
96-channel, In-line consoles, 5455


Absolute delay, 253

Absolute mode, 382384

Accelerating delay, 251254

Acoustic bass, 75

Acoustic compressors, 345

Acoustic energy, 309

Acoustic guitars, 124

″Acoustic″ piano, 368369

Acoustic reverberation chambers, 272276

Adjustable resistance, 190

Air, 34, 3537, 226

Air conditioning, 301

All-pass filters, 286290

Alternative signal paths, 376

A.M. (amplitude modulation) synthesizer, 214

Ambience, 147

Ambient pressure, 8

Ambient/room microphones, 354

Amplifiers, 90, 191

Amplitude, 7, 21, 33

altering envelope, 145147

versus distance, 911

distortion of, 8996

harmonic distortion, 9195

intermodulation distortion, 9596

versus frequency, 1113

versus time, 49

frequency versus period, 89

notation, 68

Amplitude axis, 81

Amplitude curve, 141

Amplitude envelope, 184, 366

Amplitude modulation (A.M.) synthesizer, 214

Amplitude signature, 145

Analog delay, 207208

Analog magnetic recording systems, 198199

Analog multitrack recorders, 63

Analog noise gates, 178

Analog tape machines, 208

Analog tape saturation distortion, 225

Analog-to-digital converters, 140, 197198

Anticipated effects, 330331

Articulation, 142143

Artifacts, 147, 160161

Artificial reverberation, 303

Asymmetric distortion, 95

Attack parameters, 135, 151, 171

Attack setting, 134, 151161, 171

breathing, 160161

definitions, 151153

parameter interdependence, 157159

program dependence, 159

pumping, 160161

visualizing, 153157

Attack times, 151, 158159, 176

Attack trajectories, 159

Attenuation, 133, 134

Audible coloration, 274

Audible comb filtering, 241

Audible frequency, 73

Audible sound, 7285

masking, 7881

spectral masking, 7880

temporal masking, 8081

masking reduction, 8185

effect signatures, 84

interaction, 8485

level control, 83

panning, 83

spectral management, 8283

stretching, 83

Audible spectrum, 154

Audio circuits, 191

Audio dynamic range, 33, 34

Audio ear training, 29, 129130

Audio faders, 191

Audio frequency range, 104

Audio lexicon, 103

Audio path, 136

Audio pulse, 295

Audio signal processor, 103

Augmentation, 264, 308

Automated mixing, 373393

caveats, 391393

experience, 391392

saving, 393

temptations, 392393

cuts, 375379

alternative signal paths, 376

automated composites, 378

automated send, 376377

MIDI equivalents, 377378

printed mix moves, 378379

everything automation, 379381

faders, 375379

alternative signal paths, 376

automated composites, 378

automated send, 376377

MIDI equivalents, 377378

printed mix moves, 378379

mix modes, 381384

read mode, 381382

write mode, 381382

mixing consoles, 386391

practice, 387

user interface, 387391

snapshot automation, 381

strategies, 384386

balance, 384

cuts, 385386

rides, 386

signal processing, 384385

special effects, 386

tweaks, 386

unautomated mixing, 373375

Automated mute commands, 379

Automated send, 209, 376377

Autopanner, 185, 322

Auxiliary (aux) send, 5762, 201, 377

postfader send, 6162

prefader send, 6061

Average amplitude, 7


Background vocals, 242, 338

Baker, Roy Thomas, 241

Balance, 193, 194197, 384

Band-based productions, 41

Bandwidths, 17, 66, 107, 108, 109

Basic sessions, 4042, 69

Bass, 76, 194, 195, 335

Bass guitars, 81, 195, 334335

Bass Ratio (BR), 265267, 283, 315

Bass ratio metric, 278

Bass ratio target value, 311

Beats per minute (bpm), 216

Bending waves, 280

Bit resolution, 192

Blumlein pair approach, 346

Boosts, 129

Boston Symphony Hall, 268, 278

Bottom curve, 72

Bpm (beats per minute), 216

BR (Bass Ratio), 265267, 283, 315

Breathing artifacts, 160161

Built-in equalizer, 62

Built-in software, 51

Buzz, 120121


Calculated delay, 216222

musical delay time, 218222

tuning by ear, 216

tuning by math, 216217

Call-and-response type, 225

Capacitors, 208

Cassette tapes, 34

Center frequency, 108, 109

Chambers, 311

Channel faders, 49, 53, 57, 59

Channel/monitor layouts, 49

Channel path, 48, 50, 52, 54, 66

Chord voicings, 82

