Creating and Persisting DataFrames


There are many ways to create a DataFrame. This chapter will cover some of the most common ones. It will also show how to persist them.

Creating DataFrames from scratch

Usually, we create a DataFrame from an existing file or a database, but we can also create one from scratch. We can create a DataFrame from parallel lists of data.

How to do it...

  1. Create parallel lists with your data in them. Each of these lists will be a column in the DataFrame, so they should have the same type:
    >>> import pandas as pd
    >>> import numpy as np
    >>> fname = ["Paul", "John", "Richard", "George"]
    >>> lname = ["McCartney", "Lennon", "Starkey", "Harrison"]
    >>> birth = [1942, 1940, 1940, 1943]
  2. Create a dictionary from the lists, mapping the column name to the list:
    >>> people = {"first": fname, "last": lname, "birth": birth}
  3. Create a DataFrame from the dictionary:
    >>> beatles = pd.DataFrame(people)
    >>> beatles
         first       last  birth
    0     Paul  McCartney   1942
    1     John     Lennon   1940
    2  Richard    Starkey   1940
    3   George   Harrison   1943

How it works...

By default, pandas will create a RangeIndex for our DataFrame when we call the constructor:

>>> beatles.index
RangeIndex(start=0, stop=4, step=1)

We can specify another index for the DataFrame if we desire:

>>> pd.DataFrame(people, index=["a", "b", "c", "d"])
     first       last  birth
a     Paul  McCartney   1942
b     John     Lennon   1940
c  Richard    Starkey   1940
d   George   Harrison   1943

There's more...

You can also create a DataFrame from a list of dictionaries:

>>> pd.DataFrame(
...     [
...         {
...             "first": "Paul",
...             "last": "McCartney",
...             "birth": 1942,
...         },
...         {
...             "first": "John",
...             "last": "Lennon",
...             "birth": 1940,
...         },
...         {
...             "first": "Richard",
...             "last": "Starkey",
...             "birth": 1940,
...         },
...         {
...             "first": "George",
...             "last": "Harrison",
...             "birth": 1943,
...         },
...     ]
... )
   birth    first       last
0   1942     Paul  McCartney
1   1940     John     Lennon
2   1940  Richard    Starkey
3   1943   George   Harrison

Note that the columns are ordered by the alphabetic ordering of the keys when you use rows of dictionaries. You can use the columns parameter to specify the column order if that is important to you:

>>> pd.DataFrame(
...     [
...         {
...             "first": "Paul",
...             "last": "McCartney",
...             "birth": 1942,
...         },
...         {
...             "first": "John",
...             "last": "Lennon",
...             "birth": 1940,
...         },
...         {
...             "first": "Richard",
...             "last": "Starkey",
...             "birth": 1940,
...         },
...         {
...             "first": "George",
...             "last": "Harrison",
...             "birth": 1943,
...         },
...     ],
...     columns=["last", "first", "birth"],
... )
        last    first  birth
0  McCartney     Paul   1942
1     Lennon     John   1940
2    Starkey  Richard   1940
3   Harrison   George   1943

Writing CSV

For better or worse, there are a lot of CSV files in the world. Like most technologies, there are good and bad parts to CSV files. On the plus side, they are human-readable, can be opened in any text editor, and most spreadsheet software can load them. On the downside, there is no standard for CSV files, so encoding may be weird, there is no way to enforce types, and they can be large because they are text-based (though they can be compressed).

In this recipe, we will show how to create a CSV file from a pandas DataFrame.

There are a few methods on the DataFrame that start with to_. These are methods that export DataFrames. We are going to use the .to_csv method. We will write out to a string buffer in the examples, but you will usually use a filename instead.

How to do it...

  1. Write the DataFrame to a CSV file:
    >>> beatles
         first       last  birth
    0     Paul  McCartney   1942
    1     John     Lennon   1940
    2  Richard    Starkey   1940
    3   George   Harrison   1943
    >>> from io import StringIO
    >>> fout = StringIO()
    >>> beatles.to_csv(fout)  # use a filename instead of fout
  2. Look at the file contents:
    >>> print(fout.getvalue())

There's more...

The .to_csv method has a few options. You will notice that it included the index in the output but did not give the index a column name. If you were to read this CSV file into a DataFrame using the read_csv function, it would not use this as the index by default. Instead, you will get a column named Unnamed: 0 in addition to an index. These columns are redundant:

>>> _ = fout.seek(0)
>>> pd.read_csv(fout)
   Unnamed: 0    first       last  birth
0           0     Paul  McCartney   1942
1           1     John     Lennon   1940
2           2  Richard    Starkey   1940
3           3   George   Harrison   1943

The read_csv function has an index_col parameter that you can use to specify the location of the index:

>>> _ = fout.seek(0)
>>> pd.read_csv(fout, index_col=0)
     first       last  birth
0     Paul  McCartney   1942
1     John     Lennon   1940
2  Richard    Starkey   1940
3   George   Harrison   1943

Alternatively, if we didn't want to include the index when writing the CSV file, we can set the index parameter to False:

>>> fout = StringIO()
>>> beatles.to_csv(fout, index=False)
>>> print(fout.getvalue())

Reading large CSV files

The pandas library is an in-memory tool. You need to be able to fit your data in memory to use pandas with it. If you come across a large CSV file that you want to process, you have a few options. If you can process portions of it at a time, you can read it into chunks and process each chunk. Alternatively, if you know that you should have enough memory to load the file, there are a few hints to help pare down the file size.

