

ABCD matrices

applications, 375376

astronomical refractive telescope, 370, 372

description, 369

imaging systems, 369

multiple-prism beam expanders, 373374

optical element/system, 370, 371372

propagation, 367, 368

properties, 369370

ray transfer matrix, 368, 371372

telescopes in series, 374375

thin convex lens, 368

transformation, 367

Angular dispersion, 79


BBA, see Bennett and Brassard approach (BBA)

Beam divergence

and astronomy, 3132

control, 30

diffraction limit, 31

Bell’s inequalities

correlation, observables, 328

detectors, 330

probability alternatives, 329

PWS probability amplitude, 328

two-photon entanglement experimental configuration, 329

Bennett and Brassard approach (BBA)

canonical bases, 295

Mach–Zehnder interferometer configuration, 298

quantum key distribution protocol, 296

raw quantum transmission, 296

signal interception, 297

transmission methodology, 296, 297

Birefringent polarization rotators, 245246

Bohm polarization projection, 327

Brewster’s angle, 83, 85, 92

Broadband prismatic polarization rotators

collinear polarization rotation, 246, 248

π/2 prismatic polarization rotator, 246, 249

prism operator, 246, 247

transmission fidelity, 246, 248

Broadband resonators, 358359


Calculus basics

chain rule, 386

integration by parts, 386

power rule, 385386

product rule, 385

quotient rule, 385

Cascade interferometric technique, 54, 55

Cavity linewidth equation, 3233

Circular polarization, 256258, 262

Classical logic gates

CNOT gate, 286

AND gate, 285

NAND gate, 284, 285

NOR gate, 285, 286

NOT gate, 284, 285

OR gate, 286

primitive elements, 284

reversible primitives, 284

Classical polarization

Brewster angle, 233, 234

degree of polarization, 233

Fresnel formulae, 232

incident electric vector, 232

Jones calculus, 235237

Maxwell equations, 229231

orthogonal/normal incidence, 233

plane of incidence, 234

prisms, 238244

reflection boundary, 231, 232

rotators, 244249

Coherent and semicoherent interferograms

broadband emission, 56

double-slit, 5658

interferometric equation, 56

photons/narrow-linewidth emission, 56

single-photon propagation, 56

single-wavelength, 56

Colliding-pulse-mode locking (CPM), 365

Commutation rule, 207, 217, 218

Complex numbers, 379381

Continuous-wave (CW)

cooled-stabilized, 104

dye lasers

femtosecond pulse dye lasers, 344, 345

high-power, 344, 345

gas lasers

ionized, 341, 342

visible transitions, He-Ne lasers, 341

liquid organic dye lasers, 108

metal ion lasers, 105

tunable cavities

femtosecond laser cavities, 365

generic linear, 364, 365

unidirectional, 364

Conversion quantities, 397, 398

CPM, see Colliding-pulse-mode locking (CPM)


description, 293

public key cryptography, 293, 294

quantum cryptography, see Quantum cryptography

quantum teleportation, 301305

symmetric key algorithm, 293

CW, see Continuous-wave (CW)


