Index Alignment


When Series or DataFrames are combined, each dimension of the data automatically aligns on each axis first before any computation happens. This silent and automatic alignment of axes can confuse the uninitiated, but it gives flexibility to the power user. This chapter explores the Index object in-depth before showcasing a variety of recipes that take advantage of its automatic alignment.

Examining the Index object

As was discussed previously, each axis of a Series and a DataFrame has an Index object that labels the values. There are many different types of Index objects, but they all share common behavior. All Index objects, except for the MultiIndex, are single-dimensional data structures that combine the functionality of Python sets and NumPy ndarrays.

In this recipe, we will examine the column index of the college dataset and explore much of its functionality.

How to do it…

  1. Read in the college dataset, and create a variable columns that holds the column index:
    >>> import pandas as pd
    >>> import numpy as np
    >>> college = pd.read_csv("data/college.csv")
    >>> columns = college.columns
    >>> columns
  2. Use the .values attribute to access the underlying NumPy array:
    >>> columns.values
           'GRAD_DEBT_MDN_SUPP'], dtype=object)
  3. Select items from the index by position with a scalar, list, or slice:
    >>> columns[5]
    >>> columns[[1, 8, 10]]
    Index(['CITY', 'SATMTMID', 'UGDS'], dtype='object')
    >>> columns[-7:-4]
    Index(['PPTUG_EF', 'CURROPER', 'PCTPELL'], dtype='object')
  4. Indexes share many of the same methods as Series and DataFrames:
    >>> columns.min(), columns.max(), columns.isnull().sum()
    ('CITY', 'WOMENONLY', 0)
  5. You can use basic arithmetic and comparison operators on Index objects:
    >>> columns + "_A"
    Index(['INSTNM_A', 'CITY_A', 'STABBR_A', 'HBCU_A', 'MENONLY_A',
           'UGDS_AIAN_A', 'UGDS_NHPI_A', 'UGDS_2MOR_A', 'UGDS_NRA_A',
           'UG25ABV_A', 'MD_EARN_WNE_P10_A', 'GRAD_DEBT_MDN_SUPP_A'],
    >>> columns > "G"
    array([ True, False,  True,  True,  True,  True,  True,  True,  True,
           False,  True,  True,  True,  True,  True,  True,  True,  True,
            True,  True,  True, False,  True,  True,  True,  True,  True])
  6. Trying to change an Index value after its creation fails. Indexes are immutable objects:
    >>> columns[1] = "city"
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    TypeError: Index does not support mutable operations

How it works…

As you can see from many of the Index object operations, it appears to have quite a bit in common with both Series and ndarrays. One of the most significant differences comes in step 6. Indexes are immutable and their values cannot be changed once created.

There's more…

Indexes support the set operations—union, intersection, difference, and symmetric difference:

>>> c1 = columns[:4]
>>> c1
Index(['INSTNM', 'CITY', 'STABBR', 'HBCU'], dtype='object')
>>> c2 = columns[2:6]
>>> c2
Index(['STABBR', 'HBCU', 'MENONLY', 'WOMENONLY'], dtype='object')
>>> c1.union(c2)  # or 'c1 | c2'
>>> c1.symmetric_difference(c2)  # or 'c1 ^ c2'
Index(['CITY', 'INSTNM', 'MENONLY', 'WOMENONLY'], dtype='object')

Indexes have many of the same operations as Python sets, and are similar to Python sets in another vital way. They are (usually) implemented using hash tables, which make for extremely fast access when selecting rows or columns from a DataFrame. Because the values need to be hashable, the values for the Index object need to be immutable types, such as a string, integer, or tuple, just like the keys in a Python dictionary.

Indexes support duplicate values, and if there happens to be a duplicate in any Index, then a hash table can no longer be used for its implementation, and object access becomes much slower.

Producing Cartesian products

Whenever a Series or DataFrame operates with another Series or DataFrame, the indexes (both the row index and column index) of each object align first before any operation begins. This index alignment happens behind the scenes and can be very surprising for those new to pandas. This alignment always creates a Cartesian product between the indexes unless the indexes are identical.

A Cartesian product is a mathematical term that usually appears in set theory. A Cartesian product between two sets is all the combinations of pairs of both sets. For example, the 52 cards in a standard playing card deck represent a Cartesian product between the 13 ranks (A, 2, 3,…, Q, K) and the four suits.

Producing a Cartesian product isn't always the intended outcome, but it's essential to be aware of how and when it occurs so as to avoid unintended consequences. In this recipe, two Series with overlapping but non-identical indexes are added together, yielding a surprising result. We will also show what happens if they have the same index.

How to do it…

Follow these steps to create a Cartesian product:

  1. Construct two Series that have indexes that are different but contain some of the same values:
    >>> s1 = pd.Series(index=list("aaab"), data=np.arange(4))
    >>> s1
    a    0
    a    1
    a    2
    b    3
    dtype: int64
    >>> s2 = pd.Series(index=list("cababb"), data=np.arange(6))
    >>> s2
    c    0
    a    1
    b    2
    a    3
    b    4
    b    5
    dtype: int64
  1. Add the two Series together to produce a Cartesian product. For each a index value in s1, we add every a in s2:
    >>> s1 + s2
    a    1.0
    a    3.0
    a    2.0
    a    4.0
    a    3.0
    a    5.0
    b    5.0
    b    7.0
    b    8.0
    c    NaN
    dtype: float64

How it works…

Each a label in s1 pairs up with each a label in s2. This pairing produces six a labels, three b labels, and one c label in the resulting Series. A Cartesian product happens between all identical index labels.

As the element with label c is unique to the Series s2, pandas defaults its value to missing, as there is no label for it to align to in s1. pandas defaults to a missing value whenever an index label is unique to one object. This has the unfortunate consequence of changing the data type of the Series to a float, whereas each Series had only integers as values. The type change occurred because NumPy's missing value object, np.nan, only exists for floats but not for integers. Series and DataFrame columns must have homogeneous numeric data types. Therefore, each value in the column was converted to a float. Changing types makes little difference for this small dataset, but for larger datasets, this can have a significant memory impact.

