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  548. 548 Luciano, E. and Kast, R. (2001) A value at risk approach to background risk. Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance, 26, 91–115.
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  557. 557 Mahul, O. and Wright, B.D. (2004) Implications of incomplete performance for optimal insurance. Economica, 71 (284), 661–670.
  558. 558 Mai, J.F. and Scherer, M. (2012) Simulating Copulas: Stochastic Models, Sampling Algorithms and Applications, vol. 4, World Scientific.
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  567. 567 McNeil, A. (1997) Estimating the tails of loss severity distributions using extreme value theory. Astin Bull., 27, 117–137.
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  569. 569 Meier, U.B. and Outreville, J. (2006) Business cycles in insurance and reinsurance: the case of France, Germany and Switzerland. J. Risk Finance, 7 (2), 160–176.
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  571. 571 Meng, H., Siu, T.K., and Yang, H. (2016) Optimal insurance risk control with multiple reinsurers. J. Computational Appl. Math., 306, 40–52.
  572. 572 Merz, B., Kreibich, H., Schwarze, R., and Thieken, A. (2010) Assessment of economic flood damage. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 10 (8), 1697–1724.
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  577. 577 Mikosch, T. (2009) Non‐Life Insurance Mathematics, Universitext, Springer‐Verlag, Berlin, 2nd edn.
  578. 578 Miljkovic, T. and Grün, B. (2016) Modeling loss data using mixtures of distributions. Insurance Math. Econom., 70, 387–396.
  579. 579 Mohr, S., Kunz, M., and Geyer, B. (2015) Hail potential in Europe based on a regional climate model hindcast. Geophysical Research Letters, 42 (24), 904–912.
  580. 580 Møller, T. (2004) Stochastic orders in dynamic reinsurance markets. Finance and Stochastics, 8 (4), 479–499.
  581. 581 Monahan, J. (2012) The individual risk assessment of terrorism. Psychology, Public Policy, and Law, 18 (2), 167.
  582. 582 Muermann, A. (2003) Actuarially consistent valuation of catastrophe derivatives. The Wharton Financial Institution Center Working Paper Series, pp. 3–18.
  583. 583 Muermann, A. (2008) Market price of insurance risk implied by catastrophe derivatives. North American Actuarial Journal, 12 (3), 221–227.
  584. 584 MunichRe (2001) Risk Transfer to the Capital Markets: Using the Capital Markets in Insurance Risk Management, Munich Re ART Solutions, Munich.
  585. 585 MunichRe (2010) Reinsurance: a Basic Guide to Facultative and Treaty Reinsurance, Munich Reinsurance America, Princeton, NJ.
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  588. 588 Neftci, S. (2000) Value at risk calculation, extreme events, and tail estimation. J. Derivatives, 7, 23–37.
  589. 589 Nelsen, R. (1999) An Introduction to Copulas, Lecture Notes in Statistics 139, Springer, Berlin.
  590. 590 Niederreiter, H. (1992) Random Number Generation and Quasi‐Monte Carlo Methods, Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
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  592. 592 Niehaus, G. (2002) The allocation of catastrophe risk. J. Banking & Finance, 26 (2), 585–596.
  593. 593 O’Brien, T. (1997) Hedging strategies using catastrophe insurance options. Insurance Math. Econom., 21, 153–162.
  594. 594 Ohlin, J. (1969) On a class of measures of dispersion with application to optimal reinsurance. Astin Bull., 5 (2), 249–266.
  595. 595 Omey, E. and Teugels, J. (2002) Weighted renewal functions: a hierarchical approach. Adv. Appl. Probab., 34, 394–415.
  596. 596 Omey, E. and Willekens, E. (1986) Second order behavior of the tail of a subordinated probability distribution. Stoch. Proc. Appl., 21, 339–353.
  597. 597 Omey, E. and Willekens, E. (1987) Second order behaviour of distributions subordinate to a distribution with finite mean. Comm. Statist., Stoch. Models, 3, 311–342.
  598. 598 Outreville, J. (1998) Size and concentration patterns of the world’s largest reinsurance companies. Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance, 23, 68–80.
  599. 599 Outreville, J.F. (2012) The world’s largest reinsurance groups: A look at names, numbers and countries from 1980 to 2010. Insurance and Risk Management, 80, 137–156.
  600. 600 Panjer, H. (1980) The aggregate claims distribution and stop‐loss reinsurance. Trans. 21th Intern. Congress Actuaries, pp. 523–545.
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  603. 603 Panning, W.H. (2013) Managing the invisible: Identifying value‐maximizing combinations of risk and capital. North American Actuarial Journal, 17 (1), 13–28.