Density matrix

characteristics, 223

circularly polarized light, 224

circular polarization, 262

definition, 223

differentiation, time yields, 223

Jones vector, 258

linearly polarized light, 224

Pauli matrices, 260261

right-handed polarized light, 262

Schrödinger equation, 222223

Stokes parameters, 259261

transitions, 225226

Diagonal polarization, 255256


generalized, see Generalized diffraction

grating equation, 4849

orders, 63, 64

positive, 72

Dirac notation

application, 127

complex conjugate, 97

description, 39, 143

Heisenberg uncertainty principle, 143

ket vectors, 39

laser oscillators, see Laser oscillators

lasers emitting, 144

linear operations, 100101

Mach–Zehnder interferometer, 99, 143

macroscopic phenomena, 42

monochromatic, 143

multiple-beam interferometer, 101

N-slit interference, 144

photon propagation, 39, 40

probability amplitude, 3942, 9798

Pryce–Ward probability amplitude, 101

quantum mechanics principles, 39

Sagnac interferometer, 101

Schrödinger’s equation, 184185

subcomponents, 144

visibility, 144

Dirac quantum optics

base states, 43

bra–ket vectors, 43

coherent and semicoherent interferograms, 5658

Dirac notation, 3942

Hilbert space, 43

interference equation, see Interference

interferometric equation, see Interferometric equation

polarization, interference and diffraction, 5960

Dispersive laser oscillators, 79

Double-longitudinal mode (DLM) emission

definition, 135136

mode beating, 133

and SLM, 133

Double-pass generalized multiple-prism dispersion

angle prism, 85

Brewster angle, 85

grating dispersion, 85

mirror system, 85

narrow-linewidth tunable lasers, 86

prismatic contribution, 85

return pass, 8485

three-prism beam expander design, 84

tunable laser oscillators, 84

zero-dispersion, 8688

Double-prism pulse compressor, 9394

Dye lasers

continuous wave, 344345

divisions, 342

pulsed, 343344


Einstein, Podolsky and Rosen (EPR) paradox

Bohm polarization projection, 327

eigenfunction, 326

Eisenberg’s uncertainty principle, 332333

relative probability, 326

WS experiment, 275

Ekert approach, 300

Electrically excited gas lasers

chemical recombination, 106, 107

CW metal ion lasers, 105

Duffendack reactions, 105

electrons ionize helium atoms, 106

He–CdI2, 106

He–Zn laser, 105

He–ZnX2 systems, 106

hollow-cathode rare-gas metal-vapor lasers, 107

Penning ionization, 106

rare-gas metal-vapor laser discharge, 105, 106

transition cross sections, 108

transmission line excitation circuit, 105, 106

Electrically excited semiconductor lasers

conduction and valence bands, 112, 113

description, 112

electrons, 112113

quantum cascade laser (QCL), 112, 113

simple excitation circuit, 112

Entangled polarizations

Hamiltonian approach, 265269

interferometric approach, 269270

Pryce–Ward experimental arrangement, 274

PWS probability, see Pryce–Ward–Snyder (PWS) probability

Wu–Shaknov experiment, 274275

EPR paradox, see Einstein, Podolsky and Rosen (EPR) paradox


FELs, see Free electron laser (FELs)

Feynman approximation

He–Ne laser illumination, 20, 21

two-slit experiment, 1920

The Feynman Lectures on Physics, 45

Feynman path integrals

description, 197

historical perspective, 197

Lagrangian, 197198

in optics, 203205

principle, 197

quantum link, 199200

S1 and S2 paths, 198

slit and uncertainty principle, 200203

two-photon absorption process, 205

Four-prism pulse compressor, 94

Free electron laser (FELs)

