long-term, 854
biomass waste, 15
fuelwood, 15
diesel fuel, 17–18
gasoline, 17–18
shadow, 855
short-term, 854
Pricing of commodities, 12–14, 853–854
actual pricing, 858–859
fixprice system, 854
flexprice system, 854
Pricing policies, 858–859
Primary battery, 505–507, 625
Primary production of biological material, 545
Private interest rate, 860–862
Privatization of the energy industry, 880–883
Probability, 895
Production function, 854–855
Production planning, 854–857
Product LCAs, 890–891
Profit, See Surplus value
Profit allocation, 855
government influencing, 876–877
Program verification, 734–735
Propane, safety-related properties, 623t
Propeller-type converters, 389–409
blade profiles, 405f
development of, 689–694, 694–695, 695f, 696, 696f, 697
ducted rotors, 415–417, 416f
floating offshore wind turbines, 409
load, 399, 399–400
model behavior of power output and matching to load, 394–400
non-interacting streamtubes, 389–394
non-uniform wind velocity, 400–403, 401f, 404f
offshore foundation issues, 409, 410f, 427
power coefficient curves, 394–395, 395, 395–396, 395f, 398f
rotors with tip-vanes, 417–418, 417f, 696
size limits, 408–409
velocity and force components of blade segment, 390, 391f
wind profile in wake and arrays of, 403–408
wind speeds and, 395–396, 396–397, 397f, 397f
Proton exchange membrane cells (PEM cells), 513, 513, 513f, 514f, 631
direct methanol, 514–515
Proton mass Mp, 48
p-type material, 439–440, 440, 443, 443–444, 444–445, 447, 945
Public sector, role of, 853, 876
Public service obligation (PSO), 881
Public subsidies, for photovoltaic solar power, 15–16
Pumped hydro energy storage, 600–635, 771
Pumped hydro storage, 600–635
Pumping devices
solar, 372
Purchasing power parity (PPP), 932
PVT, combined photovoltaic and thermal solar system, 724, 781t, 872
PVT panels, 460–461
Pyrolysis, 542, 551


Quantum efficiency, of solar cell, 445–446
Quantum tunneling, 44f
Quasi-static theory, 855–856, 856
Quasi-steady-state approximation, 682
Quaternary period, 159, 159, 161–162
QuicksSCAT, 702, 705
Q-value, 42, 43


Racell prototype, 734–735
Radar measurements, 702
Radial stress, 609
Radiant electrical energy transmission, 574–575
aerosols and, 170–171, 171, 171f
by Earth–atmosphere system, 62
absorption and scattering, in atmosphere, 85–86, 146
blackbody, 48, 52
spectral distributions of, 60
direct, 67
estimates for scenario construction, 683
disposition in Earth-atmosphere system, 59–79
electromagnetic, in Sun, 50
equilibrium, Earth–atmosphere system, 62
extragalactic, 59, 59f
normal, 219–221
reflected, 228–230, 230f
source term, 109
total at top of atmosphere, 66f
ultraviolet, 80
absorption in atmosphere of, 87, 87f
Radiation constant a, 52
Radiation equilibrium, 62
Radiation pressure, 52
Radiative cooling, 502
Radiative forcing, 917f
Radiative transfer, 50
Radioactive decay, in Earth’s crust, 295
Radioactivity, See Nuclear energy
Radiolarians, 162
Rain making, 169
Rainout, 84–85
Rain prevention, 169
RAINS model, 908
Rajasthan desert, 204
Rajputana desert, 166
Rangeland, 711f, 715, 719f
biomass production on, 718
Rankine cycle, 366f, 367, 367–368, 372–373, 588
in heat pumps, 375–376, 376
in ocean thermal energy conversion, 380
in photo-thermoelectric converter design, 493–494
solar pumps with, 505, 506f
thermodynamic cooling with, 504
Rational distribution, 855
Rational investment precursor scenarios, 657–658
Rayleigh scattering, 89–90, 90, 90, 90f, 91
Ray-tracing, 497, 498, 499f, 501f, 501f
Reaction rate, for nuclear process, 53–54
Recombination lifetime, 446
Recombination processes, 329–330
Recycling of materials, 904–905
Redistribution subsidies, 876
Redox couples, 463, 463–464
Reference data, 235–236
Reference year, 232–234, 635–636, 682, 725, 725f, 726f
Reflectance, 228–229
hemispherical, 229
Reflected radiation, 75–78, 228–230, 230f
diffuse, 228
in flat-plate solar collector cover system, 477, 478–479
specular, 228, 228
Fresnel, 489f
parabolic, 489, 489, 489f
Reformed gas, 598
Refrigeration cycle, 367–368
Regenerative battery, 505–507
Regenerative fuel cell, 505–507, 511
Regional economy, 879–880, 891–892
Regional energy scenarios, 773–776
Regional systems, 771–827
scenario construction for, 773–776
China, 818–827
efficiency scenarios, 773–776
Japan and South Korea, 811–818
Mediterranean, 783–797
North America, 797–811
northern Europe, 776–782
Relations, energy requirement, 660–661
Renewability, 344
Renewable energy
average use, year 2000, 6t
average use, year 2013, 9t
China resources for, 818–821, 823–825
costs, 867
current market, 3–18, 4f
defined, 19