Note that in general, you should have three to ten times the amount of memory as the size of the DataFrame that you want to manipulate. Extra memory should give you enough extra space to perform many of the common operations.

How to do it...

In this section, we will look at the diamonds dataset. This dataset easily fits into the memory of my 2015 MacBook, but let's pretend that the file is a lot bigger than it is, or that the memory of my machine is limited such that when pandas tries to load it with the read_csv function, I get a memory error.

  1. Determine how much memory the whole file will take up. We will use the nrows parameter of read_csv to limit how much data we load to a small sample:
    >>> diamonds = pd.read_csv("data/diamonds.csv", nrows=1000)
    >>> diamonds
         carat      cut color clarity  ...  price     x     y     z
    0     0.23    Ideal     E     SI2  ...    326  3.95  3.98  2.43
    1     0.21  Premium     E     SI1  ...    326  3.89  3.84  2.31
    2     0.23     Good     E     VS1  ...    327  4.05  4.07  2.31
    3     0.29  Premium     I     VS2  ...    334  4.20  4.23  2.63
    4     0.31     Good     J     SI2  ...    335  4.34  4.35  2.75
    ..     ...      ...   ...     ...  ...    ...   ...   ...   ...
    995   0.54    Ideal     D    VVS2  ...   2897  5.30  5.34  3.26
    996   0.72    Ideal     E     SI1  ...   2897  5.69  5.74  3.57
    997   0.72     Good     F     VS1  ...   2897  5.82  5.89  3.48
    998   0.74  Premium     D     VS2  ...   2897  5.81  5.77  3.58
    999   1.12  Premium     J     SI2  ...   2898  6.68  6.61  4.03
  2. Use the .info method to see how much memory the sample of data uses:
    >>> diamonds.info()
    <class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
    RangeIndex: 1000 entries, 0 to 999
    Data columns (total 10 columns):
    carat      1000 non-null float64
    cut        1000 non-null object
    color      1000 non-null object
    clarity    1000 non-null object
    depth      1000 non-null float64
    table      1000 non-null float64
    price      1000 non-null int64
    x          1000 non-null float64
    y          1000 non-null float64
    z          1000 non-null float64
    dtypes: float64(6), int64(1), object(3)
    memory usage: 78.2+ KB

    We can see that 1,000 rows use about 78.2 KB of memory. If we had 1 billion rows, that would take about 78 GB of memory. It turns out that it is possible to rent machines in the cloud that have that much memory but let's see if we can take it down a little.

  3. Use the dtype parameter to read_csv to tell it to use the correct (or smaller) numeric types:
    >>> diamonds2 = pd.read_csv(
    ...     "data/diamonds.csv",
    ...     nrows=1000,
    ...     dtype={
    ...         "carat": np.float32,
    ...         "depth": np.float32,
    ...         "table": np.float32,
    ...         "x": np.float32,
    ...         "y": np.float32,
    ...         "z": np.float32,
    ...         "price": np.int16,
    ...     },
    ... )
    >>> diamonds2.info()
    <class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
    RangeIndex: 1000 entries, 0 to 999
    Data columns (total 10 columns):
    carat      1000 non-null float32
    cut        1000 non-null object
    color      1000 non-null object
    clarity    1000 non-null object
    depth      1000 non-null float32
    table      1000 non-null float32
    price      1000 non-null int16
    x          1000 non-null float32
    y          1000 non-null float32
    z          1000 non-null float32
    dtypes: float32(6), int16(1), object(3)
    memory usage: 49.0+ KB

    Make sure that summary statistics are similar with our new dataset to the original:

    >>> diamonds.describe()
                 carat        depth  ...            y            z
    count  1000.000000  1000.000000  ...  1000.000000  1000.000000
    mean      0.689280    61.722800  ...     5.599180     3.457530
    std       0.195291     1.758879  ...     0.611974     0.389819
    min       0.200000    53.000000  ...     3.750000     2.270000
    25%       0.700000    60.900000  ...     5.630000     3.450000
    50%       0.710000    61.800000  ...     5.760000     3.550000
    75%       0.790000    62.600000  ...     5.910000     3.640000
    max       1.270000    69.500000  ...     7.050000     4.330000
    >>> diamonds2.describe()
                 carat        depth  ...            y            z
    count  1000.000000  1000.000000  ...  1000.000000  1000.000000
    mean      0.689453    61.718750  ...     5.601562     3.457031
    std       0.195312     1.759766  ...     0.611816     0.389648
    min       0.199951    53.000000  ...     3.750000     2.269531
    25%       0.700195    60.906250  ...     5.628906     3.449219
    50%       0.709961    61.812500  ...     5.761719     3.550781
    75%       0.790039    62.593750  ...     5.910156     3.640625
    max       1.269531    69.500000  ...     7.050781     4.328125

    By changing the numeric types, we use about 62% of the memory. Note that we lose some precision, which may or may not be acceptable.

