
Aboriginal(s), Canadian urban, health care services of, 165-179. See also Canadian urban

Aboriginal persons, health care services of

Abramson, M., 345

Accepting responsibilities, as coping mechanism, 34

Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS)/HIV. See HIV/AIDS

Active disengagement, in study of participation and citizenship of elderly in Finland, 197-198

Activity(ies), mental health and, relationship between, 387

Acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL), 109

Adaikalam, 53

Adams, D.W., 132

Adolescent(s), troubled

motivation of, music as therapy tool in, 361-373. See also Music, as therapy tool to motivate troubled adolescents

therapy sessions for, difficulties in, 362-363

Advocate(s), for participation and citizenship of elderly in Finland, 198-201


as factor in cystic fibrosis, 415-433. See also Cystic fibrosis, after age 20

as factor in rehabilitated WSMI women, 55-56, 57f

Aged. See also Elderly

in social service system in Finland, citizenship of, 184-186

Aid, mutual, described, 293

Alberta Health, 169

Aldridge, J., 153

ALL. See Acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL)

Allen, I., 268

American Psychiatric Association (APA), 233, 239, 269

Analysis of variance (ANOVA), 41

ANOVA. See Analysis of variance (ANOVA)

APA. See American Psychiatric Association (APA)

Arce, 213

Athens, L., 448


in HIV/AIDS prevention, 408-409, 409t

in study of health care services of Canadian urban Aboriginal persons, 173

Attitude scale, in HIV/AIDS prevention, 404

Australia, fatherhood in, 67-88

Avoidance, as coping mechanism, 34

Awareness of death, adult diagnosis of cystic fibrosis and, 422-423, 422t

Ayim, M., 242

Babbie, E., 440

Badger, D., 379, 389

Baldock, J., 201

Bangladeshi(s), in Britain, 12-13

Bangladeshi community, 12-13

Banyan experience, 49-65. See also Wandering seriously mentally ill (WSMI) women, rehabilitation of Barbarin, O.A., 131

Barn, R., 11

Barnes, C., 99

Basham, K., 263

Bayfield, D., 168

Beardy, M., 168

Becker, D., 270

Becker, S., 153

Behavior(s), sexual, in HIV/AIDS prevention, 411-412, 413t

Behavior therapy, dialectical, 265

Belcher, J.R., 212

Belief(s), health, of culturally diverse families, 253f, 254-255, 259f

Bell, 311

Belliappe, J., 15, 18

Belluck, F., 430

Benezeval, 19

Berger, C.S., 289

Berman, Y., 184, 186

Bertmar, A., 101

Bharat, S., 32

Bhatti, R.S., 29

Biddulph, S., 77

Biopsychosocial assessment, of childhood trauma, 273-274, 274f

Blackmun, U.S. Supreme Court Justice, 450

Blair, T., 378

Blatt, B., 348

Blyth, E., 153

Bolzan, N., 67

Bourne, I., 293

Bowler, I., 16

Briar, K.H., 212

Bridge, G., 89


Bangladeshis in, 12-13

minority ethnic women in, ethnicity, gender, and social class effects on health of, 11-27. See also Health, ethnicity, gender, and social class effects on, of minority ethnic women in Britain

British Department of Health, 311

Brown, A., 293

Brown, C., 116

Brown, D.G., 430

Brown, E., 131

Brugha, T.S., 377

Brunel University, 310, 319

Byrne, 319

Camara, D.H., 344

Campbell, L., 321

Canada College, 238

Canada Health and Social Transfer Act, 166

Canada Heath Act (CHA), 166, 167

Canadian Health Care System, 166-167

Canadian urban Aboriginal persons, health care services of, 165-179

context of, 167-168

introduction to, 166-168

study of

attitudes in, 173

changes recommended by, 175

discussion of, 175-176

health care settings in, 174

knowledge in, 171-172

literature review of, 168-170

method in, 170-171

problematic services/programs in, 173-174

recommendations from, 177-178

results of, 171-175

skills in, 172-173

values in, 173


in children

diagnosis of, long-term psychosocial effects on children and their families, 129-149. See also Cancer, diagnosis of, long-term psychosocial effects on children and their families

parents as advocates for, 107-127

academic and professional literature related to, 108

described, 118-121

study of

data analysis in, 112-113

data collection in, 111-112

discussion of, 121-125

introduction to, 108-109

methodology in, 109-112

problems at diagnosis in, 113-116

sample in, 109-110

words of parents, 108

treatment of, mistakes, carelessness, and unkindness during, 116-118

diagnosis of

long-term psychosocial effects on children and their

families, 129-149

introduction to, 130-132

study of

adequacy of information received from, 139

anticipations for future from, 144

COPE Scale in, 135, 136t

discussion of, 145-147, 146t

effects of illness on siblings from, 143-144

General Health Questionnaire in, 137

impact on family relationships, 141

impact on parents and marital relationship, 141-142

memories of diagnosis in, 138-139

perceived changes in child from, 142-143

qualitative results from, 137-145, 138t

quantitative findings from, 135-137, 136t

research design, 132-134

results of, 134-145, 136t, 138t

sources of support in, 140-141

treatment experiences in, 139-140

wishes of, 144-145

Capital punishment

debate about, 436

social workers role related to, 435-453

Caregiver(s), medical, adult with cystic fibrosis interaction with, 428-429

Caregiving, of HIV seropositive wives of men with HIV/AIDS, 39-40

Carey, M., 371

Carlton, T.O., 292

Cavatina, 367

CDC. See Centers for Disease Control (CDC)

Centers for Disease Control (CDC), 30

Central Federation of Child Welfare, 154

CFIs. See Child Functioning Inventories (CFIs)

CFI-Snr Prim. See also Child Functioning Inventory for Senior Primary School Children (CFI-Snr Prim)

CHA. See Canada Heath Act (CHA)