global politics and, 974–977
LCA for, 942–952
biogas plants, 947–952, 949t, 950t
photovoltaic power, 944–947, 944f, 946t, 947t, 948f
wind power, 942–944, 943t
market characteristics of forms of, 12–14
outlook, 963
past and present resources, 19–29
present production, by country, 5
R&D needs, 878
status of technologies, 971–973
subsidies supporting, 877
theoretical maximum rates of flows from, 34
Renewable energy resources, 20
Renewable energy scenarios, 653–682
centralized scenario, 833
China, 818–827
Japan and South Korea, 811–818
Mediterranean region, 783–797
North America, 797–811
Northern Europe, 776–782
worldwide, 828–842
Renewable energy sources
See also specific sources
biological conversion and storage, 308–343
bacterial photosynthesis, 332–333
ecological systems productivity, 333–335, 334f
efficiency of conversion, 330–332
limiting factors of productivity, 335–341, 335f, 337f, 338f, 339f
liquid biofuels, 545–552
productivity data, 341–343, 342f, 343f
productivity in different environments, 333–343
direct solar energy, 219–246
dependence on turbidity and cloud cover, 223–224, 224f, 225f, 227f
direct solar radiation
geographical distribution of, 244
inclined surfaces and long-wavelength radiation, 241–243, 241f, 242f
long-wavelength radiation, 239–243
power distribution curves, 244–246
short-wavelength radiation, 227–239, 228–230, 230–234, 230f, 231f, 232f, 233f, 233f, 234f, 235–239, 235f, 236f, 237f, 238f, 238f
variability of, 243–246, 243f, 244f
heat flows
atmospheric electricity, 307–308, 307f
distribution of smoothly varying part of, 297–300, 297f, 299f
geothermal heat origins, 294–297
nuclear energy, 303–306, 304f
ocean thermal gradients power, 288–291, 289f, 290f, 291f
regions of high, 293–294
solar-derived heat sources, 287–293
upper soil and air temperature gradients, 291–293, 292f
heat flows, reservoirs, and other sources, 286–308
geothermal flows and stored energy, 293–300
hydropower, 271–274, 272, 273f, 273f
hydropower environmental impact, 272–274
ocean currents, 265–271, 265f, 266f, 267f, 267f
current power variability, 266–271, 268f, 269f, 269f, 270f
hydropower sources geographical distribution, 272, 273f, 273f
ocean thermal and salinity gradients, 300–303
ocean waves, 274–279
in climatic context, 282
power of, 279–282, 280f, 281f, 281f, 282f
wave spectra, 276f, 277f, 277f, 278f, 279f
wave spectra power, 275–279
river flows, hydropower, and elevated water storage, 271–274
salinity differences, 301–303, 302f
water flows and reservoirs, waves, and tides, 265–286
wind, 246–264
height scaling and distribution, 254–255
horizontal profile, 247–250
kinetic energy in, 255–256, 256f, 257f
power in, 257–259, 258f, 259f
power variability, 259–264, 260f, 261f, 262f, 263f
speed data, 250–254, 251f
speed profiles, 249f, 251f, 252f, 253f, 254f, 255f
variability in power duration curves, 262–264, 262f, 263f, 264f, 264f
velocities, 247–255
Research and development, of energy systems, 873
Research and development subsidies, 878
Reservoirs, 265–286, 286–308
for heat pumps, 376
for pumped storage facilities, 602
river flows, hydropower, and elevated water storage, 271–274
water flows and, 265–286
Resilience, 893
Resistance, electric, 375
Resource industry, energy uses, 673, 673–674, 674
Resources for the future, 29–30
Respiration, 333
Respiration losses, 21–22
Reverse bias, 443
Reverse-mode fuel cells, 421
Reversible chemical reactions, 597–598
Reversible fuel cell, 505–507, 622, 631–632
Reynolds number, 387, 387, 388f, 413, 589–590
Reynold stress, 195
Richardson number, 248
Risk, 894
accident, 894
Risk-related impacts, 894–895
River flow, 271–274
Rock beds, heat storage in, 589–590, 590f
Rock cavities, 613
Rock storage, 613f
Roughness length z0, 247, 407, 706
Rubber tree, 546
Runaway precursor scenario, 654
Run-off, 118f, 818–821
human interference with, 167–168, 168f
in fuel cell catalysts, 513
in PEC devices, 461–462, 462, 464, 464, 465f


Saccharification enzymes, 554
fuel properties, 623t
hydrogen vehicle issues, 516
Safety factor, in flywheel design, 609–610
Sailing vessels, 385, 386–387, 389f
Sails, 385
Sail-ships, energy conversion by, 25–26
Salinity, 121–123
in Atlantic Ocean, 120f
differences, 301–303, 302f
glaciation and, 161
gradients, 300–303
in Indian Ocean, 121f
in joint ocean–atmosphere models, 125f, 127
ocean gradients of, 149
electrical conversion, 517–519
in Pacific Ocean, 122f
Salinity differences
electricity generation from, 302–303
energy associated with, 302–303
in oceans, 125, 127, 517–519
Salt deposit cavities, 613, 952
Salt dome storage of gas, 620