  4. Use the dtype parameter to use change object types to categoricals. First, inspect the .value_counts method of the object columns. If they are low cardinality, you can convert them to categorical columns to save even more memory:
    >>> diamonds2.cut.value_counts(
    Ideal       333
    Premium     290
    Very Good   226
    Good         89
    Fair         62
    Name: cut, dtype: int64
    >>> diamonds2.color.value_counts()
    E    240
    F    226
    G    139
    D    129
    H    125
    I     95
    J     46
    Name: color, dtype: int64
    >>> diamonds2.clarity.value_counts()
    SI1     306
    VS2     218
    VS1     159
    SI2     154
    VVS2     62
    VVS1     58
    I1       29
    IF       14
    Name: clarity, dtype: int64

    Because these are of low cardinality, we can convert them to categoricals and use around 37% of the original size:

    >>> diamonds3 = pd.read_csv(
    ...     "data/diamonds.csv",
    ...     nrows=1000,
    ...      dtype={
    ...        "carat": np.float32,
    ...         "depth": np.float32,
    ...         "table": np.float32,
    ...         "x": np.float32,
    ...         "y": np.float32,
    ...         "z": np.float32,
    ...         "price": np.int16,
    ...         "cut": "category",
    ...         "color": "category",
    ...         "clarity": "category",
    ...     },
    ... )
    >>> diamonds3.info()
    <class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
    RangeIndex: 1000 entries, 0 to 999
    Data columns (total 10 columns):
    carat      1000 non-null float32
    cut        1000 non-null category
    color      1000 non-null category
    clarity    1000 non-null category
    depth      1000 non-null float32
    table      1000 non-null float32
    price      1000 non-null int16
    x          1000 non-null float32
    y          1000 non-null float32
    z          1000 non-null float32
    dtypes: category(3), float32(6), int16(1)
    memory usage: 29.4 KB
  5. If there are columns that we know we can ignore, we can use the usecols parameter to specify the columns we want to load. Here, we will ignore columns x, y, and z:
    >>> cols = [
    ...     "carat",
    ...     "cut",
    ...     "color",
    ...     "clarity",
    ...     "depth",
    ...     "table",
    ...     "price",
    ... ]
    >>> diamonds4 = pd.read_csv(
    ...     "data/diamonds.csv",
    ...     nrows=1000,
    ...     dtype={
    ...         "carat": np.float32,
    ...        "depth": np.float32,
    ...         "table": np.float32,
    ...         "price": np.int16,
    ...         "cut": "category",
    ...         "color": "category",
    ...         "clarity": "category",
    ...     },
    ...     usecols=cols,
    ... )
    >>> diamonds4.info()
    <class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
    RangeIndex: 1000 entries, 0 to 999
    Data columns (total 7 columns):
    carat      1000 non-null float32
    cut        1000 non-null category
    color      1000 non-null category
    clarity    1000 non-null category
    depth      1000 non-null float32
    table      1000 non-null float32
    price      1000 non-null int16
    dtypes: category(3), float32(3), int16(1)
    memory usage: 17.7 KB

    We are now at 21% of the original size.

  6. If the preceding steps are not sufficient to create a small enough DataFrame, you might still be in luck. If you can process chunks of the data at a time and do not need all of it in memory, you can use the chunksize parameter:
    >>> cols = [
    ...     "carat",
    ...     "cut",
    ...     "color",
    ...     "clarity",
    ...     "depth",
    ...     "table",
    ...     "price",
    ... ]
    >>> diamonds_iter = pd.read_csv(
    ...     "data/diamonds.csv",
    ...     nrows=1000,
    ...     dtype={
    ...         "carat": np.float32,
    ...         "depth": np.float32,
    ...         "table": np.float32,
    ...         "price": np.int16,
    ...         "cut": "category",
    ...         "color": "category",
    ...         "clarity": "category",
    ...     },
    ...     usecols=cols,
    ...     chunksize=200,
    ... )
    >>> def process(df):
    ...     return f"processed {df.size} items"
    >>> for chunk in diamonds_iter:
    ...     process(chunk)

How it works...

Because CSV files contain no information about type, pandas tries to infer the types of the columns. If all of the values of a column are whole numbers and none of them are missing, then it uses the int64 type. If the column is numeric but not whole numbers, or if there are missing values, it uses float64. These data types may store more information that you need. For example, if your numbers are all below 200, you could use a smaller type, like np.int16 (or np.int8 if they are all positive).

As of pandas 0.24, there is a new type 'Int64' (note the capitalization) that supports integer types with missing numbers. You will need to specify it with the dtype parameter if you want to use this type, as pandas will convert integers that have missing numbers to float64.

If the column turns out to be non-numeric, pandas will convert it to an object column, and treat the values as strings. String values in pandas take up a bunch of memory as each value is stored as a Python string. If we convert these to categoricals, pandas will use much less memory as it only stores the string once, rather than creating new strings (even if they repeat) for every row.

The pandas library can also read CSV files found on the internet. You can point the read_csv function to the URL directly.

There's more...

