
  • Academy Awards
  • Accent, as communication barrier
  • Accuracy:
    • of consensus
    • of crowd vs. experts
    • and diversity of crowd
    • domain-specific knowledge as condition of
    • enhanced by research
    • in estimating intrinsic value
    • of evidence
    • impact of bias on
    • and independence of crowd
    • of individuals vs. consensus
    • of initial impressions
    • of model, and diversity of crowd
    • and precision
    • reduced with precision
    • risk reduced with
    • of wisdom of crowds
  • Ackman, Bill
  • Acronyms, using
  • Actual redemptions
  • Actual return
  • Actual risk
  • Adequacy, of evidence
  • Adoption, barriers to
  • Advantage due to government policy
  • Age bias
  • Aggregation of information:
    • about individual behavior
    • and incorporation
    • in information cascades
    • and limits to incorporation
    • and market efficiency
    • private
    • and systematic biases
  • Aggressive portfolio managers
  • Akerlof, George
  • All available information
    • for informational and analytical advantage
    • required to estimate intrinsic value
    • in variant perspectives
  • Alpha:
    • generating
    • and market efficiency
    • as zero-sum game
  • Ambady, Nalini
  • Analysts:
    • capability/credibility of
    • prime directive of
    • roles of portfolio managers vs.
  • Analytical advantage
    • defined
    • and informational advantage
    • of research
  • Anchoring bias
  • Annual report, in pitch pack
  • Anticipated redemptions
  • Appearance, physical
  • Appendix, pitch
  • Apple, Inc.:
    • earning estimates of
    • liquidation value of
    • price spread of
  • Argument(s):
    • attacks on, in Q&A period
    • connection of evidence and
    • constructing
    • follow-up questions about
    • presenting, in pitches
    • in stress-testing of pitch
    • in Toulmin model
  • Argumentation, Toulmin model of
  • Aristotle
  • “The Arithmetic of Active Management” (Sharpe)
  • Asking questions:
    • to achieve perfect pitch
    • identifying subjective criteria by
  • Asness, Cliff
  • Assets:
    • cash flow generated by operating
    • cash flow generated by selling
    • discounted cash flow model and prices of
  • Asset valuation
    • cash flow
    • factors influencing
    • intrinsic value and method of
    • time value of money
    • uncertainty
    • value of an asset
  • Associated Capital
  • Astrology, financial
  • Asymmetric returns
  • Asymmetry, information
  • Attention, capturing and keeping portfolio managers’
  • Attractiveness, hairstyle and
  • Audience, for pitch
  • Availability bias
  • Available information:
    • dissemination of
    • and market efficiency
    • systematic errors related to
  • Average individual error:
    • and diversity of crowd
    • in diversity prediction theorem
    • impact of bias on
  • Backing for warrant:
    • in stress-testing of pitch
    • in Toulmin model of argumentation
  • Balance sheet
  • Balance sheet metrics
  • Barron’s
  • Behavior:
    • collective
    • crowd
    • individual vs. crowd
  • Behavioral finance
    • biases
    • crowd behavior and lack of diversity
    • and efficient market hypothesis
    • and evolution
    • Fama and Shiller on
    • individual vs. crowd behavior
    • and information cascades
    • irrationality in
    • and limits to incorporation
    • and market efficiency
    • and movement of stock prices
    • and Mr. Market
  • Berkshire Hathaway Inc.
  • Beta
  • Bias(es):
    • age
    • anchoring
    • availability
    • in behavioral finance
    • confirmation
    • Eugene Fama on influence of
    • fear and greed as cause of
    • and independence of crowds
    • representativeness
    • skewness caused by
    • systematic
    • and wisdom of crowds
  • Biased schemas
  • Bilgi University
  • Binary criteria, for investment
  • Black, Fischer
  • Bloomberg
  • Body language, and emotions
  • Bogen, Edmund
  • Bonds:
    • convertible
    • perpetuities (perpetual bonds)
    • “plain vanilla,”
    • present value of
  • Brands, as competitive advantage
  • Brasserie
  • Breakeven point, and time horizon
  • Briefcases
  • Bruce, Robert
  • Bubbles:
    • and efficient market hypothesis
    • end of
    • market
    • role of greed in
    • Robert Shiller’s definition of
  • Buffett, Mary
  • Buffett, Warren
  • Burger King
  • Business, fundamental criteria for evaluating
  • Business valuation
    • defining cash flow
    • and discount rate
    • present value of bonds
    • present value of businesses
    • present value of growing cash flow stream
    • present value of perpetuities
    • present value with discounted cash flow model
    • and uncertainty
  • Calinawan, Diego
  • “Can Stock Market Forecasters Forecast?” (Cowles)
  • Capability:
    • assessing, in meetings
    • defined
    • and likability
    • and microexpressions
    • nonverbal communication to enhance
    • in pitch delivery
  • Capital, invested, see Invested capital
  • Capital, permanent
  • Capital asset pricing model (CAPM)
  • Capital charges
    • and excess returns
    • with invested capital growth
    • McCormick Inc.
