When set to True, the old index will be removed completely and replaced with a RangeIndex from 0 to n-1. For instance, let's specify an index for the names DataFrame:
    >>> names.index = ['Canada', 'Canada', 'USA', 'USA']
    >>> names
                Name  Age
    Canada  Cornelia   70
    Canada     Abbas   69
    USA     Penelope    4
    USA         Niko    2
  9. Rerun the code from step 7, and you will get the same result. The original index is completely ignored.
  10. Let's continue with this names DataFrame with the country strings in the index. Let's append a Series that has a name attribute with the .append method:
    >>> s = pd.Series({'Name': 'Zach', 'Age': 3}, name=len(names))
    >>> s
    Name    Zach
    Age        3
    Name: 4, dtype: object
    >>> names.append(s)
                Name  Age
    Canada  Cornelia   70
    Canada     Abbas   69
    USA     Penelope    4
    USA         Niko    2
    4           Zach    3
  11. The .append method is more flexible than the .loc attribute. It supports appending multiple rows at the same time. One way to accomplish this is by passing in a list of Series:
    >>> s1 = pd.Series({'Name': 'Zach', 'Age': 3}, name=len(names))
    >>> s2 = pd.Series({'Name': 'Zayd', 'Age': 2}, name='USA')
    >>> names.append([s1, s2])
                Name  Age
    Canada  Cornelia   70
    Canada     Abbas   69
    USA     Penelope    4
    USA         Niko    2
    4           Zach    3
    USA         Zayd    2
  12. Small DataFrames with only two columns are simple enough to manually write out all the column names and values. When they get larger, this process will be quite painful. For instance, let's take a look at the 2016 baseball dataset:
    >>> bball_16 = pd.read_csv('data/baseball16.csv')
    >>> bball_16
        playerID  yearID  stint teamID  ...   HBP   SH   SF  GIDP
    0   altuv...    2016      1    HOU  ...   7.0  3.0  7.0  15.0
    1   bregm...    2016      1    HOU  ...   0.0  0.0  1.0   1.0
    2   castr...    2016      1    HOU  ...   1.0  1.0  0.0   9.0
    3   corre...    2016      1    HOU  ...   5.0  0.0  3.0  12.0
    4   gatti...    2016      1    HOU  ...   4.0  0.0  5.0  12.0
    ..       ...     ...    ...    ...  ...   ...  ...  ...   ...
    11  reedaj01    2016      1    HOU  ...   0.0  0.0  1.0   1.0
    12  sprin...    2016      1    HOU  ...  11.0  0.0  1.0  12.0
    13  tucke...    2016      1    HOU  ...   2.0  0.0  0.0   2.0
    14  valbu...    2016      1    HOU  ...   1.0  3.0  2.0   5.0
    15  white...    2016      1    HOU  ...   2.0  0.0  2.0   6.0
  13. This dataset contains 22 columns and it would be easy to mistype a column name or forget one altogether if you were manually entering new rows of data. To help protect against these mistakes, let's select a single row as a Series and chain the .to_dict method to it to get an example row as a dictionary:
    >>> data_dict = bball_16.iloc[0].to_dict()
    >>> data_dict
    {'playerID': 'altuvjo01', 'yearID': 2016, 'stint': 1, 'teamID': 'HOU', 'lgID': 'AL', 'G': 161, 'AB': 640, 'R': 108, 'H': 216, '2B': 42, '3B': 5, 'HR': 24, 'RBI': 96.0, 'SB': 30.0, 'CS': 10.0, 'BB': 60, 'SO': 70.0, 'IBB': 11.0, 'HBP': 7.0, 'SH': 3.0, 'SF': 7.0, 'GIDP': 15.0}
  14. Clear the old values with a dictionary comprehension assigning any previous string value as an empty string and all others as missing values. This dictionary can now serve as a template for any new data you would like to enter:
    >>> new_data_dict = {k: '' if isinstance(v, str) else ...     np.nan for k, v in data_dict.items()}
    >>> new_data_dict
    {'playerID': '', 'yearID': nan, 'stint': nan, 'teamID': '', 'lgID': '', 'G': nan, 'AB': nan, 'R': nan, 'H': nan, '2B': nan, '3B': nan, 'HR': nan, 'RBI': nan, 'SB': nan, 'CS': nan, 'BB': nan, 'SO': nan, 'IBB': nan, 'HBP': nan, 'SH': nan, 'SF': nan, 'GIDP': nan}

How it works…

The .loc attribute is used to select and assign data based on the row and column labels. The first value passed to it represents the row label. In step 2, names.loc[4] refers to the row with a label equal to the integer 4. This label does not currently exist in the DataFrame. The assignment statement creates a new row with data provided by the list. As was mentioned in the recipe, this operation modifies the names DataFrame itself. If there were a previously existing row with a label equal to the integer 4, this command would have written over it. Using in-place modification makes this indexing operator riskier to use than the .append method, which never modifies the original calling DataFrame. Throughout this book we have advocated chaining operations, and you should follow suit.