Chandler, J., 339

Change(s), adult diagnosis of cystic fibrosis and, 422t, 423

Chaos and complexity theory, 291-292

Charlie Brown, 116

Chernobyl nuclear disaster, 91, 96, 99

Chesler, M., 132

Child Functioning Inventories (CFIs), 366

Child Functioning Inventory for Senior Primary School Children (CFI-Snr Prim), 365, 366, 372

Child protection

concerns related to, in study of social work responses to children living with parental mental illness, 313-316, 315t

parental mental illness and, 316-319

Child Protection Services, 311

Child Protective Services, 271

Child Support Agency, 70

Child Support Scheme, 70

Child welfare, mental health and, partnership between, 309-324. See also Parental mental illness, children living with, social work responses to

Childcan, 109

Childhood trauma

defined, 268-272

demographic data related to, 271-272

demographics of, 268-272

terminology related to, 268-272

transforming legacies of

biopsychosocial assessment in, 273-274, 274f

countertransference in, 275-276

in couple and family therapy, 263-285

clinical vignette of, 272-278, 274f

consolidation of new perspectives in, 280f, 281

evaluation of, case example, 282

introduction to, 264-265

phase-oriented couple therapy practice model, 278-281, 280f

rationale for, 265-268

reflection on trauma narratives in, 280-281, 280f

developmental histories in, 273

individual factors in, 277-278

interactional factors in, 276-277

sociocultural factors in, 274

use of self in, 275-276


cancer in

long-term psychosocial effects of, 129-149. See also Cancer, diagnosis of, long-term psychosocial effects on children and their families

parents as advocates for, 107-127. See also Cancer, in children, parents as advocates for disabled

families caring for, 89-105

at home, health and mental health issues for. See also Ukraine, disabled children and their families in

families of, in Ukraine, 89-105. See also Ukraine, disabled children and their families in

family-related issues involving, 89-105. See also Ukraine, families of disabled children in

in Ukraine

day care for, 100-101

during period of transition from communism, 95-100

of HIV seropositive wives of men with HIV/AIDS, 36-37

of mentally ill parents, 151-163. See also Mentally ill parents, children of

Children and Young Person’s Act (Victoria) 1989, 314t

Children’s Loneliness Questionnaire, 134

Children’s Outpatient Center, 119

Chittoor District of Andhra Pradesh, 399

Chronic illness, experience of, 418-419

Cincotta, N., 130

Citizenship, of aged in social service system in Finland, 184-186

described, 184-185

Clarke, J.N., 107

Clinton, Pres. B., 378

CMHAs. See Community Mental Health Agencies (CMHAs)

CMHTs. See Community mental health teams (CMHTs)

Code of Ethics, of NASW, 250, 345

Cole, D., 168

Collectivism, Soviet, 95

Communism, disability in Soviet Union during, 92-95


Bangladeshi, 12-13

length of time in, of culturally diverse families, 253, 253f, 259f

role in caring for disabled children in Ukraine during period of transition from communism, 95-98

Community Mental Health Agencies (CMHAs), 245

Community mental health teams (CMHTs), 332, 333, 334, 335, 336

Competence, cultural, in psychosocial and psychiatric care, 231-247. See also Cultural competence, in psychosocial and psychiatric care

Condom(s), in HIV/AIDS prevention, 409-411, 410t, 412t

Confidence, music therapy in, 386

Confrontive coping, 34

Congress, E.P., 249, 259

Conrad, P., 418, 429

Conroy, 311

“Considerations for Sociocultural Diversity,” 233-234

Contacting, in study of participation and citizenship of elderly in Finland, 194

Cook, D.S., 348

Cooperating, in study of participation and citizenship of elderly in Finland, 194-195

Coordinating group, 297

COPE Scale, 133, 135, 136t, 146


by children of mentally ill parents, 160-161

confrontive, 34

patterns of, 34

of HIV seropositive wives of men with HIV/AIDS, 41

Coping patterns, of HIV seropositive wives of men with HIV/AIDS, 29-47. See also HIV/AIDS, HIV seropositive wives of men with, psychosocial problems and coping patterns of

Coping Scale, 34

Council on Social Work Education, 250

Counseling, in HIV/AIDS prevention, 407

Counseling Clinics in Bangalore, 29

Countertransference, in transforming legacies of childhood trauma, 275-276

Couple therapy practice model, phase-oriented, in transforming legacies of childhood trauma, 278-281, 280f

Couple/family therapy, transforming legacies of childhood trauma in, 263-285. See also Childhood trauma, transforming legacies of, in couple and family therapy

Crisis events, of culturally diverse families, 253f, 255, 259f

Culpitt, I., 184

Culturagram, in promoting cultural competent practice in health care settings, 249-262. See also Cultural diversity, cultural and ethical issues in working with patients and their families

described, 251-260, 253f, 259f

Cultural competence

components of, necessary, 234-239

concepts of, implementation of, 244-246

cultural knowledge and sensitivity on biological level in, 235-236

cultural knowledge on psychological level in, 236-238

as economic issue, 243-244

as human rights issue, 242-243

language capacities in, 235

as professional qualification, 232-233

in psychosocial and psychiatric care, 231-247

definitions of, 233-234

experiences of racism, discrimination, and White skin privilege in interaction of therapists and patients, 239-242

self-reflection in, 238-239

social knowledge in, 238-239

Cultural competent practice

in cultural diversity, promotion of, Culturagram in, 249-262. See also Culturagram, in promoting cultural competent practice in health care settings

cultural diversity and, 250-251

Cultural diversity

cultural and ethical issues in working with patients and their families, 249-262. See also Culturagram, in promoting cultural competent practice in health care settings

crisis events, 253f, 255, 259f

cultural institutions, 253f, 256, 259f

education values, 253f, 256, 259f

family values, 256-259, 259f

health beliefs, 253f, 254-255, 259f

holidays, 253f, 255-256, 259f

implications of, 259-260

introduction to, 250

language issues, 253f, 254, 259f

legal status, 253, 253f, 259f

length of time in community, 253, 253f, 259f

religious institutions, 253f, 256, 259f

relocation issues, 252, 253f, 259f

special events, 253f, 255-256, 259f

and cultural competent practice, 250-251

Cultural institutions, culturally diverse persons contact with, 253f, 256, 259f

Cultural issues, in working with culturally diverse patients and their families, 249-262. See also Cultural diversity, cultural and ethical issues in working with patients and their families