description, 348349

emission, 349

Frequency-selective resonators, 359


Gas lasers

continuous wave, 341342

pulsed atomic metal vapor lasers, 341

pulsed molecular, 339340

Generalized diffraction

far field, 72

geometrical expressions, 70, 71

grating equation, 7172

N-slit plane, 67

phase differences, 70

Generalized multiple-prism dispersion

angular dispersion, 79

Brewster’s angle, 83

Dirac quantum principles, 79

dispersive laser oscillators, 79

double-pass, 8488

identical apex angle, 83

and laser pulse compression, see Laser pulse compression

multiple-return-pass, 8890

optics and quantum optics applications, 7980

orthogonal beam, 82, 83

positive/negative refraction, 80, 82

sequences, 80, 81

single-pass dispersion equation, 80, 82

spectrophotometers and wavelength meters, 79

Generalized uncertainty principle, 2527

Grazing-incidence grating (GIG), 360, 362


Hamiltonian approach, entangled polarizations

photons, different polarizations, 267268

probability amplitude, 266268

two-state system, 265, 266

Hanbury Brown–Twiss interferometer

conventional Fourier techniques, 146

Feynman Lectures in Physics, 145

“intensity interferometer”, 144145

N-slit interferometric equation, 145146

Heisenberg equation of motion, 218

Heisenberg uncertainty principle

coherence time, 28

description, 17

interferometric identity, 27

optimized multiple-prism grating solid-state organic dye laser, 2829

Heuristic explicit approach

advantages, 182

classical kinetic energy, 182183

classical wave equation, 184

de Broglie’s expresssion, 183

Planck’s quantum energy, 183

time and displacement derivatives, 183

Hybrid multiple-prism preexpanded near-grazing-incidence (HMPGI), 360, 362



diffraction orders, 63, 64

double-slit, 46

Feynman approach, 43

interferogram, 6466

intra-interferometric distance, 63

near field diffraction distribution, 67

optics, 64

quadruple-slit, 46

quintuple-slit, 47

triple-slit, 46


coherent and semicoherent, see Coherent and semicoherent interferograms

intra-interferometric path, 50

measurement, 5153

Interferometric approach

double-slit experiment, 269

probability amplitudes, 270

two-photon polarization entanglement geometry, 269, 270

Interferometric approximation, 2123

Interferometric characters

beam splitter (BS), 168, 170171

catastrophic collapse, 167, 169

description, 163

entanglement, 168, 169

homogeneous laboratory air, 172, 173174

interferograms calculation, 166, 167168

probability amplitude, 169

secure free-space optical communications, 166

Interferometric computer

Boolean algebra program, 282

computational time, mainframe universal computer, 282, 283

description, 283

input information, universal computer program, 282

interferograms, 280

NSLI, 280

Interferometric equation

architecture, 4344

2D depiction, 5859

1D generalized, 4546

3D transmission grating, 59

laser cavity equation, 138140

N-slit laser, see N-slit laser interferometer (NSLI)

probability amplitudes, 4445

propagation probability amplitude, 45

Interferometric irreversible measurements

1D N-slit interferometric distribution, 308

irreversible, 309, 310

macroscopic, 309

probability amplitudes, 309

quantum probability, 309

single-photon propagation, 308

Interpretational issues, quantum mechanics

Bell’s inequalities, 327330

Copenhagen interpretation, 336

and EPR paradox, see Einstein, Podolsky and Rosen (EPR) paradox

pragmatic perspective, 330332

probabilities and probability amplitudes, 334336

van Kampen’s quantum theorems, 333334

Intuitive approach

beam divergence, 137

description, 136

gain medium, 137

multiple-prism grating configuration, 136137

narrow-linewidth emission, 137

resonant emission, 138

unfolded optical path, 136


Jones calculus

circular polarization, 235

definition, 235

generalized rotation matrix, birefringent rotators, 237

linearly polarized light, 236237

linear polarization, 235

polarization alternatives, 235, 236

polarized laser beam, 237

quarter-wave plate, 237


Laser emission

description, 113

dye lasers, see Dye

lasers and FELs, see Free electron laser (FELs)

gain media, 113

gas lasers, 339342

long-pulse approximation laser pump intensity, 120

time derivatives vanish, 118

triplet-level quenchers, 119

multiple-level system, 115118

semiconductor lasers, 348

solid-state lasers, 345348

two-level molecular system, 113115

Laser excitation

application, 105

chemical recombination, 106, 107

coherent radiation, 103

CW metal ion lasers, 105

Duffendack reactions, 105

electrically excited semiconductor lasers, see Electrically excited semiconductor lasers

electrons ionize helium atoms, 106

emission, see Laser emission

forced oscillator (FO), 104

He–CdI2, 106

Heisenberg uncertainty principle, 103

He–Zn laser, 105

He–ZnX2 systems, 106

high-power broadband tunable lasers, 104

hollow-cathode rare-gas metal-vapor lasers, 107

laser optics, 105

light amplification, 103

MOFO system, 104

MOPA chains, 104

optically pumped gas and liquid lasers, see Optically pumped gas and liquid lasers

optically pumped solid-state lasers, see Optically pumped solid-state lasers

optical resonator, 104

Penning ionization, 106

radio oscillator, 104

rare-gas metal-vapor laser discharge, 105, 106

spatial and spectral coherence, 103

transition cross sections, 108

transition probabilities and cross sections, see Quantum transition probabilities and cross sections