  604. 604 Papush, D., Patrik, G., and Podgaits, F. (2001) Approximations of the aggregate loss distribution, in CAS Forum, Winter, pp. 175–186.
  605. 605 Park, S.C. and Xie, X. (2014) Reinsurance and systemic risk: The impact of reinsurer downgrading on property–casualty insurers. J. Risk and Insurance, 81 (3), 587–622.
  606. 606 Parodi, P. (2014) Pricing in General Insurance, CRC Press.
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  609. 609 Pechlivanides, P. (1978) Optimal reinsurance and dividend payment strategies. Astin Bull., 10, 34–46.
  610. 610 Peng, L. (2014) Joint tail of ECOMOR and LCR reinsurance treaties. Insurance Math. Econom., 58, 116–120.
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  616. 616 Phillips, R.D., Cummins, J.D., and Allen, F. (1998) Financial pricing of insurance in the multiple‐line insurance company. J. Risk and Insurance, 65 (4), 597–636.
  617. 617 Picard, P. (2000) On the design of optimal insurance policies under manipulation of audit cost. International Economic Review, 41 (4), 1049–1071.
  618. 618 Pigeon, M. and Denuit, M. (2011) Composite lognormal–Pareto model with random threshold. Scand. Actuar. J., pp. 177–192.
  619. 619 Pinelis, I. (1985) Asymptotic equivalence of the probabilities of large deviations for sums and maximum of independent random variables (Russian), in Limit Theorems of Probability Theory, Trudy Inst. Mat., vol. 5, “Nauka” Sibirsk. Otdel., Novosibirsk, pp. 44–173, 176.
  620. 620 Pita, G.L., Pinelli, J.P., Gurley, K.R., and Hamid, S. (2013) Hurricane vulnerability modeling: Development and future trends. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 114, 96–105.
  621. 621 Pitera, M. and Schmidt, T. (2016) Unbiased estimation of risk. Preprint, available as arXiv:1603.02615.
  622. 622 Pitman, E. (1980) Subexponential distribution functions. J. Austral. Math. Soc., 29, 337–347.
  623. 623 Planchet, F. (2013) Modélisation du risque de pandémie dans solvabilité 2. Insurance and Risk Management, 81.
  624. 624 Plantin, G. (2006) Does reinsurance need reinsurers? J. Risk and Insurance, 73 (1), 153–168.
  625. 625 Powers, M. (2003) Leapfrogging the variance: The financial management of extreme event risk. J. Risk Finance, 4, 26–39.
  626. 626 Powers, M. and Shubik, M. (2001) Toward a theory of reinsurance and retrocession. Insurance Math. Econom., 29, 271–290.
  627. 627 Powers, M.R. and Shubik, M. (2006) A “square‐root rule” for reinsurance. Revista Contabilidade & Finanças, 17 (2), 101–107.
  628. 628 Preischl, M. (2016) Bounds on integrals with respect to multivariate copulas. Dependence Modelling. In press.
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  630. 630 Pressacco, F. (1979) Values and prices in a reinsurance market. Astin Bull., 10, 263–273.
  631. 631 Prettenthaler, F. and Albrecher, H. (2009) Hochwasser und dessen Versicherung in Oesterreich, Studien zum Klimawandel, Verlag der Oesterreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Wien.
  632. 632 Prettenthaler, F., Albrecher, H., Asadi, P., and Köberl, J. (2017) On flood risk pooling in Europe. Natural Hazards, 88(1), 1–20.
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  634. 634 Promislow, S. and Young, V. (2005) Unifying framework for optimal insurance. Insurance Math. Econom., 36 (3), 347–364.
  635. 635 Puccetti, G. and Rüschendorf, L. (2012) Computation of sharp bounds on the distribution of a function of dependent risks. J. Computational Appl. Math., 236 (7), 1833–1840.
  636. 636 Puccetti, G., Rüschendorf, L., and Manko, D. (2016) Var bounds for joint portfolios with dependence constraints. Dependence Modelling, 4, 368–381.
  637. 637 Punter, A. (2002) Reinventing re/insurance for the twenty‐first century. Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance, 27, 102–112.
  638. 638 Radtke, M., Schmidt, K.D., and Schnaus, A. (2016) Handbook of Loss Reserving, EAA Series, Springer, Heidelberg.
  639. 639 Ramachandran, G. (1974) Extreme value theory and large fire losses. Astin Bull., 7, 293–310.
  640. 640 Ramlau‐Hansen, H. (1988) A solvency study in non‐life insurance. Part I. Analyses of fire, windstorm and glass claims. Scand. Actuar. J., pp. 3–34.
