

a priori ordering, 348

absolute addressing (Excel), extending semipartials, 332–335

adjusted group means and effect coding, 386–388

adjusting means, 381–386

alpha, 129, 186, 220

calculating, 270–271

manipulating, 221–223

setting the level, 204

alternative hypotheses, 116, 198–199


ANOVA, 261

F tests, 268–270

scores, partitioning, 261–264

of dependent group t-test, 249–252

The Analysis of Variance and Alternatives (Wiley, 1980), 372

ANCOVA (analysis of covariance), 361

bias, removing, 375–379

common regression line, testing for, 372–375

effect coding, adjusted group means, 386–388

means, adjusting with LINEST() function, 381–386

multiple comparisons

planned contrasts, 394–395

Scheffe method, 389–393

multiple covariance, 396–398

purpose of

bias reduction, 362–363

greater power, 362

statistical power, increasing, 363

versus ANOVA, 363–365

covariate, adding to analysis, 365–372

ANOVA (analysis of variance), 261. See also factorial ANOVA

alpha, calculating, 270–271

F distribution, 274–275

F tests, 268–270, 305

calculated F, comparing to critical F, 270

noncentral F, 305

noncentrality parameters, 306

factorial ANOVA, 287–291

interaction, 293–294

main effect, calculating, 296–300

statistical significance of, 294–295

main effects, 294–295

multiple comparison procedures, 277–278

planned orthogonal contrasts, 283–286

Scheffe procedure, 278–283

and multiple regression, 308–309

effect coding, 310–312

replication, 303

scores, partitioning, 261–262

sum of squares between groups, 263, 266–268

sum of squares within groups, 263–265

Single Factor ANOVA tool (Excel), 322–323

unequal group sizes, 275–277

variance estimates, 315–316

ANOVA: Single Factor tool (Data Analysis add-in), 269–270

ANOVA: Two-Factor with Replication tool (Data Analysis add-in), 291, 293

design cells, 291–292

limitations of, 304–305

ANOVA: Two-Factor without Replication tool (Data Analysis add-in), 303–304

arguments, 38–39

Tails (T.TEST() function), 240–245

Type (T.TEST() function), 245

independent observations, 245–247

standard error, calculating for dependent groups, 247–251

array formulas, 26, 55–56

arrays, identifying in T.TEST() function, 239–240

assigning effect codes in Excel, 319–322

assumptions, making

BINOM.INV() function, 124–127

binomial distribution formula, 122–124

hypothesis testing, 127–128

independent selections, 122

random selection, 120–122

AVERAGE() function, 37


balanced designs, 300–301

correlation matrices, 339

order of entry, 340–342

Behrens-Fisher problem, 140, 276

bell curve. See normal distribution

between group variance, calculating, 266–268

bias reduction, ANCOVA, 362–363, 375–379

BINOM.DIST() function, 117–119

comparing with BINOM.INV() function, 128–129

BINOM.INV() function, 124–127

binomial distribution formula, 122–124

comparing with BINOM.DIST() function, 128–129

bins, 26

building frequency distributions, 25

FREQUENCY() function, 26–28

with pivot tables, 28–31

simulated frequency distributions, 31–32


calculated F, comparing to critical F, 270


alpha, 270–271

correlation, 81–86

CORREL() function, 86–89

Correlation tool (Data Analysis add-in), 91–93

mean, 36–37, 46

median, 46–48

mode, 48–50

standard deviation, 68–70

variance, 69, 72–73


within group, 264–265

between group, 266–268

capitalizing on chance, 120, 260

category scales, 12–14

causation versus correlation, 93–95

cells, design cells, 291–292

Central Limit Theorem, 191–195

central tendency, 36

characteristics of normal distribution, 169–170

kurtosis, 172–174

skewness, 170–172


creating, testing means, 209–212

means, testing, 206

XY charts, 18–19

chi-square distributions, 135–139

CHIDIST() function, 142–144

CHIINV() function, 145

CHISQ.DIST() function, 141–142

CHISQ.DIST.RT() function, 142–144

CHISQ.INV() function, 137–139, 144–145

CHISQ.INV.RT() function, 145

CHISQ.TEST() function, 134–135, 145–147

CHITEST() function, 145–147

CHIDIST() function, 142–144

CHIINV() function, 145

CHISQ.DIST() function, 141–142

CHISQ.DIST.RT() function, 142–144

CHISQ.INV() function, 137–139, 144–145

CHISQ.INV.RT() function, 145

CHISQ.TEST() function, 134–135, 145–147

CHITEST() function, 145–147

Cochran, William, 152


dummy coding, 312