    • with negative excess returns
    • and nominal growth
    • nominal present value of incremental growth
    • and owner earnings
    • present value of
  • Capital efficiency, in competition
  • Capital loss, risk of
  • CAPM (capital asset pricing model)
  • Cash flow:
    • of a business
    • in business valuation
    • external factors affecting
    • generated by operating assets
    • generated by selling assets
    • in intrinsic value
    • of McCormick Inc.
    • potential sources of
    • present value of growing
    • subcomponents of
    • on summary data slide
    • uncertainty in
  • Cash flow estimates:
    • forecasted range of
    • range of
    • single-point
    • and uncertainty
    • and variant perspective
  • Catalysts
    • for mispricing
    • and research
    • on variant perspective slide
  • CEO(s):
    • dressing like
    • information from
    • private information available to
  • Challenges, to warrants
  • Chemtura
  • Churchill, Winston
  • Cicero, Marco Tulio
  • Clarence Walker (character)
  • Clark, David
  • Clothing, initial impressions based on
  • Cognitive biases:
    • in behavioral finance
    • and initial impressions
  • Cognitive load
  • Collective behavior
  • Collective process
  • Columbia Business School
  • Comfort, nonverbal communication to create
  • Communication:
    • nonverbal
    • in pitch delivery
    • pitfalls with
  • Company overview, as slide content
  • Competition:
    • in business valuation
    • and excess returns
    • excess returns attracting
    • and owner earnings
  • Competitive advantage
    • assessments of
    • cash flow generated by operating assets in
    • cash flow generated by selling assets in
    • defining
    • effects of valuation on
    • excess returns attracting competition
    • McCormick Inc.
    • sources of
    • sustaining
    • value of
  • Compounding
  • Conclusion, warrant for
  • Confidence:
    • clothing and
    • nonverbal communication to create
    • and quantity of information in pitch
  • Confirmation bias
  • Conflicts, between investment criteria
  • Conflicts of interest
  • Consensus
    • accuracy of individuals vs.
    • and breakdown of independence
    • collapse of
    • errors in
    • and lack of incorporation
    • and skew
    • in Steinhardt framework
    • Tesla
    • and variant perspective
  • Constitution, U.S.
  • Content, of pitches
    • initial impressions that enhance
    • minimizing factors that detract from
  • Contests, stock pitching
  • Control premium, in PMV
  • Convertible bonds
  • Cooperman, Leon
  • Correct analysis, in Steinhardt framework
  • Cost(s):
    • opportunity
    • search
    • switching
  • Cost advantage
  • Cost of capital:
    • in business evaluation
    • in business valuation
    • calculations of
    • and excess returns
    • return on invested capital declining to
    • return on invested capital equal to
    • return on invested capital greater than
    • return on invested capital less than
  • Cost of debt
  • Cost of equity
  • Counterarguments:
    • preparing
    • in stress-testing of pitch
    • in Toulmin model of argumentation
  • Cowles, Alfred, III
  • Crashes:
    • end of
    • role of fear in
  • Credibility:
    • assessing, in meetings
    • defined
    • of evidence
    • and likability
    • and microexpressions
    • nonverbal communication to enhance
    • in pitch delivery
    • rebuilding, with portfolio managers
  • Critical mass, for crowd
  • Crowd behavior:
    • individual vs.
    • and lack of diversity
  • Crowd error:
    • diversity of crowd and
    • in diversity prediction theorem
    • impact of bias on
  • Crowding, by investors:
    • and irrational behavior
    • loss of diversity due to
  • Customer captivity
  • Customer-facing advantages
  • Dalla, Nolan
  • Davis, Thomas C.
  • DCF, see Discounted cash flow model
  • Dean Foods Company
  • “Death spiral,” market
  • Decision-making process:
    • of individuals
    • reverse engineering of portfolio manager’s
  • Deep value investors
  • De Inventione, I (Cicero)
  • The Difference (Page)
  • Discomfort, body language displaying
  • Discounted cash flow model (DCF):
    • asset prices based on
    • calculations of present value with
    • and competitive advantage
    • two-stage
  • Discount rate:
    • and business valuation
    • for future cash flows
    • and intrinsic value
    • in present value calculations
  • Discount rate stack
  • Discretionary trading
  • Dissemination of information:
    • defining
    • errors in
    • lack of, and market inefficiency
    • and market efficiency
    • as market efficiency rule
    • and market price
    • for material nonpublic information
    • and mispricing
    • and wisdom of crowds
  • Distribution(s):
    • of intrinsic values
    • of potential cash flow estimates
  • Distribution networks
  • Diversity (of crowd):
    • and accuracy of estimate
    • and analytical advantage
    • and diversity prediction theorem
    • in diversity prediction theorem
    • and impact of bias
    • importance of
    • independence vs.