  641. 641 Raviv, A. (1979) The design of an optimal insurance policy. The American Economic Review, 69 (1), 84–96.
  642. 642 Reich, A. (1985) Eine Charakterisierung des Standardabweichungsprinzips. Blätter der DGVFM, 17, 93–102.
  643. 643 Reijnen, R., Albers, W., and Kallenberg, W.C. (2005) Approximations for stop‐loss reinsurance premiums. Insurance Math. Econom., 36 (3), 237–250.
  644. 644 Reiss, R.D. and Thomas, M. (1999) A new class of Bayesian estimators in Paretian excess‐of‐loss reinsurance. Astin Bull., 29, 339–349.
  645. 645 Reiss, R.D. and Thomas, M. (2001) Statistical Analysis of Extreme Values. From Insurance, Finance, Hydrology and Other Fields, Birkhäuser, Basel, 2nd edn.
  646. 646 Resnick, S. (1997) Discussion of the Danish data on large fire insurance losses. Astin Bull., 27, 139–151.
  647. 647 Reynkens, T., Verbelen, R., Beirlant, J., and Antonio, K. (2016) Global fits using splicing of mixtures of Erlangs and extreme value distributions. Preprint, K.U. Leuven.
  648. 648 Riebesell, P. (1936) Einführung in die Sachversicherungsmathematik, Berlin.
  649. 649 Riegel, U. (2008) Generalizations of common ILF models. Blätter der DGVFM, 29 (1), 45–71.
  650. 650 Riegel, U. (2010) On fire exposure rating and the impact of the risk profile type. Astin Bull., 40 (2), 727–777.
  651. 651 Robert, C.Y. and Segers, J. (2008) Tails of random sums of a heavy‐tailed number of light‐tailed terms. Insurance Math. Econom., 43 (1), 85–92.
  652. 652 Rolski, T., Schmidli, H., Schmidt, V., and Teugels, J. (1999) Stochastic Processes for Insurance and Finance, Wiley Series in Probability and Statistics, John Wiley & Sons Ltd., Chichester.
  653. 653 Romera, R. and Runggaldier, W. (2012) Ruin probabilities in a finite‐horizon risk model with investment and reinsurance. J. Appl. Probability, 49 (4), 954–966.
  654. 654 Rootzén, H. and Tajvidi, N. (2006) Multivariate generalized Pareto distributions. Bernoulli, 12 (5), 917–930.
  655. 655 Rose, A. and Huyck, C.K. (2016) Improving catastrophe modeling for business interruption insurance needs. Risk Analysis, 36 (10), 1896–1915.
  656. 656 Rose, A. and Lim, D. (2002) Business interruption losses from natural hazards: conceptual and methodological issues in the case of the Northridge earthquake. Global Environmental Change Part B: Environmental Hazards, 4 (1), 1–14.
  657. 657 Rosiński, J. and Samorodnitsky, G. (1993) Distributions of subadditive functionals of sample paths of infinitely divisible processes. Ann. Probab., 21, 996–1014.
  658. 658 Rudolph, C. (2014) A generalization of Panjer’s recursion for dependent claim numbers and an approximation of Poisson mixture models, PhD Thesis, Vienna University of Technology.
  659. 659 Runnenberg, J. and Goovaerts, M. (1985) Bounds on compound distributions and stop‐loss premiums. Insurance Math. Econom., 4, 287–293.
  660. 660 Ruohonen, M. (1988) On a model for the claim number process. Astin Bull., 18, 57–68.
  661. 661 Ryder, J. and Kimber, D. (1977) Earthquakes and windstorm ‐ Natural disasters. Astin Bull., 9, 317–324.
  662. 662 Rymaszewski, P., Schmeiser, H., and Wagner, J. (2012) Under what conditions is an insurance guaranty fund beneficial for policyholders? J. Risk and Insurance, 79 (3), 785–815.
  663. 663 Rytgaard, M. (1996) On calculating the risk premium for an excess‐of‐loss cover with an annual aggregate deductible and a limited number of reinstatements. Colloq. XXVII Astin, pp. 82–94.
  664. 664 Samson, D. and Thomas, H. (1985) Decision analysis models in reinsurance. European J. Operations Res., 19, 201–211.
  665. 665 Sanders, D. (1995) When the wind blows: An introduction to catastrophe excess‐of‐loss reinsurance, in CAS Forum, vol. Fall, pp. 157–228.
  666. 666 Sato, K. (1999) Lévy Processes and Infinite Divisibility, Cambridge University Press Cambridge.