Cultural knowledge

in cultural competence, 235-236

on psychological level, in cultural competence, 236-238

Cultural relativity, of PTSD, 269-271

Cultural sensitivity, in cultural competence, 235-236

Culture, defined, 22, 50

Culture Free Self Esteem Inventory, 134

Cystic fibrosis

in adults, literature review of, 417-418

after age 20, 415-433

experience of, 418-419

implications for social work, 430-431

literature review of, 417-418

prevalence of, 416

study of

data analysis in, 420-421

discussion of, 429-430

findings in, 422-429, 422t

interview process in, 420

method in, 419-421

participants in, 421

sampling plan in, 419-420

themes in, 422-429, 422t

awareness of death, 422-423, 422t

changes, 422t, 423

cross-case, 422-426, 422t

differences, 422t, 423-424

distractions, 422t, 424

exercise, 427-428

family indifference, 422t, 424-425

fear of rejection, 427

gender-related, 426-427

illness severity–related, 427-428

interactions with medical caregivers–related, 428-429

intrusion, 422t, 425

isolation, 422t, 425

normalization, 422t, 425-426

probability of early death, 427

self-pity, 427

sterility, 426-427

time, 422t, 426

uncertainty, 422t, 426

described, 416-417

late diagnosis in, literature review of, 417

Dalquist, L., 131

Davies, J.M., 290

Day care, for disabled children in Ukraine, 100-101


awareness of, adult diagnosis of cystic fibrosis and, 422-423, 422t

early, probability of, adult diagnosis of cystic fibrosis and, 427

Definition of Social Work, 102

De-institutionalization, of mental homeless people, 212-213

Demanding, in study of participation and citizenship of elderly in Finland, 195-197

Democracy, described, 292

Denzin, N.K., 440

Department for Education, 97

Department for International Development (DFID), 102

Department of Health, 244

Department of Social Policy and Social Work, in University College, Dublin, Ireland, 130

Department of Social Protection, 100

Department of Social Security, 70

Deveau, E.J., 132

Developmental histories, of childhood trauma, 273

Dewees, M., 343

DFID (Department for International Development), 102

Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (4th ed.) (DSM-IV), 108, 123, 269, 350

Dialectical behavior therapy, 265

Dietz, C., 348

Difference(s), adult diagnosis of cystic fibrosis and, 422t, 423-424

Disability(ies), in Soviet Union during communism, 92-95

Disabled children

families caring for, at home, health and mental health issues for, 89-105. See also Ukraine, disabled children in; Ukraine, families of disabled children in families of, in Ukraine, 89-105. See also Ukraine, disabled children in; Ukraine,

families of disabled children in family-related issues involving, 89-105. See also Ukraine, families of disabled children in in Ukraine

day care for, 100-101

during period of transition from communism, 95-100

Disclosure, social support stigma and, HIV seropositive wives of men with HIV/AIDS and, 38-39

Discourse, in constructing fathers in Australia, 69-72

“Discovering Myself,” 365

Discrimination, in therapist/patient interaction, 239-242


active, in study of participation and citizenship of elderly in Finland, 197-198

passive, in study of participation and citizenship of elderly in Finland, 193-194

Distancing, as coping mechanism, 34

Distraction(s), adult diagnosis of cystic fibrosis and, 422t, 424

Diversity, cultural, cultural and ethical issues in working with patients and their families, 249-262. See also Cultural diversity, cultural and ethical issues in working with patients and their families

Diversity in Medicine project, 251

Dohrenwend, 57

Down’s syndrome, 100

DSM-IV. See Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (4th ed.) (DSM-IV)

Dudley, M., 67

Duncan, 62, 63

Dunn, B., 152, 158, 162

Duration of stay, of rehabilitated WSMI women, 58, 59t, 60t

Eastern European education, 98

Economic issue(s), cultural competence as, 243-244

Economic status, of rehabilitated WSMI women, 57-58


Eastern European, 98

role in caring for disabled children in Ukraine during period of transition from communism, 98

social work, in Ukraine, 102-103

values about, of culturally diverse families, 253f, 256, 259f

Education Department, in Ukraine, 101-102

Educational status, of rehabilitated WSMI women, 56-57

Eiser, C., 132


participation and citizenship of, user experiences in Finland, 181-207

advocates for, 198-201

study of

active disengagement in, 197-198

activity of friends or relatives in, 189-191

advocates in, 198-201

contacting in, 194

cooperation in, 194-195

data from, 186-188

demanding in, 195-197

described, 191-192

disagreement with, 192-193

discussion of, 201-203

dissatisfactory initiation in, 192-193

historical background of, 188-193

method in, 186-188

need for help in, 188-189

negotiation in, 194-195

participation in, 193-198

passive disengagement in, 193-194

personal initiative in, 188-189

in social service system in Finland, citizenship of, 184-186

EMDR. See Eye movement desensitization reprocessing (EMDR)

Emotion(s), of HIV seropositive wives of men with HIV/AIDS, 40-41

Empowerment, in postmodern social work, 351-352

Ephross, P.H., 293

Ervast, S-A, 151

Escape, as coping mechanism, 34

Ethical issues, in working with culturally diverse patients and their families, 249-262. See also Cultural diversity, cultural and ethical issues in working with patients and their families