effect coding, 310, 317–319

adjusted group means, 386–388

codes, assigning in Excel, 319–322

factorial designs, 324–325

group codes, 311–312

means, adjusting, 381–386

orthogonal coding, 312

coefficient of determination, 109–110

common regression line, testing for (ANCOVA), 372–375


BINOM.INV() and BINOM.DIST() functions, 128–129

calculated F to critical F, 270

correlation and causation, 93–95

comparison procedures, 277–278

planned orthogonal contrasts, 283–286

Scheffe procedure, 278–283

compatibility functions, 76

CONFIDENCE() function, 186–188

confidence interval, 180–181

constructing, 182–185

CONFIDENCE() function, 186–188

CONFIDENCE.NORM() function, 186–188

CONFIDENCE.T() function, 188–189

Descriptive Statistics tool (Data Analysis add-in), 189–191

hypothesis testing, 191

CONFIDENCE.NORM() function, 186–188

CONFIDENCE.T() function, 188–189

consistency functions, 76

constraints, 75

constructing confidence interval, 182–185

CONFIDENCE() function, 186–188

CONFIDENCE.NORM() function, 186–188

CONFIDENCE.T() function, 188–189

context for inferential statistics, 151–152

internal validity, 152–156

contingency tables, 130

contrast coefficients, 280

CORREL() function, 81, 86–89

correlation, 79, 81

calculating, 81–86

versus causation, 93–95

CORREL() function, 86–89

correlation coefficient, 80

covariance, 97

multiple regression

best combination, 105–108

TREND() function, 104–105

partial correlation, 327

regression, 95–96, 98, 101–104

semipartial correlation, 326–327

extending with absolute/relative addressing (Excel), 332–335

sum of squares, achieving with squared semipartial, 327–328

TREND() function, 328–332

TREND() function, 99–101

Correlation tool (Data Analysis add-in), 91–93

counting values with array formula, 53–55

covariance, 97, 108–110


bias, removing, 375–379

common regression line, testing for, 372–375

purpose of, bias

reduction, 362–363

purpose of, greater power, 362

statistical power, increasing, 363–372

calculating, 82

multiple covariance, 396–398

covariate adding to ANCOVA analysis, 365–372

covariate total sum of squares, 386


charts, testing means, 206–212

one-way pivot tables, 114–116

critical values, 236

calculating with T.INV() function, 232–234

comparing, 218

finding for t-tests, 217–218

finding for z-tests, 216–217


Data Analysis add-in tools, 89–91

ANOVA: Single Factor tool, 269–270

ANOVA: Two-Factor with Replication tool, 291, 293

design cells, 291–292

limitations of, 304–305

ANOVA: Two-Factor without Replication tool, 303–304

Correlation tool, 91–93

dependent group t-tests, performing

Equal Variances t-Test tool, 252–254

Unequal Variances t-Test tool, 255–256

Descriptive Statistics tool, 189–191

F-Test Two-Sample for Variances tool, 156–167

T-Test Paired Two Sample for Means tool, 237

T-Test: Two-Sample Assuming Unequal Variances tool, 239

De Moivre, Abraham, 23

decision rule, defining for t-tests, 215–216

defining decision rule for t-tests, 215–216

degrees of freedom, 73–75, 236

in two-test groups, 236

dependent group t-tests, performing with Data Analysis add-in tools, 249–256

descriptive statistics, 22–23

Descriptive Statistics tool (Data Analysis add-in), 189–191

design cells, 291–292

DEVSQ() function, 229, 263

directional hypotheses, 165–167, 226–228

verifying with t-test, 228–234

distributions, t-distribution, 214

documentation (Excel), problems with, 149–151

dummy coding, 312


effect coding, 310, 317–319

adjusted group means, 386–388

codes, assigning in Excel, 319–322

factorial designs, 324–325

general principles, 310

group codes, 311–312

means, adjusting, 381–386

Equal Variances t-Test tool (Data Analysis add-in), 252–254

error rates

alpha, manipulating, 221–223

beta, 220

establishing internal validity, 152–153

estimates of variance

via ANOVA, 315–316

via regression, 316–317

estimators, 74


Data Analysis add-in tools. See Data Analysis add-in tools

documentation, problems with, 149–151

effect codes, assigning, 319–322

formula evaluation tool, 56–59

formulas. See formulas

functions. See functions

matrix functions, 110–112

pivot tables

Index display, 147–148

one-way, 113–116, 120

two-way, 117–119, 129–139

Single Factor ANOVA tool, 322–323