  667. 667 Scarrott, C. and MacDonald, A. (2012) A review of extreme value threshold estimation and uncertainty quantification. REVSTAT–Statistical Journal, 10 (1), 33–60.
  668. 668 Schäl, M. (1998) On piecewise deterministic Markov control processes: control of jumps and of risk processes in insurance. Insurance Math. Econom., 22 (1), 75–91.
  669. 669 Schäl, M. (2004) On discrete‐time dynamic programming in insurance: exponential utility and minimizing the ruin probability. Scand. Actuar. J., pp. 189–210.
  670. 670 Scherer, M., Schmid, L., and Schmidt, T. (2012) Shot‐noise driven multivariate default models. Eur. Actuar. J., 2 (2), 161–186.
  671. 671 Schlütter, S. and Gründl, H. (2012) Who benefits from building insurance group? A welfare analysis of optimal group capital management. The Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance‐Issues and Practice, 37 (3), 571–593.
  672. 672 Schmeiser, H., Wagner, J., and Zemp, A. (2014) Proposal for a capital market‐based guaranty scheme for the financial industry. Eur. J. Finance, 20 (12), 1133–1160.
  673. 673 Schmidli, H. (1996) Lundberg inequalities for a Cox model with a piecewise constant intensity. J. Appl. Prob., 33 (1), 196–120.
  674. 674 Schmidli, H. (2001) Optimal proportional reinsurance policies in a dynamic setting. Scand. Actuar. J., pp. 55–68.
  675. 675 Schmidli, H. (2002) On minimizing the ruin probability by investment and reinsurance. Annals of Applied Probability, 12 (3), 890–907.
  676. 676 Schmidli, H. (2008) Stochastic Control in Insurance, Probability and its Applications, Springer, London.
  677. 677 Schmidt, K. (1995) Lectures on Risk Theory, Teubner, Berlin.
  678. 678 Schmidt, T. (2014) Catastrophe insurance modeled by shot‐noise processes. Risks, 2 (1), 3–24.
  679. 679 Schmitter, H. (1987) Eine optimale Kombination von proportionalem und nichtproportionalem Selbstbehalt. Mitt. Ver. Schweiz. Versich. Math., pp. 229–236.
  680. 680 Schmock, U. (1999) Estimating the value of the WINCAT coupons of the Winterthur insurance convertible bond: a study of the model risk. Astin Bull., 29, 101–163.
  681. 681 Schnieper, R. (1993) The insurance of catastrophe risks. SCOR Notes.
  682. 682 Schnieper, R. (1993) Praktische Erfahrungen mit Grossschadenverteilungen. Mitt. Ver. Schweiz. Versich. Math., pp. 149–165.
  683. 683 Schoutens, W. (2003) Lévy Processes in Finance, Wiley, New York.
  684. 684 Schröter, K. (1990) On a family of counting distributions and recursions for related distributions. Scand. Actuar. J., pp. 161–175.
  685. 685 Schweizer, M. (2001) From actuarial to financial valuation principles. Insurance Math. Econom., 28 (1), 31–47.
  686. 686 Schwepcke, A. (2004) Rückversicherung, Verlag Versicherungswirtschaft, Karlsruhe.
  687. 687 Scollnik, D.P. (2007) On composite lognormal‐Pareto models. Scand. Actuar. J., pp. 20–33.
  688. 688 Scollnik, D.P. and Sun, C. (2012) Modeling with Weibull‐Pareto models. North American Actuarial Journal, 16 (2), 260–272.
  689. 689 SCOR (2008) From principle‐based risk management to solvency requirements. Swiss solvency test documentation, Zurich.
  690. 690 Seal, H. (1969) Stochastic Theory of a Risk Business, John Wiley, New York.
  691. 691 Seal, H. (1974) The numerical calculation of u(w, t) the probability of non‐ruin in an interval (0, t). Scand. Actuar. J., pp. 121–139.
  692. 692 Seal, H. (1978) From aggregate claims distribution to the probability of ruin. Astin Bull., 10, 47–53.
  693. 693 Seal, H. (1978) Survival probabilities; the goal of risk theory, Tech. Rep.
  694. 694 Seal, H. (1980) Survival probabilities based on Pareto claim distributions. Astin Bull., 11, 61–71.
  695. 695 Selch, D.A. (2016) A Multivariate Cox Process with Simultaneous Jump Arrivals and its Application in Insurance Modelling, Ph.D. thesis, Technische Universität München.
  696. 696 Shaked, M. and Shanthikumar, J. (1994) Stochastic Orders and Their Applications, Academic Press, Boston, MA.
  697. 697 Sherris, M. (2003) Economic valuation: Something old, something new. Austr. Actuar. J., 9 (4), 625–665.