Chorus, 243244, 254, 335

Clarity, 125

Clavinet, 336

Cliché echo, 226

Clipping, 100

distortion, 168

hard, 9294

soft, 9495

Close microphones, 306, 344346, 353

moving coil dynamic cardioid, 344345

small diaphragm condenser, 345346

snare tracks, 179, 355

techniques, 270, 272

Coincident (XY) cardioids approach, 346

Colocated signals, 83

Comb filters, 231235, 236, 238, 285290, 354

Complex wave, 232

Composites, automated, 378

Composition phase, 64

Compression, 5, 40, 54, 66, 131166, 208, 333. See also Compressors

achieving success, 164165

applications, 139150

altering amplitude envelope, 145147

ambience, 147

artifacts, 147

de-essing, 147149

distortion, 149150

improving intelligibility and articulation, 142143

increasing perceived loudness, 141142

overcoming noise, 140141

preventing overload, 139149

smoothing performance, 143144

attack and release, 151161

breathing, 160161

definitions, 151153

parameter interdependence, 157159

program dependence, 159

pumping, 160161

visualizing, 153157

difficulty hearing, 161162

identifying compressors, 164

imitation, 163

parameters, 132136

attack setting, 134

make-up gain, 135

ratio setting, 133

release setting, 134

threshold control, 132

user interface, 135136

selected discography, 165166

subjectivity, 162

technologies, 136139

digital compressors, 138139

optical compressors, 137138

tube (valve) compressors, 137

voltage-controlled amplifier (VCA)

compressors, 138


digital, 138139

identifying, 164

optical, 137138

tube (valve), 137

voltage-controlled amplifier (VCA), 138

Computer-based mixers, 380

Concertgebouw, Amsterdam, 268, 278, 296, 297

Condenser microphones, 346, 352

Console channel inputs, 118

Consoles. See Mixing consoles

Constructive interference, 227231

Continuum-panning paradigm, 370

Contrasting reverbs, 316

Contrasting spatial qualities, 314

Control rooms, 48

Control voltage, 191, 390

Convolution, 291, 292, 297, 323

Convolution engine, 296

Convolution hardware/software, 323

Convolution reverberators

caveats, 298303

defined, 291295

parameters, 295298

Copper wire, 190

Counterpoint, 82

Coupled springs, 276

Critical listening, 129

Cross fades, 201202

Cubic volume, 273

Cue mixes, 59, 60

Cut/boost, 106107

Cut buttons, 375

Cuts, automated mixing, 375379

alternative signal paths, 376

automated composites, 378

automated send, 376377

musical instrument digital interface (MIDI) equivalents, 377378

printed mix moves, 378379

Cycle-by-cycle reshaping, 335

Cymbals, 81, 195, 344


Daltrey, Roger, 223

Dashed curve, 78

DB. See Decibels

De-essing, 147149

Decay control, 171172

Decay slope, 156

Decaying reflections, 285

Decaying sounds, 177

Decca tree, 347

Decibels (dB), 2133, 35, 73

equation for, 21

logarithm, 2224

negative, 3233

positive expression of, 32

ratios, 2429

reference values, 2931

zero, 32

Delay, 207248

accelerating, 251254

experimental sessions, 244245

fixed, 250251

long, 214227

across entire groove, 226227

calculated, 216222

echoes, 222

emphasizing delays, 225226

slapback echoes, 223225

support from, 223

medium, 241244

chorus, 243244

double tracking, 241243

selected discography, 246248

short, 227240

comb filters, 231235

combinations, 238239

flangers, 239240

interference, 227231

reflections, 235237

signal flow, 208214

features, 210

modulation, 210214

source of, 207208

Depth, 211, 212

Destructive interference, 227231

DI (direct injection) box, 42, 356

Diaphragm condensers, 347, 362

Digital audio recorders, 197

Digital audio workstation, 50, 200, 202, 329

Digital-based mixers, 380

Digital compressors, 138139

Digital delays, 207, 210, 225, 253

Digital faders, 192

Digital multi-effects unit, 339

Digital multitrack recorders, 63

Digital overload, 198Digital piano, 369371

Digital reverb, 284

all-pass filters, 286290

comb filters, 285290

convolution reverberators, 291303

caveats, 298303

defined, 291295

parameters, 295298

infinite impulse response (IIR)

