

AAUs (Assigned Amount Units), 130

ABC News Business website, 66

Aloshikha Rajihar Social Development Centre, 267

ANDI (National Business Association of Colombia), 22

Armenia earthquake


asset management, 16

distribution, 17-18

donations and procurement, 12-13

monitoring, 18-19

tracking, 15

transportation, 13-15

assessment, 8

conclusion, 21

coordination/collaboration, 19-21

organization, creating, 11

overview, 4-6

planning and preparedness, 6-8


financial, 9

human, 9-10

assessing disasters, 8


recovery (e-waste), 165

management (disaster response), 16

Assigned Amount Units (AAUs), 130

auditing suppliers, 201

Aungkur Pali Unnayan Kendra, 268

automotive e-equipment innovations, 238-239


B2B (business-to-business) collaborations, 233

Bangladesh Development Society (BDS), 268

Base of the Pyramid. See BoP

battery cells, 237

BDS (Bangladesh Development Society), 268

Benelux cluster, 144-146

annual demand, 146

annual requirements, 146

cement blends by types, 146-155

Better Tomorrow Plan. See BTP

BoP (Base of the Pyramid), 218

defined, 219

goals, 218

Open Innovation. See Open Innovation models


business sectors, 224

automotive industry, 224-225

consumer goods and power tools, 226

industrial technologies, 225

company overview, 222

financial success, 223


production processes, 233-235

products, 235-239

R&D, 228

collaborations, 231-233

culture/belief standards, establishing, 229-231

infrastructure, 228-229

social responsibility, 226-227

sustainable company, creating, 239-240

BTP (Better Tomorrow Plan)

changes, implementing

energy and emissions, 184-186

local, fair, and responsibly produced products, 187-188

sustainable seafood, 189-190

water conservation, 186-187

fourteen commitments, 175

global code of conduct compliance, 180

impact from changes, measuring, 183-184

overview, 179-180

Supplier Code of Conduct, 180

supplier sustainability practices, 179

business model innovations (entrepreneurial-style social ventures)

community involvement, 247, 250

donor propositions, 248

fundraising, 248

growth partners, finding, 270-271

impact, 256, 272

local partners, managing, 255

marketing strategies, 273-274

no overheads model, 247

presence, increasing, 253-255

publicity, 248

return per dollar spent, maximizing, 249-251

business-to-business (B2B) collaborations, 233


California electronic waste regulations, 167

carbon capture and storage (CCS), 142-144, 146

carbon emissions

alternatives, 140-142

Benelux cluster, 144-146

capture and storage (CCS), 142-144, 146

cement operations

cement blends, 140

clinker alternatives, 141-142

kilns, 136-137

fuels, 138-140


European cement industry, 133-136

implementing, 132-133

prices, 92

regulations, 124-125

overview, 131-132

GroBaby Foods, 206

idling truck engines (cargo docks), 211-213

Kyoto Protocol, 129-131

National Allocation Plans, 131

NORAM, 186

production innovations, 234

reductions, 86

supply chain sustainability, 184-186

transport modes, 120

carbon tax to curb global warming article website, 135

cargo container facilities operational efficiency

examples, 213

industry overview, 209-210

OECD findings, 210

problems, 211

resource websites, 213

solutions, 211-212

CCS (carbon capture and storage), 142-144, 146

cement. See HeidelbergCement

cemented carbides, 98

prices, 121

recycling, 106-107

Centre for Research on the Epidemiology of Disasters website, 33

CHCs (chlorinated hydrocarbons), 234


business risks, reducing, 178

changes, implementing

energy and emissions, 184-186

local, fair, and responsibly produced products, 187-188

sustainable seafood, 189-190

water conservation, 186-187

impact from changes, measuring, 184

climate change program (Pfizer), 87

clinker alternatives, 141-142

cobalt, 100-101

market prices, 110-113

recyclability, 113-114

collaborations (R&D)