  698. 698 Shi, P., Feng, X., and Ivantsova, A. (2015) Dependent frequency–severity modeling of insurance claims. Insurance Math. Econom., 64, 417–428.
  699. 699 Shumway, R.H. (1988) Applied Time Series Analysis, Prentice‐Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ.
  700. 700 Sichel, H. (1971) On a family of discrete distributions particularly suited to represent long tailed frequency data, in Proceedings of the 3rd Symposium on Mathematics and Statistics, Pretoria, CSIR, pp. 51–97.
  701. 701 Silvestrov, D. and Teugels, J. (1999) Limit theorems for extremes with random sample size. Adv. Appl. Probab., 30, 777–806.
  702. 702 Siu, T. and Yang, H. (1999) Subjective risk measures: Bayesian predictive scenarios analysis. Insurance Math. Econom., 25, 157–169.
  703. 703 Smith, R., Canelo, E., and Di Dio, A. (1997) Reinventing reinsurance using the capital markets. Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance, 22, 26–37.
  704. 704 Smith, W. (1972) On the tails of queueing‐time distributions, Mimeo Series No. 830, Department of Statistics, University North‐Carolina, Chapel Hill.
  705. 705 Sobol’, I.M. (1967) On the distribution of points in a cube and the approximate evaluation of integrals. USSR Comput. Math. Math. Phys., 7, 86–112.
  706. 706 Sondermann, D. (1991) Reinsurance in arbitrage‐free markets. Insurance Math. Econom., 10, 191–202.
  707. 707 Sparre Andersen, E. (1957) On the collective theory of risk in case of contagion between claims. Trans. 15th Intern. Congress Actuaries, II, 219–229.
  708. 708 Stanard, J. and John, R. (1990) Evaluating the effect of reinsurance contract terms. Proc. Casualty Actuarial Soc., 77 (1), 1–41.
  709. 709 Steenackers, A. and Goovaerts, M. (1992) Optimal reinsurance from the viewpoint of the cedent, in Proc. Intern. Congress Actuaries, vol. 2, pp. 271–300.
  710. 710 Strain, R. (1983) Reinsurance, The College of Insurance, New York.
  711. 711 Straub, E. (1988) Non‐Life Insurance Mathematics, Springer‐Verlag.
  712. 712 Strickler, P. (1960) Rückversicherung des Kumulrisikos in der Lebensversicherung, in Transactions of the Sixteenth International Congress of Actuaries, vol. 1, Cambridge University Press.
  713. 713 Stupfler, G. et al. (2013) A moment estimator for the conditional extreme‐value index. Electronic Journal of Statistics, 7, 2298–2343.
  714. 714 Subramanian, A. and Wang, J. (2015) Catastrophe risk transfer. Preprint, available at SSRN 2321415.
  715. 715 Suijs, J., De Waegenaere, A., and Borm, P. (1998) Stochastic cooperative games in insurance. Insurance Math. Econom., 22, 209–228.
  716. 716 Sundt, B. (1991) An Introduction to Non‐Life Insurance Mathematics, Verlag Versicherungswirtschaft e.V., Karlsruhe, Second edn.
  717. 717 Sundt, B. (1991) On asymptotic rates on line in excess of loss reinsurance. Insurance Math. Econom., 10, 61–67.
  718. 718 Sundt, B. (1991) On excess of loss reinsurance with reinstatements. Schweiz. Verein. Versicherungsmath. Mitt., (1), 51–66.
  719. 719 Sundt, B. (1992) On allocation of excess‐of‐loss premiums. Astin Bull., 22, 167–176.
  720. 720 Sundt, B. (2002) Recursive evaluation of aggregate claims distributions. Insurance Math. Econom., 30, 297–322.
  721. 721 Sundt, B. and Jewell, W. (1981) Further results of recursive evaluation of compound distributions. Astin Bull., 12, 27–39.
  722. 722 Sundt, B. and Vernic, R. (2009) Recursions for Convolutions and Compound Distributions with Insurance Applications, Springer Science & Business Media.
  723. 723 Swiss Re (1999) Alternative risk transfer (ART) for corporations: a passing fashion or risk management for the 21st century? Sigma, 2.
  724. 724 Swiss Re (2007) Pandemic influenza: A 21st century model for mortality shocks, Technical publishing, life and health. SwissRe.
  725. 725 Swiss Re (2013) The essential guide to reinsurance.
  726. 726 Tan, K.S. and Weng, C. (2014) Empirical approach for optimal reinsurance design. North American Actuarial Journal, 18 (2), 315–342.