reverberators, 284285

Digital signal-processing, 254, 256, 284, 311

Digital volume controls, 192

Dimmers, 91

Direct injection (DI) box, 42, 356

Directional loudspeakers, 275

Directional microphones, 122, 349, 350


compression/limiting, 165166

delay, 246248

distortion, 101102

expansion/gating, 187188

pitch shift, 260262

reverberation (reverb), 324325

snare drums, 356358

volume, 203

Dissonant intervals, 99

Distance, versus amplitude, 911

Distortion, 89102, 126, 149150, 195, 336

amplitude, 8996

harmonic distortion, 9195

intermodulation distortion, 9596

asymmetric, 95

devices for, 97

motivations, 9798

selected discography, 101102

sources, 9697

threshold of, 92

Documentation, 374

Doppler effect, 257258

Dotted eighth note, 321

Double tracking, 241243

Downward expanders, 168

Driver-plate pick-up system, 281

Driver-spring pick-up system, 276

Drummers, 343


compressing tracks, 355

kick, 332333

snare, 333334

sounds, 123

Dry tracks, 270

Ducking, 183184

Dull snare, 350

DVD-audio/video, 63

Dynamic microphones, 352

Dynamic range, 3335, 119

increasing, 167169

reduction, 139144

improving intelligibility/articulation,


increasing perceived loudness,


overcoming noise, 140141

preventing overload, 139149

smoothing performance, 143144

of vocal track, 337

Dynamic reverberant systems, 322323


Ear training, 29

Echo density, 287

Echo send, 5762, 209, 215

postfader send, 6162

prefader send, 6061

Echoes, 222225

slapback, 223225

support from, 223

Effect signatures, 84

Effects (FX), 6370

anticipated, 330331

assertion, 6466

innovation, 6770

practice, 6768

restraint, 6870

piano, 361368

amplitude envelope, 366368

image, 363366

spectrum, 361363

procrastination, 64

special, 127129, 254255, 331332

start tape, 260

stop tape, 260

undo, 6667

Effects send, 5762

postfader send, 6162

prefader send, 6061

Eighth-note delay, 218

Electric guitars, 34, 83, 338

Electrical voltage, 190

Electroluminescent panel, 137

Electromagnetic radiation, 121

Emphasizing delays, 225226

Ensemble, 309

Envelope following, 184185

Envelope, snare drums, 351353

attack, 352

decay, 352353

Equal-tempered tuning, 26

Equalization (EQ), 103130. See also


audio ear training, 129130

enhancement, 123125

filters, 114116

fitting tracks together, 125127

fixes, 118123

buzz, 120121

hum, 120121

pops, 121122

proximity, 122123

rumble, 119120

flexibility, 112113

graphic, 111112

multiband, 109

parametric, 106116

cut/boost, 106107

frequency select, 106

Q, 107109

for piano, 361, 363

program, 111

semi-parametric, 109111

shelving, 113114

snare drums, 350351

special effects, 127129

spectral modification, 104106

technique, 116118


filters, 114116

flexibility, 112113

graphic, 111112

multiband, 109

parametric, 106116

cut/boost, 106107

four-band, 109

frequency select, 106

Q, 107109

semi-, 109111

program, 111

shelving, 113114

Even harmonics, 95

Everything automation, 379381

Expander/gate, 173, 175, 183

Expansion, 167188

applications, 173187

ducking, 183184

envelope following, 184185

expansion, 174175

gating, 178179

keyed gating, 179182

noise gating, 175177

tremolo, 185187

waveform editing, 177178

increasing dynamic range, 167169

parameters, 169173

attack setting, 171

hold setting, 172173

range setting, 173

release setting, 171172

slope setting, 170171

threshold control, 169170

selected discography, 187188

External hardware controllers, 391

Extreme reverb, 314315


Fade control, 171172

Fade-ins, 177

Fade-outs, 177, 203

Faders, 189192

automated mixing, 375379

alternative signal paths, 376

automated composites, 378

automated send, 376377

musical instrument digital interface

(MIDI) equivalents, 377378

printed mix moves, 378379

digital, 192

moving, 388

software, 391

variable resistor, 189191

voltage-controlled amplifier (VCA), 191192, 389390

Fast attack compression, 155

Fast release, 146


compression, 147

settings, 154155

Feedback loops, 39

FET (field effect transistor), 138

Field effect transistor (FET), 138

Filters, 114116, 120

First-draft effects, 64

Fitting tracks together, 125127

Fixed delay, 210, 250251

Fixing problematic notes, 256257

Flange/comb filters, 331

Flangers, 239240

Flat-frequency response, 105, 282, 286

Flow complexity, 47

Flutter echo, 285

Ford, Mary, 242

Four-band parametric equalizers, 109, 112

Frequency axis, 12, 72, 74, 81, 267