“Ethnic discrimination and psychic illness,” 239


effects on health of minority ethnic women in Britain, 11-27. See also Health, ethnicity, gender, and social class effects on, of minority ethnic women in Britain

health and, 15-19

Ethnographic assessment, in postmodern social work, 349-350

Exercise, importance of, adult diagnosis of cystic fibrosis and, 427-428

Eye movement desensitization reprocessing (EMDR), 265

Falck, H.S., 292

Falkov, A., 314, 321

Families for Children with Cancer, 109


of children with cancer, long-term psychosocial effects of, 129-149. See also Cancer, diagnosis of, long-term psychosocial effects on children and their families

culturally diverse, cultural and ethical issues in working with, 249-262. See also Cultural diversity, cultural and ethical issues in working with patients and their families of disabled children, in Ukraine, 89-105. See also Ukraine, disabled children in; Ukraine, families of disabled children in

Family indifference, adult diagnosis of cystic fibrosis and, 422t, 424-425

Family relationships, study of long-term psychosocial effects of cancer on children and their families effects on, 141

Family values, of culturally diverse families, 256-259, 259f

Family-centered postmodern social work, 346-347

Family/couple therapy, transforming legacies of childhood trauma in, 263-285. See also Childhood trauma, transforming legacies of, in couple and family therapy

Fandetti, 259

Farishta, 16

Farkus, C., 169

Farrington, D.P., 445

Father(s). See also Fatherhood

in Australia, discourses constructing, 69-72

as located in social context, 70-71

men’s contribution as, 70

who attempted to combine new fatherhood and traditional narratives, 78-82

who could pursue the new fatherhood, 76-78

Fatherhood, 67-88. See also Father(s)

in Australia, 67-88

as fluid and negotiated, 71-72

study of

methodology in, 72-73

results of, 73-84

those who did not appear to engage with, 83-84

traditional fatherhood, 82-83

described, 68-69


fathers who could pursue, 76-78

traditional narratives and, fathers who attempted to combine, 78-82

requirements of, 68

traditional, in Australia, 82-83

“Fear of Breakdown,” 220

Fear of rejection, adult diagnosis of cystic fibrosis and, 427

Felce, D., 377

Fibrosis(es), cystic. See Cystic fibrosis

Figley, C., 268

Films, in HIV/AIDS prevention, 406-407

Finance(s), in study of HIV seropositive wives of men with HIV/AIDS, 35-36

Finding Strength: A Mother and Daughter's Story of Childhood Cancer, 109

Finkelstein, V., 99


elderly persons in, participation and citizenship of, 181-207. See also Elderly, participation and citizenship of, user experiences in Finland

health care in, 182-187

social service system in, 182-187

citizenship of aged in, 184-186

First International Conference of Social Work in Paris, 93

“Fitting Fathers into Families,” 72

Fletcher, P., 107


Folk media, in HIV/AIDS prevention, 407

Folkman, S., 34

Fong, R., 168

Four-point Likert scale, 34

“Freaks,” 211

Fuller, R., 379

Gagnon, Y., 169

Gale, F., 67

Gangakhedkar, R.R., 30

Gargarino, J., 450, 451

Gelkopf, M., 209


adult diagnosis of cystic fibrosis and, 426-427

effects on health of minority ethnic women in Britain, 11-27. See also Health, ethnicity, gender, and social class effects on, of minority ethnic women in Britain

health and, 14-15

Gender-sensitive services, women’s and men’s needs as challenge for, 3-5

General Health Questionnaire, 133, 137

Gibbons, 311

Gilligan, J., 437

Gillman, R.R., 31

Globalisation, described, 7-10

Globerman, J., 290

Goldberg, M., 260

Goldner, 259

Gopikumar, V., 53

Great Famine of 1933, 96

Green Agenda, 390

“Green” land-based project, establishment of, rationale for, 378-379

Group discussions, in HIV/AIDS prevention, 407

Group supervision, in building a professional collective of hospital social workers, 293

Group work, social, 287-307. See also Hospital social workers, building a professional collective of

Hackl, K.L., 32

Harrington-Mackin, D., 334

Harry, B., 348

Hatter, R., 241

Hauser, 62, 63

Havermans, T., 132


ethnicity, gender, and social class effects on, of minority ethnic women in Britain, 11-27

holistic perspective of, 21-23

study of

conceptualising physical and mental health in, 13-21

described, 13

introduction to, 12

ethnicity and, 15-19

gender and, 14-15


child welfare and, partnership between, 309-324. See also Parental mental illness, children living with, social work responses to

of minority ethnic women in Britain, conceptualisation of, 13-21

physical, of minority ethnic women in Britain, conceptualisation of, 13-21

socio-economic status and, 19-21

Health beliefs, of culturally diverse families, 253f, 254-255, 259f

Health care

changes in, effects on hospital social work, 288-290

in Finland, 182-184

Health care services, of Canadian urban Aboriginal persons, 165-179. See also Canadian urban Aboriginal persons, health care services of

Health care settings

cultural competent practice in, promotion of, Culturagram in, 249-262. See also Culturagram, in promoting cultural competent practice in health care settings

in study of health care services of Canadian urban Aboriginal persons, 174

Health Departments, in Ukraine, 101-102

Health maintenance organizations (HMOs), 303

Health Trust, 380, 381t

Health-related issues, for families caring for disabled children at home in Ukraine, 89-105. See also Ukraine, disabled children in; Ukraine, families of disabled children in

Heffernan, S., 131

Herbert, M., 165, 290

Herman, J., 268

Hidden Children Hard Words, 322

Higgs, P., 185

HIV. See HIV/AIDS; Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)

HIV seropositive wives, of men with HIV/AIDS, psychosocial problems and coping patterns of, 29-47. See also HIV/AIDS, HIV seropositive wives of men with, psychosocial problems and coping patterns of