If we use int8 for the price, we will lose information. You can use the NumPy iinfo function to list limits for NumPy integer types:

>>> np.iinfo(np.int8)
iinfo(min=-128, max=127, dtype=int8)

You can use the finfo function for information about floating-point numbers:

>>> np.finfo(np.float16)
finfo(resolution=0.001, min=-6.55040e+04,
      max=6.55040e+04, dtype=float16)

You can also ask a DataFrame or Series how many bytes it is using with the .memory_usage method. Note that this also includes the memory requirements of the index. Also, you need to pass deep=True to get the usage of Series with object types:

>>> diamonds.price.memory_usage()
>>> diamonds.price.memory_usage(index=False)
>>> diamonds.cut.memory_usage()
>>> diamonds.cut.memory_usage(deep=True)

Once you have your data in a format you like, you can save it in a binary format that tracks types, such as the Feather format (pandas leverages the pyarrow library to do this). This format is meant to enable in-memory transfer of structured data between languages and optimized so that data can be used as is without internal conversion. Reading from this format is much quicker and easy once you have the types defined:

>>> diamonds4.to_feather("d.arr")
>>> diamonds5 = pd.read_feather("d.arr")

Another binary option is the Parquet format. Whereas Feather optimizes the binary data for the in-memory structure, Parquet optimizes for the on-disk format. Parquet is used by many big data products. The pandas library has support for Parquet as well.

>>> diamonds4.to_parquet("/tmp/d.pqt")

Right now there is some conversion required for pandas to load data from both Parquet and Feather. But both are quicker than CSV and persist types.

Using Excel files

While CSV files are common, it seems that the world is ruled by Excel. I've been surprised in my consulting work to see how many companies are using Excel as a critical if not the critical tool for making decisions.

In this recipe, we will show how to create and read Excel files. You may need to install xlwt or openpyxl to write XLS or XLSX files, respectively.

How to do it...

  1. Create an Excel file using the .to_excel method. You can write either xls files or xlsx files:
    >>> beatles.to_excel("beat.xls")
    >>> beatles.to_excel("beat.xlsx")
    Excel file

    Excel file

  2. Read the Excel file with the read_excel function:
    >>> beat2 = pd.read_excel("/tmp/beat.xls")
    >>> beat2
       Unnamed: 0    first       last  birth
    0           0     Paul  McCartney   1942
    1           1     John     Lennon   1940
    2           2  Richard    Starkey   1940
    3           3   George   Harrison   1943
  3. Because this file had an index column included, you can specify that with the index_col parameter:
    >>> beat2 = pd.read_excel("/tmp/beat.xls", index_col=0)
    >>> beat2
         first       last  birth
    0     Paul  McCartney   1942
    1     John     Lennon   1940
    2  Richard    Starkey   1940
    3   George   Harrison   1943
  1. Inspect data types of the file to check that Excel preserved the types:
    >>> beat2.dtypes
    first    object
    last     object
    birth     int64
    dtype: object

How it works...

The Python ecosystem has many packages, which include the ability to read and write to Excel. This functionality has been integrated into pandas, you just need to make sure that you have the appropriate libraries for reading and writing to Excel.

There's more...

We can use pandas to write to a sheet of a spreadsheet. You can pass a sheet_name parameter to the .to_excel method to tell it the name of the sheet to create:

>>> xl_writer = pd.ExcelWriter("beat2.xlsx")
>>> beatles.to_excel(xl_writer, sheet_name="All")
>>> beatles[beatles.birth < 1941].to_excel(
...     xl_writer, sheet_name="1940"
... )
>>> xl_writer.save()

This file will have two sheets, one labeled All that has the whole DataFrame, and another labeled 1940 that is filtered to births before 1941.

Working with ZIP files

As was mentioned previously, CSV files are very common for sharing data. Because they are plain text files, they can get big. One solution for managing the size of CSV files is to compress them. In this recipe, we will look at loading files from ZIP files.

We will load a CSV file that is compressed as the only thing in the ZIP file. This is the behavior that you get if you were to right-click on a file in the Finder on Mac and click Compress beatles.csv. We will also look at reading a CSV file from a ZIP file with multiple files in it.

The first file is from the fueleconomy.gov website. It is a list of all car makes that have been available in the US market from 1984-2018.

The second file is a survey of users of the Kaggle website. It was intended to get information about the users, their background, and the tools that they prefer.

How to do it...

