Transforming Sequential Code to Parallel Code

Until recently, most Visual Basic code was written with a sequential and synchronous execution approach. Therefore, a lot of algorithms have been designed with neither concurrency nor parallelism in mind. Typically, you won't find algorithms that can be completely converted to fully parallelized and perfectly scalable code. It could happen, but it represents an ideal situation and it isn't the most common scenario.

When you have sequential code and you want to take advantage of potential parallelism to achieve better performance, you have to find hotspots. Then you can convert them to parallel code, measure speedups, identify potential scalability, and ensure that you haven't introduced new bugs while transforming the existing sequential code to parallel code.

A hotspot is a part of the code that takes significant time to run. You can achieve speedups if it is split into two or more pieces running in parallel. If part of the code doesn't take significant time to run, the overhead introduced by TPL could reduce the performance improvement to worthless or even make the parallelized code run slower than the sequential version. Once you begin working with the different options offered by TPL, it is going to be easier for you to detect the hotspots in sequential code.

Detecting Hotspots

The code discussed in this section is from code file Listing01.sln and shows an example of a very simple console application that runs two sequential subroutines:

1. GenerateAESKeys—This runs a For loop to generate the number of AES keys specified by the NUM_AES_KEYS constant. It uses the GenerateKey method provided by the System.Security.Cryptography.AesManaged class. Once the key is generated, it stores the results of converting the Byte array into a hexadecimal string representation (ConvertToHexString) in the hexString local variable.
2. GenerateMD5Hashes—This runs a For loop to compute a number of hashes, using the Message-Digest algorithm 5 (MD5 algorithm), specified by the NUM_MD5_HASHES constant. It uses a number (i variable) converted to string in order to call the ComputeHash method provided by the System.Security.Cryptography.MD5 class. Once the hash is generated, it stores the results of converting the Byte array into a hexadecimal string representation (ConvertToHexString) in the hexString local variable.

The highlighted lines of code that follow are the ones added to measure the time it takes to run each subroutine, and the total elapsed time. It starts a new Stopwatch, calling its StartNew method at the beginning of each method, and then it writes the elapsed time to the Console output.

Imports System
Imports System.Text
Imports System.Security.Cryptography
’ This import will be used later to run code in parallel
Imports System.Threading.Tasks

Module Module1

    Private Const NUM_AES_KEYS As Integer = 800000
    Private Const NUM_MD5_HASHES As Integer = 900000

    Function ConvertToHexString(ByRef byteArray() As Byte) As String
        ' Convert the byte array to hexadecimal string
        Dim sb As New StringBuilder()

        For i As Integer = 0 To (byteArray.Length() - 1)

        Return sb.ToString()
    End Function

    Sub GenerateAESKeys()
        Dim sw = Stopwatch.StartNew()
        Dim aesM As New AesManaged()
        For i As Integer = 1 To NUM_AES_KEYS
            Dim result = aesM.Key
            Dim hexString = ConvertToHexString(result)
            ' Console.WriteLine(ConvertToHexString(result))
        Console.WriteLine("AES: " + sw.Elapsed.ToString())
    End Sub

    Sub GenerateMD5Hashes()
        Dim sw = Stopwatch.StartNew()
        Dim md5M As MD5 = MD5.Create()

        For i As Integer = 1 To NUM_MD5_HASHES
            Dim data = Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(i.ToString())
            Dim result = md5M.ComputeHash(data)
            Dim hexString = ConvertToHexString(result)
            ' Console.WriteLine(ConvertToHexString(result))
        Console.WriteLine("MD5: " + sw.Elapsed.ToString())
    End Sub

    Sub Main()
        Dim sw = Stopwatch.StartNew()
        ' Display the results and wait for the user to press a key
    End Sub
End Module

The For loop in the GenerateAESKeys subroutine doesn't use its controlled variable (i) in its code because it just controls the number of times it generates a random AES key. However, the For loop in the GenerateMD5Hashes subroutine uses its controlled variable (i) to convert it to a string. Then, it uses this string as the input data to call the method that computes its hash, as shown here:

For i As Integer = 1 To NUM_MD5_HASHES
    Dim data = Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(i.ToString())
    Dim result = md5M.ComputeHash(data)
    Dim hexString = ConvertToHexString(result)

The lines of code that write the generated keys and hashes to the default console output appear commented in code file Listing01.sln because these operations would generate a bottleneck that would distort the accuracy of the time measurement.