Frequency components, 96

Frequency contour, 233

Frequency-dependent constructive

interference, 346

Frequency-dependent decay, 266

Frequency-dependent destructive

interference, 346

Frequency-dependent reverb time, 311

Frequency domain, 80, 129

Frequency (f), versus amplitude, 1113

Frequency notch, 239

Frequency ranges, 77, 82, 123

Frequency response, 104, 281

Frequency select parameter, 106, 109, 111

Frequency specific amplitude adjuster, 103

Frequency spectrum, 120

Frequency threshold, 73

Frets, 256

Full-range frequency response, 299

Fundamental frequency, 24

Fundamental pitches, 25

Fuzz boxes, 97

FX. See Effects


Gain, 106, 136, 169

Gas particles, 36

Gated reverb, 316318

Gated rooms, 355

Gating, 167188

applications, 173187

ducking, 183184

envelope following, 184185

expansion, 174175

gating through waveform editing, 177178

keyed gating, 179182

noise gating, 175177

tremolo, 185187

increasing dynamic range, 167169

parameters, 169173

attack setting, 171

hold setting, 172173

range setting, 173

release setting, 171172

slope setting, 170171

threshold control, 169170

selected discography, 187188

Generalized spatial sound, 305306

Graphic equalizers, 111112

Guitar amps, 34, 356


bass, 334335

foot pedal, 336

lead, 338339

rhythm, 335336


Half note, 342

Handclaps, 291

Hard clipping, 9294, 96

Hardware-based console, 51

Harmonic distortion, 9195, 97, 101, 335

asymmetric distortion, 95

components, 99

hard clipping, 9294

soft clipping, 9495

Harmonic energy, 100

Harmonics, 15, 99

Headphone mixes, 4445, 59

Headphones, 60

Headroom, 35

Hearing frequency response, 76

Hertz (Hz), 8, 26, 108, 249

High-frequency attenuation, 226

High-frequency energy, 198, 311

High-frequency EQ boost, 337

High-frequency reverb time, 266

High-frequency shimmer, 76

High-frequency sine waves, 72

High-frequency sound energy, 347

High-frequency sparkle, 104

High-pass filter, 114, 121, 122, 362

High-ratio compression, 352

High-resolution multitasking, 60

High-transmission-loss sound barriers, 271

Hold parameter, 172

Hold setting, 172173

Horizontal axis, 6, 211

Horn arrangers, 376

Horsepower, 284

Hum, 120121

Hybrid comb filters, 286290

Hybrid sounds, 82

Hz (hertz), 8, 26, 108, 249


Iconic guitar solo sound, 101

IIR. See Infinite impulse response

Impulse response, 281, 291, 295, 296, 297, 299, 318

In-line consoles, 5155

96-channel, 5455

confusion, 5254

monitor path versus channel path, 54

Incandescent bulb, 137

Inductors, 208

Infinite impulse response (IIR), 284285, 304305

digital reverbs, 302

reverberators, 284

Inherent noise, 3334

Input/output levels, 210

Input/output modules, 200

Inputs, 51

Insert, 6263

Insulators, 190

Intelligibility, improving, 142143


constructive, 227231

destructive, 227231

Intermediate frequencies, 232

Intermodulation distortion, 9596

Internal voltage rails, 91

Isobars, 9

Isolation, 270271, 364


Keyboards, 2627

Keyed gating, 179182

Kick drums, 124, 195, 332333, 349

Kick element, 194

Kick track, 334

Kilopascals (kPa), 5

Knobs, 192193

KPa (kilopascals), 5


Large diaphragm cardioid condenser

microphones, 347348

Late decay, 277

Late energy, 306

Lead guitars, 338339

Leakage, 179, 270271

LEDs (light-emitting diodes), 137, 190

Leslie cabinets, 185, 257258

Level control, 83

Level detector circuit, 136, 137, 169

LFE (low frequency effects), 63

LFO (low frequency oscillator), 185, 214, 370

Light-emitting diodes (LEDs), 137, 190

Limiting, 131166

achieving success, 164165

applications, 139150

altering amplitude envelope, 145147

ambience, 147

artifacts, 147

de-essing, 147149

distortion, 149150

improving intelligibility and articulation, 142143

increasing perceived loudness, 141142

overcoming noise, 140141

preventing overload, 139149

smoothing performance, 143144

attack and release, 151161

breathing, 160161

definitions, 151153

parameter interdependence, 157159

program dependence, 159

pumping, 160161

visualizing, 153157

difficulty hearing, 161162

identifying compressors, 164

imitation, 163

parameters, 132136

attack setting, 134

make-up gain, 135

ratio setting, 133

release setting, 134

threshold control, 132

user interface, 135136

selected discography, 165166

subjectivity, 162

technologies, 136139

digital compressors, 138139

optical compressors, 137138

tube (valve) compressors, 137

voltage-controlled amplifier (VCA)

