
Because SAS practitioners are software developers, too!

Within the body of SAS literature, an overwhelming focus on data quality eclipses software quality. Whether discussed in books, white papers, technical documentation, or even posted job descriptions, nearly all references to quality in relationship to SAS describe the quality of data or data products.

The focus on data quality and diversion from traditional software development priorities is not without reason. Data analytic development is software development but ultimate business value is delivered not through software products but rather through subsequent, derivative data products. In aligning quality only with data, however, data analytic development environments can place an overwhelming focus on software functional requirements to the detriment or exclusion of software performance requirements. When SAS literature does describe performance best practices, it typically demonstrates only how to make SAS software faster or more efficient while omitting other dimensions of software quality.

However, what about software reliability, scalability, security, maintainability, or modularity—or the host of other software quality characteristics? For all the SAS practitioners of the world—including developers, biostatisticians, econometricians, researchers, students, project managers, market analysts, data scientists, and others—this text demonstrates a model for software quality promulgated by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) to facilitate the evaluation and pursuit of software quality.

Through hundreds of Base SAS software examples and more than 4,000 lines of code, SAS practitioners will learn how to define, prioritize, implement, and measure 15 dimensions of software quality. Moreover, nontechnical stakeholders, including project managers, functional managers, customers, sponsors, and business analysts, will learn to recognize the value of quality inclusion and the commensurate risk of quality exclusion. With this more comprehensive view of quality, SAS software quality is finally placed on par with SAS data quality.

Why this text and the relentless pursuit of SAS software quality? Because SAS practitioners, regardless of job title, are inherently software developers, too, and should benefit from industry standards and best practices. Software quality can and should be allowed to flourish in any environment.


The primary goal is to describe and demonstrate SAS software development within the framework of the ISO software product quality model. The model defines characteristics of software quality codified within the Systems and software Quality Requirements and Evaluation (SQuaRE) series (ISO/IEC 25000:2014). Through the 15 intertwined dimensions of software quality presented in this text, readers will be equipped to understand, implement, evaluate, and, most importantly, value software quality.

A secondary goal is to demonstrate the role and importance of the software development life cycle (SDLC) in facilitating software quality. Thus, the dimensions of quality are presented as enduring principles that influence software planning, design, development, testing, validation, acceptance, deployment, operation, and maintenance. The SDLC is demonstrated in a requirements-based framework in which ultimate business need spawns technical requirements that drive the inclusion (or exclusion) of quality in software. Requirements initially provide the backbone of software design and ultimately the basis against which the quality of completed software is evaluated.

A tertiary goal is to demonstrate SAS software development within a risk management framework that identifies the threats of poor quality software to business value. Poor data quality is habitually highlighted in SAS literature as a threat to business value, but poor code quality can equally contribute to project failure. This text doesn't suggest that all dimensions of software quality should be incorporated in all software, but rather aims to formalize a structure through which threats and vulnerabilities can be identified and their ultimate risk to software calculated. Thus, performance requirements are most appropriately implemented when the benefits of their inclusion as well as the risks of their exclusion are understood.


Savvy SAS practitioners are the intended audience and represent the professionals who utilize the SAS application to write software in the Base SAS language. An advanced knowledge of Base SAS, including the SAS macro language, is recommended but not required.

Other stakeholders who will benefit from this text include project sponsors, customers, managers, Agile facilitators, ScrumMasters, software testers, and anyone with a desire to understand or improve software performance. Nontechnical stakeholders may have limited knowledge of the SAS language, or software development in general, yet nevertheless generate requirements that drive software projects. These stakeholders will benefit through the introduction of quality characteristics that should be used to define software requirements and evaluate software performance.


The ISO software product quality model is agnostic to industry, team size, organizational structure (e.g., functional, projectized, matrix), development methodology (e.g., Agile, Scrum, Lean, Extreme Programming, Waterfall), and developer role (e.g., developer, end-user developer). The student researcher working on a SAS client machine will gain as much insight from this text as a team of developers working in a highly structured environment with separate development, test, and production servers.

While the majority of Base SAS code demonstrated is portable between SAS interfaces and environments, some input/output (I/O) and other system functions, options, and parameters are OS- or interface-specific. Code examples in this text have been tested in the SAS Display Manager for Windows, SAS Enterprise Guide for Windows, and the SAS University Edition. Functional differences among these applications are highlighted throughout the text, and discussed in chapter 10, “Portability.”

While this text includes hundreds of examples of SAS code that demonstrate the successful implementation and evaluation of quality characteristics, it differs from other SAS literature in that it doesn't represent a compendia of SAS software best practices, but rather the application of SAS code to support the software product quality model within the SDLC. Therefore, code examples demonstrate software performance rather than functionality.


Most software texts are organized around functionality—either a top-down approach in which a functional objective is stated and various methods to achieve that goal are demonstrated, or a bottom-up approach in which uses and caveats of a specific SAS function, procedure, or statement are explored. Because this text follows the ISO software product quality model and focuses on performance rather than functionality, it eschews the conventional organization of functionality-driven SAS literature. Instead, 15 chapters highlight a dynamic or static performance characteristic—a single dimension of software quality. Code examples often build incrementally throughout each chapter as quality objectives are identified and achieved, and related quality characteristics are highlighted for future reference and reading.

The text is divided into two parts comprising 18 total chapters:

  1. Overview Three chapters introduce the concept of quality, the ISO software product quality model, the SDLC, risk management, Agile and Waterfall development methodologies, exception handling, and other information and terms central to the text. Even to the reader who is anxious to reach the more technically substantive performance chapters, Chapters 1, “Introduction,” and 2, “Quality,” should be skimmed to gleam the context of software quality within data analytic development environments.
  2. Part I. Dynamic Performance These nine chapters introduce dynamic performance requirements—software quality attributes that are demonstrated, measured, and validated through software execution. For example, software efficiency can be demonstrated by running code and measuring run time and system resources such as CPU and memory usage. Chapters include “Reliability,” “Recoverability,” “Robustness,” “Execution Efficiency,” “Efficiency,” “Scalability,” “Portability,” “Security,” and “Automation.”
  3. Part II. Static Performance These six chapters introduce static performance requirements—software quality attributes that are assessed through code inspection rather than execution. For example, the extent to which software is modularized cannot be determined until the code is opened and inspected, either through manual review or automated test software. Chapters include “Maintainability,” “Modularity,” “Readability,” “Testability,” “Stability,” and “Reusability.”

Text formatting constructs are standardized to facilitate SAS code readability. Formatting is not intended to demonstrate best practices but rather standardization. All code samples are presented in lowercase, but the following conventions are used where code is referenced within the text:

  • SAS libraries are capitalized, such as the WORK library, or the PERM.Burrito data set within the PERM library.
  • SAS data sets appear in sentence case, such as the Chimichanga data set or the WORK.Tacos_are_forever data set.
  • SAS reserved words—including statements, functions, and procedure names—are capitalized, such as the UPCASE function or the MEANS procedure.
  • The DATA step is always capitalized, such as the DATA step can be deleted if the SQL procedure is implemented.
  • Variables used within the DATA step or SAS procedures are capitalized, such as the variable CHAR1 is missing.
  • SAS user-defined formats are capitalized, such as the MONTHS format.
  • SAS macros are capitalized and preceded with a percent sign, such as the %LOCKITDOWN macro prevents file access collisions.
  • SAS macro variables are capitalized, such as the &DSN macro variable is commonly defined to represent the data set name.
  • SAS parameters that are passed to macros are capitalized, such as the DSN parameter in the %GOBIG macro invocation.
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