Solver, 42–43

installing, 43

worksheets, setting up, 44–46

experimental designs, multiple regression, 345–348

experiments, managing unequal group sizes, 355–356


F distribution, 269, 274–275

F ratio, 269

F tests, 268–270, 305

calculated F, comparing to critical F, 270

multiple comparison procedures, 277–278

planned orthogonal contrasts, 283–286

Scheffe procedure, 278–283

noncentral F, 305

noncentrality parameters, 306

factorial ANOVA, 287–288

F tests, 305

noncentral F, 305

noncentrality parameters, 306

fixed factors, 306

interaction, 293–294

main effect, calculating, 296–300

statistical significance of, 294–295

multiple factors, 288–291

random factors, 306

unequal group sizes, 300–303


interaction, 288, 293–294

main effect, calculating, 296–300

statistical significance of, 294–295

mixed models, 306

F.DIST() function, 71–272

FDIST() function, 272

F.DIST.RT() function, 163–164, 272

fields, 9

F.INV() function, 163, 273–274

FINV() function, 273–274

fixed factors, 306

fluctuating proportions of variance, 344–345

formula evaluation tool, 56–59

formulas, 37–38, 40–41

array formulas, 55–56

values, counting, 53–55

binomial distribution, 122–124

degrees of freedom, 73–75

mode, calculating, 53

regression, 101–104

symbols used in, 71–72

frequency distributions, 19–20

building, 25

FREQUENCY() function, 26–28

with pivot tables, 28–31

descriptive statistics, 22–23

inferential statistics, 23–25

positively skewed, 21–22

simulated frequency distributions, building, 31–32

standard deviation, 65–68

calculating, 68–70

FREQUENCY() function, 26–28

F-Test Two-Sample for Variances tool, 156–167

functions, 38, 243

arguments, 38–39


BINOM.DIST(), 117–119

BINOM.INV(), 124–127

CHIDIST(), 142–144

CHIINV(), 145

CHISQ.DIST(), 141–142

CHISQ.DIST.RT(), 142–144

CHISQ.INV(), 137–139, 144–145


CHISQ.TEST(), 134–135, 145–147

CHITEST(), 145–147

compatibility functions, 76

CONFIDENCE.T(), 188–189

consistency functions, 76

CORREL(), 81, 86–89

DEVSQ(), 229, 263

F.DIST(), 271–272

FDIST(), 272

F.DIST.RT(), 163–164, 272

F.INV(), 163, 273–274

FINV(), 273–274

FREQUENCY(), 26–28

IF(), 56

INTERCEPT(), 102–104

LINEST(), 102–104

means, adjusting, 381–386

multiple regression, 106–108

multiple regression statistics, 348–354

MATCH(), 53

MEDIAN(), 47

MMULT(), 111–112

MODE(), 48–53

NORM.DIST(), 175, 205, 208

cumulative probability, requesting, 176

point estimate, requesting, 177

NORM.INV(), 177–179

NORM.S.DIST(), 179–180

NORM.S.INV(), 180

returning the result, 39–40

SLOPE(), 102–104

STDEV(), 75

STDEVA(), 76

STDEVP(), 75

STDEV.P() function, 76

STDEV.S() function, 76

STEVPA(), 76

T.DIST(), 234–235

T.DIST.2T(), 235

T.DIST.RT(), 235

T.INV(), 217, 232–234

TREND(), 99–101, 328–330

multiple regression, 104–106

residuals, 330–332

T-TEST(), 236–238

arrays, identifying, 239–240

Tails argument, 240–245

Type argument, 245–249

VAR(), 68, 76

VARA(), 76

VARP(), 76

VAR.P(), 77

VARPA(), 77

VAR.S(), 77


Galton, Francis, 95

General Linear Model, effect coding, 317–319

group codes, 311–312

groups, unequal sizes, 275–277


headers, 10

homogeneity of regression coefficients, 372

How to Lie with Statistics, 149

Huff, Darrell, 149

Huitema, B.E., 372


alternative, 116

directional, 226–227

verifying with t-test, 228–234

nondirectional, 165, 227–228

nondirectional hypotheses, 226

null hypotheses, 116

testing, 127, 225


identifying arrays in T.TEST() function, 239–240

IF() function, 56

independent events, 132–133

independent selections, making assumptions, 122

Index display (pivot tables), 147–148

inferential statistics, 22–25

context for, 151–152

internal validity, 152–156

estimators, 74

influences on statistical power, 257

installing Solver, 43

interaction, 288, 293–294

main effect, calculating, 296–300

statistical significance of, 294–295

intercept, 350

INTERCEPT() function, 102–104

internal validity, 152–153

threats to

chance, 156

history, 153–154

instrumentation, 154

maturation, 154

mortality, 155

regression, 154

selection, 153

testing, 154

interval scales, 15

interval values, distinguishing from text values, 15–17


The Johnson-Neyman Technique, Its Theory and Application (Biometrika, December 1950), 372