There's more…

The Cartesian product is not created when the indexes are unique or contain both the same exact elements and elements in the same order. When the index values are unique or they are the same and have the same order, a Cartesian product is not created, and the indexes instead align by their position. Notice here that each element aligned exactly by position and that the data type remained an integer:

>>> s1 = pd.Series(index=list("aaabb"), data=np.arange(5))
>>> s2 = pd.Series(index=list("aaabb"), data=np.arange(5))
>>> s1 + s2
a    0
a    2
a    4
b    6
b    8
dtype: int64

If the elements of the index are identical, but the order is different between the Series, the Cartesian product occurs. Let's change the order of the index in s2 and rerun the same operation:

>>> s1 = pd.Series(index=list("aaabb"), data=np.arange(5))
>>> s2 = pd.Series(index=list("bbaaa"), data=np.arange(5))
>>> s1 + s2
a    2
a    3
a    4
a    3
a    4
a    6
b    3
b    4
b    4
b    5
Length: 13, dtype: int64

Be aware of this as pandas has two drastically different outcomes for this same operation. Another instance where this can happen is during a groupby operation. If you do a groupby with multiple columns and one is of the type categorical, you will get a Cartesian product where each outer index will have every inner index value.

Finally, we will add two Series that have index values in a different order but do not have duplicate values. When we add these, we do not get a Cartesian product:

>>> s3 = pd.Series(index=list("ab"), data=np.arange(2))
>>> s4 = pd.Series(index=list("ba"), data=np.arange(2))
>>> s3 + s4
a    1
b    1
dtype: int64

In this recipe, each Series had a different number of elements. Typically, array-like data structures in Python and other languages do not allow operations to take place when the operating dimensions do not contain the same number of elements. pandas allows this to happen by aligning the indexes first before completing the operation.

In the previous chapter, I showed that you can set a column to the index and then filter on them. My preference is to leave the index alone and filter on the columns. This section gives another example of when you need to be very careful with the index.

Exploding indexes

The previous recipe walked through a trivial example of two small Series being added together with unequal indexes. This recipe is more of an "anti-recipe" of what not to do. The Cartesian product of index alignment can produce comically incorrect results when dealing with larger amounts of data.

In this recipe, we add two larger Series that have indexes with only a few unique values but in different orders. The result will explode the number of values in the indexes.

How to do it…

  1. Read in the employee data and set the index to the RACE column:
    >>> employee = pd.read_csv(
    ...     "data/employee.csv", index_col="RACE"
    ... )
    >>> employee.head()
    RACE                                    ...                        
    Hispanic/...          0  ASSISTAN...    ...  2006-06-12  2012-10-13
    Hispanic/...          1  LIBRARY ...    ...  2000-07-19  2010-09-18
    White                 2  POLICE O...    ...  2015-02-03  2015-02-03
    White                 3  ENGINEER...    ...  1982-02-08  1991-05-25
    White                 4  ELECTRICIAN    ...  1989-06-19  1994-10-22
  2. Select the BASE_SALARY column as two different Series. Check to see whether this operation created two new objects:
    >>> salary1 = employee["BASE_SALARY"]
    >>> salary2 = employee["BASE_SALARY"]
    >>> salary1 is salary2
  3. The salary1 and salary2 variables are referring to the same object. This means that any change to one will change the other. To ensure that you receive a brand new copy of the data, use the .copy method:
    >>> salary2 = employee["BASE_SALARY"].copy()
    >>> salary1 is salary2
  4. Let's change the order of the index for one of the Series by sorting it:
    >>> salary1 = salary1.sort_index()
    >>> salary1.head()
    American Indian or Alaskan Native    78355.0
    American Indian or Alaskan Native    26125.0
    American Indian or Alaskan Native    98536.0
    American Indian or Alaskan Native        NaN
    American Indian or Alaskan Native    55461.0
    Name: BASE_SALARY, dtype: float64
    >>> salary2.head()
    Hispanic/Latino    121862.0
    Hispanic/Latino     26125.0
    White               45279.0
    White               63166.0
    White               56347.0
    Name: BASE_SALARY, dtype: float64
  5. Let's add these salary Series together:
    >>> salary_add = salary1 + salary2
    >>> salary_add.head()
    American Indian or Alaskan Native    138702.0
    American Indian or Alaskan Native    156710.0
    American Indian or Alaskan Native    176891.0
    American Indian or Alaskan Native    159594.0
    American Indian or Alaskan Native    127734.0
    Name: BASE_SALARY, dtype: float64
  6. The operation completed successfully. Let's create one more Series of salary1 added to itself and then output the lengths of each Series. We just exploded the index from 2,000 values to more than one million:
    >>> salary_add1 = salary1 + salary1
    >>> len(salary1), len(salary2), len(salary_add), len(
    ...     salary_add1
    ... )
    (2000, 2000, 1175424, 2000)

How it works…

Step 2 appears at first to create two unique objects, but in fact, it creates a single object that is referred to by two different variable names. The expression employee['BASE_SALARY'], technically creates a view, and not a brand new copy. This is verified with the is operator.

In pandas, a view is not a new object but just a reference to another object, usually some subset of a DataFrame. This shared object can be a cause for many issues.

To ensure that the variables reference completely different objects, we use the .copy method and then verify that they are different objects with the is operator. Step 4 uses the .sort_index method to sort the Series by race. Note that this Series has the same index entries, but they are now in a different order than salary1. Step 5 adds these different Series together to produce the sum. By inspecting the head, it is still not clear what has been produced.

Step 6 adds salary1 to itself to show a comparison between the two different Series additions. The lengths of all the Series in this recipe are printed and we clearly see that salary_add has now exploded to over one million values. A Cartesian product took place because the indexes were not unique and in the same order. This recipe shows a more dramatic example of what happens when the indexes differ.

There's more…

We can verify the number of values of salary_add by doing a little mathematics. As a Cartesian product takes place between all of the same index values, we can sum the square of their counts. Even missing values in the index produce Cartesian products with themselves:

>>> index_vc = salary1.index.value_counts(dropna=False)
>>> index_vc
Black or African American            700
White                                665
Hispanic/Latino                      480
Asian/Pacific Islander               107
NaN                                   35
American Indian or Alaskan Native     11
Others                                 2
Name: RACE, dtype: int64
>>> index_vc.pow(2).sum()

Filling values with unequal indexes

When two Series are added together using the plus operator and one of the index labels does not appear in the other, the resulting value is always missing. pandas has the .add method, which provides an option to fill the missing value. Note that these Series do not include duplicate entries, hence there is no need to worry about a Cartesian product exploding the number of entries.

In this recipe, we add together multiple Series from the baseball dataset with unequal (but unique) indexes using the .add method with the fill_value parameter to ensure that there are no missing values in the result.