Salter device, 433–434, 434f, 978
Salt-gradient ponds, 587, 587–588, 587f
Salt hydrates, 592–597, 593t
Salt storage of heat, 615
Sargasso Sea, 211
Satellite-based wind measurements, 702, 703, 704–705, 705, 705–706, 706, 706
Satellite energy data, 63f, 705, 705, 705, 706
Satellite solar power, 574–575
Satellite wind estimates, 250–251
Savonius rotor, 410
Savonius rotor, See Cross-wind converters
Scales of motion
in atmosphere, 108
Scattered radiation, 67, 67, 89–92, 225–227, 225–227, 226f, 227f, 230f, 246
in atmosphere, 85–86
estimates for scenario construction, 683
models for description of, 89–92
Scatterometer data, 702, 703, 704–705, 705, 705–706, 706, 706–707
Scavenging, 84
Scenario construction, 600, 650
demand, construction of, 653–682
for future energy supply, 682–683
implementation issues, 718–723
precursor, 653–654, 773
catastrophe, 656
high-energy-growth, 654
laisser-faire, 657
low-energy-demand, 655–656
maximum-efficiency, 658
rational investment, 657–658
runaway, 654
stability, 655
for regional systems, 773–776
supply, 682–718
system choice and optimization, 721
time variable in, 651–653
use of concept, 649–651
Schottky junction, 449
Schrödinger equation, 437
Sea-level pressure P0, 187
models of, 127, 127–128, 128f
observed, 135f, 136f
Seawinds, 702, 702–703
Secondary battery, 505–507, 625
Second-generation biofuels, 553, 553
Second law efficiency, 365, 368, 382
Second law of efficiency, 365, 382
Security, 669–671, 774
energy use and, 669–671, 774
Security impacts, 893
Seebeck coefficient, 369, 370
Selective surface, 475–476, 476f, 496
Semiconductors, 434, 434–435, 438, 439–440
amorphous, 457–459
band gap, 450
Semiconductor theory, 439
albedo of, 166
steppe transformation to, 166
Sensible energy emissions, 149–151
Sensible heat, 93, 95f, 177, 479, 576
in atmosphere, 93, 94
exchange in flat-plate collectors, 479
height and latitude distribution of, 190f
Sensible heat storage, See Heat capacity storage
Sensitized dye solar cells, 452, 453
Sensitizers, for PEC systems, 464, 465–466, 465f
SETAC, 884, 890–891
Sewage plants, biogas production by, 537–538
Shadow price, 855
Shape factor, 609–610, 610, 610t
Shearing stress exerted by wind, 407
Shelter, 662
Short-circuit current of solar cell, 445
Short-term power storage, 763–765, 768
Short-term prices, 854
Short-wavelength radiation, 47–49, 67–68, 71–73, 73, 227–239, 231f, 232f, 233f, 233f, 234f, 235f
average behavior of, 230–234
definition, 67
inclined surfaces, 235–239, 236f, 237f, 238f, 238f
reflected radiation, 228–230, 230f
Sideline inputs, 885–886, 886f
Silicon dioxide, 945
Silviculture, greenhouse gas emission impacts on, 929–930
Simulation consistency, 722–723
Simulation models, 680
SiO2, 502
Slagging Lurgi process, 541
Small system, 360, 361
Snow, See Precipitation
Social context, 899–900
Social framework for energy systems, 851–871
Social impacts, 892–893
Social interest rate, 860–862
Social issues, 32–34
Socialist economies, 853–854, 854, 873–874
employment impact in, 875
resource allocation in, 858
Socialistic economy, 853–854, 858
Social settings, aggregation over, 896, 896
Social values, 851–852
Social values and goals, 851–852, 902–903
Social welfare, economic activity and, 30
Socioeconomic assessment, framework for, 851–871
Socio-economic assessment of energy systems, 851
break-even calculation, 864–869
direct cost, 859–860
examples of cost comparison, 867
indirect economics, 869–871
present value calculation, 862–864
price assignment, 855
value assignment, 855
Socioeconomic costs, 856
liquid, 589
molten, 496
Sodium sulfide/water systems, 594–595, 595, 595f, 596, 596f
air fraction of, 589–590
carbon stored in, 915, 916f
heat capacity of, 180
heat conductivity of, 180–181, 181f
heat transport in, 181
moisture content of, 180, 180–181
seasonal variations of temperature of, 182f
water and heat disposition in, 180–183
Soil temperature, 291–293, 292f
Solar absorption cooling systems, 503, 503f
Solar cell, 149, 443–449
amorphous, 457–459, 458f, 945
centralized and decentralized, 981
concentrator, 461, 497
concentrators, 496–502
Cu2S–CdS, 447, 447f
doping parameters and efficiency of, 454, 455f
electrical efficiencies of, 460, 461
heat generation with, 460–461
module construction, 460
modules, 460
monocrystalline silicon cells, 453–454, 453f
multicrystalline, 453, 454–456, 456f
operating temperature and efficiency of, 451, 452, 452f
optical subsystem, 496–502
other materials for, 459–460
PERL, 453f, 454f
perovskite, 470–472
plastic, 464
spectral collection efficiency, 450–451, 451f
stacked, 456, 457f
thin-film, 459–460