Kish, Leslie, 152

kurtosis as characteristic of normal distribution, 172–174

least squares criterion, 18, 42, 45

leptokurtic curve, 173

limitations of ANOVA: Two Factor with Replication tool, 304–305

LINEST() function, 102–104

multiple regression, 106–108

multiple regression statistics, 348–354

lists, 10–11


main diagonal, 339

main effects, 294–295

making assumptions

BINOM.INV() function, 124–127

binomial distribution formula, 122–124

hypothesis testing, 127–128

independent selections, 122

random selection, 120–122

managing unequal group sizes

in observational research, 356–359

in true experiments, 355–356

manipulating error rates, 221–223

MATCH() function, 53

matrix functions (Excel), 110–112

mean, 35

adjusting, 381–386

calculating, 36–37, 46

least squares criterion, 45

minimizing the spread, 41–43

testing, 198, 200

charts, creating, 206–212

standard error of the mean, 202–205

statistical power, 219–220

t-test, 213–216

z-test, 199–201

mean deviation, 70–71

mean square between, calculating, 266–268

mean square within, calculating, 265

measuring variability with range, 62–64

median, 35

calculating, 46–48

MEDIAN() function, 47

mesokurtic curve, 173

mixed models, 306

MMULT() function, 111–112

mode, calculating, 48–49

with formulas, 53

with pivot tables, 50–52

MODE() function, 48–53

multiple comparisons, 261, 277–278

planned contrasts, 394–395

planned orthogonal contrasts, 283–286

Scheffe method, 278–283, 389–393

multiple covariance, 396–398

multiple regression

and ANOVA, 308–312

best combination, 105–106

effect coding, factorial designs, 324–325

experimental designs, 345–348

LINEST() function, 348–354

proportions of variance, 312–315

TREND() function, 104–105

unbalanced factorial designs, solving, 337–338

correlation matrices, 339–340

fluctuating proportions of variance, 344–345

order of entry, 340–344

unequal group sizes, managing

in observational research, 356–359

in true experiments, 355–356


negative correlation, 79

negatively skewed frequency distributions, 21

noncentrality parameters, 306

nondirectional hypotheses, 165–167, 226–227

nondirectional tests, 243–244

nonparametrics, 15

normal distribution

Central Limit Theorem, 191–195

characteristics of, 169–170

kurtosis, 172–174

skewness, 170–172

confidence interval, 180–181

constructing, 182–189

Descriptive Statistics tool (Data Analysis add-in), 189–191

hypothesis testing, 191

NORM.DIST() function, 175

cumulative probability, requesting, 176

point estimate, requesting, 177

NORM.INV() function, 177–179

NORM.S.DIST() function, 179–180

NORM.S.INV() function, 180

unit normal distribution, 174–175

NORM.DIST() function, 175, 205, 208

cumulative probability, requesting, 176

point estimate, requesting, 177

NORM.INV() function, 177–179

NORM.S.DIST() function, 179–180

NORM.S.INV() function, 180

null hypotheses, 116, 198

rejecting, 218–219

numeric scales, 14–15


observational research

multiple regression, 345–348

unequal group sizes, managing, 356–359

observations, pairing, 237

omnibus test, 277

one-tailed hypotheses, 226

one-way pivot tables, 113

creating, 114–116

statistical test, running, 116–120

ordinal scales, 14

orthogonal coding, 312


pairing observations, 237

parameters, 71

noncentrality parameters, 306

partial correlation, 327


scores, 261–262

sum of squares between groups, 263, 266–268

sum of squares within groups, 263–265

variance, 230

Pearson, Karl, 96, 140

pivot tables

frequency distributions, building, 28–31