transmission line excitation circuit, 105, 106

Laser oscillators

broadband emission, 129

Dirac notation approach, 127

HMPGI, 128

interferometric equation, 138140

intuitive approach, see Intuitive approach

longitudinal-mode emission, see Longitudinal-mode emission

longitudinal modes, 129

multiple-return-pass beam divergence, 127

optimized multiple-prism grating solid-state, 127, 128, 140

single transverse electromagnetic mode, 129

spatial emission, 129

transverse-mode structure, see Transverse-mode structure

Laser pulse compression

Brewster angle, 92

cavity linewidth equation, 91

double-prism pulse compressor, 9394

four-prism pulse compressor, 94

intracavity dispersion, 9192

single-prism pulse compressor, 93

Laser-pumped dye lasers

flashlamp-pumped, 343, 344

high-power, 343

narrow-linewidth liquid dye lasers, 343

narrow-linewidth solid-state organic dye-laser oscillators, 344

Linear polarization

generalized rotation matrix, 252

Jones calculus, 251

polarization configuration, 254

probability amplitude, 253, 254

rotation relations, 251

transformation identities, 253

transmission probability, 254

Longitudinal-mode emission

approximation and non-Gaussian temporal representation, 134

complex and chaotic, 133

and DLM, see Double-longitudinal mode (DLM) emission

Fabry–Perot interferogram, 135

longitudinal-mode spacing (δn), 132

mode beating, 133

nanosecond regime, 134

narrower cavity linewidth, 133

near-Gaussian temporal pulse, 135

and SLM, see Single-longitudinal mode (SLM) emission

square-law temporal detector, 134

temporal pulse, interference, 134


Mach–Zehnder interferometer, 99, 148150, 298

Macroscopic interferometric experiment, 7

“Master equations”, 226

Master oscillator (MO), 104

Matrix algebra

determinants, 213, 214

inverse matrix, 213

multiplication, 211212

unitary matrices, 212

2 × 2 matrix, 211, 213

3 × 3 matrix, 213

Matrix mechanics

commutation rule, 207

density matrix, 222226

matrix algebra, 211214

operators, see Quantum operators

Pauli matrices, see Pauli matrices

vector algebra, 207211

Maxwell equations

coexistence, electric and magnetic field, 230

expression, velocity of propagation, 231

Gaussian systems of units, 230, 231, 249

rationalized metric system, 229, 231

Michelson interferometer, 150151

Microelectromechanical system (MEMS)-driven miniature laser cavities, 33

MO, see Master oscillator (MO)

Multiple-beam interferometers Airy formula and function, 155

effective finesse, 155

Fabry–Perot etalons, 152, 153, 155

internal reflection geometry, 153

intracavity etalon, 152

N-slits interferometer, 151152

probability amplitudes, 154

reflective finesse, 156

single-longitudinal-mode oscillation, 155, 156

Multiple-prism beam expander (MPBE), 50

Multiple-prism dispersion series, 377378

Multiple-prism grating/mirror assembly

beam compression, 90

beam divergence, 89

diffracted back/reflected back, 88

dispersive laser oscillator, 8889

narrow-linewidth high-power dispersive dye-laser oscillators, 90

unfolded depiction, 88


Narrow-linewidth oscillators, 360363

Near-field diffraction distribution, 54, 55

Nondemolition measurements, 310311

Normalized density matrix, 224

NSLI, see N-slit laser interferometer (NSLI)

N-slit interferometric calculations, 389392, 393395

N-slit laser interferometer (NSLI)

beam profile, 50

cascade interferometric technique, 54, 55

characterization, 54

cryptographic diagram, 163, 164

description, 50

Gaussian beam, 51

interferogram measurement, 48, 5153

interferometric computer, 280283

intra-interferometric optical path, 164

MPBE, 50

near-field diffraction distribution, 54, 55

optical communications, 163, 165166

phase difference, 4748

probability amplitudes, 172

single-longitudinalmode laser, 50

symmetry deterioration, 54

transmission grating, 47, 48

wavelength meter, see Wavelength meter, NSLI

Young’s interference experiment, 51


OPO, see Optical parametric oscillator (OPO)