in windowpanes, 460
Solar collectors, 149, 374, 472, 725–726, 979
catenary-shaped, 498–502
flat-plate, 475–481, 476f
with heat storage, 484–488
fluid circulation rate and efficiency of, 485, 486f, 487f
modeling windows as, 730–731
operating, 481–484, 492
stalled, 481–484, 482f, 482f, 492
tracking, 488
Solar constant, 60–61, 164–165, 165, 165–166
yearly variations in, 39, 40f
Solar cooling, 502–505
Solar coordinates, 61f
Solar-derived heat sources, 287–293
Solar energy, 3, 20, 977
See also Direct solar energy
building-integrated panels, 683–684, 686f
centralized farms, 684, 685, 687f
engine conversion of, 372–375
Ericsson hot-air engine, 372–375
historical uses of, 22
housing and, 25
in Japan and South Korea 2050 scenario, 812
in Mediterranean 2050 model, 783–784, 784–785, 784f, 785f, 786f, 786f, 787f, 787f, 788, 794, 795–797
processes near surface of Earth, 79–142
atmosphere, 79–113
oceans and continents, 114–129
status of technology, 973, 973
Solar energy conversion, 149
concentrating collectors, 459
electricity production, 735
flat-plate collector, 475–481, 484–488
focusing systems, 491–493
heat production, 735
heat pump combination, 375–378
passive heating and cooling, 473f, 474f
photo-thermoelectric converters, 493–496
photovoltaic converters, 449–453
pumps, 375–378
refrigerators, 573
tracking systems, 449
work delivered by hot-air engine, 617–618
Solar energy cycle, 21
Solar energy flux at Earth, 32
Solar evolution, 54–55
Solar flux, average, Earth–atmosphere system absorption of, 32–33
Solar heating
decentralized, 569–570
flat-plate collectors, 475–481
with heat storage, 484–488, 486f, 487f
greenhouses, 474
heat storage in, 576, 577
local resource availability and, 723–745
modeling, 724–726
national average values, 2013, 18f
passive, 3, 472, 472, 472–473, 473f, 474f
reference data for home, 730t
system dynamics, 724
usage of, 12
water heaters, 474
water storage and, 577–578, 578f, 579, 579–580
with heat pumps, 731–733, 732f
Solar layers, 56–57, 56f
Solar mass, 49
Solar pond, 474, 475f, 586–588, 587f
Solar power
national average values, 2013, 18f
in North America 2060 scenario, 797–799, 800f
Solar processes, modeling, 54–55, 55f
Solar radiation, 20, 31, 39–59, 59f
absorption and scattering in atmosphere, 85–86, 146
aerosols and absorption of, 170–171, 171, 171f
angular distributions of, 91, 92f
average behaviour, 230–234
cloud cover, influence of, 231–232
conversion of, 434–505
See also Solar energy conversion
photo-electrochemical, 461–472
photovoltaic conversion, 434–461
solar cooling, 502–505
solar thermal conversion, 472–488
data for local system model, 724–726, 725f, 726f
data series, 853
direct, 25, 633
disposition on Earth of, 59–79, 70f
in atmosphere, 71–73
at surface, 67–79
at top of atmosphere, 60–66, 62f, 63f, 64f
Earth–atmosphere system absorption of, 62
Earth receiving, 58–59
at Earth’s surface, 67–79
in coupled ocean–atmosphere models, 131f
direct and scattered radiation, 67
penetration of, 78–79
variations in, 73–78, 74f, 75f, 76f, 77f, 77f, 78f
East Asia average annual, 813f
frequency spectrum, 68f
absorption processes and, 87–89
hydrosphere absorption of, 146–147
inclined surfaces, 235–239
long-wavelength, 239–243
models of, 683
North America averages, 797f
particulate matter and transmittance of, 84–85, 84f
penetration into water and soil, 78–79
polarization, 90, 91f, 92f
reference year, 682
reflected, 228–230
scattered, 67, 89–92
seasonal, 73–78
seasonal variations in, 220f, 683–684, 684, 684
short-wavelength, 146, 220f
spectral composition of, 56–59
spectral distribution, 59
tilted surfaces, 236f
total, 162, 487–488
turbidity, dependence on, 223–224
variability of, 243–246
wavelengths of, 85–86
weather system and seasonal periodicity of, 102
Solar radius, 49, 56f
variation in, 39, 41f
Solar spectrum, 85–86, 449, 634
Solar still, 505, 506f
Solar thermal collection, 724
in Mediterranean 2050 model, 794, 795f, 796f
Solar thermal conversion, 472–488
Solar-thermal electricity generators, 488–502, 493
optical subsystem and concentrators, 496–502
photo-thermoelectric converter design, 493–496, 493f
Solar water pumps, 504–505, 504f, 505, 506f
Solar wind, 58
Solid electrolyte cells, 516
Solid oxide fuel cells (SOFC), 516
Solid–solid phase transitions, 591, 591t
Solutions, energy relative to pure solvent, 301
Solvent refining, 529
South Korea
average annual solar radiation, 813f
average annual wind power potential, 814f
biofuels potentials, 812
energy needs in 2050 scenario, 811–818, 815–817, 816f
energy production in 2050 scenario, 818f, 819f, 820f, 821f