  727. 727 Tan, K.S., Weng, C., and Zhang, Y. (2009) VaR and CTE criteria for optimal quota‐share and stop‐loss reinsurance. North American Actuarial Journal, 13 (4), 459–482.
  728. 728 Tan, K.S., Weng, C., and Zhang, Y. (2011) Optimality of general reinsurance contracts under CTE risk measure. Insurance Math. Econom., 49 (2), 175–187.
  729. 729 Taylor, G. (1978) An investigation of the use of weighted averages in the estimation of the mean of a long‐tailed size distribution. Astin Bull., 10, 87–98.
  730. 730 Taylor, G. (1982) Estimation of outstanding reinsurance recoveries on the basis of incomplete information. Insurance Math. Econom., 1, 3–11.
  731. 731 Taylor, G. (1985) A heuristic review of some ruin theory results. Astin Bull., 15, 73–88.
  732. 732 Taylor, G. (1992) Risk exchange I: A unification of some existing results. Scand. Actuar. J., pp. 15–39.
  733. 733 Taylor, G. (1992) Risk exchange II: Optimal reinsurance contracts. Scand. Actuar. J., pp. 40–59.
  734. 734 Taylor, G. (1997) Reserving consecutive layers of inwards excess‐of‐loss reinsurance. Insurance Math. Econom., 20, 225–242.
  735. 735 Ter Berg, P. (1984) An outline of the power‐ratio‐gamma distribution. Proc. 4 countries Astin Coll., pp. 243–250.
  736. 736 Ter Berg, P. (1994) Deductibles and the inverse Gaussian distribution. Astin Bull., 24, 319–323.
  737. 737 Teugels, J. (1975) The class of sub‐exponential distributions. Ann. Probability, 3, 1000–1011.
  738. 738 Teugels, J. (1981) Remarks on large claims. Bull. Inst. Internat. Statist., 49, 1490–1500.
  739. 739 Teugels, J. (1985) Approximation and estimation of some compound distributions. Insurance Math. Econom., 4, 143–153.
  740. 740 Teugels, J. and Willmot, G. (1987) Approximations for stop‐loss premiums. Insurance Math. Econom., 6, 195–202.
  741. 741 Teugels, J.L. and Sundt, B. (eds) (2004) Encyclopedia of Actuarial Science, 3 vols, John Wiley & Sons, Hoboken, NJ.
  742. 742 Thépaut, A. (1950) Une nouvelle forme de réassurance. le traité d’excédent du coût moyen relatif (ECOMOR). Bull. Trimestriel Inst. Actuair. Français, 49, 273.
  743. 743 Thomas, R.L. (2012) Underwriting terrorism risk. J. Civil Rights and Economic Development, 18 (2), 8.
  744. 744 Thyrion, P. (1969) Extension of the collective risk theory. Scand. Actuar. J., pp. 84–98.
  745. 745 Tijms, H.C. (1994) Stochastic Models: An Algorithmic Approach, vol. 303, John Wiley & Sons Inc.
  746. 746 Trufin, J., Albrecher, H., and Denuit, M.M. (2011) Properties of a risk measure derived from ruin theory. The Geneva Risk and Insurance Review, 36 (2), 174–188.
  747. 747 Turnbull, B.W. (1976) The empirical distribution function with arbitrarily grouped, censored and truncated data. J. Roy. J. R. Stat. Soc. Ser. B Stat. Methodol., 38 (3), 290–295.
  748. 748 Upreti, V. and Adams, M. (2015) The strategic role of reinsurance in the United Kingdom’s (UK) non‐life insurance market. J. Banking & Finance, 61, 206–219.
  749. 749 Vajda, S. (1962) Minimum variance reinsurance. Astin Bull., 2 (2), 257–260.
  750. 750 Van Broekhoven, H., Alm, E., Tuominen, T., Hellman, A., and Dziworski (2006) Actuarial reflections on pandemic risk and its consequences. Groupe Consultatif Actuariel Report.
  751. 751 Van der Hoek, J. and Sherris, M. (2001) A class of non‐expected utility risk measures and implications for asset allocations. Insurance Math. Econom., 28, 69–82.
  752. 752 Van Heerwaarden, A., Kaas, R., and Goovaerts, M. (1989) Optimal reinsurance in relation to ordering of risks. Insurance Math. Econom., 8, 11–17.
  753. 753 Vaugirard, V.E. (2003) Valuing catastrophe bonds by Monte Carlo simulations. Applied Math. Fin., 10 (1), 75–90.
  754. 754 Venter, G. (1991) Premium calculation implications of reinsurance without arbitrage. Astin Bull., 21, 223–230.