compressors, 138

Linear signal, 90


preconscious, 7172

skill of, 118

wishful, 85

Live-to-two sessions, 4647

Liveness, 306308

Log, 32

Log function, 2223

Logarithm, 21, 2223, 31

Logarithmic frequency axis, 234

Long delay, 214227

across entire groove, 226227

calculated, 216222

musical delay time, 218222

tuning by ear, 216

tuning through math, 216217

echoes, 222

emphasizing delays, 225226

slapback echoes, 223225

support from, 223

Long reverb, 330

Longitudinal waves, 36

Loud reflections, 235236

Loudness, 27, 73, 76, 141142

Loudspeakers, 263, 274, 313, 385

Low frequency, 74, 333

Low frequency effects (LFE), 63

Low-frequency energy, 118

Low-frequency loudness, 75

Low-frequency noise, 122

Low frequency oscillator (LFO), 185, 214, 370

Low-frequency reverb time, 266

Low-frequency roll-off filters, 118

Low-frequency sine waves, 72

Low-frequency thunder, 76

Low-pass filters, 114, 179, 226, 287

Low shelf cut, 362

Low-threshold, 352

Lower octave reverb time, 266


Machine-controlled pan pots, 322

Magic dust, 55

Mahler symphony, 269

Main reverb, 377

Make-up gain, 135

Manual mixing, 373374

Masked state, 84

Masking, 7881

overcoming, 313

contrast, 313314

extreme reverb, 314315

unmasking reverb, 316

reduction, 8185

effect signatures, 84

interaction, 8485

level control, 83

panning, 83

spectral management, 8283

stretching, 83

spectral, 7880

temporal, 8081

Measurement equipment, 267

Media, 34, 3537

Medium-attack, 352

Medium delay, 214, 241244

chorus, 243244

double tracking, 241243

Medium release compression, 155156

Micropascals (µPa), 5, 23, 33


cables for, 105

close, 344346

moving coil dynamic cardioid, 344345

small diaphragm condenser, 345346

close compensation, 306

creative technique, 271

large diaphragm cardioid condenser, 347348

moving coil dynamic cardioid, 344345

overhead, 346349

directional, 349

large diaphragm cardioid condenser, 347348

preamplifiers for, 118, 197, 299

in reverb chamber, 274

room, 349

small diaphragm condensers, 345346

Mid-frequency presence peak, 347

Mid-frequency reverb time, 266, 287

Mid-frequency texture, 76

Mid-side (MS) approach, 346

Middle frequency, 74, 127

Middle frequency loudness, 75

MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface), 259

automation, 375

equivalents, 377378

jacks, 359

Midrange-hogging instruments, 364

Milliseconds, 216

Milliwatt, 30

Mirror image cut, 67

Mix engineer, 386

Mix modes, 381384

read mode, 381382

write mode, 381384

absolute mode, 382384

relative mode, 382384

Mix parameters, 391

Mix path, 48

Mixdown sessions, 4546, 64, 271, 392

Mixer automation system, 215

Mixing, 194, 391392. See also Mixing


automated, 373393

caveats, 391393

everything automation, 379381

faders, 375379

mix modes, 381384

mixing consoles, 386391

snapshot automation, 381

strategies, 384386

basic approach, 329339

anticipated effects, 330331

bass guitars, 334335

challenges, 330

kick drums, 332333

lead guitars, 338339

rhythm guitars, 335336

rhythm sections, 336

snare drums, 333334

special effects, 331332

stereo mix, 339

vocals, 336338

Mixing consoles, 386391

channel path, 48

In-line, 5155

96-channel, 5455

confusion, 5254

monitor path versus channel path,


monitor path, 4849

practice, 387

sessions, 3947

basic, 4042

live to two, 4647

mixdown, 4546

overdub, 4245

split, 4951

user interface, 387391

moving faders, 388

software faders, 391

voltage-controlled amplifier (VCA)