offshore wind potential, 816f
Space heating, 28–29
demands for, 747f
inlet temperatures, 729
in PVT simulation, 735
water storage components, 577, 579, 579–580
wood-burning stoves and furnaces for, 523
Spectra, measurements of, 465–466
Spectral collection efficiency, 450–451, 451f
Spectral composition, of solar radiation, 56–59
Spectral distribution
of blackbody radiation, 60
of solar radiation, 59
of waves, 279
of wind speeds, 689
Spectral gap, wind, 259–260
Spectral sensitivity, of PEC sensitizers, 464, 465–466, 465f
Spectral transmittance, 477–478, 477f
Specular reflection, 67–68, 228, 228
Spending energy, 20
Spin states, 437
Stability of atmosphere, 193
Stacked solar cells, 456, 457f
Stalled collectors, 481–484, 482f, 482f, 492
Standardization institutions, 890–891
Standard reversible potential, 509
Standing crop, See Biomass, energy stored in
Starch decomposition, 553, 553
Starch sugar crops, 553
main-sequence, energy production in, 39–55
modeling processes in, 54–55, 55f
Start-up of power plants, See Power plants: operation
Statistical value of life (SVL), 902–903, 932
Status of technology
renewable energy, 971–973
solar energy, 973, 973
Steady-state flow, 363f
Steam heating systems, 729
Stefan–Boltzmann’s law, 51–52
Stefan’s constant σ, 52
albedo of, 166
overgrazing of, 166
Sterols, 546
Stirling cycle, 366f, 367, 372–373, 504–505, 504f
Stochastically generated data, 682
Stochastic models, 759–761
Stomata, 337–338
Stone age, 24–25
Stone age energy use, 22, 24–25
Storage, See Energy storage
Storage-cycle efficiencies, 765f, 766
Stored energy, 293–300
See also Energy storage
in atmosphere, types of, 93–94
build-up in human society of, 152
flat-plate collectors with heat storage, 484–488
Stoves, 522–523
Stratification of water storage temperatures, 577–578, 578f
Stratosphere, particulate matter residence times in, 84–85
Stream flow converters, See Turbines
Streamfunctions, 105f, 112f, 126f
Streamtube model, 413f, 415
Streamtubes, 389–390
for Darrieus rotors, 410–411, 411f
defining, 390f
for ducted rotors, 415–416, 416f
non-interacting, 389–394
non-uniform wind velocity and, 402, 404f
Stress tensor, 185, 605–606
Subsidies, 876–879
Subtropical forests, 147
Suez Canal, 689–694
Sugar-containing materials, 545, 547
Sulfur dioxide, 524, 913–914
dispersal modeling, 908
in joint ocean–atmosphere models, 126–127
Sulfuric acid/water mixtures, 592–594, 594f
Sulfur oxides, 172
convective layer, 57
energy production in, 39–55
energy transport equations for, 49–54
equilibrium processes in, 47–49
luminance distribution and azimuth relative to, 90f
nuclear reactions in, 42–47, 43–44, 54–55
radial model of, 55f
reaction rate in, 45, 45
stability of, 39
structure of surface of, 57–58
thermodynamic equilibrium in, 50, 50, 50–51, 53
Sun-facing walls, 472–473
Sunspots, 57, 161–162
Supercapacitors, 632
Superconducting storage, 634–635
Superconducting transmission lines, 574–575
Supply models
scenarios, 682–718
biofuel production, 715–718
biomass energy, 523
photovoltaic power, 683–685
wind power, 685–708
Supply scenarios, 682–718
biofuel production in, 715–718
food production in, 708–715
photovoltaic power production in, 683–685
wind power production in, 685–708
industry development, 689–702
Surface recombination velocity, 446–447
Surface re-radiation, 146
Surface temperatures
in joint ocean and atmosphere general circulation models, 134f
trends of, 158f, 159, 160f
Surface tension of water, 123–124
Surf beat, 124
Surplus value, 853–854
Sustainability, 34–35, 344, 971–977
Synchronous DC electric generators, 399–400
Synthesis gas, 551, 551, 552, 715–717
Synthetic databases, 682
Systemic change, 909
System layout modeling, 653
System LCAs, 907
System-level analysis, 886–887
System optimization, 653
Systems for energy conversion, storage and supply, See Energy supply systems


Tangential interference factor, 391
Taxation, 876–877, 974–975
Tax credit, 859–860, 876
aggregation over, 896, 897
appropriate, 876–879, 880
status of
batteries, 974
bioenergy conversion processes, 972
biogas, 972
biomass, 972
energy stores, 973–974
fuel cells, 974
geothermal energy, 973
hydrogen storage forms, 974
hydropower, 971
photovoltaic conversion, 973
wind power, 972, 972
Temperature distribution of heat demand, 679, 679f
Temperature gradients
in oceans, 291–292, 300
at polar ice, 147, 170, 172–173
in soil and air, 291–293
in A1B emission scenario, 920, 921f
in Atlantic Ocean, 120f, 121–123
in atmosphere, 80f, 81f
atmospheric aerosol content and global, 170
climatic history of trends in surface, 158f