HIV seropositivity, described, 30


HIV seropositive wives of men with

caregiving by, 39-40

children of, 36-37

coping patterns of, 41

disclosure and social support stigma, 38-39

emotions of, 40-41

marital relationship of, 37-38

psychosocial problems and

coping patterns of, 29-47

study of

discussion of, 41-44

finances in, 35-36

findings in, 35-41

method in, 33-34

recommendations related to, 44-45

sample characteristics in, 34-35

quality of life of, 40

receiving by, 39-40

research related to, 31-33

prevention of

attitudes in, 408-409, 409t

condoms in, 409-411, 410t, 412t

counseling in, 407

films in, 406-407

folk media in, 407

group discussions in, 407

knowledge in, 407-408

literature review of, 401-402

programme interventions in, 406-407

sexual behavior in, 411-412, 413t

social vaccine in

introduction to, 400-401

study on truck drivers in South India, 399-414

social workers in, roles of, 405-406

study of

attitude scale, 404

data collection, 405-406

described, 402

interview schedule, 404-405

knowledge test in, 403-404

locale of, 403

materials in, 403

methods in, 403

sample size in, 403

tools developed in, 403-405

HMOs. See Health maintenance organizations (HMOs)

Ho, M.K., 250

Ho, W., 299

Hodscha, 237

Hoff, M.D., 212

Holiday(s), of culturally diverse families, 253f, 255-256, 259f


mental, 209-233. See also Mental homelessness

mental illness and, 209-223. See also Mental homelessness

Hospital social work, health care changes effects on, 288-290

Hospital social workers, building a professional collective of, 287-307

conflicts for social work, 290-291

discussion of, 302-304

group model

background of, 294-295

chaos and complexity theory, 291-292

client satisfaction with, 301-302

comparison with program management, 300

coordinating group, 297

described, 294-302, 299f

drawbacks of, 301

effectiveness of, 298-302

evolution of, 294-295

feedback from other disciplines, 302

group supervision in, 293

patient care benefits of, 300

peer management groups, 295-296

perceptions of social work in, 301

quality assurance sample in, qualitative analysis of, 300-301

satisfaction with, 301

social group work theory, 292-293

staff retention in, 299-300

support for, 301

theoretical basis for, 291-293

total staff groups, 298

types of, 295-298

social group work collective creating safety net for staff, 298, 299f

House, J.S., 377

Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)/AIDS. See HIV/AIDS

Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection

in India, prevalence of, 30

MCT of, 400

STDs and, 402

Human rights issue(s), cultural competence as, 242-243

Hunter, D.J., 289

Huupponen, M., 151

Hydrotherapy, 99

Icarus Project, 319

IEC programmes. See Information, education and communication (IEC) programmes

IFSW. See International Federation of Social Workers (IFSW)

Illness, severity of, adult diagnosis of cystic fibrosis and, 427-428

India, HIV in, prevalence of, 30

Indian Act of Canada, 166

Indian Health Services, 170

Indian Lunacy Act, 53

Indifference, family, adult diagnosis of cystic fibrosis and, 422t, 424-425

Information, education and communication (IEC) programmes, 412, 413

Institutes for Physiotherapy and Orthopaedics in Leningrad and Moscow, 99

Institutionalization, of mental homeless people, 212-213

Instituto Familiar de la Raza, 238

Interactional factors, in transforming legacies of childhood trauma, 276-277

Interdisciplinary contexts, postmodern social work in, 343-360. See also Postmodern social work, in interdisciplinary contexts

International Conference of Social Workers, 4

International Conference on Social Work in Health and Mental Health, 3

International Federation of Social Workers (IFSW), 102

International Year of the Disabled 1981, 93

Interview schedule, in HIV/AIDS prevention, 404-405

Intrusion, adult diagnosis of cystic fibrosis and, 422t, 425

Iraq War, 264

Isolation, adult diagnosis of cystic fibrosis and, 422t, 425

Jayakumar, V., 53

Jinn, 16

Johnson, N., 168

Jordan, B., 184

Joseph, E.B., 29

Kalyanpur, M., 348

Karmi, G., 21-22

Keen, A.W., 361

Keeping Kidz in Mind, 322

Kendall, J., 96

Kennedy, Pres. J.F., 211

“Keys to Engagement,” 377

Khanum, S.M., 18

Kiev Mohyla Academy (KMA), 92, 97, 102

KMA. See Kiev Mohyla Academy (KMA)

Knapp, M., 96

Knighton, K., 212



in cultural competence, 235-236

on psychological level, in cultural competence, 236-238

in HIV/AIDS prevention, 407-408

social, in cultural competence, 238-239

in study of health care services of Canadian urban Aboriginal persons, 171-172

Knowledge test, in HIV/AIDS prevention, 403-404

Koch, D.F., 237

Kodesh, A., 209

Kohut, H., 220

Krieg, K., 430

Kröger, T., 3, 227

Kupst, M., 130-131

Kuts, S., 94, 96, 101

Lange, P., 168

Language capacities, in cultural competence, 235

Language issues, of culturally diverse families, 253f, 254, 259f

Laski, H.J., 292

Lawson, W.B., 236

Lazarus, R.S., 34

Leadership, effective user involvement and, 332-339, 333f

Leadership Centre, 328

Lee, J.A.B., 351

Legal status, of culturally diverse families, 253, 253f, 259f

Leigh, J.W., 349

Lerner, A., 209

Leventhal-Belfer, L., 131

Levin, R., 165, 290

Lewis, D.O., 311, 445

Likert scale, four-point, 34

Lindsay, E.A., 168

Lloyd, J., 97

Loeber, R., 445

Lozowski, S., 124

Lyons, B., 259

Marital relationship

of HIV seropositive wives of men with HIV/AIDS, 37-38

study of long-term psychosocial effects of cancer on children and their families and, 141-142

Marital status, of rehabilitated WSMI women, 56

Maroondah Adult Mental Health Service, 322

Maroondah Hospital Area Mental Health Service, 311

Marshall, T.H., 184

Martinson, I., 132

Maternal and Child Health Bureau, of U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 344

McGillivray, M., 287

MCT. See Mother-to-child transmission (MCT)

Medical treatment, role in caring for disabled children in Ukraine during period of transition from communism, 98-100