Figure 19.3 shows the sequential execution flow for this application and the time it takes to run each of the two aforementioned subroutines in a specific computer with a dual-core microprocessor.

Figure 19.3 Sequential execution flow of two subroutines


GenerateAESKeys and GenerateMD5Hashes need approximately 14 seconds to run. The first one takes 6 seconds and the latter 8 seconds. Of course, these times will vary considerably according to the underlying hardware configuration.

There is no interaction between these two subroutines. Thus, they are completely independent from each other. As the subroutines run one after the other, in a sequential way, they aren't taking advantage of the parallel processing capabilities offered by the additional core(s). Therefore, these two subroutines represent a clear hotspot where parallelism could help to achieve a significant speedup over sequential execution. For example, it is possible to run both subroutines in parallel using Parallel.Invoke.

Measuring Speedups Achieved by Parallel Execution

Replace the Main subroutine shown in the simple console application with the following new version, launching both GenerateAESKeys and GenerateMD5Hashes in parallel, using Parallel.Invoke (code file: Snippet02.sln):

Sub Main()
    Dim sw = Stopwatch.StartNew()
    Parallel.Invoke(Sub() GenerateAESKeys(), Sub() GenerateMD5Hashes())
    ' Display the results and wait for the user to press a key
End Sub

Figure 19.4 shows the parallel execution flow for the new version of this application and the time it takes to run each of the two subroutines in a specific computer with a dual-core microprocessor.

Figure 19.4 Parallel execution flow for two subroutines with a dual-core microprocessor


Now, GenerateAESKeys and GenerateMD5Hashes need approximately nine seconds to run because they take advantage of both cores offered by the microprocessor. Thus, it is possible to calculate the speedup achieved using the following formula:

Speedup = (Serial execution time)/(Parallel execution time)

In the preceding example, 14/9 = 1.56 times faster, usually expressed as a 1.56x speedup over the sequential version. GenerateAESKeys takes more time than GenerateMD5Hashes to run, nine seconds versus six seconds. However, Parallel.Invoke doesn't continue with the next line until all the delegates finish their execution. Therefore, during approximately three seconds, the application is not taking advantage of one of the cores, as shown in Figure 19.5.

Figure 19.5 Example of inefficient scheduling when using Parallel.Invoke on a dual-core microprocessor


In addition, if this application runs on a computer with a quad-core microprocessor, its speedup over the sequential version would be nearly the same, as it won't scale to take advantage of the two additional cores found in the underlying hardware.

In this section, you saw how it is possible to detect hotspots by adding some code to measure the elapsed time to run certain methods. By changing just a few lines of code, a noticeable improvement in speed was achieved. Now it is time to learn other TPL structures that can help to achieve better results and offer improved scalability when the number of available cores increases.

There is no need to initialize TPL in order to begin working with its classes and methods. TPL does a lot of work under the hood and does its best to optimize its scheduling mechanisms to take advantage of the underlying hardware at runtime. However, choosing the right structure to parallelize a hotspot is a very important task.

Understanding Parallel

Now, uncomment the lines that send output to the console in both GenerateAESKeys and GenerateMD5Hashes:


Writing to the console will generate a bottleneck for the parallel execution. However, this time, there is no need to measure accurate times. Instead, you can view the output to determine that both methods are running in parallel. The following lines show a sample console output generated by this application. The highlighted lines, the shorter hexadecimal strings, correspond to the MD5 hashes. The others represent AES keys. Each AES key takes less time to generate than each MD5 hash. Remember that the code creates 800,000 AES keys (NUM_AES_KEYS) and 900,000 MD5 hashes (NUM_MD5_HASHES). Depending on your environment, the code might take a lot of time to complete the execution.


Now, comment the lines that send output to the console in both GenerateAESKeys and GenerateMD5Hashes again.

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