How to do it…

  1. Read in the three baseball datasets and set playerID as the index:
    >>> baseball_14 = pd.read_csv(
    ...     "data/baseball14.csv", index_col="playerID"
    ... )
    >>> baseball_15 = pd.read_csv(
    ...     "data/baseball15.csv", index_col="playerID"
    ... )
    >>> baseball_16 = pd.read_csv(
    ...     "data/baseball16.csv", index_col="playerID"
    ... )
    >>> baseball_14.head()
               yearID  stint teamID lgID  ...  HBP   SH   SF  GIDP
    playerID                              ...
    altuvjo01    2014      1    HOU   AL  ...  5.0  1.0  5.0  20.0
    cartech02    2014      1    HOU   AL  ...  5.0  0.0  4.0  12.0
    castrja01    2014      1    HOU   AL  ...  9.0  1.0  3.0  11.0
    corpoca01    2014      1    HOU   AL  ...  3.0  1.0  2.0   3.0
    dominma01    2014      1    HOU   AL  ...  5.0  2.0  7.0  23.0
  2. Use the .difference method on the index to discover which index labels are in baseball_14 and not in baseball_15, and vice versa:
    >>> baseball_14.index.difference(baseball_15.index)
    Index(['corpoca01', 'dominma01', 'fowlede01', 'grossro01', 'guzmaje01',
           'hoeslj01', 'krausma01', 'preslal01', 'singljo02'],
          dtype='object', name='playerID')
    >>> baseball_15.index.difference(baseball_14.index)
    Index(['congeha01', 'correca01', 'gattiev01', 'gomezca01', 'lowrije01',
           'rasmuco01', 'tuckepr01', 'valbulu01'],
          dtype='object', name='playerID')
  3. There are quite a few players unique to each index. Let's find out how many hits each player has in total over the three-year period. The H column contains the number of hits:
    >>> hits_14 = baseball_14["H"]
    >>> hits_15 = baseball_15["H"]
    >>> hits_16 = baseball_16["H"]
    >>> hits_14.head()
    altuvjo01    225
    cartech02    115
    castrja01    103
    corpoca01     40
    dominma01    121
    Name: H, dtype: int64
  4. Let's first add together two Series using the plus operator:
    >>> (hits_14 + hits_15).head()
    altuvjo01    425.0
    cartech02    193.0
    castrja01    174.0
    congeha01      NaN
    corpoca01      NaN
    Name: H, dtype: float64
  5. Even though players congeha01 and corpoca01 have values for 2015, their result is missing. Let's use the .add method with the fill_value parameter to avoid missing values:
    >>> hits_14.add(hits_15, fill_value=0).head()
    altuvjo01    425.0
    cartech02    193.0
    castrja01    174.0
    congeha01     46.0
    corpoca01     40.0
    Name: H, dtype: float64
  6. We add hits from 2016 by chaining the add method once more:
    >>> hits_total = hits_14.add(hits_15, fill_value=0).add(
    ...     hits_16, fill_value=0
    ... )
    >>> hits_total.head()
    altuvjo01    641.0
    bregmal01     53.0
    cartech02    193.0
    castrja01    243.0
    congeha01     46.0
    Name: H, dtype: float64
  7. Check for missing values in the result:
    >>> hits_total.hasnans

How it works…

The .add method works in a similar way to the plus operator, but allows for more flexibility by providing the fill_value parameter to take the place of a non-matching index. In this problem, it makes sense to default the non-matching index value to 0, but you could have used any other number.

There will be occasions when each Series contains index labels that correspond to missing values. In this specific instance, when the two Series are added, the index label will still correspond to a missing value regardless of whether the fill_value parameter is used. To clarify this, take a look at the following example where the index label a corresponds to a missing value in each Series:

>>> s = pd.Series(
...     index=["a", "b", "c", "d"],
...     data=[np.nan, 3, np.nan, 1],
... )
>>> s
a    NaN
b    3.0
c    NaN
d    1.0
dtype: float64
>>> s1 = pd.Series(
...     index=["a", "b", "c"], data=[np.nan, 6, 10]
... )
>>> s1
a     NaN
b     6.0
c    10.0
dtype: float64
>>> s.add(s1, fill_value=5)
a     NaN
b     9.0
c    15.0
d     6.0
dtype: float64

There's more…

This recipe shows how to add Series with only a single index together. It is also possible to add DataFrames together. Adding two DataFrames together will align both the index and columns before computation and insert missing values for non-matching indexes. Let's start by selecting a few of the columns from the 2014 baseball dataset:

>>> df_14 = baseball_14[["G", "AB", "R", "H"]]
>>> df_14.head()
             G   AB   R    H
altuvjo01  158  660  85  225
cartech02  145  507  68  115
castrja01  126  465  43  103
corpoca01   55  170  22   40
dominma01  157  564  51  121

Let's also select a few of the same and a few different columns from the 2015 baseball dataset:

>>> df_15 = baseball_15[["AB", "R", "H", "HR"]]
>>> df_15.head()
            AB   R    H  HR
altuvjo01  638  86  200  15
cartech02  391  50   78  24
castrja01  337  38   71  11
congeha01  201  25   46  11
correca01  387  52  108  22

Adding the two DataFrames together creates missing values wherever rows or column labels cannot align. You can use the .style attribute and call the .highlight_null method to see where the missing values are:

Highlight null values when using the plus operator

Highlight null values when using the plus operator

Only the rows where playerID appears in both DataFrames will be available. Similarly, the columns AB, H, and R are the only ones that appear in both DataFrames. Even if we use the .add method with the fill_value parameter specified, we still might have missing values. This is because some combinations of rows and columns never existed in our input data; for example, the intersection of playerID congeha01 and column G. That player only appeared in the 2015 dataset that did not have the G column. Therefore, that value was missing:

Highlight null values when using the .add method

Highlight null values when using the .add method

Adding columns from different DataFrames

All DataFrames can add new columns to themselves. However, as usual, whenever a DataFrame is adding a new column from another DataFrame or Series, the indexes align first, and then the new column is created.

This recipe uses the employee dataset to append a new column containing the maximum salary of that employee's department.