Melamed, S., 209

Melbourne Children's Court, 309

child protection concerns in, 313-316, 315t

study of, 309-324. See also Parental mental illness, children living with, social work responses to, study of


contribution as fathers, 70

as ill-equipped to parent, 69-70

needs of, as challenge for gender-sensitive services, 3-5

Mental health

activity and, relationship between, 387

child welfare and, partnership between, 309-324. See also Parental mental illness, children living with, social work responses to

of minority ethnic women in Britain, conceptualisation of, 13-21

Mental Health Act, 53, 59

Mental Health National Service Framework, 330

Mental health service users

involvement in planning service provision, 324-342

building dialogue with, 334-337

introduction to, 326-329

management imperatives with, 339-340

reconciling policy in, 339-340

structures for, 333-334, 333f

team building for, 337-339

leadership and, 332-339, 333f

in performance management, 329-332

Mental health strategy, of NAW, 330

Mental health–related issues, for families caring for disabled children at home in Ukraine, 89-105. See also Ukraine, disabled children in; Ukraine, families of disabled children in

Mental homeless people

de-institutionalization of, 212-213

institutionalization of, 212-213

Mental homelessness, 209-233

chronological review of, 210-212

clinical characteristics of, 218-219

clinical vignettes of, 213-218

dynamic theoretical

conceptualization of, 219-221

further developments for, 221-222

therapeutic implications of, 221

Mental illness

homelessness and, 209-223. See also Mental homelessness

parental, children living with, social work responses to, 309-324. See also Parental mental illness, children living with, social work responses to

in WSMI women, 51-52

Mentally ill parents, children of, 151-163

coping and resilience of, 160-161

experiences of, 155-156, 157f

introduction to, 152-153

professional help for, 161-162

responsibilities of, 156-157

stress reactions of, 158-159, 159f

study of

aims of, 153-154

materials in, 154-155

problems related to, 153-154

results of, 155-162, 157f, 159f

subjects in, 154-155

Metteri, A., 3, 227, 378

Michalski, J.H., 290

Milner, J., 153

Mizrahi, T., 289

Mokuau, N., 168

Moore, E.E., 293

Moore, J., 32

Moscow Centre for Children with Cerebral Palsy, 92

Moscow School of Social Sciences, 92

Mothers Support Programmes, 322

Mother-to-child transmission (MCT), 400

Music, as therapy tool to motivate troubled adolescents, 361-373

assessment in, 363-370

final, 368-370

results of, 366

changes in attitude to work and future, 385-386

changes in confidence and how they came about in, 386

in facilitation of emotional discussion, 367-368

findings from interviewing each participant and focus group discussion, 385-389

findings from standardised psychological tests, 380, 382t, 383

focus group discussion, 387-389

group discussion with project staff, 389

hard quantitative outcomes with soft qualitative data, 390-391

in healing process, 370-371

in initial consultations, 365-366

intervention in, 370-371

methodological issues in, 391-393

relationship between activity and mental health in, 387

research findings, discussion of, 389-393

research methodology in, 379-380

research outcomes, 383-385

specific problems, 363-365

Mutual aid, described, 293

NACO. See National AIDS Control Organization (NACO)

Narasimhulu, 402

Narrenschiff, 211

NASW. See National Association of Social Workers (NASW)

National AIDS Control Organization (NACO), 401, 402

National Assembly for Wales (NAW), 332

mental health strategy of, 330

National Association of Social Workers (NASW), Code of Ethics of, 250, 345

National Cancer Registry, 132

National Health Service (NHS), 332

National Mental Health Programme, 53

National Service Framework for Mental Health, 330

National Socialism, 243

National University, School of Social Work at, 92

Native American Health Center, 237

NAW. See National Assembly for Wales (NAW)

Nazroo, J.Y., 19

Negotiation, in study of participation and citizenship of elderly in Finland, 194-195

New Labour, 377, 393

Newman, B.S., 31

NGOs. See Non-governmental organizations (NGOs)

NHS. See National Health Service (NHS)

NHS Plan, 329

Niiranen, V., 202

Non-governmental organizations (NGOs), 413

role in caring for disabled children in Ukraine during period of transition from communism, 95-98

statutory sector and, relationships between, 101-102

Normalization, adult diagnosis of cystic fibrosis and, 422t, 425-426

North Eastern Ontario Regional Cancer Centre, 110

Nuclear disaster, Chernobyl, 91, 96, 99

Nud*ist, 154

Offer Self Image Questionnaire Revised, 134

Ogburn, 52

Oliver, M., 99

Ontario Parents Advocating for Children with Cancer (OPACC), 109

OPACC (Ontario Parents Advocating for Children with Cancer), 109

Our Lady's Hospital for Sick Children, 132-133

Owyang, W., 237

Pam, A., 212


as advocates for children with cancer, 107-127. See also Cancer, in children, parents as advocates for

long-term psychosocial effects of cancer on children and, study of, 141-142

mentally ill, children of, 151-163. See also Mentally ill parents, children of

Parent Project, 322

Parental mental illness

child protection and, 316-319

children living with, social work responses to, 309-324

study of

child protection concerns in, 313-316, 315t

described, 311-312

findings of, 312-322, 314t, 315t

meeting needs in, 321-322

system responses in, 319-320

Parenthood, difficulty of, adult diagnosis of cystic fibrosis and, 426

Parenting, men as ill-equipped for, 69-70

Parent-to-Parent, 350

Passive disengagement, in study of participation and citizenship of elderly in Finland, 193-194

Patient care benefits, of group model, 300

Patterson, B., 418, 419

Payne, M., 328, 333, 333f, 334, 337, 338

Peer management groups, 295-296

Pelcovitz, D., 131

Penhale, B., 318

Performance management, policies to involve users in, 329-332

Perspective Training College, 366

PFI-PSC. See Psychosocial Functioning Inventory for Primary School Children (PFI-PSC)

Phase-oriented couple therapy practice model, in transforming legacies of childhood trauma, 278-281, 280f