in coupled ocean–atmosphere models, 134f
desert region ambient, 502
diurnal variations, 502, 502
Earth surface trends, 158f, 159, 160f
equilibrium distribution of, 145f
extreme, impacts of, 918
impacts of, 30–32
modeling, 204, 204
gradients in upper soil and air, 291–293, 292f
health impacts of changes in, 918–929
historical variations in, 158f, 159, 160f
impact of extreme, 918
in Indian Ocean, 121f
inlet, 729
mortality and daily maximum, 919–920, 919f, 920
observed, 143f
ocean adjustments of, 123
ocean gradients of, 120–121, 149
adjustments in, 123
gradients in, 120–121, 380
in Pacific Ocean, 122f
seasonal variations in, 182f
solar cell efficiency and operating, 451, 452, 452f
in joint ocean and atmosphere general circulation models, 134f
trends of, 158f, 159, 160f
variations by altitude, 80f, 81f
white Earth state and, 164–165, 164f
zonal mean, 108
Tensile strength, 605, 689
Terpenes, 546
Terrestrial Ecosystem Model (TEM), 708–713, 713, 713–714, 714
Tertiary period, 159
Thermal conductivity, 180–181, 296–297, 297, 581
Thermal decomposition, of water, 622
Thermal equilibrium, 46, 53, 442–443
Thermionic generator, 371–372
Thermionic generators, 371–372
Thermocouple, 368f
Thermodynamic cooling cycles, 504
Thermodynamic engine cycles, 365–368, 366f, 493–494, 494–495
Thermodynamic engines, 365–368, 378–379
Thermodynamic equilibrium, 50, 50
in Sun, 50, 50, 50–51, 53
Thermodynamic laws, 100, 187–188, 287, 365
Thermodynamic theory, 357–359
Thermoelectric generator, 368–370
Thermoelectric generators, 368–370, 368f
Thin-film solar cells, 455–456, 457f, 459–460
Thylakoids, 309–310, 310
Thyristor converters, 573
Tidal energy, 146, 283, 285, 421–424
power level associated with, 284–285, 285
utilization of, 285–286
Tidal power, 12, 17f, 149, 421–424, 424f
production, 285–286
Tidal range, 283–284, 283f, 285
Tidal waves, 124–125, 206, 206–207
modeling, 205–211
Tilt angle, 219–221
Time averaging, 101–102, 192–193
Time-dependent Hartree-Foch (TDHF), 467, 467–468
Time discretization, in simulation models, 679–680
Time duration curve, See Power duration curve
Time variable, 651–653
Tip losses, 394, 394–395
Tip-loss factor, 394–395
Tip-speed ratio, 394–395, 395f, 398f
Tip-vane, 417–418, 418
Tip-vanes, on wind turbine rotors, 417–418
Topography, 693f
aggregation over sites and, 896–897
Torque, 397–398, 399, 414
exerted on atmosphere, 105, 106f
Total assessment, 884
Tower absorbers, 489f
Tracking collectors, 488
Tracking systems of solar collectors, 488
Tradable emission permits, 969–970
Trade in renewable energy, 3–5, 771–772
Trade winds, 104–105
Trailing vortices, 394
Transitive equations of climate, 135, 135–136, 137–138
Transmission-absorption product, 477–478
Transmission intercontinental grid connections, 792f
of heat, 569–572
of power, 572–573
system aspects of, See Energy supply systems
Transmission losses, for heating lines, 570, 570, 570, 571, 571–572
Transmission networks, 651
Transmittance, 84f, 476–477
Transportation, 672
Transport equation, 49–54
Transport of energy, 569
Trapping of electrons, 458
Trophic levels of ecological system, 333–334
Tropical forests, 147
albedo of, 166
effects of removal, 167, 167f
Troposphere, particulate matter residence times in, 84–85
Tsunamis, 124
TTIP, 880
Tuning of wave energy converter, 430–431, 432
of air, 92
direct solar radiation dependence on, 222, 223, 223–224, 224f
Turbidity coefficient, 223
Turbines, 381, 407–408, 689, 703, 707–708, 942, 972
free-stream-flow, 382–385, 383f
wake wind speed and arrays of, 403–408
Turbulent convection, 191
Turbulent transport
See also Eddy diffusion parameter
of heat from Earth’s surface, 185–186
Twist, of airfoil, 394–395
Tyrosine, 319–321, 319f


Ultraviolet radiation, 80
absorption in atmosphere of, 87, 87f
Unanticipated event chains, 894–895
Uncertainty, in planning, 853
Underground cavities
adiabatic storage and, 614–618
aquifers as, 613, 618–620
compressed air storage in, 613, 613–614
hydrogen storage in, 620, 771, 825–826, 952
LCA for, 951t
stability of, 614
types of, 613, 613, 613, 613f
Underground transmission lines, 572, 573, 573
Undershot waterwheels, 422
Underwater transmission lines, 573
Unemployment, 858, 877
See also Employment
hidden, 875
Unidirectional materials, 610–611
United Nations
population studies, 661
year 2050 population projections, 921–922
Updraft gasifiers, 544, 544f
Uranium reserves, 152
Urbanization, 27–28, 160–161
climate modification and, 167
effect on climate, 167
Urban refuse, 523
Urea (CO(NH2)2), 155
U.S. wind atlas, 685–687
Utility buy-back schemes, 876
Utility system, electric, 572–573