  755. 755 Venter, G. (2001) Measuring value in reinsurance, in CAS Forum, Summer, pp. 179–199.
  756. 756 Venter, G., Barnett, J., and Owen, M. (2004) Market value of risk transfer: Catastrophe reinsurance case, in International AFIR Colloquium.
  757. 757 Verbelen, R., Antonio, K., and Claeskens, G. (2015) Multivariate mixtures of Erlangs for density estimation under censoring. Lifetime Data Analysis, 22 (3), 1–27.
  758. 758 Verbelen, R., Gong, L., Antonio, K., Badescu, A., and Lin, S. (2015) Fitting mixtures of Erlangs to censored and truncated data using the EM algorithm. Astin Bull., 45 (3), 729–758.
  759. 759 Verlaak, R. (2001) Optimal Reinsurance Programs. Master’s thesis, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium.
  760. 760 Verlaak, R. and Beirlant, J. (2003) Optimal reinsurance programs: an optimal combination of several reinsurance protections on a heterogeneous insurance portfolio. Insurance Math. Econom., 33 (2), 381–403.
  761. 761 Verlaak, R., Hürlimann, W., and Beirlant, J. (2009) Quasi‐likelihood estimation of benchmark rates for excess of loss reinsurance programs. Astin Bull., 39 (2), 429–452.
  762. 762 Von Dahlen, S. (2007) Finite reinsurance: How does it concern supervisors? Some efficiency considerations in the light of prevailing regulatory aims. The Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance‐Issues and Practice, 32 (3), 283–300.
  763. 763 Wacek, M. (2013) Discussion on “capital tranching: A raroc approach to assessing reinsurance cost effectiveness”. Variance, 7 (2), 101–109.
  764. 764 Wakuri, M. and Yasuhara, Y. (1977) Earthquake insurance in Japan. Astin Bull., 9, 329–364.
  765. 765 Walhin, J. (2012) La Reassurance, Larcier, 2nd edn.
  766. 766 Walhin, J., Herfurth, L., and De Longueville, P. (2001) The practical pricing of excess of loss treaties: actuarial, financial, economic and commercial apects. Belgian Actuarial Bulletin, 1 (1), 1–17.
  767. 767 Walhin, J. and Paris, J. (2000) The effect of excess of loss reinsurance with reinstatements on the cedent’s portfolio. Blätter der DGVFM, 24, 616–627.
  768. 768 Walhin, J. and Paris, J. (2001) Excess of loss reinsurance with reinstatements: Premium calculation and ruin probability for the cedent. Blätter der DGVFM, 25, 257–270.
  769. 769 Wang, S. (1995) Insurance pricing and increasing limits ratemaking by proportional hazards transforms. Insurance Math. Econom., 17, 43–54.
  770. 770 Wang, S. (1996) Premium calculation by transforming the layer premium density. Astin Bull., 26, 71–92.
  771. 771 Wang, S. (1997) Implementation of PH‐transforms in ratemaking, in CAS Forum, Winter, pp. 291–316.
  772. 772 Wang, S. (1998) Aggregation of correlated risk portfolios: models and algorithms, in Proceedings of the Casualty Actuarial Society, vol. 85, pp. 848–939.
  773. 773 Wang, S., Young, V., and Panjer, H. (1997) Axiomatic characterization of insurance prices. Insurance Math. Econom., 21 (2), 173–183.
  774. 774 Wang, X. and Fang, K.T. (2003) The effective dimension and quasi‐Monte Carlo integration. Journal of Complexity, 19 (2), 101–124.
  775. 775 Waters, H. (1983) Some mathematical aspects of reinsurance. Insurance Math. Econom., 2, 17–26.
  776. 776 Watson Jr, C.C. and Johnson, M.E. (2004) Hurricane loss estimation models. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 85 (11), 1713.
  777. 777 Weissman, I. (1978) Estimation of parameters and large quantiles based on the k largest observations. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 73 (364), 812–815.
  778. 778 Weng, C. and Zhuang, S.C. (2017) CDF formulation for solving an optimal reinsurance problem. Scand. Actuar. J., pp. 395–418.
  779. 779 Willekens, E. (1988) The structure of the class of sub‐exponential distributions. Probab. Theory Relat. Fields, 77, 567–581.
  780. 780 Willekens, E. and Teugels, J.L. (1992) Asymptotic expansions for waiting time probabilities in an M/G/1 queue with long‐tailed service time. Queueing Systems Theory Appl., 10 (4), 295–311.
  781. 781 Williams, R. (1979) Computing the probability density function for aggregate claims. Canadian Institute of Actuaries, pp. 1–9.