    • lack of
    • and market efficiency
    • and processing of information
    • relationship of independence and
    • and systematic error
  • Diversity prediction theorem
    • and accuracy of experts vs. crowd
    • and bias
  • Dodd, David
  • “Does Past Performance Matter?” (Soe)
  • Dollar General
  • Domain-specific knowledge:
    • and accuracy of consensus estimated
    • aggregation of
    • in diversity prediction theorem
    • in estimation of intrinsic value
    • to identify mispricings
    • influence of individuals without
    • and information processing model
    • portfolio manager’s schema shaped by
    • private knowledge as
    • processing of
    • systematic errors related to
  • “Do Stock Prices Move Too Much to be Justified by Subsequent Changes in Dividends?” (Shiller)
  • Downside, on variant perspective slide
  • Dreifus, Charlie
  • Dress codes
  • Dress for Success (Molloy)
  • Drogen, Leigh
  • Duff, Pat
  • Duration, in cash flow
  • Earnings release, in pitch pack
  • EBITDA (Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation, and Amortization)
  • EBITDA multiple
  • Economies of scale or scope
  • Efficiency, of pitch delivery
  • Efficiency advantage
  • “Efficient Capital Markets II” (Fama)
  • Efficient market hypothesis:
    • and behavioral finance
    • as best model available
    • and bubbles
    • dissemination of information in
    • and fear/greed
    • incorporation of information in
    • influence of biases on
    • and intrinsic value
    • and processing of information
    • and systematic error
    • wisdom of crowds and implementation of
  • Efficient stock price:
    • diversity of models for
    • wisdom of crowd in production of
    • from wisdom of crowds
  • Electromagnets
  • Elkind v. Liggett & Myers, Inc.,
  • Emergent behavior
  • Emotions:
    • biases caused by
    • as communication obstacle
    • as driver of asset prices
    • of investors, stock prices and
    • microexpressions conveying
    • nonverbal signals of
  • Energy, conservation of
  • Enterprise value
  • Error(s):
    • average individual
    • in consensus
    • crowd
    • in dissemination of information
    • in estimating intrinsic value
    • in estimating time horizon
    • in incorporation of information
    • pricing
    • in processing of information
    • systematic
  • Estimated value, of an asset
  • Evidence:
    • for arguments in pitch
    • connection of argument and
    • quality of
    • in support of argument
    • in Toulmin model of argumentation
  • Evolution, and behavioral finance
  • Excess returns:
    • attracting competition
    • and capital charges
    • and competition
    • and competitive advantage
    • lack of
    • of McCormick Inc.
    • nominal present value of incremental growth
    • in nominal vs. real growth
    • and owner earnings
    • present value of
    • and return on invested capital
    • sources of
    • to suppliers of unique resources
  • Expectations, investors
  • Expected rate of return
  • Expected returns:
    • Herbalife
    • and margin of safety
    • Tesla
  • Experience, and age bias
  • Experience curve, as efficiency advantage
  • Experiences, updating schemas based on
  • Experts. wisdom of crowds vs.
  • “Explaining the Wisdom of Crowds” (Mauboussin)
  • Explicit criteria
  • Explicit forecast period
  • Expression of information:
    • and incorporation
    • in information cascades
    • and limits to incorporation
    • and market efficiency
    • and systematic biases
  • External stimuli
  • Extraneous factors, in pitches
  • Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds (Mackay)
  • Eyeglasses, initial impressions based on
  • Eye movement
  • Facial expression
  • Facial features, initial impressions based on
  • Facial hair, subconscious judgment about
  • Fama, Eugene
  • Fear:
    • cognitive biases related to
    • and efficient market hypothesis
    • mispricing due to
  • Feedback loops
  • Feelings, categories of
  • Ferguson, Adam
  • Feynman, Richard
  • The Feynman Lectures on Physics (Feynman)
  • Fields, Anna
  • Financial astrology
  • Financial buyers
  • Financial crisis of 2008
  • “The Financial Page” (magazine column)
  • Financial professionals, accuracy of crowd vs.
