
Missing Toolbars

I seem to be missing a toolbar; only one is displayed on the screen. How can I see which one is displayed and add the one I’m missing?

The simplest way is to right-click on the toolbar or menu bar. A shortcut menu appears, listing all the toolbars. Each one that is currently displayed has a check mark beside it. The two toolbars that are displayed normally are the Standard and Formatting toolbars. If one of these does not have a check mark beside it, simply click on the toolbar name, and the toolbar will appear. If both of these have check marks by their names, then they are sharing one row on the screen. To have each one appear on its own row, click Customize on the shortcut menu. Select the Options tab in the Customize dialog box and remove the check by the option Standard and Formatting Toolbars Share One Row.

Using the Find Command Options

The Find command is set up to search for names, but how can I use it for more complicated searches?

Several options are available in the Find dialog box for conducting much more sophisticated searches:

  • Find What— Although the most common use of the Find command is to search for a specific value, you can also use wildcards in the search string. The asterisk (* ) stands for any number of unspecified characters, and the question mark (? ) stands for a single unspecified character. For example, the search string *code 4??3* would select any record with a text entry that contains the characters code 4, followed by two characters that can be anything, followed by the character 3. The beginning and ending asterisks indicate that the word code may not be the first word in the field and the number 3 may not be the last.

    To use wildcards in a Find operation, you must choose either the equals or does not equal test (see below), and beginning and ending asterisks are necessary, unless your search string is intended to specify the starting and ending text in the field.

    If you want to search for the asterisk or question mark character itself, precede the character with a carat (^ ). Thus, you could use the search string *^?* if you want to search the Notes field for questions that have been entered in a note.

  • Look in Field— By default Project searches the Name field (the task name in a task view, the resource name in a resource view). But in the Look in Field box, you can change the field that is to be searched.

  • Search— By default Project searches down the list of tasks or resources. You can change the direction to Up in the Search box.

  • Match Case— When you want the search to be case-sensitive, check the Match Case option.

  • Test— The Test setting tells Project the conditions under which it can accept a match with your entry in the Find What box. By default the condition is contains, which means the field contains your search text somewhere within it. Other tests are as follows:

    • The default test contains (and its opposite does not contain) are only for fields that contain text (which includes the Duration field because of the time units that are attached to the duration number).

    • The equals and does not equal tests can be used in almost all fields, whether the data type is text, numbers, or dates. Project requires an exact match for the equals test; anything else qualifies for the does not equal test.

    • The relative-comparison tests (is greater than, is greater than or equal to, is less than, and is less than or equal to) are primarily for numbers and dates, but you can also use them for duration fields. For example, to find tasks that have duration greater than one week, you would enter 1 week in the Find What box, and is greater than or equal to in the Test box.

    • The value range tests (is within, is not within) look for numbers, dates, and duration values that fall within a range that you enter into the Find What box. You enter the smallest and largest values for the range, separated by a comma. For instance, to find all start dates that fall on or between Christmas Day, 2002, and New Year’s Day, 2003, you would enter 12/25/02,1/1/03 .

    • The test contains exactly is designed for fields that allow comma-separated entries. For example, the Predecessors and Resource Names task fields use comma-separated lists of predecessors and resource assignments. This test selects a task if one of the items in the comma-separated list matches the search text exactly.

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