  1. If the CSV file is the only file in the ZIP file, you can just call the read_csv function on it:
    >>> autos = pd.read_csv("data/vehicles.csv.zip")
    >>> autos
           barrels08  barrelsA08  ...  phevHwy  phevComb
    0      15.695714         0.0  ...        0         0
    1      29.964545         0.0  ...        0         0
    2      12.207778         0.0  ...        0         0
    3      29.964545         0.0  ...        0         0
    4      17.347895         0.0  ...        0         0
    ...          ...         ...  ...      ...       ...
    41139  14.982273         0.0  ...        0         0
    41140  14.330870         0.0  ...        0         0
    41141  15.695714         0.0  ...        0         0
    41142  15.695714         0.0  ...        0         0
    41143  18.311667         0.0  ...        0         0
    >>> autos.modifiedOn.dtype
  2. One thing to be aware of is that if you have date columns in the CSV file, they will be left as strings. You have two options to convert them. You can use the parse_dates parameter from read_csv and convert them when loading the file. Alternatively, you can use the more powerful to_datetime function after loading:
    >>> autos.modifiedOn
    0        Tue Jan 01 00:00:00 EST 2013
    1        Tue Jan 01 00:00:00 EST 2013
    2        Tue Jan 01 00:00:00 EST 2013
    3        Tue Jan 01 00:00:00 EST 2013
    4        Tue Jan 01 00:00:00 EST 2013
    39096    Tue Jan 01 00:00:00 EST 2013
    39097    Tue Jan 01 00:00:00 EST 2013
    39098    Tue Jan 01 00:00:00 EST 2013
    39099    Tue Jan 01 00:00:00 EST 2013
    39100    Tue Jan 01 00:00:00 EST 2013
    Name: modifiedOn, Length: 39101, dtype: object
    >>> pd.to_datetime(autos.modifiedOn)
    0       2013-01-01
    1       2013-01-01
    2       2013-01-01
    3       2013-01-01
    4       2013-01-01
    39096   2013-01-01
    39097   2013-01-01
    39098   2013-01-01
    39099   2013-01-01
    39100   2013-01-01
    Name: modifiedOn, Length: 39101, dtype: datetime64[ns]

    Here's the code to convert during load time:

    >>> autos= pd.read_csv(
    ...     "data/vehicles.csv.zip", parse_dates=["modifiedOn"]
    ... )
    >>> autos.modifiedOn
    0       2013-01-0...
    1       2013-01-0...
    2       2013-01-0...
    3       2013-01-0...
    4       2013-01-0...
    41139   2013-01-0...
    41140   2013-01-0...
    41141   2013-01-0...
    41142   2013-01-0...
    41143   2013-01-0...
    Name: modifiedOn, Length: 41144, dtype: datetime64[ns, tzlocal()]
  3. If the ZIP file has many files it in, reading a CSV file from it is a little more involved. The read_csv function does not have the ability to specify a file inside a ZIP file. Instead, we will use the zipfile module from the Python standard library.

    I like to print out the names of the files in the zip file; that makes it easy to see what filename to choose. Note that this file has a long question in the second row (this first row is a question identifier, which I'm keeping for the column names). I'm pulling out the second row as kag_questions. The responses are stored in the survey variable:

    >>> import zipfile
    >>> with zipfile.ZipFile(
    ...     "data/kaggle-survey-2018.zip"
    ... ) as z:
    ...     print("
    ...     kag = pd.read_csv(
    ...         z.open("multipleChoiceResponses.csv")
    ...     )
    ...     kag_questions = kag.iloc[0]
    ...     survey = kag.iloc[1:]
    >>> survey.head(2).T
    1          2
    Time from...          710        434
    Q1                 Female       Male
    Q1_OTHER_...           -1         -1
    Q2                  45-49      30-34
    Q3            United S...  Indonesia
    ...                   ...        ...
    Q50_Part_5            NaN        NaN
    Q50_Part_6            NaN        NaN
    Q50_Part_7            NaN        NaN
    Q50_Part_8            NaN        NaN
    Q50_OTHER...           -1         -1

How it works...

ZIP files with only a single file can be read directly with the read_csv function. If the ZIP file contains multiple files, you will need to resort to another mechanism to read the data. The standard library includes the zipfile module that can pull a file out of a ZIP file.

Sadly, the zipfile module will not work with URLs (unlike the read_csv function). So, if your ZIP file is in a URL, you will need to download it first.

There's more...

The read_csv function will work with other compression types as well. If you have GZIP, BZ2, or XZ files, pandas can handle those as long as they are just compressing a CSV file and not a directory.

Working with databases

We mentioned that pandas is useful for tabular or structured data. Many organizations use databases to store tabular data. In this recipe, we will work with databases to insert and read data.

Note that this example uses the SQLite database, which is included with Python. However, Python has the ability to connect with most SQL databases and pandas, in turn, can leverage that.

How to do it...

  1. Create a SQLite database to store the Beatles information:
    >>> import sqlite3
    >>> con = sqlite3.connect("data/beat.db")
    >>> with con:
    ...     cur = con.cursor()
    ...     cur.execute("""DROP TABLE Band""")
    ...     cur.execute(
    ...         """CREATE TABLE Band(id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,
    ...         fname TEXT, lname TEXT, birthyear INT)"""
    ...     )
    ...     cur.execute(
    ...         """INSERT INTO Band VALUES(
    ...         0, 'Paul', 'McCartney', 1942)"""
    ...     )
    ...     cur.execute(
    ...         """INSERT INTO Band VALUES(
    ...         1, 'John', 'Lennon', 1940)"""
    ...     )
    ...     _ = con.commit()
  2. Read the table from the database into a DataFrame. Note that if we are reading a table, we need to use a SQLAlchemy connection. SQLAlchemy is a library that abstracts databases for us:
    >>> import sqlalchemy as sa
    >>> engine = sa.create_engine(
    ...     "sqlite:///data/beat.db", echo=True
    ... )
    >>> sa_connection = engine.connect()
    >>> beat = pd.read_sql(
    ...     "Band", sa_connection, index_col="id"
    ... )
    >>> beat
       fname      lname  birthyear
    0   Paul  McCartney       1942
    1   John     Lennon       1940
  3. Read from the table using a SQL query. This can use a SQLite connection or a SQLAlchemy connection:
    >>> sql = """SELECT fname, birthyear from Band"""
    >>> fnames = pd.read_sql(sql, con)
    >>> fnames
      fname  birthyear
    0  Paul       1942
    1  John       1940

How it works...