  • Fireman’s Fund
  • First glance stage (meeting)
  • First Manhattan
  • Five-sided die
  • Flexibility, clothing and
  • Flynn, Chris
  • FOIA (Freedom of Information Act)
  • “Following the leader,”
  • Follow-up questions, in pitch
  • Forecasted range, of cash flow estimates
  • Four key questions (of portfolio managers)
    • and impression of your capability/credibility
    • in Q&A period of pitch
    • and variant perspective slide
  • Fourth Amendment
  • Frank, Milo
  • Free cash flow
  • Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)
  • FRP Holdings
  • Fundamental criteria:
    • as basis for schema
    • for choosing a house
    • identifying manager’s
    • objective and subjective
    • quantitative and qualitative
    • stated and unstated
    • and valuation criteria
  • Fundamental investors
  • Future value
  • Gabelli, Mario
  • Gabelli Funds
  • Gallagher, Jacob
  • Galton, Francis
  • GARP (growth at a reasonable price) investors
  • Gleason, Dana
  • Going concern, businesses as
  • Goodbyes stage (meeting)
  • Good capital allocation, as subjective criteria
  • Gotham Partners
  • Gottesman, Sandy
  • Graham, Benjamin
  • Graham and Dodd breakfast (2012)
  • Great Britain, currency system of
  • Greed:
    • cognitive biases related to
    • and efficient market hypothesis
    • mispricing due to
    • 30-second hook and
  • Greenblatt, Joel
  • Greenwald, Brucen
  • Griffin, Ken
  • Grooming, initial impressions based on
  • Groupthink
  • Growth:
    • in cash flow
    • incremental, see Incremental growth
    • market implied value of
    • nominal
    • real
    • value, see Value growth
  • Growth at a reasonable price (GARP) investors
  • Growth investors
  • Habit-based purchases
  • Hairstyle, initial impressions based on
  • Hamot, Seth
  • Hansen, Lars Peter
  • “Has Poker Become Unbeatable?” (Dalla)
  • Haver Analytics
  • Heitzman, Shane
  • Heller, Jodi
  • Herbalife
  • Herding, by investors:
    • and irrational behavior
    • loss of diversity due to
  • Herjavec, Robert
  • Heuristics
  • The History of Civil Society (Ferguson)
  • Holdings, identifying subjective and unstated criteria from
  • Homo sapiens,
  • How much can I lose? question
  • How much can I make? question
  • How to Get Your Point Across in 30 Seconds or Less (Frank)
  • How will the next guy figure it out? question
  • Hummingbird Value Fund
  • Hunter-gatherers, cognitive load for
  • Icahn, Carl
  • Icahn Enterprises
  • I don’t know, in pitches
  • IEH Corporation
  • Illiquid securities
  • Image, importance of
  • Implied risk
  • Incentives:
    • and accuracy of consensus
    • and incorporation of information
    • systematic errors related to
  • Income metrics, on summary data slide
  • Income statement
  • Incorporation of estimates
  • Incorporation of information:
    • and accuracy of consensus
    • errors in
    • and information cascades
    • limits on
    • and market efficiency
    • as market efficiency rule
    • and market price
    • and wisdom of crowds
  • Incremental growth:
    • investment required to fund
    • nominal present value of
  • Incremental value, and value growth
  • Independence (of crowd):
    • and average individual error
    • defining
    • diversity vs.
    • and impact of bias on accuracy
    • importance of
    • and market efficiency
    • and processing of information
    • relationship of diversity and
    • of sell-side analysts
    • and systematic error
    • and wisdom of crowds
  • Independence breakdown:
    • crowd behavior after
    • with herding/crowding
    • with information cascades
    • systematic errors related to
  • Individual behavior, crowd vs.
  • Individual process, of market efficiency
  • Inflection, in communication
  • Information:
    • aggregation of, see Aggregation of information
    • all available, see All available information
    • available, see Available information
    • from CEOs
    • defining
    • dissemination of, see Dissemination of information
    • expression of, see Expression of information
    • incorporation of, see Incorporation of information
    • as market equalizer
    • material, nonpublic, see Material, nonpublic information
    • materiality of
    • missing, in Steinhardt framework
    • non-material, nonpublic information, see Non-material, nonpublic information
    • observed, see Observed information
    • private, see Private information
    • processing of, see Processing of information
    • public
    • quasi-public
    • selection of, for pitch
    • on slides
  • Informational advantage
    • and analytical advantage
    • defined
    • and mispricing
    • from non-material, nonpublic information
    • and quality of private information
    • of research
  • Information asymmetry
  • Information cascades
    • in Herbalife example
    • with loss of independence
  • Information overload
  • Information processing model
  • Informed party:
    • private information available to investor as
    • seller as
  • Initial assumptions
  • Initial impressions
    • in meetings
    • nonverbal communication in
    • of pitch delivery
    • schema in formation of
    • subconscious judgments of
  • In-person meeting, stages of
  • Insider trading
  • Institutional constraints
  • Intelligence:
    • eyeglasses and
    • facial features that communicate
    • hairstyle and
  • The Intelligent Investor (Graham)
  • Internet bubble of 2000
  • Interruptions, by portfolio managers
  • Intrinsic value
    • defining
    • determining
    • and efficient market hypothesis
    • errors in estimating
    • estimating
    • estimating, with research
    • as range of values
    • range of values for
    • in risk assessment
    • single-point estimates for
    • and stock prices
    • and time horizon
    • and variant perspective
  • Invested capital:
    • in business valuation
    • and capital charges
    • defining
  • Investment, valuation criteria for evaluating
  • Investment criteria of portfolio managers
    • conflicts between
    • fundamental
    • and security selection
    • subjective and unstated
    • vague
    • valuation
  • Investment edge
  • Investors:
    • deep value
    • emotions of
    • expectations of
    • fundamental
    • GARP
    • growth
    • neglect
    • private equity
    • professional
    • quantitative
    • unbiased, pricing corrections by
    • value
  • Investor performance
  • Involuntary reactions, microexpressions as
  • Irrationality:
    • in behavioral finance
    • of markets
  • Is the idea too good to be true? question
  • Jargon
  • Job interviews
  • Judgments:
    • schemas in formation of
    • subconscious
  • “Judgment Under Uncertainty” (Kahneman & Tversky)
  • Kahn, Judd
  • Kahneman, Daniel
  • Keynes, John Maynard
  • Klarman, Seth
  • Klien, Gary A.