faders, 389390

Modulating delay, 254

Modulation parameters, 214

Monitor fader, 49, 50, 53

Monitor mix, 59, 60

Monitor path, 4849, 50, 52, 54, 66, 200

Mono signal, 331

Moving coil dynamic cardioid microphones, 344345

Moving faders, 388

MS (mid-side) approach, 346

Mud-range, 123

Muddiness, 123, 334

Multi-effects processors, 55

Multiband equalizers, 109, 113

Multiple vocal tracks, 242

Multitap delays, 243

Multitrack arrangements, 313

Multitrack production, 197, 241, 269270

Musical delay time, 216, 218222

Musical dynamics, 141

Musical Instrument Digital Interface. See


Musical pitch-labeling scheme, 26

Musical waveforms, 34, 232

Musikvereinssaal, Vienna, 268, 278

Mute switches, 193


Narrow band, 123

Natural reverb, 304

Negative decibels, 3233

Negative excursions, 9

Negative peak, 7

Negative sine wave, 17

Negative voltages, 228

Net piano tone, 76

Net wave, 20

Neumann U47/U87, 348


gating, 175177

overcoming, 140141

Nonconvolution reverbs, 296

Nonflat-frequency response, 105

Nonlinear reverb, 320

Nonlinearities, 96

Notation system, 26


Octave, 24, 2526, 27, 108

Octave band calculations, 287

Odd harmonics, 15, 95

Ohm′s Law, 31

Omnidirectional microphones, 122, 275

One-dimensional space, 276

One-half cycle frequencies, 229

Open reel tape machines, 225

Optical compressors, 137138

Orchestra, 363

Oscillating waves, 8

Outboard equalizers, 118

Outboard signal flow, 5563

effects send, 5762

postfader send, 6162

prefader send, 6061

insert, 6263

parallel processing, 5557

serial processing, 5557

Output voltages, 31

Overcompressing, 162

Overdubbing, 41, 4245, 65, 66, 69, 194, 196, 269, 272, 313, 341

Overhead microphones, 346349, 353354

directional, 349

timbral benefits of cardioids, 347348

Overload, preventing, 139149


Pads, 362

Pan pots, 192193

Panning, 83, 370

Parallel comb filters, 287

Parallel effects, 65

Parallel processing, 5557

Parameter-determined gating, 173

Parameters, 165

Parametric equalizers, 106116

cut/boost, 106107

four-band, 109

frequency select, 106

Q, 107109

semi-, 109111

Particle movement, 3537

Patch, 254

Patch bay, 62

Patch cables, 45, 386

Peak amplitude, 7, 15

Peak/dip contour, 113

Peak-to-peak amplitude, 7

Perception, 7185

audible sound, 7285

masking, 7881

masking reduction, 8185

preconscious listening, 7172

wishful listening, 85

Percussion, 34

Permutations, 164

Phons, 73

Photovoltaic cell, 137138

Pianos, 359371

″acoustic,″ 368369

defining, 360361

digital, 369371

effects, 361368

amplitude envelope, 366368

image, 363366

spectrum, 361363

overview, 359360

Piccolo, 350

Pick-up transducer, 280

Pink noise, 265

Pitch, 24, 27, 251, 252

Pitch-correction tools, 256

Pitch recalculation, 249250

Pitch shift, 249262

applications, 254260

big shifts, 258259

chorus, 254

fixing problematic notes, 256257

Leslie cabinets, 257258

special effects, 254255

start tape effects, 260

stop tape effects, 260

selected discography, 260262

theory, 249254

accelerating delay, 251254

fixed delay, 250251

pitch recalculation, 249250

Pitch-shifted songs, 253

Pitch-shifted vocal, 258

Plate reverb, 280284, 311

Plates, 307

Playback head, 224

Playback piano synthesizers, 369

Polarity, 20

Pop filter, 122

Pop vocals, 242

Pops, 121122

Positive peak, 7

Positive voltages, 228

Postfader aux send, 208

Postfader effects send, 61

Postfader send, 6162

Postmasking, 80

Potentiometers, 190

Pounds per square inch (PSI), 5

Power amplifiers, 91

Practice, 69

Pre/post switch, 60

Precision amplitude adjustments, 143

Preconscious listening, 7172

Predelay, 267, 316

Prefader send, 6061

Premasking, 80

Preproduction, 69

Presets, 135

Pressure, 37

Pressure waves, 3, 35, 95

Printed mix moves, 378379

Processed sound, 56

Producers, 343

Production standards, 119

Program equalizers, 111

Proximity, 122123, 350

PSI (pounds per square inch), 5

Psychoacoustics, 238

Pulse code modulation, 295

Pultec tube EQ, 303

Pumping artifacts, 160161

Pure-tone sine wave, 8

Pure tones, 234


Q parameter, 107109

Quarter notes, 216, 217, 218, 321


Radio transmitters, 140

RAM (random access memory), 207

Range, 173, 183

Rarefaction, 5

Rate, 211, 212

Read mode, 381382

Real-time analyzers (RTAs), 12

Realistic space, 305