Vacuums, in thermionic generators, 371
Valence band, 438
Value systems, 856
Variable-frequency wind energy converters, 420–421
Variance spectrum, of wind speed, 71, 192f
Vector-borne diseases, 930
Vegetation cover, 915
Vegetation zones, 915, 918
Velocity profile
for stable atmosphere, 248
for unstable and neutral atmospheres, 248
Ventilation, heat loss and, 727–729, 729
Ventilation, See Air exchange
Vertical axis wind turbines, 689–694, 696
Vertical transport
in atmosphere, 176–184
water, 179–180
in Earth–atmosphere boundary layer, 99–100
geothermal heat fluxes, 183
water and heat disposition in soils, 180–183
Vestas, 414
Virial theorem, 53–54
Viscosity, 93, 618–620
Viscous flow of water, 123–124
Volcanic activity, 161
Volcanic eruptions, particulate matter in atmosphere and, 84–85
von Karman’s constant, 184
Vortex systems, 419–420
Vorticity, 394, 419–420


Wake, 403–408
of wind turbines, restoration of wind profile in, 403–408
Wake streamlines, 419–420
Wake wind speed, 403–408
Walras equilibrium, 857, 857–858
Warm start, 753
Washout, 84
Waste heat, utilization of, 372, 597
needs in 2050 scenario, 669
thermal decomposition of, 622
Water cycle, 114–117
in joint ocean–atmosphere models, 126
man’s interference with, 149–152
run-off, 118f
schematic for, 118f
Water flows, See Currents, Hydropower
Water fluxes
across atmosphere-to-ocean/continent boundary, 114–115
latitude dependence of, 116f
northward transport, 117, 117f
Water heaters, solar, 474
Water heat storage, 577–580, 578f
Water mills, 25–26
Water potential in plants, 337–338
Water requirement for biomass production, 338
Water storage, 577–580
Water transport, vertical, in atmosphere, 179–180
Water turbines, 421–424, 422f, 423f
for pumped storage, 602–603, 604, 604
Water vapor
condensation in atmosphere, 180
heat distribution and, 190f
vertical transport of, 177
Waterwall incineration, 523–524
Waterwheels, 382
undershot, 422
Wave energy conversion, 426–434
oscillating-vane converter, 431–434
pneumatic converter, 428–431
tuning, 432
Wave motion, 123, 123–124, 123f, 124, 124f
energy flux associated with, 210
formation and dissipation of energy in, 209–210
Wave motion (in water), 207, 428
amplitude, 123–124
climatic impact of energy utilization, 157
dissipation of energy in, 209–210
energy presently stored in, 297
fetch limited, 276
formation by wind stress, 210–211
maximum amplitude of, 209f
power in, 210
tidal, See Tidal energy
zero crossing period of, 275
Wave power, 17f, 977
Waves, 265–286
capillary, 703
gravity, 207–208
modeling, 205–211
ocean, 274–279
satellite measurement of, 703
tidal, 206–207
Wave spectrum, 124, 275–279, 276f, 277f, 277f, 278f, 279f
Weak interaction, 44, 46
Westerlies, 104–105
Whitecaps, 180
formation on waves, 703
White Earth state, 163–166
Wind, 3, 5, 6t, 246–264
atlases of, 685–687, 688
in coupled ocean–atmosphere models, 133f
data on speeds, 250–254
directions of, 704–705, 708, 709f
flow over hills, 248–250
frequency distribution of, 254–255
geostrophic, 186
height scaling and distribution, 254–255
horizontal profile, 247–250
interference factors, 404–405
in joint ocean–atmosphere models, 128
kinetic energy of, 250, 255–256, 256f, 257f
non-uniform velocity of, 400–403, 401f, 404f
observed directions, 141f
observed speeds, 139f
ocean circulation and, 147, 210–211
offshore, 427–428, 428
power duration curves, 262–264
power in, 257–259, 258f, 259f
power variability, 259–264, 260f, 261f, 262f, 263f
propeller-type mechanical energy converters and speeds of, 395–396, 396–397, 397f, 397f
restoration of kinetic energy in, 403–404
satellite-based measurements of, 702, 703, 704–705, 705, 705–706, 706, 706
scale of atmospheric motion and, 101
speed data, 250–254, 251f
speed profiles, 249f, 251f, 252f, 253f, 254f, 255f
trade winds, 104–105
turbine productivity estimations from measurements of, 703, 703
variability of power in, 259–264
velocities, 247–255
velocity profiles, 248
wake speed of, 403–408
westerlies, 104–105
Wind energy, 3, 977, 980
See also Wind, power in
conversion of flows, 385–389
historical utilization, 23t
ocean waves, in climatic context, 282
at sea, 978–979
sustained rate of formation
commercial development, 694–695
system operating modes, 764–765, 764–765
base-load operation, 764
load-following operation, 764, 768, 770f
peak-following operation, 764
Wind energy conversion, 248, 420–421
arrays of converters, 420–421
augmenting devices, 768
blade-element theory, 401
cost evaluation, system without storage, 758f
cost evaluation, system with storage, 980
cross-wind converters, 410