How to do it…

  1. Import the employee data and select the DEPARTMENT and BASE_SALARY columns in a new DataFrame:
    >>> employee = pd.read_csv("data/employee.csv")
    >>> dept_sal = employee[["DEPARTMENT", "BASE_SALARY"]]
  2. Sort this smaller DataFrame by salary within each department:
    >>> dept_sal = dept_sal.sort_values(
    ...     ["DEPARTMENT", "BASE_SALARY"],
    ...     ascending=[True, False],
    ... )
  3. Use the .drop_duplicates method to keep the first row of each DEPARTMENT:
    >>> max_dept_sal = dept_sal.drop_duplicates(
    ...     subset="DEPARTMENT"
    ... )
    >>> max_dept_sal.head()
                            DEPARTMENT  BASE_SALARY
    1494    Admn. & Regulatory Affairs     140416.0
    149       City Controller's Office      64251.0
    236                   City Council     100000.0
    647   Convention and Entertainment      38397.0
    1500   Dept of Neighborhoods (DON)      89221.0
  4. Put the DEPARTMENT column into the index for each DataFrame:
    >>> max_dept_sal = max_dept_sal.set_index("DEPARTMENT")
    >>> employee = employee.set_index("DEPARTMENT")
  5. Now that the indexes contain matching values, we can add a new column to the employee DataFrame:
    >>> employee = employee.assign(
    ...     MAX_DEPT_SALARY=max_dept_sal["BASE_SALARY"]
    ... )
    >>> employee
                                   UNIQUE_ID  ... MAX_D/ALARY
    DEPARTMENT                                ...
    Municipal Courts Department            0  ...    121862.0
    Library                                1  ...    107763.0
    Houston Police Department-HPD          2  ...    199596.0
    Houston Fire Department (HFD)          3  ...    210588.0
    General Services Department            4  ...     89194.0
    ...                                  ...  ...         ...
    Houston Police Department-HPD       1995  ...    199596.0
    Houston Fire Department (HFD)       1996  ...    210588.0
    Houston Police Department-HPD       1997  ...    199596.0
    Houston Police Department-HPD       1998  ...    199596.0
    Houston Fire Department (HFD)       1999  ...    210588.0
  6. We can validate our results with the query method to check whether there exist any rows where BASE_SALARY is greater than MAX_DEPT_SALARY:
    >>> employee.query("BASE_SALARY > MAX_DEPT_SALARY")
    Empty DataFrame
    Index: []
  7. Refactor our code into a chain:
    >>> employee = pd.read_csv("data/employee.csv")
    >>> max_dept_sal = (
    ...     employee
    ...     [["DEPARTMENT", "BASE_SALARY"]]
    ...     .sort_values(
    ...         ["DEPARTMENT", "BASE_SALARY"],
    ...         ascending=[True, False],
    ...     )
    ...     .drop_duplicates(subset="DEPARTMENT")
    ...     .set_index("DEPARTMENT")
    ... )
    >>> (
    ...     employee
    ...     .set_index("DEPARTMENT")
    ...     .assign(
    ...         MAX_DEPT_SALARY=max_dept_sal["BASE_SALARY"]
    ...     )
    ... )
    DEPARTMENT                              ...
    Municipal...          0  ASSISTAN...    ...  2012-10-13     121862.0
    Library               1  LIBRARY ...    ...  2010-09-18     107763.0
    Houston P...          2  POLICE O...    ...  2015-02-03     199596.0
    Houston F...          3  ENGINEER...    ...  1991-05-25     210588.0
    General S...          4  ELECTRICIAN    ...  1994-10-22      89194.0
    ...                 ...          ...    ...         ...          ...
    Houston P...       1995  POLICE O...    ...  2015-06-09     199596.0
    Houston F...       1996  COMMUNIC...    ...  2013-10-06     210588.0
    Houston P...       1997  POLICE O...    ...  2015-10-13     199596.0
    Houston P...       1998  POLICE O...    ...  2011-07-02     199596.0
    Houston F...       1999  FIRE FIG...    ...  2010-07-12     210588.0

How it works…

Steps 2 and 3 find the maximum salary for each department. For automatic index alignment to work properly, we set each DataFrame index as the department. Step 5 works because each row index from the left DataFrame, employee, aligns with one, and only one, index from the right DataFrame, max_dept_sal. If max_dept_sal has duplicates of any departments in its index, then we will get a Cartesian product.

For instance, let's see what happens when we use a DataFrame on the right-hand side of the equality that has repeated index values. We use the .sample DataFrame method to randomly choose 10 rows without replacement:

>>> random_salary = dept_sal.sample(
...     n=10, random_state=42
... ).set_index("DEPARTMENT")
>>> random_salary
Public Works & Engineering-PWE      34861.0
Houston Airport System (HAS)        29286.0
Houston Police Department-HPD       31907.0
Houston Police Department-HPD       66614.0
Houston Police Department-HPD       42000.0
Houston Police Department-HPD       43443.0
Houston Police Department-HPD       66614.0
Public Works & Engineering-PWE      52582.0
Finance                             93168.0
Houston Police Department-HPD       35318.0

Notice how there are several repeated departments in the index. When we attempt to create a new column, an error is raised alerting us that there are duplicates. At least one index label in the employee DataFrame is joining with two or more index labels from random_salary:

>>> employee["RANDOM_SALARY"] = random_salary["BASE_SALARY"]
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: cannot reindex from a duplicate axis

There's more…

During alignment, if there is nothing for the DataFrame index to align to, the resulting value will be missing. Let's create an example where this happens. We will use only the first three rows of the max_dept_sal Series to create a new column:

>>> (
...     employee
...     .set_index("DEPARTMENT")
...     .assign(
...         MAX_SALARY2=max_dept_sal["BASE_SALARY"].head(3)
...     )
...     .MAX_SALARY2
...     .value_counts(dropna=False)
... )
NaN         1955
140416.0      29
100000.0      11
64251.0        5
Name: MAX_SALARY2, dtype: int64

The operation completed successfully but filled in salaries for only three of the departments. All the other departments that did not appear in the first three rows of the max_dept_sal Series resulted in a missing value.

