Creating Reports

You can create a new report either by copying an existing report and making changes to the copy or by designing an entirely new report from scratch. Regardless of the method you choose to create a new report, after it is created, you use the same methods for customizing the new report. The following sections describe the steps you take to create a new report. Other sections in this chapter discuss customizing a report after it is created.


Reports bring together many elements of Microsoft Project, particularly tables and filters. You should create and format your tables and create and test your filters before creating new reports that will incorporate these elements.

Creating a New Report Based on an Existing Report

One of the best and fastest ways to create a report is to start with one of the predefined Project reports that is similar to a report you need. By making a copy of the existing report, you take advantage of the features of that report, while leaving the original report unchanged for use in the future. Modifying a copy of an existing report is quick and convenient.


It is recommended that you use one of the predefined reports as a basis for your new report, because most of the work in creating the report has already been done. If none of the predefined reports are similar to what you are looking for, you need to design a new report.

To copy an existing report, follow these steps:

Choose View, Reports.

Double-click the Custom category, or click it once and then click Select.

From the list in the Custom Report dialog box, choose the report you want to copy and then click the Copy button. The report definition dialog box for that report appears. The defined features in this report are identical to those of the original report. The only difference is that the report name is preceded by Copy of. For example, the Critical Tasks report would be renamed Copy of Critical Tasks.

In the Name box, enter a descriptive name for the report.

Complete the dialog box for the report type you have chosen to copy. Explicit instructions for making changes to the various types of Project reports are given later in this chapter.

Designing a New Report

Another method for creating a report is to design one from scratch. You should use this method if none of the existing predefined reports are similar to the report you need. You must use this method if you want to create a Monthly calendar report, because there are no predefined examples available for editing.

When you create a new report, you must select one of four report templates discussed earlier in this chapter: Task, Resource, Monthly Calendar, or Crosstab.

To create a new report, follow these steps:

Choose View, Reports.

Double-click the Custom category, or click it once and then click Select.

Click the New button. You should see the Define New Report dialog box (shown in Figure 22.17), with the four basic types of reports listed. Each new report must be modeled after one of these types.

Figure 22.17. When designing a new report, choose one of these four report types.

Choose a type and click OK. The report definition dialog box for the report type you selected is displayed, with the default settings (see Figure 22.18). A default report name, such as Report 1, appears in the Name box.

Figure 22.18. The Crosstab report options in the definition dialog box are not the same as the Task or Resource report options.

In the Name box, enter a descriptive name for the report.

Complete the dialog box for the report type you have chosen.

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