  • Knowledge, in information cascades
  • Krueger, Dan
  • Krusell, Per
  • LaFrance, Marianne
  • Language, as communication barrier
  • Laws of mass
  • Learning curve, as efficiency advantage
  • Lehman Brothers bonds
  • Liberman, Daniel
  • Likability:
    • assessing, in meetings
    • and capability/credibility
    • and microexpressions
    • nonverbal communication to enhance
  • Likely, as qualifier
  • Limits, on incorporation of information
  • Liquidation value:
    • calculating
    • and cash flow
    • intrinsic value from
    • loss of diversity with
  • Liquidity constraints:
    • as limit to incorporation
    • and trading advantage
  • Liquid securities
  • Listening:
    • to manager’s investment criteria
    • to pitch, barriers to
  • Litner, John
  • Loeb, Dan
  • Lower costs of inputs
  • Mackay, Charles
  • Macro behavioral finance
  • Macroeconomics
  • Magnitude, in cash flow
  • Mansfield, Walter Roe
  • Marcin, Barbara
  • Margin of safety
  • Margin of Safety (Klarman)
  • Market efficiency
    • as concept vs. law
    • defining
    • Fama and Shiller’s views of
    • flawless operation of
    • importance of
    • individual process of
    • and poker
    • and pricing of stock
    • rules of
    • in stock pricing
    • and wisdom of crowds
    • and zero-sum game
  • “The Market for Lemons” (Akerof)
  • Market-implied risk
  • Market implied value of growth
  • Market price
  • Mass, laws of
  • Material, nonpublic information
    • deciding materiality of
    • defining
    • dissemination of
    • as informational advantage
    • and insider trading
  • Materiality, of information
  • Mauboussin, Michael
  • McCormick Inc.:
    • competitive advantage and value growth
    • intrinsic value
    • and Tesla
  • Meetings, stages of
  • Mehrabian, Alfred
  • Meltdown (television program)
  • Men:
    • clothing for
    • emotionality of
    • facial hair for
    • hairstyles for
  • Mental checklist, for evaluating people
  • Mental model:
    • and domain-specific information
    • merged theory of behavioral finance and efficient market hypothesis as
    • schema as
  • Merged theory of behavioral finance and efficient market hypothesis
  • MFP Investors
  • Micro behavioral finance
  • Microeconomics
  • Microexpressions:
    • in meetings
    • in pitch delivery
  • Mispricing:
    • behavioral finance as cause of
    • caused by risk and uncertainty
    • demonstrating, in pitch preparation
    • due to errors in incorporation
    • due to market inefficiency
    • and failure in wisdom of crowd
    • illiquidity and investor neglect as cause of
    • independence breakdown as cause of
    • informational advantage with
    • insufficient dissemination as cause of
    • investor emotions as cause of
    • and lack of diversity
    • lack of diversity as cause of
    • lack of domain-specific knowledge as cause of
    • lack of incorporation as cause of
    • and loss of crowd diversity
    • and market efficiency
    • reasons for, in pitch
    • on variant perspective slide
    • wisdom of crowds as cause of
  • Missing information, in Steinhardt framework
  • Mr. Market (concept)
  • Mity-Lite
  • MKS Instruments
  • Molloy, John T.
  • Monkees
  • Monopoly, in business valuation
  • Mosaic theory
  • Munger, Charlie
  • Murray, Roger
  • “The Musty Smell of Success” (Gallagher)
  • Mystery Ranch
  • National Geographic
  • Navy SEALS
  • Needs, and feelings
  • Negative excess returns
  • Negative space, identifying subjective criteria from
  • Negative-sum game
  • Neglect, investor
  • Net income
  • Net operating profit less adjusted taxes (NOPLAT)
  • Network effects, as efficiency advantage
  • Newport Corporation
  • News and information media:
    • influence on stock market of
    • systematic influence of
  • Nice, as subjective criteria
  • “No,” as default response to pitch
  • Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences
  • No Bull (Steinhardt)
  • Noise:
    • as communication barrier
    • false market signals as
  • “Noise” (Black)
  • Noise traders
  • Nominal growth
  • Nominal present value, of incremental growth
  • Nominal speeds
  • Non-material, nonpublic information
    • collected, in research
    • and quasi-public information
  • Nonverbal communication:
    • in meeting stages
    • with microexpressions
    • in pitch delivery
  • NOPLAT (net operating profit less adjusted taxes)
  • Normal distribution
  • Normal distributions
  • Numerical data, for quantitative criteria
  • Objective criteria
    • and barriers to listening to pitch
    • failure to communicate
    • identifying portfolio managers’
    • for investment
    • and pitch preparation
    • as qualitative criteria
    • subjective vs.