Any valid label may be used with the .loc attribute, as seen in step 3. Regardless of what the new label value is, the new row is always appended to the end. Even though assigning with a list works, for clarity, it is best to use a dictionary so that we know exactly which columns are associated with each value, as done in step 4.

Steps 4 and 5 show a trick to dynamically set the new label to be the current number of rows in the DataFrame. Data stored in a Series will also get assigned correctly as long as the index labels match the column names.

The rest of the steps use the .append method, which is a method that only appends new rows to DataFrames. Most DataFrame methods allow both row and column manipulation through an axis parameter. One exception is the .append method, which can only append rows to DataFrames.

Using a dictionary of column names mapped to values isn't enough information for .append to work, as seen by the error message in step 6. To correctly append a dictionary without a row name, you will have to set the .ignore_index parameter to True.

Step 10 shows you how to keep the old index by converting your dictionary to a Series. Make sure to use the name parameter, which is then used as the new index label. Any number of rows may be added with append in this manner by passing a list of Series as the first argument.

When wanting to append rows in this manner with a much larger DataFrame, you can avoid lots of typing and mistakes by converting a single row to a dictionary with the .to_dict method and then using a dictionary comprehension to clear out all the old values replacing them with some defaults. This can serve as a template for new rows.

There's more…

Appending a single row to a DataFrame is a fairly expensive operation and if you find yourself writing a loop to append single rows of data to a DataFrame, then you are doing it wrong. Let's first create 1,000 rows of new data as a list of Series:

>>> random_data = []
>>> for i in range(1000):   
...     d = dict()
...     for k, v in data_dict.items():
...         if isinstance(v, str):
...             d[k] = np.random.choice(list('abcde'))
...         else:
...             d[k] = np.random.randint(10)
...     random_data.append(pd.Series(d, name=i + len(bball_16)))
>>> random_data[0]
2B    3
3B    9
AB    3
BB    9
CS    4
Name: 16, dtype: object

Let's time how long it takes to loop through each item making one append at a time:

>>> %%timeit
>>> bball_16_copy = bball_16.copy()
>>> for row in random_data:
...     bball_16_copy = bball_16_copy.append(row)
4.88 s ± 190 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)

That took nearly five seconds for only 1,000 rows. If we instead pass in the entire list of Series, we get an enormous speed increase:

>>> %%timeit
>>> bball_16_copy = bball_16.copy()
>>> bball_16_copy = bball_16_copy.append(random_data)
78.4 ms ± 6.2 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10 loops each)

If you pass in a list of Series objects, the time has been reduced to under one-tenth of a second. Internally, pandas converts the list of Series to a single DataFrame and then appends the data.

Concatenating multiple DataFrames together

The concat function enables concatenating two or more DataFrames (or Series) together, both vertically and horizontally. As per usual, when dealing with multiple pandas objects simultaneously, concatenation doesn't happen haphazardly but aligns each object by their index.

In this recipe, we combine DataFrames both horizontally and vertically with the concat function and then change the parameter values to yield different results.