Record head, 224

Record path, 48, 200

Recording, 341

Recording artists, 4445

Recording budget, 70

Recording engineers, 6869, 329

Reference values, 268269

Reflected energy, 349

Reflection density, 281

Reflections, 235237, 264, 267, 306

Regeneration control, 210

Regenerative reverb, 320322

Relative mode, 382384

Release adjustments, 159

Release parameters, 134, 135, 151, 171

Release setting, 134, 151161, 171172

breathing, 160161

definitions, 151153

parameter interdependence, 157159

program dependence, 159

pumping, 160161

visualizing, 153157

Release times, 157, 177

Release trajectories, 159

Repro mode, 224

Resonance, 280

Resonant filters, 369

Response lyrics, 338

Reverb-based synthesis, 322

Reverb-generating signal processors, 268

Reverb processor, 55

Reverb signal processing, 316

Reverb time (RT60), 265, 273, 289

Reverberant decay, 267

Reverberation (reverb), 263325

needs for, 269271

creative microphone technique, 271

isolation, 270271

multitrack production, 269270

parameters, 264267

bass ratio (BR), 265267

predelay, 267

reverb time (RT60), 265

reference values, 268269

selected discography, 324325

sources, 271303

acoustic reverberation chambers, 272276

digital, 284

plate, 280284

room tracks, 272

spring, 276280

techniques, 303324

nonspatial applications, 310324

spatial applications, 303310

Reverse reverb, 318320

Rhythm guitars, 335336

Rhythm sections, 336

Rides, 386

RMS (root mean square), 8

Room acoustics, 238, 272, 315, 316

Room microphones, 349

Room tracks, 179, 181, 271, 272

Root mean square (RMS), 8

Rough mix, 51

RT60 (reverb time), 265, 273, 289

RTAs (real-time analyzers), 12

Rumble, 119120


Sabine, Wallace Clement, 272

Sabine′s equation, 273, 311

Safety backups, 393

Sawtooth waves, 1720

Schroeder, Manfred, 285

Scratch tracks, 41

Semi-parametric equalizers, 109111

Serial all-pass filters, 287290

Serial processing, 5557, 173

Servomotors, 389

Sessions, 3947

basic, 4042

live to two, 4647

mixdown, 4546

overdub, 4245

Setup sheets, 42, 53

Shallow drums, 350351

Shape, 211, 213

Sharp attacks, 367

Shelving equalizers, 113114

Shelving filters, 115

Short decay time, 306

Short delay, 214, 227240, 244

comb filters, 231235

combinations, 238239

flangers, 239240

interference, 227231

reflections, 235237

Short reverb, 330, 355

Shorter delay, 332

Side chain input, 179, 184

Side chain signal, 148

Signal chain, 135

Signal flow, 3970

console, 4755

channel path, 48

in-line console, 5155

monitor path, 4849

split console, 4951

delay, 208214

features, 210

modulation, 210214

effects (FX), 6370

assertion, 6466

innovation, 6770

procrastination, 64

undo, 6667

outboard, 5563

effects send, 5762

insert, 6263

parallel processing, 5557

serial processing, 5557

sessions, 3947

basic, 4042

live to two, 4647

mixdown, 4546

overdub, 4245

Signal processing, 62, 173

Signal-processing, 255

Signal processing, 316, 384385


devices, 55, 66, 332

effects, 210, 345

Signal-to-noise ratio, 35, 200

Sine wave frequency, 229

Sine wave input, 9293, 95

Sine wave oscillators, 104

Sine wave patch, 104

Sine wave stability, 234

Sine waves, 1011, 1315, 34, 149, 229, 249

Single input, 89

Single mono room track, 272

Single output, 89

Sinusoids, 105

Slap delay, 339

Slap echo, 210, 223

Slapback echoes, 223225

Sliders, 192193

Slope setting, 170171

Slow attack settings, 153

Slow release settings, 153, 158

SM57 microphone, 345

Small diaphragm condenser microphones, 345346

Small drums, 351

Snapshot automation, 381

Snapshot systems, 381

Snare drums, 333334, 341358

recording, 344349

close microphones, 344346

overhead microphones, 346349

room microphones, 349

selected discography, 356358

signal processing, 349356

combinations, 355356

envelope, 351353

equalization, 350351

stereo image, 353355

sound, 342344

goals of use, 343344

range, 342343

Soft clipping, 9495, 96, 199

Soft compression, 339

Software algorithms, 253

Software faders, 391

Solo guitar, 338339

Sonic illusions, 307

Sonic isolation, 309

Sound energy, 312, 319, 342

Sound pressure level (SPL), 31, 72, 74, 77

Sound-reinforcement speakers, 274275

Sound waves, 35

Source waveform, 99, 101

Spaced cardioids, 348

Spaced omnis, 346, 348