  782. 782 Willmot, G. (1986) Mixed compound Poisson distributions. Astin Bull., 16, S59–S79.
  783. 783 Willmot, G. (1987) The Poisson‐inverse Gaussian as an alternative to the negative binomial. Scand. Actuar. J., pp. 113–127.
  784. 784 Willmot, G. (1988) Sundt and Jewell’s family of discrete distributions. Astin Bull., 18, 17–29.
  785. 785 Willmot, G. (1989) The total claims distributions under inflationary conditions. Scand. Actuar. J., pp. 1–12.
  786. 786 Willmot, G. (1990) Asymptotic tail behaviour of Poisson mixtures with applications. Adv. Appl. Probability, 22, 147–159.
  787. 787 Willmot, G. and Panjer, H. (1987) Difference equation approaches in evaluation on compound distributions. Insurance Math. Econom., 6, 43–56.
  788. 788 Willmot, G. and Sprott, D. (1994) A note on parameters orthogonal to the mean. Biometrika, 81 (2), 409–412.
  789. 789 Willmot, G. and Sundt, B. (1989) On evaluation of the Delaporte distribution and related distributions. Scand. Actuar. J., pp. 101–113.
  790. 790 Willmot, G.E. and Woo, J.K. (2007) On the class of Erlang mixtures with risk theoretic applications. North American Actuarial Journal, 11 (2), 99–115.
  791. 791 Wilson, R. (1968) The theory of syndicates. Econometrica, 36 (1), 119–132.
  792. 792 Wilson, T. (2015) Value and Capital Management, John Wiley & Sons.
  793. 793 Wirch, J. and Hardy, M. (1999) A synthesis of risk measures for capital adequacy. Insurance Math. Econom., 25, 337–347.
  794. 794 Woo, G. (2011) Calculating Catastrophe, World Scientific.
  795. 795 Wood, S. (2006) Generalized Additive Models: An Introduction with R, CRC Press.
  796. 796 Worms, J. and Worms, R. (2014) New estimators of the extreme value index under random right censoring, for heavy‐tailed distributions. Extremes, 17 (2), 337–358.
  797. 797 Wüthrich, M. and Merz, M. (2008) Stochastic Claims Reserving Methods in Insurance, Wiley, Chichester.
  798. 798 Xu, L., Bricker, D., and Kortanek, K. (1998) Bounds for stop‐loss premium under restrictions on I‐divergence. Insurance Math. Econom., 23, 119–139.
  799. 799 Yaari, M.E. (1987) The dual theory of choice under risk. Econometrica, 55 (1), 95–115.
  800. 800 Young, V. (1999) Optimal insurance under Wang’s premium principle. Insurance Math. Econom., 25, 109–122.
  801. 801 Young, V. (2004) Premium calculation principles, in Encyclopedia of Actuarial Science, John Wiley, New York.
  802. 802 Zajdenweber, D. (1996) Extreme values in business interruption insurance. J. Risk Insurance, 63, 95–110.
  803. 803 Zanjani, G. (2002) Pricing and capital allocation in catastrophe insurance. J. Financial Economics, 65 (2), 283–305.
  804. 804 Zecchin, M. (1987) Calculation of the maximum retentions in XL reinsurance. Insurance Math. Econom., 6, 169–178.
  805. 805 Zeckhauser, R. (1996) 19th Annual Lecture of the Geneva Association Insurance and Catastrophes. Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance, 21, 3–21.
  806. 806 Zhang, T. and Kou, S. (2010) Nonparametric inference of doubly stochastic Poisson process data via the kernel method. Ann. Appl. Stat., 4 (4), 1913.
  807. 807 Zhang, Y. (2013) Reinsurance Arrangements Minimizing the Total Required Capital, Casualty Actuarial Society, E‐Forum, Spring.
  808. 808 Zhou, C. and Wu, C. (2008) Optimal insurance under the insurer’s risk constraint. Insurance Math. Econom., 42 (3), 992–999.
  809. 809 Zhu, Y., Chi, Y., and Weng, C. (2014) Multivariate reinsurance designs for minimizing an insurer’s capital requirement. Insurance Math. Econom., 59, 144–155.
  810. 810 Zhuang, S.C., Weng, C., Tan, K.S., and Assa, H. (2016) Marginal indemnification function formulation for optimal reinsurance. Insurance Math. Econom., 67, 65–76.
  811. 811 Ziegel, J.F. (2014) Coherence and elicitability. Mathematical Finance, 26, 901–918.
  812. 812 Zweifel, P. and Eisen, R. (2012) Insurance Economics, Springer Science & Business Media.
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