Creating a survey

The ACT! E-marketing module contains the ability to create surveys. You’re probably already familiar with traditional surveys that poll your contacts for their preferences. For example, you might want to find out your customer’s preferred method of contact or their product color preference. Once you’ve transmitted a survey you can view the survey statics or request that they be sent to you in an Excel spreadsheet.

How to do it...

  1. In ACT! click the Write menu, point to Sage E-marketing for ACT!, and then choose Survey/Web Forms. The Sage E-Marketing for ACT! dialog window opens on the Survey tab.
  2. Click Survey Editor. The Swiftpage Survey screen opens like the one you see in the following screenshot:
    How to do it...
  3. Click Survey Management and then click New.
  4. Give your new survey a name.
  5. Select an existing survey from the Copy Questions From dropdown (optional).
  6. Click the Submit button to return to the main survey window.
  7. Click Survey Design and then choose Add Questions.
  8. Fill in a survey question in the Enter the question that you want to ask field and indicate the type of answer you want. The following image shows you how to add a new question:
    How to do it...
  9. Click Submit.
  10. Depending on the type of question you selected in Step 8 above you will be asked to provide question responses (optional). Fill in your answer(s) and click Submit.
  11. Repeat steps 8-10 to add additional questions to your survey (optional).
  12. Click Edit to change the order of questions or to edit or delete a question.
  13. Click Title and Instructions to add these items to your survey.
  14. Click Background Page if you have a Pro and Team level accounts to change the background and text color or to change the font and then click Submit to save your changes (optional).
  15. Click Preview to preview your survey (optional).
  16. Click Survey Management to return to the Survey Management page.
  17. Copy the Survey Link if youd like to place a hyperlink to your survey on your website or in a template (optional).
  18. Click Short Link if youd like to create a shortened form of the survey link (optional).

How it works...

Your contacts can now access your survey by clicking on the web link you provide them.

To see the compiled survey information click Sage E-marketing for ACT!, point to E-mail marketing, and click the Survey tab which will look similar to the following screenshot:

How it works...

From there you’ll select a survey and click Save Survey Results to file to receive an Excel spreadsheet showing individual responses for each participant as well as a compilation for each question.

Once you get familiar with surveys you’ll find that you can use them in a variety of ways. You might use them to guage the success of your webinars; alternatively you might use them to see how well your customers like your new product line or to poll them for their opinion about an upcoming conference.

There’s more...

Once your survey is set up, you can put the survey into an E-marketing template or include it on your website.

There are two ways to put a survey in your template: you can link it to text or link it to an image.

To link your survey to text, create a template and include a phrase that you want to link to a survey. For example, you might include the words Click here to take the survey. Then choose Text Options from the Content Editor and click Link to Survey. In the white box on the left-hand side of the screen, type the words exactly as they appear in the template so in the example above you’d type Click here to take the survey. Select your survey from the dropdown list, and click Submit. Your survey will now be linked to the specified text.

To link a survey to an image, add the image you want linked to your survey into a template. Then select the window your image is in, click on Content Editor and choose Image Options and then pick Link to Survey / Web. Select Link to Survey and then choose the name of the survey from the drop-down list and click Submit.

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