Index display, 147–148

mode, calculating, 50–52

one-way, 113

creating, 114–116

statistical test, running, 116–120

two-way, 129–132

independence of classifications, testing, 133–139

independent events, 132–133

probabilities, 132–133

planned contrasts, multiple comparisons, 394–395

planned orthogonal contrasts, 283–286

platykurtic curve, 172

point estimate, 208

pooled variance, 229

positive correlation, 79

positively skewed frequency distributions, 21–22

probabilities, 132–133

problems with Excel’s documentation, 149–151

proportional cell frequencies, 302

proportions of variance, 312–315

purposes of ANCOVA

bias reduction, 362–363

greater power, 362


random factors, 306

random selection, making assumptions, 120–122

randomized blocks, 303

range, measuring variability, 62–64

ratio scales, 15

regression, 82, 95–96, 98, 101–104

residuals, 330–332

variance estimates, 316–317

regression slopes, ANCOVA, 370–372

rejecting null hypotheses, 218–219

relative addressing (Excel), extending semipartials, 332–335

removing bias, ANCOVA, 375–379

repeated measures design, 303

replication, 292, 303

research hypotheses, 198–199

residual error, 362

residuals, 330–332

returning the result, 39–40


samples, tallying, 25

Sampling Techniques (1977), 152

scales of measurement

category scales, 12–14

numeric scales, 14–15

Scatter charts. See XY charts

Scheffe method of multiple comparisons, 278–283, 389–393

scores, partitioning, 261–262

sum of squares between groups, 263, 266–268

sum of squares within groups, 263–265

semipartial correlation, 326–327

extending with absolute/relative addressing (Excel), 332–335

sum of squares, achieving with squared semipartial, 327–328

TREND() function, 328–330

setting the alpha level, 204

setting up worksheets for Solver, 44–46

shared variance, 105–106, 108–110

Simpson’s paradox, 140

simulated frequency distributions, building, 31–32

Single Factor ANOVA tool (Excel), 322–323

skewed distributions, 47

skewness as characteristic of normal distribution, 170–172

SLOPE() function, 102–104

Solver (Excel), 42–43

installing, 43

worksheets, setting up, 44–46

solving unbalanced factorial designs with multiple regression, 337–338

correlation matrices, 339–340

fluctuating proportions of variance, 344–345

order of entry, 340–344

standard deviation, 64–68

calculating, 68, 70

degrees of freedom, 74–75

functions, 75–76

variance, calculating, 69, 72–73

standard error

calculating for dependent groups, 247–251

underestimating, 238

standard error of the mean, 183, 200–204, 230

error rates, 204–205

statistical control, exerting with semipartial correlations, 326–327

statistical power, 219–220

alpha, 220–223

beta, 220

of directional tests, 244

increasing with ANCOVA, 363

versus ANOVA, 363–365

covariate, adding to analysis, 365–372

influences on, 257

STDEV() function, 75

STDEVA() function, 76

STDEVP() function, 75

STDEV.P() function, 76

STDEVPA() function, 76

STDEV.S() function, 76

studentized range statistic, 277

sum of squares,

achieving with squared semipartial, 327–328

between groups, 263, 266–268

within groups, 263–265

Survey Sampling (1995), 152

symbols used in formulas, 71–72

syntax, T.TEST() function, 239–240

Tails argument, 240–245

Type argument, 245–251


tables, 10

Tails argument (T.TEST() function), 240–245

tallying a sample, 25

T.DIST() function, 234–235

T.DIST.2T() function, 235

t-distribution, 214

T.DIST.RT() function, 235


critical value, finding, 217–218

F tests, 268–270