How to do it…

  1. Read in the 2016 and 2017 stock datasets, and make their ticker symbol the index:
    >>> stocks_2016 = pd.read_csv('data/stocks_2016.csv',
    ...     index_col='Symbol')
    >>> stocks_2017 = pd.read_csv('data/stocks_2017.csv',
    ...     index_col='Symbol')
    >>> stocks_2016
            Shares  Low  High
    AAPL        80   95   110
    TSLA        50   80   130
    WMT         40   55    70
    >>> stocks_2017
            Shares  Low  High
    AAPL        50  120   140
    GE         100   30    40
    IBM         87   75    95
    SLB         20   55    85
    TXN        500   15    23
    TSLA       100  100   300
  2. Place all the stock datasets into a single list, and then call the concat function to concatenate them together along the default axis (0):
    >>> s_list = [stocks_2016, stocks_2017]
    >>> pd.concat(s_list)
            Shares  Low  High
    AAPL        80   95   110
    TSLA        50   80   130
    WMT         40   55    70
    AAPL        50  120   140
    GE         100   30    40
    IBM         87   75    95
    SLB         20   55    85
    TXN        500   15    23
    TSLA       100  100   300
  3. By default, the concat function concatenates DataFrames vertically, one on top of the other. One issue with the preceding DataFrame is that there is no way to identify the year of each row. The concat function allows each piece of the resulting DataFrame to be labeled with the keys parameter. This label will appear in the outermost index level of the concatenated frame and force the creation of a MultiIndex. Also, the names parameter has the ability to rename each index level for clarity:
    >>> pd.concat(s_list, keys=['2016', '2017'],
    ...    names=['Year', 'Symbol'])  
                 Shares  Low  High
    Year Symbol                   
    2016 AAPL        80   95   110
         TSLA        50   80   130
         WMT         40   55    70
    2017 AAPL        50  120   140
         GE         100   30    40
         IBM         87   75    95
         SLB         20   55    85
         TXN        500   15    23
         TSLA       100  100   300
  4. It is also possible to concatenate horizontally by changing the axis parameter to columns or 1:
    >>> pd.concat(s_list, keys=['2016', '2017'],
    ...     axis='columns', names=['Year', None])    
    Year   2016                2017              
         Shares   Low   High Shares    Low   High
    AAPL   80.0  95.0  110.0   50.0  120.0  140.0
    GE      NaN   NaN    NaN  100.0   30.0   40.0
    IBM     NaN   NaN    NaN   87.0   75.0   95.0
    SLB     NaN   NaN    NaN   20.0   55.0   85.0
    TSLA   50.0  80.0  130.0  100.0  100.0  300.0
    TXN     NaN   NaN    NaN  500.0   15.0   23.0
    WMT    40.0  55.0   70.0    NaN    NaN    NaN
  5. Notice that missing values appear whenever a stock symbol is present in one year but not the other. The concat function, by default, uses an outer join, keeping all rows from each DataFrame in the list. However, it gives us an option to keep only rows that have the same index values in both DataFrames. This is referred to as an inner join. We set the join parameter to inner to change the behavior:
    >>> pd.concat(s_list, join='inner', keys=['2016', '2017'],
    ...     axis='columns', names=['Year', None])
    Year     2016            2017          
           Shares Low High Shares  Low High
    AAPL       80  95  110     50  120  140
    TSLA       50  80  130    100  100  300

How it works…

The concat function accepts a list as the first parameter. This list must be a sequence of pandas objects, typically a list of DataFrames or Series. By default, all these objects will be stacked vertically, one on top of the other. In this recipe, only two DataFrames are concatenated, but any number of pandas objects work. When we were concatenating vertically, the DataFrames align by their column names.

In this dataset, all the column names were the same so each column in the 2017 data lined up precisely under the same column name in the 2016 data. However, when they were concatenated horizontally, as in step 4, only two of the index labels matched from both years – AAPL and TSLA. Therefore, these ticker symbols had no missing values for either year. There are two types of alignment possible using concat, outer (the default), and inner referred to by the join parameter.

There's more…

The .append method is a heavily watered-down version of concat that can only append new rows to a DataFrame. Internally, .append just calls the concat function. For instance, step 2 from this recipe may be duplicated with the following:

>>> stocks_2016.append(stocks_2017)
Shares  Low  High
AAPL        80   95   110
TSLA        50   80   130
WMT         40   55    70
AAPL        50  120   140
GE         100   30    40
IBM         87   75    95
SLB         20   55    85
TXN        500   15    23
TSLA       100  100   300

Understanding the differences between concat, join, and merge

The .merge and .join DataFrame (and not Series) methods and the concat function all provide very similar functionality to combine multiple pandas objects together. As they are so similar and they can replicate each other in certain situations, it can get very confusing regarding when and how to use them correctly.

To help clarify their differences, take a look at the following outline:


  • A pandas function
  • Combines two or more pandas objects vertically or horizontally
  • Aligns only on the index
  • Errors whenever a duplicate appears in the index
  • Defaults to outer join with the option for inner join


  • A DataFrame method
  • Combines two or more pandas objects horizontally
  • Aligns the calling DataFrame's column(s) or index with the other object's index (and not the columns)
  • Handles duplicate values on the joining columns/index by performing a Cartesian product
  • Defaults to left join with options for inner, outer, and right


  • A DataFrame method
  • Combines exactly two DataFrames horizontally
  • Aligns the calling DataFrame's column(s) or index with the other DataFrame's column(s) or index
  • Handles duplicate values on the joining columns or index by performing a cartesian product
  • Defaults to inner join with options for left, outer, and right

In this recipe, we will combine DataFrames. The first situation is simpler with concat while the second is simpler with .merge.