delta wing and artificial tornado concepts, 419–420, 419f
ducted rotors, 415–417
electricity production, 517, 736–737
fuel production, 420–421
heat production, 420–421
meteorological forecasts, 753, 761–762
mixed systems without storage, 750–752
mixed systems with short-term storage, 763–765
multiple streamtube model of Darrieus rotor, 410–411, 411f
non-uniform wind conditions, 400–403
offshore foundation, 409, 410f
offshore output, 702–708
power duration curves, 262–264, 750, 750–752, 750f, 780f
power production, 685–708
propeller-type converters, 389–409
pumping, 421
streamtube models, 389–394, 410–411, 415
system with long-term storage, 771
tip-vane rotors, 417–418, 417
turbine output, hourly, 704–705, 705, 780f
wind field behind converter, 419–420
Wind energy converters
alternative devices, 418–421
augmenters and advanced converters, 414–415, 419f
basic descriptions of, 381–389
building integration of, 420
cross-wind and alternative concepts, 410–415
Darrieus-type, 410–414
ducted rotors, 415–417
floating offshore, 409
heat, electrical/mechanical power, and fuel generation, 420–421
model behavior of power output and matching to load, 394–400
multiple rotor configurations, 414
non-uniform wind velocity and, 400–403
offshore foundation issues for, 409, 410f, 427
propeller-type, 389–409
size limits, 408–409
variable-frequency, 420–421
vortex systems, 419–420
wind profile restoration in wake of, 403–408
Wind fields
non-laminar, 404–405
undisturbed, 405
in wake of rotors, 406f, 419–420
Wind-forecasting models, 761–762
Windmills, 25–26, 389
shaft power, 421
indirect gains through, 730–731
as passive solar heating, 472
solar cells in, 460
decisions to build, 706–707
economic breakdowns, 698–702, 701t
Wind power, 149
average production, year 2000, 12f
average production, year 2013, 13f
centralized, 688, 688–689, 692f
in China 2050 model, 825f
data for estimating, 685, 685–687
decentralized, 688, 689, 691f, 692f
East Asia potentials, 812, 814f
industry development, 689–702
in Mediterranean 2050 model, 788, 788–789, 789f, 789f, 790f, 791f, 796f
in North America 2060 scenario, 797–799, 799f, 800f
in northern Europe 2050 scenario, 778–780, 780f, 780f
LCA for, 942–944, 943t
locations, 688
North America average potentials for, 798f
advantages of, 708
economic breakdowns for, 698–702, 701t
estimating production, 702–708
Japan, Korean and Chinese coast potentials, 816f
power transmission issues, 573–575
potential for production of, 706–707, 707f, 708
production, 685–708
production cost, 15–16
production data, year 2000, 749f, 749f
status of technology, 972, 972
in supply scenarios, 685–708
system simulation, 746–765
fractional coverages in, 759, 759f
fuel-based back-up system regulation, 753–762, 754–757, 757–759
stochastic model, 759–761
study results, 765–771
wind-forecasting model for, 761–762
with long-term storage, 771
without energy storage, 750–752, 750f, 751f, 752f
with short-term storage, 763–765
Wind spectrum, 192f, 261
Wind-speed scaling factor, 703, 704–705, 705, 706
Wind stress, See Shearing stress
augmenters for, 414–415, 419f
design optimization, 698
development of, 689–694, 694–695, 695f, 696, 696f, 697
ducted rotors, 415–417
economic breakdown for, 698–702, 701t
efficiency curves for, 700f
floating offshore, 409
free-stream-flow, 382–385, 383f
horizontal axis, 689–694, 696
hub height, 688, 688–689, 698
locations and modeling production, 688
non-linear response, 392
onshore and offshore output comparison, 698, 699f
power coefficients for, 751f
power curves, 695–696, 697f, 750f, 752f
surface wind speeds in estimation of productivity of, 703, 703
vertical axis, 689–694, 696
wake wind speed and arrays of, 403–408
wind speed and efficiency of, 698, 698, 700f
Wings, 385
WKB method, 43–44
burning, 522, 522
charcoal conversion of, 523
stoves burning, 522–523, 523
usage, 29, 149
Wood-burning stoves and furnaces, 523
Wood energy, 522–523
Woodfuel, 14f
World economy, 33
World Health Organization, 904
World population
in 2013, 12f
A1B scenario projections, 921–922
distribution of, 28–29
density in 1994, 665f
density in 2050 scenario, 665f
stabilization of, 969
World Trade Organization, 33, 656, 879–880, 880


X-ray diffraction, 313


Yawing of wind energy device, 258–259
Yeast fermentation, 545


Zenith angle, 60–61, 61f, 219–221, 222, 223f, 231–232
Zero crossing period, 275, 278f
Zero interest rate, 861–862, 862
Zirconia, 516, 516
Zonal mean temperatures, 108
Zonal motion, 108
Zonal wind, 102, 104–105, 104f, 109–110, 112f
Zymomonas mobilis, 546
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