hypotheses, 225

directional hypotheses, 226–234

nondirectional hypotheses, 228

means, 198

charts, creating, 206–212

standard error of the mean, 202–205

statistical power, 219–220

t-test, 213–216

z-test, 199–201

text values, distinguishing from interval values, 15–17

threats to internal validity

chance, 155–156

history, 153–154

instrumentation, 154

maturation, 154

mortality, 155

regression, 154

selection, 153

testing, 154

T.INV() function, 217, 232–234

total cross-product, 387

TREND() function, 99–101, 328–330

multiple regression, 104–106

residuals, 330–332

trend lines, 18–19

T-TEST() function, 236–238

T.TEST() function, 239

arrays, identifying, 239–240

Tails argument, 240–245

Type argument, 245

independent observations, 245–247

standard error, calculating for dependent groups, 247–251

T-Test Paired Two Sample for Means (Data Analysis add-in), 237

T-Test: Two-Sample Assuming Unequal Variances (Data Analysis add-in), 239


capitalizing on chance, 260

degrees of freedom, 236

dependent group t-tests, performing, 249–256

directional hypotheses, making, 230

means, testing, 213–214

decision rule, defining, 215–216

observations, pairing, 237

reasons for not using, 259–261

unequal group variances, 237–238

when to avoid, 258

two-tailed hypotheses, 226

two-tailed tests, 243

two-test groups, degrees of freedom, 236

two-way pivot tables, 129–132

independence of classifications, testing, 133–135

CHISQ.DIST() function, 137–139

CHISQ.INV() function, 137–139

chi-square distributions, 135–137

independent events, 132–133

probabilities, 132–133

Type argument (T.TEST() function), 245

independent observations, 245–247

standard error, calculating for dependent groups, 247–251


unbalanced factorial designs, 302

solving with multiple regression, 337–338

correlation matrices, 339–340

fluctuating proportions of variance, 344–345

order of entry, 340–344

unbiased estimators, 74

underestimating standard error, 238

unequal group sizes, 275–277

in factorial ANOVA, 300–303


in observational research, 356–359

in true experiments, 355–356

variances, 237–238

Unequal Variances t-Test tool (Data Analysis add-in), 255–256

unit normal distribution, 174–175



alpha, 186

counting with array formula, 53–55

interval values, distinguishing from text values, 15–17

VAR() function, 68, 76

VARA() function, 76

variability, measuring

with mean deviation, 70–71

with range, 62–64

variables, 9

charting, XY charts, 17–19

correlation, 79–81

calculating, 81–86

correlation coefficient, 80

multiple regression, 104–108

regression, 96–98, 101–104

TREND() function, 99–101

values, 9


ANOVA, 261

alpha, calculating, 270–271

design cells, 291–292

F tests, 268–270, 305–306

factorial ANOVA, 287–291

interaction, 293–300

scores, partitioning, 261–264

unequal group sizes, 275–277

calculating, 69, 72–73


via ANOVA, 315–316

via regression, 316–317

functions, 76

as parameter, 71–72

partitioning, 230

pooled variance, 229

shared variance, 105–106, 108–110

unequal group, 237

unequal group variances, 238

variance error of the mean, 201

VARP() function, 76

VAR.P() function, 77

VARPA() function, 77

VAR.S() function, 77

verifying directional hypotheses with t-test, 228–234


when to avoid t-tests, 258

within group variance, calculating, 264–265

worksheets, setting up for Solver, 44–46


XY charts, 17–19

Yule Simpson effect, 139–141

z-scores, 198


critical value, finding, 216–217

means, testing, 199–201

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