How to do it…

  1. Let's read in stock data for 2016, 2017, and 2018 into a list of DataFrames using a loop instead of three different calls to the read_csv function:
    >>> years = 2016, 2017, 2018
    >>> stock_tables = [pd.read_csv(
    ...     f'data/stocks_{year}.csv', index_col='Symbol')
    ...     for year in years]
    >>> stocks_2016, stocks_2017, stocks_2018 = stock_tables
    >>> stocks_2016
            Shares  Low  High
    AAPL        80   95   110
    TSLA        50   80   130
    WMT         40   55    70
    >>> stocks_2017
            Shares  Low  High
    AAPL        50  120   140
    GE         100   30    40
    IBM         87   75    95
    SLB         20   55    85
    TXN        500   15    23
    TSLA       100  100   300
    >>> stocks_2018
            Shares  Low  High
    AAPL        40  135   170
    AMZN         8  900  1125
    TSLA        50  220   400
  2. The concat function is the only pandas method that is able to combine DataFrames vertically. Let's do this by passing it the list stock_tables:
    >>> pd.concat(stock_tables, keys=[2016, 2017, 2018])
                 Shares  Low  High
    2016 AAPL        80   95   110
         TSLA        50   80   130
         WMT         40   55    70
    2017 AAPL        50  120   140
         GE         100   30    40
    ...             ...  ...   ...
         TXN        500   15    23
         TSLA       100  100   300
    2018 AAPL        40  135   170
         AMZN         8  900  1125
         TSLA        50  220   400
  3. It can also combine DataFrames horizontally by changing the axis parameter to columns:
    >>> pd.concat(dict(zip(years, stock_tables)), axis='columns')
           2016               ...   2018               
         Shares   Low   High  ... Shares    Low    High
    AAPL   80.0  95.0  110.0  ...   40.0  135.0   170.0
    AMZN    NaN   NaN    NaN  ...    8.0  900.0  1125.0
    GE      NaN   NaN    NaN  ...    NaN    NaN     NaN
    IBM     NaN   NaN    NaN  ...    NaN    NaN     NaN
    SLB     NaN   NaN    NaN  ...    NaN    NaN     NaN
    TSLA   50.0  80.0  130.0  ...   50.0  220.0   400.0
    TXN     NaN   NaN    NaN  ...    NaN    NaN     NaN
    WMT    40.0  55.0   70.0  ...    NaN    NaN     NaN
  4. Now that we have started combining DataFrames horizontally, we can use the .join and .merge methods to replicate this functionality of concat. Here, we use the .join method to combine the stock_2016 and stock_2017 DataFrames. By default, the DataFrames align on their index. If any of the columns have the same names, then you must supply a value to the lsuffix or rsuffix parameters to distinguish them in the result:
    >>> stocks_2016.join(stocks_2017, lsuffix='_2016',
    ...     rsuffix='_2017', how='outer')
            Shares_2016  Low_2016  ...  Low_2017  High_2017
    Symbol                         ...
    AAPL           80.0      95.0  ...     120.0      140.0
    GE              NaN       NaN  ...      30.0       40.0
    IBM             NaN       NaN  ...      75.0       95.0
    SLB             NaN       NaN  ...      55.0       85.0
    TSLA           50.0      80.0  ...     100.0      300.0
    TXN             NaN       NaN  ...      15.0       23.0
    WMT            40.0      55.0  ...       NaN        NaN
  5. To replicate the output of the concat function from step 3, we can pass a list of DataFrames to the .join method:
    >>> other = [stocks_2017.add_suffix('_2017'),
    ...     stocks_2018.add_suffix('_2018')]
    >>> stocks_2016.add_suffix('_2016').join(other, how='outer')
          Shares_2016  Low_2016  ...  Low_2018  High_2018
    AAPL         80.0      95.0  ...     135.0      170.0
    TSLA         50.0      80.0  ...     220.0      400.0
    WMT          40.0      55.0  ...       NaN        NaN
    GE            NaN       NaN  ...       NaN        NaN
    IBM           NaN       NaN  ...       NaN        NaN
    SLB           NaN       NaN  ...       NaN        NaN
    TXN           NaN       NaN  ...       NaN        NaN
    AMZN          NaN       NaN  ...     900.0     1125.0
  6. Let's check whether they are equal:
    >>> stock_join = stocks_2016.add_suffix('_2016').join(other,
    ...     how='outer')
    >>> stock_concat = (
    ...    pd.concat(
    ...         dict(zip(years, stock_tables)), axis="columns")
    ...    .swaplevel(axis=1)
    ...    .pipe(lambda df_: 
    ...        df_.set_axis(df_.columns.to_flat_index(), axis=1))
    ...    .rename(lambda label: 
    ...        "_".join([str(x) for x in label]), axis=1)
    ... )
    >>> stock_join.equals(stock_concat)
  7. Now, let's turn to the .merge method that, unlike concat and .join, can only combine two DataFrames together. By default, .merge attempts to align the values in the columns that have the same name for each of the DataFrames. However, you can choose to have it align on the index by setting the Boolean parameters left_index and right_index to True. Let's merge the 2016 and 2017 stock data together:
    >>> stocks_2016.merge(stocks_2017, left_index=True,
    ...     right_index=True)
            Shares_x  Low_x  High_x  Shares_y  Low_y  High_y
    AAPL          80     95     110        50    120     140
    TSLA          50     80     130       100    100     300
  8. By default, .merge uses an inner join and automatically supplies suffixes for identically named columns. Let's change to an outer join and then perform another outer join of the 2018 data to replicate the behavior of concat. Note that in pandas 1.0, the merge index will be sorted and the concat version won't be:
    >>> stock_merge = (stocks_2016
    ...     .merge(stocks_2017, left_index=True,
    ...            right_index=True, how='outer',
    ...            suffixes=('_2016', '_2017'))
    ...     .merge(stocks_2018.add_suffix('_2018'),
    ...            left_index=True, right_index=True,
    ...            how='outer')
    ... )
    >>> stock_concat.sort_index().equals(stock_merge)
  9. Now let's turn our comparison to datasets where we are interested in aligning together the values of columns and not the index or column labels themselves. The .merge method is built for this situation. Let's take a look at two new small datasets, food_prices and food_transactions:
    >>> names = ['prices', 'transactions']
    >>> food_tables = [pd.read_csv('data/food_{}.csv'.format(name))
    ...     for name in names]
    >>> food_prices, food_transactions = food_tables
    >>> food_prices
         item store  price  Date
    0    pear     A   0.99  2017
    1    pear     B   1.99  2017
    2   peach     A   2.99  2017
    3   peach     B   3.49  2017
    4  banana     A   0.39  2017
    5  banana     B   0.49  2017
    6   steak     A   5.99  2017
    7   steak     B   6.99  2017
    8   steak     B   4.99  2015
    >>> food_transactions
       custid     item store  quantity
    0       1     pear     A         5
    1       1   banana     A        10
    2       2    steak     B         3
    3       2     pear     B         1
    4       2    peach     B         2
    5       2    steak     B         1
    6       2  coconut     B         4
  10. If we wanted to find the total amount of each transaction, we would need to join these tables on the item and store columns:
    >>> food_transactions.merge(food_prices, on=['item', 'store'])    
       custid    item store  quantity  price  Date
    0       1    pear     A         5   0.99  2017
    1       1  banana     A        10   0.39  2017
    2       2   steak     B         3   6.99  2017
    3       2   steak     B         3   4.99  2015
    4       2   steak     B         1   6.99  2017
    5       2   steak     B         1   4.99  2015
    6       2    pear     B         1   1.99  2017
    7       2   peach     B         2   3.49  2017
  11. The price is now aligned correctly with its corresponding item and store, but there is a problem. Customer 2 has a total of four steak items. As the steak item appears twice in each table for store B, a Cartesian product takes place between them, resulting in four rows. Also, notice that the item, coconut, is missing because there was no corresponding price for it. Let's fix both of these issues:
    >>> food_transactions.merge(food_prices.query('Date == 2017'),
    ...     how='left')
       custid     item store  quantity  price    Date
    0       1     pear     A         5   0.99  2017.0
    1       1   banana     A        10   0.39  2017.0
    2       2    steak     B         3   6.99  2017.0
    3       2     pear     B         1   1.99  2017.0
    4       2    peach     B         2   3.49  2017.0
    5       2    steak     B         1   6.99  2017.0
    6       2  coconut     B         4    NaN     NaN
  12. We can replicate this with the .join method, but we must first put the joining columns of the food_prices DataFrame into the index:
    >>> food_prices_join = food_prices.query('Date == 2017') 
    ...    .set_index(['item', 'store'])
    >>> food_prices_join    
                  price  Date
    item   store             
    pear   A       0.99  2017
           B       1.99  2017
    peach  A       2.99  2017
           B       3.49  2017
    banana A       0.39  2017
           B       0.49  2017
    steak  A       5.99  2017
           B       6.99  2017
  13. The .join method only aligns with the index of the passed DataFrame but can use the index or the columns of the calling DataFrame. To use columns for alignment on the calling DataFrame, you will need to pass them to the on parameter:
    >>> food_transactions.join(food_prices_join, on=['item', 'store'])
       custid     item store  quantity  price    Date
    0       1     pear     A         5   0.99  2017.0
    1       1   banana     A        10   0.39  2017.0
    2       2    steak     B         3   6.99  2017.0
    3       2     pear     B         1   1.99  2017.0
    4       2    peach     B         2   3.49  2017.0
    5       2    steak     B         1   6.99  2017.0
    6       2  coconut     B         4    NaN     NaN