Phillips, D., 184, 186

Physical health, of minority ethnic women in Britain, conceptualisation of, 13-21

Physiotherapy, Vojta, 99

Pinderhughes, E., 268

Pinel, 211

Planful problem solving, as coping mechanism, 34

Pohjola, A., 3, 227

Pölkki, P., 151

Positive reappraisal, as coping mechanism, 34

Postmodern social work

family-centered, 346-347

in interdisciplinary contexts, 343-360

case illustration, 352-356

empowerment in, 351-352

ethnographic assessment in, 349-350

interprofessional practice of, 344-352

roles in, 348-352

support for, 350-351

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), 108, 123, 131, 277, 279, 368

cultural relativity of, 269-271

Prahan Mission, 322

Problem solving, planful, as coping mechanism, 34

Problematic services, in study of health care services of Canadian urban Aboriginal persons, 173-174

Program management, 289

Psychiatric care, cultural competence in, 231-247. See also Cultural competence, in psychosocial and psychiatric care

Psychosocial care, cultural competence in, 231-247. See also Cultural competence, in psychosocial and psychiatric care

Psychosocial effects, of cancer diagnosis on children and their families, 129-149. See also Cancer, diagnosis of, long-term psychosocial effects on children and their families

Psychosocial Functioning Inventory for Primary School Children (PFI-PSC), 361

Psychosocial issues, of HIV seropositive wives of men with HIV/AIDS, 29-47. See also HIV/AIDS, HIV seropositive wives of men with, psychosocial problems and coping patterns of

Psychotherapeutic Counseling Center for Politically Persecuted Persons, 237

PTSD. See Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

Punishment, capital debate about, 436

social workers role related to, 435-453

Quality assurance sample, qualitative analysis of, 300-301

Quality of life, of HIV seropositive wives of men with HIV/AIDS, 40

Quiches, 271

Quin, S., 129

Racism, in therapist/patient interaction, 239-242

Ramon, S., 97

Rao, P.N., 49

Rauhala, P-L, 3, 227

Rea, D.M., 325

Reappraisal, positive, as coping mechanism, 34

Receiving, of HIV seropositive wives of men with, 39-40

Red Cross, 96

Redmond, H., 290

Rehabilitation, of WSMI women, 49-65. See also Wandering seriously mentally ill (WSMI) women, rehabilitation of


family, long-term psychosocial effects of cancer on children and, study of, 141


of HIV seropositive wives of men with HIV/AIDS, 37-38

long-term psychosocial effects of cancer on children and, study of, 141-142

Relativity, cultural, of PTSD, 269-271

Relf, D., 378

Religious institutions, culturally diverse persons contact with, 253f, 256, 259f

Relocation issues, of culturally diverse families, 252, 253f, 259f

Resilience, of children of mentally ill parents, 160-161

Responsibility(ies), accepting of, as coping mechanism, 34

Rife, J.C., 212

Roberts, C.S., 130

Rodrigues, E., 238

Rollins, J., 132

Rubin, A., 440

Sainsbury Report, 377

Saleebey, D., 350

Salvation Army, 318

Saucelo, C., 238

Savage, D., 287

SBS. See Social Breakdown Syndrome (SBS)

School of Social Work, at National University, 92

Schroff-Pendley, J., 130

Schultz, D., 231

Seeking social support, as coping mechanism, 34

Self, use of, in transforming legacies of childhood trauma, 275-276

Self Help Agencies (SHAs), 245

Self-control, as coping mechanism, 34

Self-help groups, role in caring for disabled children in Ukraine during period of transition from communism, 95-98

Self-pity, adult diagnosis of cystic fibrosis and, 427

Self-reflection, in cultural competence, 238-239

Semachko, N., 93, 99

Sensitivity, cultural, in cultural competence, 235-236

Seropositivity, HIV, described, 30

Service(s), gender-sensitive, women’s and men’s needs as challenge for, 3-5

Service provision, mental health service users in planning of, 325-342. See also Mental health service users, involvement in planning service provision

Sexual behavior, in HIV/AIDS prevention, 411-412, 413t

Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), HIV infection and, 402

Shah, C., 169

Shaitan, 16

Shalit-Kening, D., 209

SHAs. See Self Help Agencies (SHAs)

Sheehan, R., 309, 318

Shemmings, D.Y., 187, 311

Sheppard, 314

Shestowsky, B., 169

Shields, G., 132

Shifting paradigms, in rehabilitation of WSMI women, 50-51

Sidell, N.L., 418

Sidhu, K., 11

Sipilä, J., 7

Skill(s), in study of health care services of Canadian urban Aboriginal persons, 172-173

Smith, M.W., 236

Social Breakdown Syndrome (SBS), 212

Social group work, 287-307. See also Hospital social workers, building a professional collective of

Social group work collective, safety net for staff resulting from, 298, 299f

Social group work theory, 292-293

Social knowledge, in cultural competence, 238-239

Social Protection, in Ukraine, 101-102

Social service system, in Finland, 182-187

citizenship of aged in, 184-186

Social Services, 379-380

Social Services Inspectorate (SSI), 327

Social Services Inspectorate (SSI) report, 333, 334

Social Skills

Questionnaire–Elementary and Second Level, 133-134

Social support, seeking of, as coping mechanism, 34

Social support stigma, disclosure and, HIV seropositive wives of men with HIV/AIDS and, 38-39

Social vaccines

described, 399

in HIV/AIDS prevention, study on truck drivers in South India, 399-414

Social work

conflicts for, building a professional collective of hospital social workers and, 290-291

as critical construction, 347-348

cystic fibrosis after age 20, implications for, 415-433. See also Cystic fibrosis, after age 20

implications of, adult diagnosis of cystic fibrosis and, 430-431

perceptions of, in group model, 301

postmodern, in interdisciplinary contexts, 343-360. See also Postmodern social work, in interdisciplinary contexts

