Table of Contents

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Using Excel for Statistical Analysis

About You and About Excel

Clearing Up the Terms

Making Things Easier

The Wrong Box?

Wagging the Dog

What’s in This Book

1. About Variables and Values

Variables and Values

Recording Data in Lists

Scales of Measurement

Category Scales

Numeric Scales

Telling an Interval Value from a Text Value

Charting Numeric Variables in Excel

Charting Two Variables

Understanding Frequency Distributions

Using Frequency Distributions

Building a Frequency Distribution from a Sample

Building Simulated Frequency Distributions

2. How Values Cluster Together

Calculating the Mean

Understanding Functions, Arguments, and Results

Understanding Formulas, Results, and Formats

Minimizing the Spread

Calculating the Median

Choosing to Use the Median

Calculating the Mode

Getting the Mode of Categories with a Formula

From Central Tendency to Variability

3. Variability: How Values Disperse

Measuring Variability with the Range

The Concept of a Standard Deviation

Arranging for a Standard

Thinking in Terms of Standard Deviations

Calculating the Standard Deviation and Variance

Squaring the Deviations

Population Parameters and Sample Statistics

Dividing by N − 1

Bias in the Estimate

Degrees of Freedom

Excel’s Variability Functions

Standard Deviation Functions

Variance Functions

4. How Variables Move Jointly: Correlation

Understanding Correlation

The Correlation, Calculated

Using the CORREL() Function

Using the Analysis Tools

Using the Correlation Tool

Correlation Isn’t Causation

Using Correlation

Removing the Effects of the Scale

Using the Excel Function

Getting the Predicted Values

Getting the Regression Formula

Using TREND() for Multiple Regression

Combining the Predictors

Understanding “Best Combination”

Understanding Shared Variance

A Technical Note: Matrix Algebra and Multiple Regression in Excel

Moving on to Statistical Inference

5. How Variables Classify Jointly: Contingency Tables

Understanding One-Way Pivot Tables

Running the Statistical Test

Making Assumptions

Random Selection

Independent Selections

The Binomial Distribution Formula

Using the BINOM.INV() Function

Understanding Two-Way Pivot Tables

Probabilities and Independent Events

Testing the Independence of Classifications

The Yule Simpson Effect

Summarizing the Chi-Square Functions

6. Telling the Truth with Statistics

Problems with Excel’s Documentation

A Context for Inferential Statistics

Understanding Internal Validity

The F-Test Two-Sample for Variances

Why Run the Test?

7. Using Excel with the Normal Distribution

About the Normal Distribution

Characteristics of the Normal Distribution

The Unit Normal Distribution

Excel Functions for the Normal Distribution

The NORM.DIST() Function

The NORM.INV() Function

Confidence Intervals and the Normal Distribution

The Meaning of a Confidence Interval

Constructing a Confidence Interval

Excel Worksheet Functions That Calculate Confidence Intervals



Using the Data Analysis Add-in for Confidence Intervals

Confidence Intervals and Hypothesis Testing

The Central Limit Theorem

Making Things Easier

Making Things Better

8. Testing Differences Between Means: The Basics

Testing Means: The Rationale

Using a z-Test

Using the Standard Error of the Mean

Creating the Charts

Using the t-Test Instead of the z-Test

Defining the Decision Rule

Understanding Statistical Power

9. Testing Differences Between Means: Further Issues

Using Excel’s T.DIST() and T.INV() Functions to Test Hypotheses

Making Directional and Nondirectional Hypotheses

Using Hypotheses to Guide Excel’s t-Distribution Functions

Completing the Picture with T.DIST()

Using the T.TEST() Function

Degrees of Freedom in Excel Functions

Equal and Unequal Group Sizes

The T.TEST() Syntax

Using the Data Analysis Add-in t-Tests

Group Variances in t-Tests

Visualizing Statistical Power

When to Avoid t-Tests

10. Testing Differences Between Means: The Analysis of Variance

Why Not t-Tests?

The Logic of ANOVA

Partitioning the Scores

Comparing Variances

The F Test

Using Excel’s F Worksheet Functions

Using F.DIST() and F.DIST.RT()

Using F.INV() and FINV()

The F Distribution

Unequal Group Sizes

Multiple Comparison Procedures

The Scheffé Procedure

Planned Orthogonal Contrasts

11. Analysis of Variance: Further Issues

Factorial ANOVA

Other Rationales for Multiple Factors

Using the Two-Factor ANOVA Tool

The Meaning of Interaction

The Statistical Significance of an Interaction

Calculating the Interaction Effect

The Problem of Unequal Group Sizes

Repeated Measures: The Two Factor Without Replication Tool

Excel’s Functions and Tools: Limitations and Solutions

Power of the F Test

Mixed Models

12. Multiple Regression Analysis and Effect Coding: The Basics

Multiple Regression and ANOVA

Using Effect Coding

Effect Coding: General Principles

Other Types of Coding

Multiple Regression and Proportions of Variance

Understanding the Segue from ANOVA to Regression

The Meaning of Effect Coding

Assigning Effect Codes in Excel

Using Excel’s Regression Tool with Unequal Group Sizes

Effect Coding, Regression, and Factorial Designs in Excel

Exerting Statistical Control with Semipartial Correlations

Using a Squared Semipartial to get the Correct Sum of Squares

Using TREND() to Replace Squared Semipartial Correlations

Working with the Residuals

Using Excel’s Absolute and Relative Addressing to Extend the Semipartials

13. Multiple Regression Analysis: Further Issues

Solving Unbalanced Factorial Designs Using Multiple Regression

Variables Are Uncorrelated in a Balanced Design

Variables Are Correlated in an Unbalanced Design

Order of Entry Is Irrelevant in the Balanced Design

Order Entry Is Important in the Unbalanced Design

About Fluctuating Proportions of Variance

Experimental Designs, Observational Studies, and Correlation

Using All the LINEST() Statistics

Using the Regression Coefficients

Using the Standard Errors

Dealing with the Intercept

Understanding LINEST()’s Third, Fourth, and Fifth Rows

Managing Unequal Group Sizes in a True Experiment

Managing Unequal Group Sizes in Observational Research

14. Analysis of Covariance: The Basics

The Purposes of ANCOVA

Greater Power

Bias Reduction

Using ANCOVA to Increase Statistical Power

ANOVA Finds No Significant Mean Difference

Adding a Covariate to the Analysis

Testing for a Common Regression Line

Removing Bias: A Different Outcome

15. Analysis of Covariance: Further Issues

Adjusting Means with LINEST() and Effect Coding

Effect Coding and Adjusted Group Means

Multiple Comparisons Following ANCOVA

Using the Scheffé Method

Using Planned Contrasts

The Analysis of Multiple Covariance

The Decision to Use Multiple Covariates

Two Covariates: An Example


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