    The output matches the result from step 11. To replicate this with the concat function, you would need to put the item and store columns into the index of both DataFrames. However, in this particular case, an error would be produced as a duplicate index value occurs in at least one of the DataFrames (with item steak and store B):

    >>> pd.concat([food_transactions.set_index(['item', 'store']),
    ...            food_prices.set_index(['item', 'store'])],
    ...           axis='columns')
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    ValueError: cannot handle a non-unique multi-index!

How it works…

It can be tedious to repeatedly write the read_csv function when importing many DataFrames at the same time. One way to automate this process is to put all the filenames in a list and iterate through them with a for loop. This was done in step 1 with a list comprehension.

At the end of step 1, we unpack the list of DataFrames into their own appropriately named variables so that each table may be easily and clearly referenced. The nice thing about having a list of DataFrames is that it is the exact requirement for the concat function, as seen in step 2. Notice how step 2 uses the keys parameter to name each chunk of data. This can be also be accomplished by passing a dictionary to concat, as done in step 3.

In step 4, we must change the type of .join to outer to include all of the rows in the passed DataFrame that do not have an index present in the calling DataFrame. In step 5, the passed list of DataFrames cannot have any columns in common. Although there is an rsuffix parameter, it only works when passing a single DataFrame and not a list of them. To work around this limitation, we change the names of the columns beforehand with the .add_suffix method, and then call the .join method.

In step 7, we use .merge, which defaults to aligning on all column names that are the same in both DataFrames. To change this default behavior, and align on the index of either one or both, set the left_index or right_index parameters to True. Step 8 finishes the replication with two calls to .merge. As you can see, when you are aligning multiple DataFrames on their index, concat is usually going to be a far better choice than .merge.

In step 9, we switch gears to focus on a situation where the .merge method has the advantage. The .merge method is the only one capable of aligning both the calling and passed DataFrame by column values. Step 10 shows you how easy it is to merge two DataFrames. The on parameter is not necessary but provided for clarity.

Unfortunately, it is very easy to duplicate or drop data when combining DataFrames, as shown in step 10. It is vital to take some time to do some sanity checks after combining data. In this instance, the food_prices dataset had a duplicate price for steak in store B, so we eliminated this row by querying for only the current year in step 11. We also change to a left join to ensure that each transaction is kept regardless if a price is present or not.

It is possible to use .join in these instances, but all the columns in the passed DataFrame must be moved into the index first. Finally, concat is going to be a poor choice whenever you intend to align data by values in their columns.

In summary, I find myself using .merge unless I know that the indexes align.

There's more…

It is possible to read all files from a particular directory into DataFrames without knowing their names. Python provides a few ways to iterate through directories, with the glob module being a popular choice. The gas prices directory contains five different CSV files, each having weekly prices of a particular grade of gas beginning from 2007. Each file has just two columns – the date for the week and the price. This is a perfect situation to iterate through all the files, read them into DataFrames, and combine them all together with the concat function.

The glob module has the glob function, which takes a single parameter – the location of the directory you would like to iterate through as a string. To get all the files in the directory, use the string *. In this example, ''*.csv' returns only files that end in .csv. The result from the glob function is a list of string filenames, which can be passed to the read_csv function:

>>> import glob
>>> df_list = []
>>> for filename in glob.glob('data/gas prices *.csv'):
...     df_list.append(pd.read_csv(filename, index_col='Week',
...     parse_dates=['Week']))
>>> gas = pd.concat(df_list, axis='columns')
>>> gas
            Midgrade  Premium  Diesel  All Grades  Regular
2017-09-25     2.859    3.105   2.788       2.701    2.583
2017-09-18     2.906    3.151   2.791       2.750    2.634
2017-09-11     2.953    3.197   2.802       2.800    2.685
2017-09-04     2.946    3.191   2.758       2.794    2.679
2017-08-28     2.668    2.901   2.605       2.513    2.399
...              ...      ...     ...         ...      ...
2007-01-29     2.277    2.381   2.413       2.213    2.165
2007-01-22     2.285    2.391   2.430       2.216    2.165
2007-01-15     2.347    2.453   2.463       2.280    2.229
2007-01-08     2.418    2.523   2.537       2.354    2.306
2007-01-01     2.442    2.547   2.580       2.382    2.334

Connecting to SQL databases

Learning SQL is a useful skill. Much of the world's data is stored in databases that accept SQL statements. There are many dozens of relational database management systems, with SQLite being one of the most popular and easy to use.