    • unstated criteria as
    • valuation criteria as
  • Objective measures, for quantitative criteria
  • Observed information:
    • dissemination of
    • in information cascade
    • systematic errors related to
  • The Official List of Section 13(f) Securities (SEC)
  • Operating assets:
    • cash flow generated by
    • determining intrinsic value byn
  • Operation Red Wings
  • Opportunity cost
  • Oscars
  • Outperforming markets, difficulties in
  • Overreactions, by crowds lacking diversity
  • Owner earnings:
    • in business evaluation
    • and capital charges
    • and capital charges plus excess returns
    • and cash flow
    • and competition
    • and competitive advantage
    • and excess returns
    • with no excess returns
    • present value of
  • Owner’s Manual (Buffett)
  • Pacifying behaviors
  • Page, Scottn
  • Panic(s):
    • end of
    • role of fear in
  • Paradox of skill
  • “Patience factor,” in PMV
  • Pattern recognition, in security selection
  • Patterson, Scott
  • Pearson, Karl
  • Pepsi
  • P/E (price/earnings) ratio
  • Perceptions, about analyst capability and credibility
  • Perfect market efficiency
  • Performance:
    • difficulties in outperforming markets
    • investment
    • investor
    • relative
    • risk of underperformance
  • Permanent capital
  • Perpetuities (perpetual bonds)
  • Pershing Square Challenge
  • Pershing Square Holdings
  • Physical appearance
  • Pictures, on pitch slides
  • Pitch delivery
    • communication barriers in
    • credibility and capability judged in
    • efficiency of
    • and initial impressions
    • and manager’s biased schema
    • microexpressions in
    • nonverbal signals in
    • and physical appearance
    • pitch pack
    • practicing
    • Q&A
    • slide deck
    • and stages of meetings
    • stock pitching contests
    • structure of
    • 30 second hook
    • two-minute drill
  • Pitch pack
  • Pitch preparation
    • selection of information for
    • Steinhardt framework in
    • stress-testing of pitch
    • Toulmin model of argumentation in
  • “Plain vanilla” bonds, valuing
  • Plotkin, Jeffrey
  • PMV, see Private Market Value
  • Poker, as zero-sum game
  • PokerNews,
  • Portfolio manager(s):
    • aggressive
    • as audience for pitch
    • biased schema of
    • capturing and keeping attention of
    • criteria of
    • decision-making process of
    • emotions of
    • four key questions of
    • fundamental criteria of
    • investment questions of
    • organization of information for
    • with permanent capital
    • in Q&A period
    • responsibilities of, for communicating criteria
    • roles of analysts and
    • schema of
    • selection criteria of
    • subjective and unstated criteria of
    • subjective criteria of seasoned
    • use of discounted cash flows by
    • valuation criteria of
  • Possibly, as qualifier
  • Posture, in pitch
  • Practicing, pitch delivery
  • Precision:
    • and accuracy
    • in estimating intrinsic value
    • risk reduced with
  • Prejudices
  • Present value (PV)
    • of bonds
    • of a business
    • of businesses
    • calculations of
    • calculations of, with discounted cash flow model
    • of capital charge
    • defined
    • of excess returns
    • of growing cash flow stream
    • of owner earnings
    • of perpetuities
    • real
    • and value per share
  • Previdi, Lindsay
  • Price, Michael
  • Price advantage
  • Price/earnings (P/E) ratio
  • Price targets
  • Pricing:
    • efficiency in
    • of stock
  • Pricing alternatives
  • Pricing errors
  • Principal/agent problem
  • Private equity investors
  • Private information:
    • aggregation of
    • and domain-specific knowledge
    • information asymmetry due to
    • in information cascade
    • maximizing value of
  • Private Market Value (PMV)
    • and cash flow
    • and discounted cash flow model
    • intrinsic value from
    • loss of diversity with
  • Probably, as qualifier
  • Processing of information:
    • errors in
    • as market efficiency rule
    • and market price
    • and wisdom of crowds
  • Production advantages
  • Professional investors
  • Profitability metrics, on summary data slide
  • Proprietary production technology
  • “Prospect Theory” (Kahneman & Tversky)
  • Public information
  • PV, see Present value
  • Q&A period
    • delivery
    • as meeting stage
    • in pitch
    • preparing for
    • for stock pitching contests
  • Qualifier(s):
    • overuse of
    • in stress-testing of pitch
    • in Toulmin model of argumentation
  • Qualitative criteria:
    • evaluating
    • for investments
    • quantitative vs.
    • valuation criteria as
  • Quant Crisis (2007)
  • Quantitative criteria:
    • evaluating
    • for investment
    • qualitative vs.
    • valuation criteria as
  • Quantitative investors
  • The Quants (Patterson)
  • Quasi-public information
  • Randomness
  • Rate of return
  • Rational-agent model
  • Rational investor model
  • Real growth
  • Real present value
  • Real speeds
  • Rebuttal:
    • in Q&A period
    • in stress-testing of pitch
    • in Toulmin model of argumentation
  • Receptivity to ideas
  • Receptivity to ideas, likability and
  • “Recognition-Primed Decision-Making,”
  • Redemptions:
    • actual and anticipated
    • and limits to incorporation
  • Reflexes
  • Regression to the mean
  • Regulation FD
  • Rehearsal, of pitch
  • Rejected ideas, identifying subjective criteria from
  • Relative performance
  • Relevance, of evidence
  • Representativeness, of evidence
  • Representativeness bias
  • Repricing, of stock
  • Research
    • accuracy enhanced by
    • analytical advantage
    • and catalysts
    • informational advantage
    • informational plus analytical advantage
    • precision enhanced with
    • process of
    • trading advantage
    • and variant perspective
  • Returns:
    • actual
    • asymmetric
    • excess, see Excess returns
    • expected, see Expected returns
  • Return on invested capital (ROIC)
    • for a business
    • and competitive advantage
    • declining to cost of capital
    • equal to cost of capital
    • greater than the cost of capital
    • less than cost of capital
    • McCormick Inc.