Optically pumped gas and liquid lasers B3Π+ouX1Σ+g electronic system, 108

continuous tunability, 108

coumarin 545 T laser dye, 108, 109

dye lasers, 108

laser-pumped molecular iodine dimer laser, 108

narrow-linewidth tunable dye-laser oscillator, 109, 110

optical excitation, 108

Optically pumped solid-state lasers diode-pumped Nd:YAG laser, 110, 111

fiber lasers, 110

ruby laser, 110, 111

transition cross sections, 112

tunable Ti-sapphire laser, 110

Optical parametric oscillator (OPO), 347348

Optical quantities, 398

Optics, uncertainty principle

beam divergence, 2932

cavity linewidth equation, 3233

sub-microcavities, 35

tuning laser microcavities, 3335


Pair theory, 270271, 275

Pauli matrices

conjugate transpose, 220

and density matrix, 260261

Hermitian property, 221

properties, 220

and quantum logic, 288289

spin one-half particle, 219, 221222

time-dependent equation, two-state system, 219

PBS, see Polarizer beam splitter (PBS)

Physical constants, 397

Planck’s quantum energy equation energy distribution, light emission, 13

and wave optics, 1415

Poincaré’s space, 387388

Polarization rotators

birefringent, 245246

broadband prismatic, 246249

double Fresnel rhomb, 244, 245

Polarizer beam splitter (PBS), 301

Polarizing prisms

attenuation, laser beam intensity, 243244

double-refraction polarizers, 240243

induced polarization, double-prism beam expander, 238240

transmission efficiency, multiple-prism arrays, 238

The Principles of Quantum Mechanics, 34

Pryce–Ward–Snyder (PWS) probability

amplitude, 273274

entanglement amplitude, 270273

horizontal and vertical polarization, 299

Public key cryptography, 293, 294

Pulsed atomic metal vapor lasers, 341

Pulsed molecular gas lasers

narrow-linewidth tunable CO2 lasers, 340

tunable narrow-linewidth excimer lasers, 340

ultraviolet and visible, 339, 340


Quantum cascade laser (QCL), 112, 113

Quantum computing

classical logic gates, 283286

description, 279

interferometric computer, 280283

quantum computer, 279280

quantum logic, 287290

qubits, 280, 286287

transistor-based computers, 279

Quantum cryptography

BBA, 295298

polarization entanglement approach, 298301

Quantum gates, 289290

Quantum logic

2 × 2 matrix, 287

and Pauli matrices, 288289

quantum gates, 289290

Quantum measurements

Dirac and von Neumann approaches, 307

error, 307

interferometric irreversible, 308310

nondemolition, 310311

soft intersection, see Soft intersection, interferometric characters

soft polarization, 311312

Stern–Gerlach measurements, 307

Quantum Mechanical Computers, 279

Quantum mechanics

bra–ket notation, 2

developments, quantum era, 3

energy distribution, light sources, 1

interpretational issues, see Interpretational issues, quantum mechanics

lightquanta, 2

photoelectric effect, 2

photon, 57

quantum optics, 78

Quantum Mechanics and Path Integrals, 19

Quantum operators

commutation rule, 217

energy operator, 218

Heisenberg equation of motion, 218

momentum operator, 215217

position operator, 214215

Quantum optics, 78

Quantum physics, see Quantum mechanics

Quantum polarization

density matrix notation, 258262

linear, see Linear polarization

as two-state system, 255258

Quantum teleportation, see Teleportation

Quantum transition probabilities and cross sections

complex conjugate, 122

description, 119

Dirac notation, 119120

electric field, 121

Feynman notation, 120

Franck–Condon factor, 123

Hamiltonian matrix elements, 121

intensity, 123124

long-pulse approximation, 124

perturbation term, 121

stimulated emission probability, 122123

vibrational-rotational, 123

Qubits, 280, 286287


Ramsey interferometer, 158159

Raw quantum transmission, 296

Ray transfer matrices

ABCD matrices, see ABCD matrices

description, 367

spatially coherent beams, 367


domain, 75

infinitesimal distance, N-slit array, 7475

interferometer, 74

law, 75


focusing, 74

positive and negative, 7273


Sagnac interferometer

beam splitter, 146147

Dirac notation, probability amplitude, 147

triangular configuration, 148