We will be exploring the chinook sample database provided by SQLite that contains 11 tables of data for a music store. One of the best things to do when first diving into a proper relational database is to study a database diagram (sometimes called an entity relationship diagram) to understand how tables are related. The following diagram will be immensely helpful when navigating through this recipe:

sql relationships

SQL relationships

In order for this recipe to work, you will need to have the sqlalchemy Python package installed. If you installed the Anaconda distribution, then it should already be available to you. SQLAlchemy is the preferred pandas tool when making connections to databases. In this recipe, you will learn how to connect to a SQLite database. You will then ask two different queries, and answer them by joining together tables with the .merge method.

How to do it…

  1. Before we can begin reading tables from the chinook database, we need to set up our SQLAlchemy engine:
    >>> from sqlalchemy import create_engine
    >>> engine = create_engine('sqlite:///data/chinook.db')
  2. We can now step back into the world of pandas and remain there for the rest of the recipe. Let's complete a command and read in the tracks table with the read_sql_table function. The name of the table is the first argument and the SQLAlchemy engine is the second:
    >>> tracks = pd.read_sql_table('tracks', engine)
    >>> tracks
          TrackId  ... UnitPrice
    0           1  ...      0.99
    1           2  ...      0.99
    2           3  ...      0.99
    3           4  ...      0.99
    4           5  ...      0.99
    ...       ...  ...       ...
    3498     3499  ...      0.99
    3499     3500  ...      0.99
    3500     3501  ...      0.99
    3501     3502  ...      0.99
    3502     3503  ...      0.99
  3. For the rest of the recipe, we will answer a couple of different specific queries with help from the database diagram. To begin, let's find the average length of song per genre:
    >>> (pd.read_sql_table('genres', engine)
    ...      .merge(tracks[['GenreId', 'Milliseconds']],
    ...             on='GenreId', how='left') 
    ...      .drop('GenreId', axis='columns')
    ... )
               Name  Milliseconds
    0          Rock        343719
    1          Rock        342562
    2          Rock        230619
    3          Rock        252051
    4          Rock        375418
    ...         ...           ...
    3498  Classical        286741
    3499  Classical        139200
    3500  Classical         66639
    3501  Classical        221331
    3502      Opera        174813
  4. Now we can easily find the average length of each song per genre. To help ease interpretation, we convert the Milliseconds column to the timedelta data type:
    >>> (pd.read_sql_table('genres', engine)
    ...      .merge(tracks[['GenreId', 'Milliseconds']],
    ...             on='GenreId', how='left') 
    ...      .drop('GenreId', axis='columns')
    ...      .groupby('Name')
    ...      ['Milliseconds']
    ...      .mean()
    ...      .pipe(lambda s_: pd.to_timedelta(s_, unit='ms')
    ...                         .rename('Length'))
    ...      .dt.floor('s')
    ...      .sort_values()
    ... )
    Rock And Roll      00:02:14
    Opera              00:02:54
    Hip Hop/Rap        00:02:58
    Easy Listening     00:03:09
    Bossa Nova         00:03:39
    Comedy             00:26:25
    TV Shows           00:35:45
    Drama              00:42:55
    Science Fiction    00:43:45
    Sci Fi & Fantasy   00:48:31
    Name: Length, Length: 25, dtype: timedelta64[ns]
  5. Now let's find the total amount spent per customer. We will need the customers, invoices, and invoice_items tables all connected to each other:
    >>> cust = pd.read_sql_table('customers', engine,
    ...     columns=['CustomerId','FirstName',
    ...     'LastName'])
    >>> invoice = pd.read_sql_table('invoices', engine,
    ...     columns=['InvoiceId','CustomerId'])
    >>> invoice_items = pd.read_sql_table('invoice_items', engine,
    ...     columns=['InvoiceId', 'UnitPrice', 'Quantity'])
    >>> (cust
    ...     .merge(invoice, on='CustomerId') 
    ...     .merge(invoice_items, on='InvoiceId')
    ... )
          CustomerId FirstName  ... UnitPrice  Quantity
    0              1      Luís  ...      1.99         1
    1              1      Luís  ...      1.99         1
    2              1      Luís  ...      0.99         1
    3              1      Luís  ...      0.99         1
    4              1      Luís  ...      0.99         1
    ...          ...       ...  ...       ...       ...
    2235          59      Puja  ...      0.99         1
    2236          59      Puja  ...      0.99         1
    2237          59      Puja  ...      0.99         1
    2238          59      Puja  ...      0.99         1
    2239          59      Puja  ...      0.99         1
  6. We can now multiply the quantity by the unit price and then find the total amount spent per customer:
    >>> (cust
    ...     .merge(invoice, on='CustomerId') 
    ...     .merge(invoice_items, on='InvoiceId')
    ...     .assign(Total=lambda df_:df_.Quantity * df_.UnitPrice)
    ...     .groupby(['CustomerId', 'FirstName', 'LastName'])
    ...     ['Total']
    ...     .sum()
    ...     .sort_values(ascending=False) 
    ... )
    CustomerId  FirstName  LastName
    6           Helena     Holý          49.62
    26          Richard    Cunningham    47.62
    57          Luis       Rojas         46.62
    46          Hugh       O'Reilly      45.62
    45          Ladislav   Kovács        45.62
    32          Aaron      Mitchell      37.62
    31          Martha     Silk          37.62
    29          Robert     Brown         37.62
    27          Patrick    Gray          37.62
    59          Puja       Srivastava    36.64
    Name: Total, Length: 59, dtype: float64