The pandas library leverages the SQLAlchemy library, which can talk to most SQL databases. This lets you create DataFrames from tables, or you can run a SQL select query and create the DataFrame from the query.

Reading JSON

JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) is a common format used for transferring data over the internet. Contrary to the name, it does not require JavaScript to read or create. The Python standard library ships with the json library that will encode and decode from JSON:

>>> import json
>>> encoded = json.dumps(people)
>>> encoded
'{"first": ["Paul", "John", "Richard", "George"], "last": ["McCartney", "Lennon", "Starkey", "Harrison"], "birth": [1942, 1940, 1940, 1943]}'
>>> json.loads(encoded)
{'first': ['Paull', 'John', 'Richard', 'George'], 'last': ['McCartney', 'Lennon', 'Starkey', 'Harrison'], 'birth': [1942, 1940, 1940, 1943]}

How to do it...

  1. Read the data using the read_json function. If your JSON is of the form where it is a dictionary mapping to lists of columns, you can ingest it without much fanfare. This orientation is called columns in pandas:
    >>> beatles = pd.read_json(encoded)
    >>> beatles
         first       last  birth
    0     Paul  McCartney   1942
    1     John     Lennon   1940
    2  Richard    Starkey   1940
    3   George   Harrison   1943
  1. One thing to be aware of when reading JSON is that it needs to be in a specific format for pandas to load it. However, pandas supports data oriented in a few styles. They are:
    • columns – (default) A mapping of column names to a list of values in the columns.
    • records – A list of rows. Each row is a dictionary mapping a column to a value.
    • split – A mapping of columns to column names, index to index values, and data to a list of each row of data (each row is a list as well).
    • index – A mapping of index value to a row. A row is a dictionary mapping a column to a value.
    • values – A list of each row of data (each row is a list as well). This does not include column or index values.
    • table – A mapping of schema to the DataFrame schema, and data to a list of dictionaries.

    Following are examples of these styles. The columns style was the example shown previously:

    >>> records = beatles.to_json(orient="records")
    >>> records
    >>> pd.read_json(records, orient="records")
       birth    first       last
    0   1942     Paul  McCartney
    1   1940     John     Lennon
    2   1940  Richard    Starkey
    3   1943   George   Harrison
    >>> split = beatles.to_json(orient="split")
    >>> split
    >>> pd.read_json(split, orient="split")
         first       last  birth
    0     Paul  McCartney   1942
    1     John     Lennon   1940
    2  Richard    Starkey   1940
    3   George   Harrison   1943
    >>> index = beatles.to_json(orient="index")
    >>> index
    >>> pd.read_json(index, orient="index")
       birth    first       last
    0   1942     Paul  McCartney
    1   1940     John     Lennon
    2   1940  Richard    Starkey
    3   1943   George   Harrison
    >>> values = beatles.to_json(orient="values")
    >>> values
    >>> pd.read_json(values, orient="values")
             0          1     2
    0     Paul  McCartney  1942
    1     John     Lennon  1940
    2  Richard    Starkey  1940
    3   George   Harrison  1943
    >>> (
    ...     pd.read_json(values, orient="values").rename(
    ...         columns=dict(
    ...             enumerate(["first", "last", "birth"])
    ...         )
    ...     )
    ... )
         first       last  birth
    0     Paul  McCartney   1942
    1     John     Lennon   1940
    2  Richard    Starkey   1940
    3   George   Harrison   1943
    >>> table = beatles.to_json(orient="table")
    >>> table
    '{"schema": {"fields":[{"name":"index","type":"integer"},{"name":"first","type":"string"},{"name":"last","type":"string"},{"name":"birth","type":"integer"}],"primaryKey":["index"],"pandas_version":"0.20.0"}, "data": [{"index":0,"first":"Paul","last":"McCartney","birth":1942},{"index":1,"first":"John","last":"Lennon","birth":1940},{"index":2,"first":"Richard","last":"Starkey","birth":1940},{"index":3,"first":"George","last":"Harrison","birth":1943}]}'
    >>> pd.read_json(table, orient="table")
         first       last  birth
    0     Paul  McCartney   1942
    1     John     Lennon   1940
    2  Richard    Starkey   1940
    3   George   Harrison   1943

How it works...

JSON can be formatted in many ways. Preferably, the JSON you need to consume comes in a supported orientation. If it does not, I find it easier to use standard Python to create data in a dictionary that maps column names to values and pass this into the DataFrame constructor.

If you need to generate JSON (say you are creating a web service), I would suggest the columns or records orientation.

There's more...