  • Richards, Daniel
  • Risk
    • actual
    • estimates of
    • implied
    • market-implied
    • reduced with accuracy
    • reduced with precision
    • of Tesla stock
    • uncertainty vs.
    • of underperformance
  • Risk assessment
    • and beta
    • intrinsic value in
    • and margin of safety
    • mispricings in
    • risk vs. uncertainty
    • time horizon in
    • uncertainty and valuation
    • variant perception in
    • and wisdom of crowds
  • Rogers, Jimmy
  • ROIC, see Return on invested capital
  • Rose, Charlie
  • Rosenthal, Robert
  • Royce, Chuck
  • Royce Special Equity Fund
  • Rubin’s vase (illusion)
  • Rukeyser, Louis
  • Salary, clothing as indicator of
  • Samsung
  • Samuelson, Paul
  • Scale-based advantages
  • Schema(s)
    • biased
    • communication about
    • in decision-making process
    • defined
    • for evaluating people
    • fundamental and valuation criteria as basis for
    • and fundamental criteria
    • learning and pitching to
    • matching security to
    • and questions in Q&A period
    • updating/changing
  • Seagram Building
  • Search costs
  • SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission):
    • complaints of insider trading by
    • filings with
    • identifying subjective and unstated criteria from filings with
  • Security Analysis (Graham and Dodd)
  • Security analysis, efficient market hypothesis in
  • Security selection
    • barriers to adoption
    • and choosing a house
    • communication pitfalls in
    • manager’s fundamental criteria in
    • manager’s subjective and unstated criteria in
    • manager’s valuation criteria in
    • and matching manager’s schema
  • Seeking Alpha
  • Selerity
  • Selling an asset:
    • determining intrinsic value by
    • generating cash flow with
  • Sell side analysts
  • Sensitivity analysis
  • Sevcon, Inc.
  • Shark Tank (television series)
  • Sharpe, William
  • Shiller, Robert
  • “Shopping list” category, on matrix of fundamental and valuation criteria
  • Shrugging shoulders
  • Simons, James
  • Simplicity, in slides
  • Single-point estimates:
    • of cash flow
    • for intrinsic value
  • Skewness:
    • caused by consensus
    • normal distributions vs.
    • and wisdom of crowds
  • Slide deck:
    • pitch delivery with
    • for stock pitching contest
  • Slides, overcrowded
  • Small talk stage (meeting)
  • Soe, Aye M.
  • Sonkin, Zev
  • Sources of Power (Klien)
  • S&P Dow Jones Indices
  • Speeds, real and nominal
  • SPIVA U.S. Scorecard
  • Spoken form:
    • of 30-second hook
    • of two-minute drill
  • Stated criteria
    • for investment
    • subjective
    • for summer house
    • unstated vs.
    • valuation criteria as
  • Steinhardt, Michael
  • Steinhardt framework
    • and analyst capability/credibility
    • for analytical advantage
    • developing perfect pitch with
    • for informational advantage
    • for informational and analytical advantage
    • for 30-second hook
  • Stereotypes
  • Stevens, Paul
  • Stock:
    • decline in individual ownership of
    • pricing of
    • repricing of, following information dissemination
    • volatility of
  • Stock chart, on summary data slide
  • Stock market, wisdom of crowds applied to
  • Stock pitching contests
  • Stock prices:
    • and behavioral finance
    • effect of market efficiency on
    • and emotions of investors
    • maximizing private information without moving
  • Strategic buyers
  • Stress-testing:
    • of arguments
    • of pitch
  • Strong hands (term)
  • Structural cost advantage
  • Subconscious judgments
    • about clothing
    • in meetings
  • Subconscious reactions, microexpressions as
  • Subjective criteria
    • and barriers to adoption
    • evaluating
    • identifying portfolio managers’
    • for investment
    • objective vs.
    • and pitch preparation
    • as qualitative criteria
    • and questions in Q&A period
    • of seasoned portfolio managers
    • unstated criteria as
    • valuation criteria as
  • Success, clothing and
  • Sufficient number of investors:
    • with domain-specific information
    • for market efficiency
    • for wisdom of crowd
  • Summary data, as slide content
  • SumZero
  • SUNY Albany
  • Suppliers, of unique resources
  • Suriowiecki, Jim
  • Sustainable competitive advantage
  • Switching costs
  • Systematic bias:
    • investor behavior as cause of
    • from lack of diversity in crowds
    • as lack of independence
    • and market efficiency
    • systematic error from
  • Systematic errors:
    • and analytical advantage
    • due to lack of diversity
    • and efficient market hypothesis
    • from individual behavior
    • and merged theory of behavioral finance/efficient market hypothesis
    • and wisdom of crowds
  • Systematic influence, of news and information media
  • The Tao of Warren Buffett (Mary Buffett, Clark, and Fields)
  • TED Talks
  • 10Q analysis, in pitch pack
  • Teodora
  • Terminal value
  • Tesla:
    • intrinsic value of
    • and McCormick Inc.