My preference is to use the following code rather than the code in step 7. This code uses the .groupby method combined with the .transform method, which is discussed in a later chapter. This code reads much cleaner to me. It is shorter and does not mess with reassigning the index:

>>> max_sal = (
...     employee
...     .groupby("DEPARTMENT")
...     .BASE_SALARY
...     .transform("max")
... )
>>> (employee.assign(MAX_DEPT_SALARY=max_sal))
0             0  ASSISTAN...    ...  2012-10-13     121862.0
1             1  LIBRARY ...    ...  2010-09-18     107763.0
2             2  POLICE O...    ...  2015-02-03     199596.0
3             3  ENGINEER...    ...  1991-05-25     210588.0
4             4  ELECTRICIAN    ...  1994-10-22      89194.0
...         ...          ...    ...         ...          ...
1995       1995  POLICE O...    ...  2015-06-09     199596.0
1996       1996  COMMUNIC...    ...  2013-10-06     210588.0
1997       1997  POLICE O...    ...  2015-10-13     199596.0
1998       1998  POLICE O...    ...  2011-07-02     199596.0
1999       1999  FIRE FIG...    ...  2010-07-12     210588.0

This works because .transform preserves the original index. If you did a .groupby that creates a new index, you can use the .merge method to combine the data. We just need to tell it to merge on DEPARTMENT for the left side and the index for the right side:

>>> max_sal = (
...     employee
...     .groupby("DEPARTMENT")
...     .BASE_SALARY
...     .max()
... )
>>> (
...     employee.merge(
...         max_sal.rename("MAX_DEPT_SALARY"),
...         how="left",
...         left_on="DEPARTMENT",
...         right_index=True,
...     )
... )
0             0  ASSISTAN...    ...  2012-10-13     121862.0
1             1  LIBRARY ...    ...  2010-09-18     107763.0
2             2  POLICE O...    ...  2015-02-03     199596.0
3             3  ENGINEER...    ...  1991-05-25     210588.0
4             4  ELECTRICIAN    ...  1994-10-22      89194.0
...         ...          ...    ...         ...          ...
1995       1995  POLICE O...    ...  2015-06-09     199596.0
1996       1996  COMMUNIC...    ...  2013-10-06     210588.0
1997       1997  POLICE O...    ...  2015-10-13     199596.0
1998       1998  POLICE O...    ...  2011-07-02     199596.0
1999       1999  FIRE FIG...    ...  2010-07-12     210588.0

Highlighting the maximum value from each column

The college dataset has many numeric columns describing different metrics about each school. Many people are interested in schools that perform the best for specific metrics.

This recipe discovers the school that has the maximum value for each numeric column and styles the DataFrame to highlight the information.

How to do it…

  1. Read the college dataset with the institution name as the index:
    >>> college = pd.read_csv(
    ...     "data/college.csv", index_col="INSTNM"
    ... )
    >>> college.dtypes
    CITY                   object
    STABBR                 object
    HBCU                  float64
    MENONLY               float64
    WOMENONLY             float64
    PCTPELL               float64
    PCTFLOAN              float64
    UG25ABV               float64
    MD_EARN_WNE_P10        object
    GRAD_DEBT_MDN_SUPP     object
    Length: 26, dtype: object
  2. All the other columns besides CITY and STABBR appear to be numeric. Examining the data types from the preceding step reveals unexpectedly that the MD_EARN_WNE_P10 and GRAD_DEBT_MDN_SUPP columns are of the object type and not numeric. To help get a better idea of what kinds of values are in these columns, let's examine a sample from them:
    >>> college.MD_EARN_WNE_P10.sample(10, random_state=42)
    Career Point College                                      20700
    Ner Israel Rabbinical College                       PrivacyS...
    Reflections Academy of Beauty                               NaN
    Capital Area Technical College                            26400
    West Virginia University Institute of Technology          43400
    Mid-State Technical College                               32000
    Strayer University-Huntsville Campus                      49200
    National Aviation Academy of Tampa Bay                    45000
    University of California-Santa Cruz                       43000
    Lexington Theological Seminary                              NaN
    Name: MD_EARN_WNE_P10, dtype: object
    >>> college.GRAD_DEBT_MDN_SUPP.sample(10, random_state=42)
    Career Point College                                      14977
    Ner Israel Rabbinical College                       PrivacyS...
    Reflections Academy of Beauty                       PrivacyS...
    Capital Area Technical College                      PrivacyS...
    West Virginia University Institute of Technology          23969
    Mid-State Technical College                                8025
    Strayer University-Huntsville Campus                    36173.5
    National Aviation Academy of Tampa Bay                    22778
    University of California-Santa Cruz                       19884
    Lexington Theological Seminary                      PrivacyS...
    Name: GRAD_DEBT_MDN_SUPP, dtype: object     
  3. These values are strings, but we would like them to be numeric. I like to use the .value_counts method in this case to see whether it reveals any characters that forced the column to be non-numeric:
    >>> college.MD_EARN_WNE_P10.value_counts()
    PrivacySuppressed    822
    38800                151
    21500                 97
    49200                 78
    27400                 46
    66700                  1
    163900                 1
    64400                  1
    58700                  1
    64100                  1
    Name: MD_EARN_WNE_P10, Length: 598, dtype: int64
    >>> set(college.MD_EARN_WNE_P10.apply(type))
    {<class 'float'>, <class 'str'>}
    >>> college.GRAD_DEBT_MDN_SUPP.value_counts()
    PrivacySuppressed    1510
    9500                  514
    27000                 306
    25827.5               136
    25000                 124
    16078.5                 1
    27763.5                 1
    6382                    1
    27625                   1
    11300                   1
    Name: GRAD_DEBT_MDN_SUPP, Length: 2038, dtype: int64
  4. The culprit appears to be that some schools have privacy concerns about these two columns of data. To force these columns to be numeric, use the pandas function to_numeric. If we use the errors='coerce' parameter, it will convert those values to NaN:
    >>> cols = ["MD_EARN_WNE_P10", "GRAD_DEBT_MDN_SUPP"]
    >>> for col in cols:
    ...     college[col] = pd.to_numeric(
    ...         college[col], errors="coerce"
    ...     )
    >>> college.dtypes.loc[cols]
    MD_EARN_WNE_P10       float64
    GRAD_DEBT_MDN_SUPP    float64
    dtype: object
  5. Use the .select_dtypes method to filter for only numeric columns. This will exclude STABBR and CITY columns, where a maximum value doesn't make sense with this problem:
    >>> college_n = college.select_dtypes("number")
    >>> college_n.head()
                  HBCU  MENONLY  ...  MD_EARN_WNE_P10  GRAD_DEBT_MDN_SUPP
    INSTNM                       ...
    Alabama A...   1.0      0.0  ...      30300.0          33888.0
    Universit...   0.0      0.0  ...      39700.0          21941.5
    Amridge U...   0.0      0.0  ...      40100.0          23370.0
    Universit...   0.0      0.0  ...      45500.0          24097.0
    Alabama S...   1.0      0.0  ...      26600.0          33118.5
  6. Several columns have binary only (0 or 1) values that will not provide useful information for maximum values. To find these columns, we can create a Boolean Series and find all the columns that have two unique values with the .nunique method:
    >>> binary_only = college_n.nunique() == 2
    >>> binary_only.head()
    HBCU          True
    MENONLY       True
    WOMENONLY     True
    RELAFFIL      True
    SATVRMID     False
    dtype: bool
  7. Use the Boolean array to create a list of binary columns:
    >>> binary_cols = binary_only[binary_only].index
    >>> binary_cols
    Index(['HBCU', 'MENONLY', 'WOMENONLY', 'RELAFFIL', 'DISTANCEONLY', 'CURROPER'], dtype='object')
  8. Since we are looking for the maximum values, we can drop the binary columns using the .drop method:
    >>> college_n2 = college_n.drop(columns=binary_cols)
    >>> college_n2.head()
    INSTNM                            ...
    Alabama A...     424.0     420.0  ...      30300.0          33888.0
    Universit...     570.0     565.0  ...      39700.0          21941.5
    Amridge U...       NaN       NaN  ...      40100.0          23370.0
    Universit...     595.0     590.0  ...      45500.0          24097.0
    Alabama S...     425.0     430.0  ...      26600.0          33118.5
  9. Now we can use the .idxmax method to find the index label of the maximum value for each column:
    >>> max_cols = college_n2.idxmax()
    >>> max_cols
    SATVRMID                      California Institute of Technology
    SATMTMID                      California Institute of Technology
    UGDS                               University of Phoenix-Arizona
    UGDS_WHITE                Mr Leon's School of Hair Design-Moscow
    UGDS_BLACK                    Velvatex College of Beauty Culture
    PCTPELL                                 MTI Business College Inc
    PCTFLOAN                                  ABC Beauty College Inc
    UG25ABV                           Dongguk University-Los Angeles
    MD_EARN_WNE_P10                     Medical College of Wisconsin
    GRAD_DEBT_MDN_SUPP    Southwest University of Visual Arts-Tucson
    Length: 18, dtype: object
  10. Call the .unique method on the max_cols Series. This returns an ndarray of the index values in college_n2 that has the maximum values:
    >>> unique_max_cols = max_cols.unique()
    >>> unique_max_cols[:5]
    array(['California Institute of Technology',
           'University of Phoenix-Arizona',
           "Mr Leon's School of Hair Design-Moscow",
           'Velvatex College of Beauty Culture',
           'Thunderbird School of Global Management'], dtype=object)
  11. Use the values of max_cols to select only those rows that have schools with a maximum value and then use the .style attribute to highlight these values:
    Display maximum column values