How it works…

The create_engine function requires a connection string to work properly. The connection string for SQLite is the location of the database, which is located in the data directory. Other relational database management systems have more complex connection strings. You will need to provide a username, password, hostname, port, and optionally, a database. You will also need to supply the SQL dialect and the driver. The general form for the connection string is as follows: dialect+driver://username:password@host:port/database. The driver for your particular relational database might need to be installed separately.

Once we have created the engine, selecting entire tables into DataFrames is very easy with the read_sql_table function in step 2. Each of the tables in the database has a primary key identifying each row. It is identified graphically with a key symbol in the diagram. In step 3, we link genres to tracks through GenreId. As we only care about the track length, we trim the tracks DataFrame down to just the columns we need before performing the merge. Once the tables have merged, we can answer the query with a basic .groupby operation.

We go one step further and convert the integer milliseconds into a Timedelta object that is far easier to read. The key is passing in the correct unit of measurement as a string. Now that we have a Timedelta Series, we can use the .dt attribute to access the .floor method, which rounds the time down to the nearest second.

The query required to answer step 5 involves three tables. We can trim the tables down significantly to only the columns we need by passing them to the columns parameter. When using .merge, the joining columns are not kept when they have the same name. In step 6, we could have assigned a column for the price times quantity with the following:

cust_inv['Total'] = cust_inv['Quantity'] * cust_inv['UnitPrice']

As has been emphasized through this book, we prefer chaining operations when possible, and hence you see .assign used frequently.

There's more…

If you are adept with SQL, you can write a SQL query as a string and pass it to the read_sql_query function. For example, the following will reproduce the output from step 4:

>>> sql_string1 = '''
...     Name,
...     time(avg(Milliseconds) / 1000, 'unixepoch') as avg_time
... FROM (
...       SELECT
...           g.Name,
...           t.Milliseconds
...       FROM
...           genres as g
...       JOIN
...           tracks as t on
...           g.genreid == t.genreid
...      )
... GROUP BY Name
... ORDER BY avg_time'''
>>> pd.read_sql_query(sql_string1, engine)
                Name  avg_time
0      Rock And Roll  00:02:14
1              Opera  00:02:54
2        Hip Hop/Rap  00:02:58
3     Easy Listening  00:03:09
4         Bossa Nova  00:03:39
..               ...       ...
20            Comedy  00:26:25
21          TV Shows  00:35:45
22             Drama  00:42:55
23   Science Fiction  00:43:45
24  Sci Fi & Fantasy  00:48:31

To reproduce the answer from step 6, use the following SQL query:

>>> sql_string2 = '''
...    SELECT
...          c.customerid,
...          c.FirstName,
...          c.LastName,
...          sum(ii.quantity * ii.unitprice) as Total
...    FROM
...         customers as c
...    JOIN
...         invoices as i
...         on c.customerid = i.customerid
...    JOIN
...        invoice_items as ii
...        on i.invoiceid = ii.invoiceid
...    GROUP BY
...        c.customerid, c.FirstName, c.LastName
...    ORDER BY
...        Total desc'''
>>> pd.read_sql_query(sql_string2, engine)
    CustomerId FirstName    LastName  Total
0            6    Helena        Holý  49.62
1           26   Richard  Cunningham  47.62
2           57      Luis       Rojas  46.62
3           45  Ladislav      Kovács  45.62
4           46      Hugh    O'Reilly  45.62
..         ...       ...         ...    ...
54          53      Phil      Hughes  37.62
55          54     Steve      Murray  37.62
56          55      Mark      Taylor  37.62
57          56     Diego   Gutiérrez  37.62
58          59      Puja  Srivastava  36.64
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