If you are working on a web service and need to add additional data to the JSON, just use the .to_dict method to generate dictionaries. You can add your new data to the dictionary, and then convert that dictionary to JSON:

>>> output = beat.to_dict()
>>> output
{'fname': {0: 'Paul', 1: 'John'}, 'lname': {0: 'McCartney', 1: 'Lennon'}, 'birthyear': {0: 1942, 1: 1940}}
>>> output["version"] = "0.4.1"
>>> json.dumps(output)
'{"fname": {"0": "Paul", "1": "John"}, "lname": {"0": "McCartney", "1": "Lennon"}, "birthyear": {"0": 1942, "1": 1940}, "version": "0.4.1"}'

Reading HTML tables

You can use pandas to read HTML tables from websites. This makes it easy to ingest tables such as those found on Wikipedia or other websites.

In this recipe, we will scrape tables from the Wikipedia entry for The Beatles Discography. In particular, we want to scrape the table in the image that was in Wikipedia during 2019:

Wikipedia table for studio albums

Wikipedia table for studio albums

How to do it...

  1. Use the read_html function to load all of the tables from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Beatles_discography:
    >>> url = https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Beatles_discography
    >>> dfs = pd.read_html(url)
    >>> len(dfs)
  2. Inspect the first DataFrame:
    >>> dfs[0]
      The Beatles discography The Beatles discography.1
    0  The Beat...             The Beat...
    1  Studio a...                      23
    2  Live albums                       5
    3  Compilat...                      53
    4  Video al...                      15
    5  Music vi...                      64
    6          EPs                      21
    7      Singles                      63
    8     Mash-ups                       2
    9     Box sets                      15
  3. The preceding table is a summary of the count of studio albums, live albums, compilation albums, and so on. This is not the table we wanted. We could loop through each of the tables that read_html created, or we could give it a hint to find a specific table.

    The function has the match parameter, which can be a string or a regular expression. It also has an attrs parameter, that allows you to pass in an HTML tag attribute key and value (in a dictionary) and will use that to identify the table.

    I used the Chrome browser to inspect the HTML to see if there is an attribute on the table element or a unique string in the table to use.

    Here is a portion of the HTML:

    <table class="wikitable plainrowheaders" style="text-align:center;">
      <caption>List of studio albums,<sup id="cite_ref-1" class="reference"><a href="#cite_note-1">[A]</a></sup> with selected chart positions and certifications
          <th scope="col" rowspan="2" style="width:20em;">Title
          <th scope="col" rowspan="2" style="width:20em;">Release

    There are no attributes on the table, but we can use the string, List of studio albums, to match the table. I'm also going to stick in a value for na_values that I copied from the Wikipedia page:

    >>> url = https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Beatles_discography
    >>> dfs = pd.read_html(
    ...     url, match="List of studio albums", na_values="—"
    ... )
    >>> len(dfs)
    >>> dfs[0].columns
    Int64Index([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9], dtype='int64')
  4. The columns are messed up. We can try and use the first two rows for the columns, but they are still messed up:
    >>> url = https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Beatles_discography
    >>> dfs = pd.read_html(
    ...     url,
    ...     match="List of studio albums",
    ...     na_values="—",
    ...     header=[0, 1],
    ... )
    >>> len(dfs)
    >>> dfs[0]
              Title      Release  ... Peak chart positions Certifications
              Title      Release  ...             US[8][9] Certifications
    0   Please P...  Released...  ...          NaN          BPI: Gol...
    1   With the...  Released...  ...          NaN          BPI: Gol...
    2   Introduc...  Released...  ...            2          RIAA: Pl...
    3   Meet the...  Released...  ...            1          MC: Plat...
    4   Twist an...  Released...  ...          NaN          MC: 3× P...
    ..          ...          ...  ...          ...                  ...
    22  The Beat...  Released...  ...            1          BPI: 2× ...
    23  Yellow S...  Released...  ...            2          BPI: Gol...
    24   Abbey Road  Released...  ...            1          BPI: 2× ...
    25    Let It Be  Released...  ...            1          BPI: Gol...
    26  "—" deno...  "—" deno...  ...  "—" deno...          "—" deno...
    >>> dfs[0].columns
    MultiIndex(levels=[['Certifications', 'Peak chart positions', 'Release', 'Title'], ['AUS[3]', 'CAN[4]', 'Certifications', 'FRA[5]', 'GER[6]', 'NOR[7]', 'Release', 'Title', 'UK[1][2]', 'US[8][9]']],
      codes=[[3, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0], [7, 6, 8, 0, 1, 3, 4, 5, 9, 2]])

    This is not something that is easy to fix programmatically. In this case, the easiest solution is to update the columns manually:

    >>> df = dfs[0]
    >>> df.columns = [
    ...     "Title",
    ...     "Release",
    ...     "UK",
    ...     "AUS",
    ...     "CAN",
    ...     "FRA",
    ...     "GER",
    ...     "NOR",
    ...     "US",
    ...     "Certifications",
    ... ]
    >>> df
              Title      Release  ...           US Certifications
    0   Please P...  Released...  ...          NaN  BPI: Gol...
    1   With the...  Released...  ...          NaN  BPI: Gol...
    2   Introduc...  Released...  ...            2  RIAA: Pl...
    3   Meet the...  Released...  ...            1  MC: Plat...
    4   Twist an...  Released...  ...          NaN  MC: 3× P...
    ..          ...          ...  ...          ...          ...
    22  The Beat...  Released...  ...            1  BPI: 2× ...
    23  Yellow S...  Released...  ...            2  BPI: Gol...
    24   Abbey Road  Released...  ...            1  BPI: 2× ...
    25    Let It Be  Released...  ...            1  BPI: Gol...
    26  "—" deno...  "—" deno...  ...  "—" deno...  "—" deno...
  5. There is more cleanup that we should do to the data. Any row where the title starts with Released is another release of the previous row. pandas does not have the ability to parse rows that have a rowspan more than 1 (which the "release" rows have). In the Wikipedia page, these rows look like this:
    <th scope="row" rowspan="2">
      <i><a href="/wiki/A_Hard_Day%27s_Night_(album)" title="A Hard Day's Night (album)">A Hard Day's Night</a></i>
      <img alt="double-dagger" src="//upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/f/f9/Double-dagger-14-plain.png" decoding="async" width="9" height="14" data-file-width="9" data-file-height="14">

    We will skip these rows. They confuse pandas, and the data pandas puts in these rows is not correct. We will split the release column into two columns, release_date and label:

    >>> res = (
    ...     df.pipe(
    ...         lambda df_: df_[
    ...             ~df_.Title.str.startswith("Released")
    ...         ]
    ...     )
    ...     .assign(
    ...         release_date=lambda df_: pd.to_datetime(
    ...             df_.Release.str.extract(
    ...                 r"Released: (.*) Label"
    ...             )[0].str.replace(r"[E]", "")
    ...         ),
    ...         label=lambda df_: df_.Release.str.extract(
    ...             r"Label: (.*)"
    ...         ),
    ...     )
    ...     .loc[
    ...         :,
    ...         [
    ...             "Title",
    ...             "UK",
    ...             "AUS",
    ...             "CAN",
    ...             "FRA",
    ...             "GER",
    ...             "NOR",
    ...             "US",
    ...             "release_date",
    ...             "label",
    ...         ],
    ...     ]
    ... )
    >>> res
              Title   UK  ... release_date        label
    0   Please P...    1  ...   1963-03-22  Parlopho...
    1   With the...    1  ...   1963-11-22  Parlopho...
    2   Introduc...  NaN  ...   1964-01-10  Vee-Jay ...
    3   Meet the...  NaN  ...   1964-01-20  Capitol ...
    4   Twist an...  NaN  ...   1964-02-03  Capitol ...
    ..          ...  ...  ...          ...          ...
    21  Magical ...   31  ...   1967-11-27  Parlopho...
    22  The Beat...    1  ...   1968-11-22        Apple
    23  Yellow S...    3  ...   1969-01-13  Apple (U...
    24   Abbey Road    1  ...   1969-09-26        Apple
    25    Let It Be    1  ...   1970-05-08        Apple

How it works...

The read_html function looks through the HTML for table tags and parses the contents into DataFrames. This can ease the scraping of websites. Unfortunately, as the example shows, sometimes data in HTML tables may be hard to parse. Rowspans and multiline headers may confuse pandas. You will want to make sure that you perform a sanity check on the result.

Sometimes, the table in HTML is simple such that pandas can ingest it with no problems. For the table we looked at, we needed to chain a few operations onto the output to clean it up.

There's more...

You can also use the attrs parameter to select a table from the page. Next, I select read data from GitHub's view of a CSV file. Note that I am not reading this from the raw CSV data but from GitHub's online file viewer. I have inspected the table and noticed that it has a class attribute with the value csv-data. We will use that to limit the table selected:

>>> url = https://github.com/mattharrison/datasets/blob/master/data/anscombes.csv
>>> dfs = pd.read_html(url, attrs={"class": "csv-data"})
>>> len(dfs)
>>> dfs[0]
    Unnamed: 0 quadrant     x     y
0          NaN        I  10.0  8.04
1          NaN        I  14.0  9.96
2          NaN        I   6.0  7.24
3          NaN        I   9.0  8.81
4          NaN        I   4.0  4.26
..         ...      ...   ...   ...
39         NaN       IV   8.0  6.58
40         NaN       IV   8.0  7.91
41         NaN       IV   8.0  8.47
42         NaN       IV   8.0  5.25
43         NaN       IV   8.0  6.89

Note that GitHub hijacks a td element to show the line number, hence the Unnamed: 0 column. It appears to be using JavaScript to dynamically add line numbers to the web page, so while the web page shows line numbers, the source code has empty cells, hence the NaN values in that column. You would want to drop that column as it is useless.

One thing to be aware of is that websites can change. Do not count on your data being there (or being the same) next week. My recommendation is to save the data after retrieving it.

Sometimes you need to use a different tool. If the read_html function is not able to get your data from a website, you may need to resort to screen scraping. Luckily, Python has tools for that too. Simple scraping can be done with the requests library. The Beautiful Soup library is another tool that makes going through the HTML content easier.

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