    Display maximum column values

  12. Refactor the code to make it easier to read:
    >>> def remove_binary_cols(df):
    ...     binary_only = df.nunique() == 2
    ...     cols = binary_only[binary_only].index.tolist()
    ...     return df.drop(columns=cols)
    >>> def select_rows_with_max_cols(df):
    ...     max_cols = df.idxmax()
    ...     unique = max_cols.unique()
    ...     return df.loc[unique]
    >>> (
    ...     college
    ...     .assign(
    ...         MD_EARN_WNE_P10=pd.to_numeric(
    ...             college.MD_EARN_WNE_P10, errors="coerce"
    ...         ),
    ...         GRAD_DEBT_MDN_SUPP=pd.to_numeric(
    ...             college.GRAD_DEBT_MDN_SUPP, errors="coerce"
    ...         ),
    ...     )
    ...     .select_dtypes("number")
    ...     .pipe(remove_binary_cols)
    ...     .pipe(select_rows_with_max_cols)
    ... )
    INSTNM                            ...
    Californi...     765.0     785.0  ...      77800.0          11812.5
    Universit...       NaN       NaN  ...          NaN          33000.0
    Mr Leon's...       NaN       NaN  ...          NaN          15710.0
    Velvatex ...       NaN       NaN  ...          NaN              NaN
    Thunderbi...       NaN       NaN  ...     118900.0              NaN
    ...                ...       ...  ...          ...              ...
    MTI Busin...       NaN       NaN  ...      23000.0           9500.0
    ABC Beaut...       NaN       NaN  ...          NaN          16500.0
    Dongguk U...       NaN       NaN  ...          NaN              NaN
    Medical C...       NaN       NaN  ...     233100.0              NaN
    Southwest...       NaN       NaN  ...      27200.0          49750.0

How it works…

The .idxmax method is a useful method, especially when the index is meaningfully labeled. It was unexpected that both MD_EARN_WNE_P10 and GRAD_DEBT_MDN_SUPP were of the object data type. When loading CSV files, pandas lists the column as an object type (even though it might contain both number and string types) if the column contains at least one string.

By examining a specific column value in step 2, we were able to discover that we had strings in these columns. In step 3, we use the .value_counts method to reveal offending characters. We uncover the PrivacySuppressed values that are causing havoc.

pandas can force all strings that contain only numeric characters to numeric data types with the to_numeric function. We do this in step 4. To override the default behavior of raising an error when to_numeric encounters a string that cannot be converted, you must pass coerce to the errors parameter. This forces all non-numeric character strings to become missing values (np.nan).

Several columns do not have useful or meaningful maximum values. They were removed in step 5 through step 8. The .select_dtypes method can be beneficial for wide DataFrames with many columns.

In step 9, .idxmax iterates through all the columns to find the index of the maximum value for each column. It outputs the results as a Series. The school with both the highest SAT math and verbal scores is California Institute of Technology, while Dongguk University Los Angeles has the highest number of students older than 25.

Although the information provided by .idxmax is convenient, it does not yield the corresponding maximum value. To do this, we gather all the unique school names from the values of the max_cols Series in step 10.

Next, in step 11, we index off a .loc to select rows based on the index label, which was set to school names when loading the CSV in the first step. This filters for only schools that have a maximum value. DataFrames have a .style attribute that itself has some methods to alter the appearance of the displayed DataFrame. Highlighting the maximum value makes the result much clearer.

Finally, we refactor the code to make it a clean pipeline.

There's more…

By default, the .highlight_max method highlights the maximum value of each column. We can use the axis parameter to highlight the maximum value of each row instead. Here, we select just the race percentage columns of the college dataset and highlight the race with the highest percentage for each school:

>>> college = pd.read_csv(
...     "data/college.csv", index_col="INSTNM"
... )
>>> college_ugds = college.filter(like="UGDS_").head()
Display maximum column values

Display maximum column values

Replicating idxmax with method chaining

A good exercise is to attempt an implementation of a built-in DataFrame method on your own. This type of replication can give you a deeper understanding of other pandas methods that you normally wouldn't have come across. .idxmax is a challenging method to replicate using only the methods covered thus far in the book.