    • and uncertainty
  • Thaler, Richard
  • Third Point Re
  • 13D filings
  • 13F filings
  • 13G filings:
    • identifying subjective and unstated criteria from
    • in information cascade
  • 30-second hook
    • adjusting, for stock pitching contests
    • delivery of
    • as meeting stage
    • in pitch
    • in pitch pack
    • Steinhardt framework for developing
    • stress-testing of
  • Thorp, Edward O.
  • Threshold dose
  • Threshold of investors, for wisdom of crowds
  • Time horizon:
    • and breakeven point
    • errors in estimating
    • implied risk in
    • as range of outcomes
    • in risk assessment
    • and variant perception
  • Time value of money:
    • in asset valuation
    • and intrinsic value
    • timing vs.
  • Timing:
    • in cash flow
    • time value of money vs.
  • Todorov, Alexander
  • Tone, in communication
  • Totes
  • Toulmin, Stephen
  • Toulmin model of argumentation
    • argument in
    • backing for warrant in
    • developing two-minute hook with
    • evidence in
    • qualifier in
    • rebuttal and counterarguments in
    • warrant in
  • Trading advantage
    • defined
    • research
  • Treynor, Jack
  • Trustworthiness:
    • clothing and
    • facial features that communicate
  • Tversky, Amos
  • Twitter
  • Two-minute drill
    • adjusting, for stock pitching contests
    • delivery of
    • as meeting stage
    • in pitch
    • stress-testing of
  • Two-stage discounted cash flow model (DCF)
  • Unbiased investors, pricing corrections by
  • Uncertainty
    • in asset valuation
    • and business valuation
    • in business valuation
    • and cash flow estimates
    • in cash flow estimates
    • in discounted cash flow model
    • and intrinsic value
    • and investor expectations
    • and pitch preparation
    • and precision
    • risk vs.
    • of Tesla
    • of Tesla stock
    • and valuation
  • Underperformance, risk of
  • “Uniform” in investment banking
  • Uninformed party:
    • buyer as
    • private information available to investor as
  • Unique resources
  • University of Hertfordshire
  • Unlikely, as qualifier
  • Unstated criteria
    • identifying portfolio managers’
    • for investment
    • stated vs.
    • vague criteria vs.
  • U.S. Treasury Note
  • Useful life, in intrinsic value
  • The Uses of Argument (Toulmin)
  • Utility, wealth and
  • Vague criteria
  • Valuation. See also Asset valuation; Business valuation
    • effects of, on competitive advantage
    • effects of, on value growth
    • follow-up questions about
    • and uncertainty
  • Valuation criteria:
    • as basis for schema
    • and fundamental criteria
    • of portfolio managers
  • Valuation metrics, on summary data slide
  • Value, on variant perspective slide
  • Value growth
    • calculations of
    • effects of valuation on
    • McCormick Inc.
    • nominal growth
    • present value of growing cash flow stream
    • real growth
  • Value investors
  • Value Investors Club
  • Value of an asset:
    • components in
    • defined
  • Value of competitive advantage
  • Value of incremental growth
  • Value of invested capital
  • Value per share
  • Value sources
  • Value traps
  • Vanguard
  • Variant perspective:
    • and analytical advantages
    • of business valuation
    • and cash flow estimates
    • and catalysts
    • and consensus
    • and informational and analytical advantage
    • and intrinsic value
    • lower risk due to
    • and pitch preparation
    • and research
    • in risk assessment
    • as slide content
    • and time horizon
    • in vetting of investments
  • Vetting investments, pitching vs.
  • Volatility, of stock
  • Vox Populi (Galton)
  • WACC, see Weighted Average Cost of Capital
  • Wall Street (film)
  • Wall $treet Week (television program)
  • Walter, William
  • Warrant:
    • backing for
    • in stress-testing of pitch
    • in Toulmin model of argumentation
  • Weak hands (term)
  • Wealth, utility and
  • Weasel words (weasel phrases)
  • Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC)
    • for Chemtura
    • in nominal vs. real growth
  • Weingarten, Henry
  • West of England Fat Stock and Poultry Exhibition
  • Why question, in pitches
  • Williams-Sonoma
  • Wisdom of crowds
    • accuracy of
    • applied to stock market
    • and bias
    • dissemination of information
    • effect of fear/greed on
    • Francis Galton example of
    • incorporation of information
    • individual private information aggregation with
    • and market efficiency
    • and Oscar voting example
    • processing of information
    • risk and uncertainty in
    • and skew
    • as smarter than experts
    • tenets of
  • The Wisdom of Crowds (Suriowiecki)
  • Witmer, Meryl
  • Women:
    • clothing and grooming for
    • emotionality of
    • hairstyles for
  • Word choice, for pitches
  • Written form:
    • of 30-second hook
    • of two-minute drill
  • Yahoo! Finance
  • Zero-sum game
  • Zocchi, Lou
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