Social work director, 297

Social work education, in Ukraine, 102-103

Social work group, described, 291

Social work practice, implications for health care services of Canadian urban Aboriginal persons, 165-179. See also Canadian urban Aboriginal persons, health care services of

Social workers

capital punishment view of, 435-453. See also Violence, social workers role related to

hospital, building a professional collective of, 287-307. See also Hospital social workers, building a professional collective of

training and roles of, in HIV/AIDS prevention, 405-406

view on violence, 435-453. See also Violence, social workers role related to

Sociocultural factors, in childhood trauma, 274

Socio-economic status

effects on health of minority ethnic women in Britain, 11-27. See also Health, ethnicity, gender, and social class effects on, of minority ethnic women in Britain

health and, 19-21

Somerset, 329

Somlai, A.M., 32

South India, truck drivers in, study on social vaccines in HIV/AIDS prevention, 399-414

Soviet collectivism, 95

Soviet Union, disability in, during communism, 92-95

Special events, of culturally diverse families, 253f, 255-256, 259f

SSI report. See Social Services Inspectorate (SSI) report

Staff retention, 299-300

Standardised psychological tests, findings from, in music therapy, 380, 382t, 383

Stanley, N., 318

STDs. See Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs)

Sterility, adult diagnosis of cystic fibrosis and, 426-427

Stress reactions, of children of mentally ill parents, 158-159, 159f

Suffering, surplus, 121

Sulman, J., 287

Supreme Court, 436

Surplus suffering, 121

Swansea NHS Trust, 332

Sylheti, 14

Tempus, 92

Terr, L., 269

Texas Department of Criminal Justice (TDCJ) Unit Administration and Treating Departments, 439-440

The Banyan, 58, 62, 63, 64

history of, landmarks in, 64

The Era of Community, 211

“The Ethnic Health Handbook–A Fact File for Health Care Professionals,” 21-22

The Hero, 371

The Hindu, 399

Thorne, S., 418, 419

Time, adult diagnosis of cystic fibrosis and, 422t, 426

“Time to Father,” 67-88

Tolliver, D.E., 33

Total staff groups, 298

Tracy, J., 430

Transmission, mother-to-child, 400


childhood, transforming legacies of, in couple and family therapy, 263-285. See also Childhood trauma, transforming legacies of, in couple and family therapy

constructs of, 268-269

Truck drivers, in South India, study on social vaccines in HIV/AIDS prevention, 399-414

Tsui, M., 299

Turnbull, M., 90

Ubaidullah, M., 399


disabled children in, 89-105

day care for, 100-101

introduction to, 90-92

during period of transition from

communism, 95-100

care in community, 95-98

education in, 98

medical treatment in, 98-100

Education Department in, 101

families of disabled children in, 89-105

day care for, 100-101

introduction to, 90-92

during period of transition from communism education in, 98

medical treatment in, 98-100

Health Departments in, 101

Social Protection in, 101

social work education in, 102-103

UN Declaration of Human Rights, 242

Uncertainty, adult diagnosis of cystic fibrosis and, 422t, 426

University College, Dublin, Ireland, Department of Social Policy and Social Work of, 130

University of Indiana, 236

University of Tampere, 7, 10

U.S. Department of Health, 234

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Maternal and Child Health Bureau of, 344

U.S. Dept. of Education, 251

U.S. General Accounting Office (1990) report, 442

U.S. Justice Department, 447

Vaccine(s), social

described, 399

in HIV/AIDS prevention, 399-414. See also HIV/AIDS, prevention of, social vaccine in

Valokivi, H., 181


education-related, of culturally diverse families, 253f, 256, 259f

family-related, of culturally diverse families, 256-259, 259f

in study of health care services of Canadian urban Aboriginal persons, 173

work-related, of culturally diverse families, 253f, 256, 259f

Van Dongen-Meldman, J., 131

Van Manen, M., 415, 419, 420

Van, R.A., 212

Van Soest, D., 435

Vassil, T.V., 293

Vergare, 213

Vermont Interdisciplinary Leadership Education for Health Professionals (VT-ILEHP) program, 344

Violence, social workers role related to, 435-453

conceptual framework in, 437-438

introduction to, 436

study of

data analysis in, 440-441

data collection in, 439-440

discussion of, 444-447

implications for social work practice and policy, 448-451

limitations of, 448

questions related to, 438-439

research methodology in, 439-441

results of, 441-44, 442t, 443t

Violin Concerto No 1 in G Minor, Opus 26–Adagio by Bruch, 371

Vojta physiotherapy, 99

Vrooman, P., 287

VT-ILEHP program. See Vermont Interdisciplinary Leadership Education for Health Professionals (VT-ILEHP) program

Walsh, S., 290

Wandering seriously mentally ill (WSMI) women

described, 51-52


age as factor in, 55-56, 57f

area of, 54-55

duration of stay of, 58, 59t, 60t

economic status of, 57-58

educational status of, 56-57

geographic spread of, 54, 56f

marital status of, 56

profile of, 54-58, 55f-57f

rehabilitation of, 49-65

index for, 50

origin of, 53-54

qualitative process of, 58-61

roots of, 53

shifting paradigms in, 50-51

Welfare, child, mental health and, partnership between, 309-324. See also Parental mental illness, children living with, social work responses to

Well Baby Clinic, 255

Westlife, 365

White, A., 94

White skin privilege, in therapist/patient interaction, 239-242

Widerman, E., 415

Willms, D., 168

Winnicott, D.W., 220

Women's needs, as challenge for gender-sensitive services, 3-5

Work values, of culturally diverse families, 253f, 256, 259f

World Congress for Social Psychiatry, 239

World War II, 268

WSMI women. See Wandering seriously mentally ill (WSMI) women

Xenion, 237

Yale, 270

Yukl, T., 170

Yuval-Davis, N., 20

Zanelli, A., 131

Zarifoglu, F., 239

Zavirsek, 103

Zeiler, J., 239

Zur, J., 271

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