This recipe slowly chains together basic methods to eventually find all the row index values that contain a maximum column value.

How to do it…

  1. Load in the college dataset and execute the same operations as the previous recipe to get only the numeric columns that are of interest:
    >>> def remove_binary_cols(df):
    ...     binary_only = df.nunique() == 2
    ...     cols = binary_only[binary_only].index.tolist()
    ...     return df.drop(columns=cols)
    >>> college_n = (
    ...     college
    ...     .assign(
    ...         MD_EARN_WNE_P10=pd.to_numeric(
    ...             college.MD_EARN_WNE_P10, errors="coerce"
    ...         ),
    ...         GRAD_DEBT_MDN_SUPP=pd.to_numeric(
    ...             college.GRAD_DEBT_MDN_SUPP, errors="coerce"
    ...         ),
    ...     )
    ...     .select_dtypes("number")
    ...     .pipe(remove_binary_cols)
    ... )
  2. Find the maximum of each column with the .max method:
    >>> college_n.max().head()
    SATVRMID         765.0
    SATMTMID         785.0
    UGDS          151558.0
    UGDS_WHITE         1.0
    UGDS_BLACK         1.0
    dtype: float64
  3. Use the .eq DataFrame method to test each value against the column .max method. By default, the .eq method aligns the columns of the column DataFrame with the labels of the passed Series index:
    >>> college_n.eq(college_n.max()).head()
    INSTNM                            ...
    Alabama A...     False     False  ...        False            False
    Universit...     False     False  ...        False            False
    Amridge U...     False     False  ...        False            False
    Universit...     False     False  ...        False            False
    Alabama S...     False     False  ...        False            False
  4. All the rows in this DataFrame that have at least one True value must contain a column maximum. Let's use the .any method to find all such rows that have at least one True value:
    >>> has_row_max = (
    ...     college_n
    ...     .eq(college_n.max())
    ...     .any(axis="columns")
    ... )
    >>> has_row_max.head()
    Alabama A & M University               False
    University of Alabama at Birmingham    False
    Amridge University                     False
    University of Alabama in Huntsville    False
    Alabama State University               False
    dtype: bool
  5. There are only 18 columns, which means that there should only be at most 18 True values in has_row_max. Let's find out how many there are:
    >>> college_n.shape
    (7535, 18)
    >>> has_row_max.sum()
  6. This was a bit unexpected, but it turns out that there are columns with many rows that equal the maximum value. This is common with many of the percentage columns that have a maximum of 1. .idxmax returns the first occurrence of the maximum value. Let's back up a bit, remove the .any method, and look at the output from step 3. Let's run the .cumsum method instead to accumulate all the True values:
    >>> college_n.eq(college_n.max()).cumsum()
    INSTNM                            ...
    Alabama A...         0         0  ...            0                0
    Universit...         0         0  ...            0                0
    Amridge U...         0         0  ...            0                0
    Universit...         0         0  ...            0                0
    Alabama S...         0         0  ...            0                0
    ...                ...       ...  ...          ...              ...
    SAE Insti...         1         1  ...            1                2
    Rasmussen...         1         1  ...            1                2
    National ...         1         1  ...            1                2
    Bay Area ...         1         1  ...            1                2
    Excel Lea...         1         1  ...            1                2
  7. Some columns have one unique maximum, like SATVRMID and SATMTMID, while others like UGDS_WHITE have many. 109 schools have 100% of their undergraduates as White. If we chain the .cumsum method one more time, the value 1 would only appear once in each column and it would be the first occurrence of the maximum:
    >>> (college_n.eq(college_n.max()).cumsum().cumsum())
    INSTNM                            ...
    Alabama A...         0         0  ...            0                0
    Universit...         0         0  ...            0                0
    Amridge U...         0         0  ...            0                0
    Universit...         0         0  ...            0                0
    Alabama S...         0         0  ...            0                0
    ...                ...       ...  ...          ...              ...
    SAE Insti...      7305      7305  ...         3445            10266
    Rasmussen...      7306      7306  ...         3446            10268
    National ...      7307      7307  ...         3447            10270
    Bay Area ...      7308      7308  ...         3448            10272
    Excel Lea...      7309      7309  ...         3449            10274
  8. We can now test the equality of each value against 1 with the .eq method and then use the .any method to find rows that have at least one True value:
    >>> has_row_max2 = (
    ...     college_n.eq(college_n.max())
    ...     .cumsum()
    ...     .cumsum()
    ...     .eq(1)
    ...     .any(axis="columns")
    ... )
    >>> has_row_max2.head()
    Alabama A & M University               False
    University of Alabama at Birmingham    False
    Amridge University                     False
    University of Alabama in Huntsville    False
    Alabama State University               False
    dtype: bool
  9. Check that has_row_max2 has no more True values than the number of columns:
    >>> has_row_max2.sum()
  10. We need all the institutions where has_row_max2 is True. We can use Boolean indexing on the Series itself:
    >>> idxmax_cols = has_row_max2[has_row_max2].index
    >>> idxmax_cols
    Index(['Thunderbird School of Global Management',
           'Southwest University of Visual Arts-Tucson', 'ABC Beauty College Inc',
           'Velvatex College of Beauty Culture',
           'California Institute of Technology',
           'Le Cordon Bleu College of Culinary Arts-San Francisco',
           'MTI Business College Inc', 'Dongguk University-Los Angeles',
           'Mr Leon's School of Hair Design-Moscow',
           'Haskell Indian Nations University', 'LIU Brentwood',
           'Medical College of Wisconsin', 'Palau Community College',
           'California University of Management and Sciences',
           'Cosmopolitan Beauty and Tech School', 'University of Phoenix-Arizona'],
          dtype='object', name='INSTNM')
  11. All 16 of these institutions are the index of the first maximum occurrence for at least one of the columns. We can check whether they are the same as the ones found with the .idxmax method:
    >>> set(college_n.idxmax().unique()) == set(idxmax_cols)
  12. Refactor to an idx_max function:
    >>> def idx_max(df):
    ...     has_row_max = (
    ...         df
    ...         .eq(df.max())
    ...         .cumsum()
    ...         .cumsum()
    ...         .eq(1)
    ...         .any(axis="columns")
    ...     )
    ...     return has_row_max[has_row_max].index
    >>> idx_max(college_n)
    Index(['Thunderbird School of Global Management',
           'Southwest University of Visual Arts-Tucson', 'ABC Beauty College Inc',
           'Velvatex College of Beauty Culture',
           'California Institute of Technology',
           'Le Cordon Bleu College of Culinary Arts-San Francisco',
           'MTI Business College Inc', 'Dongguk University-Los Angeles',
           'Mr Leon's School of Hair Design-Moscow',
           'Haskell Indian Nations University', 'LIU Brentwood',
           'Medical College of Wisconsin', 'Palau Community College',
           'California University of Management and Sciences',
           'Cosmopolitan Beauty and Tech School', 'University of Phoenix-Arizona'],
          dtype='object', name='INSTNM')

How it works…

The first step replicates work from the previous recipe by converting two columns to numeric and eliminating the binary columns. We find the maximum value of each column in step 2. Care needs to be taken here as pandas silently drops columns that cannot produce a maximum. If this happens, then step 3 will still complete but provide False values for each column without an available maximum.