Schrödinger’s equation

atomic and molecular physics, 179

description, 179

Dirac notation, 184185

Hamiltonian principle, 180, 181

heuristic explicit approach, see Heuristic explicit approach

hydrogen equation, 192193

kinetic energy, 179

Laplacian operator, 181

ordinary wave equation, 180

“phase” velocity, 180

physics perspective, 182

Planck’s quantum energy equation, 180

stationary solutions, 194195

time-independent, see Time-independent Schrödinger’s equation

wave function, 181

Secure interferometric communications advantages, 177

clear-air turbulence, 175176

cryptographic diagram, 163, 164

homogeneous laboratory air, 172

interception, 176177

interferometric character, see Interferometric characters

macroscopic optical interception, 177

and NSLI, see N-slit laser interferometer (NSLI)

optical communications, 163

practical perspective, 177

theory, 164165

Semiconductor lasers

external cavity tunable, 349

MEMSa tunable, 350

power performance, 349

tunable external cavity quantum cascade lasers, 350

ultrashort-pulse external cavity, 350

wavelength coverage, 348

Single-longitudinal mode (SLM) emission and DLM, 133

Fabry–Perot interferometric rings, 135

narrower cavity linewidth, 132133

near-Gaussian temporal pulse, 135

single-transverse-mode beam, 132

Single-prism pulse compressor, 93

Snell’s law, 73, 74

Soft intersection, interferometric characters

calculated control interferogram, 316, 318

cascade approach, 316

intensity profile, 315317

interferometric distribution, 312314

intra-interferometric distances, silk fiber insertion, 315

N-slit interferometer, 312, 313, 323

probing, 320322

spider silk web fiber, optical path, 314

superposition, diffraction signal, 318, 319

Soft polarization measurements

Gaussian beams, 311

two-beam interference pattern, 312

Solid-state lasers

diode-laser-pumped fiber lasers, 347

ionic, 345346

and OPO, 347348

transition metal, 346347

Stokes parameters, 259261

Symmetric key algorithm, 293



entanglement, two linearly polarized photons, 301302

methodology, 304

recovery transformation, 304

three-particle state, 303

Time-independent Schrödinger’s equation

Feynman approach, 186

quantized energy levels, 186187

quantum cascade lasers, 190191

quantum dots, 191

quantum wells, 188190

semiconductor emission, 187188

semiconductor physics and lasers, 186

Transverse-mode structure

cross section, diffraction distribution, 130, 131

Fresnel number, 130, 131

interferometric equation, 129130

intracavity, 129

laser cavity, 129

mirror-mirror laser cavity, 129, 130

narrow-linewidth tunable solid-state dye laser, 131, 132

single-pass transverse-mode structure, 129

TEM00 emission, 131, 132

Trigonometric identities, 383384

Tuning laser microcavities, 3335

Two-beam interferometers

Mach–Zehnder interferometer, 148150

Michelson interferometer, 150151

Sagnac interferometer, 146148

Two-state system polarization

circular polarization, 256258

diagonal polarization, 255256


Uncertainty principle

Feynman approximation, 1921

generalized, 2527

Heisenberg uncertainty principle, 1718, 2729

interferometric approximation, 2123

minimum, 2324

optics, see Optics, uncertainty principle

wave-particle duality, 1819

Universal computer, 279, 280, 282, 283

Unstable resonators, 359360


van Kampen’s quantum theorems, 333334

Vector algebra

cross product, 210

derivative operators, 210

dot product, 209

length, 209

multiplication, 208

subtraction, 208, 209

sum, 207, 208

three dimensions, 207, 208


Wavelength meter, NSLI

interferograms calculation, 157158

phase difference, 156157

signals and profiles, 156

Wave optics, 1415

Wave–particle duality, 1819

Wollaston prism (WP), 297, 300

Wu–Shaknov experiment

description, 274275

relevance, 275


Young’s interference experiment, 51


Zero-dispersion multiple-prism beam expander designs

advantages, 86

description, 87

double-prism expander, 8788

intracavity beam expansion, 88

laser tuning characteristics, 86

quasi achromatic, 87

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