Spasmotic Research X-17 compressor, 67

Spatial sound

generalized, 305306

spatial adjustments, 306

close microphone compensation,


ensemble, 309

liveness, 306308

width, 308

specific, 304305

unreal, 309310

Spatial variables, 309

Special effects, 331332

automated mixing, 386

equalization (EQ), 127129

pitch shift, 254255

Specific spatial sound, 304305

Spectral footprint, 121

Spectral imperfections, 275

Spectral location, 239

Spectral management, 8283

Spectral masking, 7880, 100

Spectral modification, 104106

filters, 114116

flexibility, 112113

graphic equalizers, 111112

multiband equalizers, 109

parametric equalizers, 106116

cut/boost, 106107

frequency select, 106

Q, 107109

program equalizers, 111

semi-parametric equalizers, 109111

shelving equalizers, 113114

Spectral modifier, 103

Spectral ranges, 125

Spectrally-rich signals, 96

Speed, 211

Spinning system, 257

SPL (sound pressure level), 31, 72, 74, 77

Split consoles, 4951, 54

Spreader, 254, 330, 331, 337

Spring reverb, 276280, 311

Square waves, 1517, 93

Squared-off waveform, 198

Start tape effects, 260

Static impulse response, 302

Static microphone, 143

Steady-state signals, 202

Stereo, 128

Stereo ambient microphone techniques, 356

Stereo compressor, 317

Stereo gating, 179

Stereophonic image, 353, 363

Stop tape effects, 260

Stretching, 83

String pads, 202

String patches, 259

Strings, 362

Studio innovations, 70

Studio reverb, 268, 304

Studio tremolo effects, 185

Studios, 39

Surround sound, 63, 308

″Sweepable″ EQ, 110

Synth pads, 145

Synth patches, 360, 362

Synth/sample playback units, 371


dynamic reverberant systems, 322323

gated reverb, 316318

regenerative reverb, 320322

reverse reverb, 318320

Synthesized ambience, 355

Synthesized piano patches, 369

Synthesizers, 104


Tape compression, 199

Tape delay, 224

Tape/monitor switch, 225

Tape recorders, 140

Tape slap, 225

Tempo, 217

Temporal masking, 8081, 316

Temporary effects, 64

Tenor, 108

Texture, 312313

Thermal drafts, 301

Three-dimensional space, 303304

Threshold control, 132, 169170

Timbre, 239, 309, 310312

Time-reversed waveform, 318

Time, versus amplitude, 49

frequency (f) versus period (T), 89

notation, 68

Times two (X2) label, 226

Tone, 118, 341

Track sheets, 53

Tracking, 51, 269

Transistors, 138

Transient onsets, 176

Transverse waves, 36

Tremolo, 84, 101, 185187, 378

Triangle waves, 20

True audio faders, 191

Tube amps, 97

Tube (valve) compressors, 137

Tuning, 216217

Turbo-auto-pan-flangewah-distortion, 40

Tweeters, 198


Unautomated mixing, 373375

Uncompressed sine wave, 149150

Universal Audio, 138

Unmasking reverb, 316

Unmute/mute gesture, 215

Unreal spatial sound, 309310

Upward expanders, 168

Urei, 138

User-defined ratios, 151


Valve (tube) compressors, 137

Variable resistor faders, 189191

VCA (voltage-controlled amplifier) compressors, 138

VCA (voltage-controlled amplifier) faders, 191192, 389390

Verse reverb, 377

Vertical axis, 6, 211

Vibrato, 84, 256

Video postproduction, 304

Vintage guitars, 143

Visual cues, 85

Vocals, 336338

overdub, 53

pitch, 60

Voiceovers, 142, 183

Voltage, 31

Voltage-controlled amplifier (VCA) compressors, 138

Voltage-controlled amplifier (VCA) faders, 191192, 389390

Volts, 33

Volume, 189203

applications, 194203

automation, 200201

balance, 194197

creative decisions, 200

cross fades, 201202

fade outs, 203

ideal level, 197199

controls, 189193

faders, 189192

mute switches, 193

pan pots, 192193

selected discography, 203

Vowels, 124

VU meters, 8


Wah-wah pedals, 356, 378

Wah-wah piano, 127

Watts, 29, 30

Waveform, 337

air, 34, 3537


versus distance, 911

versus frequency (f), 1113

versus time, 49

decibels (dB), 2133

logarithm, 2224

negative decibels, 3233

ratios, 2429

reference values, 2931

zero decibels, 32

dynamic range, 3335

editing, gating through, 177178

waves, 1320

sawtooth, 1720

square, 1517

triangle, 20

waves, 1320

sawtooth, 1720

square, 1517

triangle, 20

Width, 308

Windscreen, 122

Wishful listening, 85

Woofers, 257

Write mode, 381384

absolute mode, 382384

relative mode, 382384


X2 (times two) label, 226


Zero amplitude, 228

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