Step 4 uses the .any method to scan across each row in search of at least one True value. Any row with at least one True value contains a maximum value for a column. We sum up the resulting Boolean Series in step 5 to determine how many rows contain a maximum. Somewhat unexpectedly, there are far more rows than columns. Step 6 gives an insight into why this happens. We take a cumulative sum of the output from step 3 and detect the total number of rows that equal the maximum for each column.

Many colleges have 100% of their student population as only a single race. This is by far the largest contributor to the multiple rows with maximums. As you can see, there is only one row with a maximum value for both SAT score columns and undergraduate population, but several of the race columns have a tie for the maximum.

Our goal is to find the first row with the maximum value. We need to take the cumulative sum once more so that each column has only a single row equal to 1. Step 8 formats the code to have one method per line and runs the .any method as was done in step 4. If this step is successful, then we should have no more True values than the number of columns. Step 9 asserts that this is true.

To validate that we have found the same columns as .idxmax in the previous columns, we use Boolean selection on has_row_max2 with itself. The columns will be in a different order, so we convert the sequence of column names to sets, which are inherently unordered to compare equality.

There's more…

It is possible to complete this recipe in one long line of code chaining the indexing operator with an anonymous function. This little trick removes the need for step 10. We can time the difference between the .idxmax method and our manual effort in this recipe:

>>> def idx_max(df):
...     has_row_max = (
...         df
...         .eq(df.max())
...         .cumsum()
...         .cumsum()
...         .eq(1)
...         .any(axis="columns")
...         [lambda df_: df_]
...         .index
...     )
...     return has_row_max
>>> %timeit college_n.idxmax().values
1.12 ms ± 28.4 μs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1000 loops each)
>>> %timeit idx_max(college_n)
5.35 ms ± 55.2 μs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100 loops each)

Our effort is, unfortunately, five times as slow as the built-in .idxmax pandas method, but regardless of its performance regression, many creative and practical solutions use the accumulation methods like .cumsum with Boolean Series to find streaks or specific patterns along an axis.

Finding the most common maximum of columns

The college dataset contains the undergraduate population percentage of eight different races for over 7,500 colleges. It would be interesting to find the race with the highest undergrad population for each school and then find the distribution of this result for the entire dataset. We would be able to answer a question like, "What percentage of institutions have more White students than any other race?"

In this recipe, we find the race with the highest percentage of the undergraduate population for each school with the .idxmax method and then find the distribution of these maximums.

How to do it…

  1. Read in the college dataset and select just those columns with undergraduate race percentage information:
    >>> college = pd.read_csv(
    ...     "data/college.csv", index_col="INSTNM"
    ... )
    >>> college_ugds = college.filter(like="UGDS_")
    >>> college_ugds.head()
                  UGDS_WHITE  UGDS_BLACK  ...  UGDS_NRA  UGDS_UNKN
    INSTNM                                ...
    Alabama A...      0.0333      0.9353  ...    0.0059     0.0138
    Universit...      0.5922      0.2600  ...    0.0179     0.0100
    Amridge U...      0.2990      0.4192  ...    0.0000     0.2715
    Universit...      0.6988      0.1255  ...    0.0332     0.0350
    Alabama S...      0.0158      0.9208  ...    0.0243     0.0137
  2. Use the .idxmax method applied against the column axis to get the college name with the highest race percentage for each row:
    >>> highest_percentage_race = college_ugds.idxmax(
    ...     axis="columns"
    ... )
    >>> highest_percentage_race.head()
    Alabama A & M University
    University of Alabama at Birmingham
    Amridge University
    University of Alabama in Huntsville
    Alabama State University
    dtype: object
  3. Use the .value_counts method to return the distribution of maximum occurrences. Add the normalize=True parameter so that it sums to 1:
    >>> highest_percentage_race.value_counts(normalize=True)
    UGDS_WHITE    0.670352
    UGDS_BLACK    0.151586
    UGDS_HISP     0.129473
    UGDS_UNKN     0.023422
    UGDS_ASIAN    0.012074
    UGDS_AIAN     0.006110
    UGDS_NRA      0.004073
    UGDS_NHPI     0.001746
    UGDS_2MOR     0.001164
    dtype: float64

How it works…

The key to this recipe is recognizing that the columns all represent the same unit of information. We can compare these columns with each other, which is usually not the case. For instance, it wouldn't make sense to compare SAT verbal scores with the undergraduate population. As the data is structured in this manner, we can apply the .idxmax method to each row of data to find the column with the largest value. We need to alter its default behavior with the axis parameter.

Step 3 completes this operation and returns a Series, to which we can now apply the .value_counts method to return the distribution. We pass True to the normalize parameter as we are interested in the distribution (relative frequency) and not the raw counts.

There's more…

We might want to explore more and answer the question: For those schools with more Black students than any other race, what is the distribution of its second highest race percentage?

>>> (
...     college_ugds
...     [highest_percentage_race == "UGDS_BLACK"]
...     .drop(columns="UGDS_BLACK")
...     .idxmax(axis="columns")
...     .value_counts(normalize=True)
... )
UGDS_WHITE    0.661228
UGDS_HISP     0.230326
UGDS_UNKN     0.071977
UGDS_NRA      0.018234
UGDS_ASIAN    0.009597
UGDS_2MOR     0.006718
UGDS_AIAN     0.000960
UGDS_NHPI     0.000960
dtype: float64

We needed to drop the UGDS_BLACK column before applying the same method from this recipe. It seems that these schools with higher Black populations tend to have higher Hispanic populations.

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