B2B (business-to-business), 233

finance research institutions, 231

governments, 233

P2P (peer-to-peer), 231

Colombian Institute for Family Welfare (ICBF), 22

communication (disasters), 36, 38

congestion pricing, 212

CRC (Coromant Recycling Concept), 97

cemented carbide recycling, 106-107

culture, 106

customer cooperation, 104

environmental impact, 110

history, 107

in-house versus outsourcing, 109-110

local sales organizations, 111-112

carbon emissions by transport modes, 120

cemented carbide prices and quantity collected, 121

closing the loop, 119

environmental impact data, 120-121

recyclability of tungsten and cobalt, 113-114

sales, operating profit and numbers of employees by business area, 115

tungsten and cobalt market prices, 110-113

reverse supply chain, 108-109

scrap, pricing, 110

sustainability policy, 116-118

CRT recycling

changing demand repercussions, 163-164

global dumping, 168

government intervention, 165-167

industry responsibility, 164-165

stockpiles, discovering, 161

supplier oversight, 168-169

technology changes, 162-163

websites, 162, 166


preservation during downturn, 53-55

Sandvik Tooling, 106


base assessment, 50-52

cooperation (Sandvik Tooling), 104


de-manufacturing electronics, 165

DEFRA (UK Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs), 120

disassembling electronics, 165

disaster response


asset management, 16

distribution, 17-18

donations and procurement, 12-13

monitoring, 18-19

tracking, 15

transportation, 13-15

ANDI (National Business Association of Colombia), 22

Armenia earthquake, 4-6

assessment, 8

communication consistency, 36

coordination/collaboration, 19-21

employee safety, 35

financial impact (Honda), 66-69

FOREC (Fund for the Reconstruction of the Coffee Region), 22

future considerations, 41

global effects on lean supply chains

culture preservation in downturns, 53-55

customer base assessment, 50-52

future workforce reduction policies, 56-57

Honda cuts news article, 60-61

Japanese earthquake and tsunami overview, 44-46

supply base assessment, 48-49

ICBF (Colombian Institute for Family Welfare), 22

IFRC (International Federation of Red Cross), 22

multiple plant production adjustments, 69-70

operations, restoring, 39-40

organization, creating, 11

planning and preparedness

earthquakes, 6-8

floods, 33-34


managing, 37-38

operations, restoring, 39-40

time, reducing, 36

Red Cross, 22


financial, 9

human, 9-10

RSS (Social Solidarity Network), 22

supply chain disruptions, minimizing, 35

Thailand floods, 29-31, 64-66

Western Digital factory flood, 27-29

distribution (disaster aid), 17-18


disaster responses, 12-13

donor propositions, 248


ecomeeting, 293

EcoPlusHome, 235-236

EIA (Electronic Industries Alliance), 165

electronic waste

2009 end-of-life statistics, 167

EPA recycling information website, 169

hazardous trail website, 163


asset recovery, 165

de-manufacture/disassembly, 165

recycling/salvaging, 165

refurbish and reuse, 165

RERA (Responsible Electronics Recycling Act), 168


changing demand repercussions, 163-164

discovering, 161

global dumping, 168

government intervention, 165-167

industry responsibility, 164-165

supplier oversight, 168-169

technology changes, 162-163

websites, 162

Electronics Take Back Coalition website, 163

employee safety

disasters, 35

NH Hoteles, 287

energy efficiency

450 ppm scenario, 95

changes, implementing, 185-186

energy price growth per IEA scenarios, 95


European cement industry, 133-136

implementing, 132-133

prices, 92

regulations, 124-125

overview, 131-132

Freiburg Energy Portfolio, 77-82

benefits, 88

geothermal heating/cooling, 80-82

principles, 77-78

profit sources, 79-80

representative projects, 79

scope, 77

sustainability agenda role, 86-87

Wood-Pellet Boiler Project, 82-85

innovations, 237

Kyoto Protocol, 89-92

NH Hoteles, 292-293

NORAM site-level efficiency actions, 194

reference scenarios, 94-95

supply chain sustainability, 184-186

energy sources, environmental regulation challenges, 138-140

entrepreneurial-style social ventures

community involvement, 247, 250

donor propositions, 248

fundraising, 248

growth partners, finding, 270-271

impact, 256, 272

local partners, managing, 255

marketing strategies, 273-274

no overheads model, 247

presence, increasing, 253-255

publicity, 248

return per dollar spent, maximizing, 249-251

environmental protection

electronic waste stockpiles

changing demand repercussions, 163-164

discovering, 161

global dumping, 168

government intervention, 165-167

industry responsibility, 164-165

supplier oversight, 168-169

technology changes, 162-163

websites, 162

energy efficiency. See energy efficiency

greenhouse gases

agriculture, 187

Pfizer, 76

NH Hoteles, 291-292

operational challenges due to government regulations

CCS costs, power, emissions, 146

competition, 128-129

EBITA with carbon costs, 134-152

electric power impacts, 146

emissions regulations, 133-136

EU-ETS (European Union Emission Trading Scheme), 124-125, 131-133, 150

EUAs, 133, 149-150

fuel classes, fuels, emissions impacts and costs, 139-144

fuel recipe costs and emissions efficiency, 145

Kyoto Protocol, 129-131

National Allocation Plans, 131

off-shore capacity, 146

off-shore electric power impacts, 146

take-back recycling (Sandvik CRC)

carbon emissions by transport modes, 120

cemented carbide prices and quantity collected, 121

cemented carbide recycling, 106-107

closing the loop, 119

culture, 106

customer cooperation, 104

environmental impact, 110, 120-121

history, 107

in-house versus outsourcing, 109-110

local sales organizations, 111-112

recyclability of tungsten and cobalt, 113-114

reverse supply chain, 108-109

sales, operating profit and numbers of employees by business area, 115

sustainability policy, 116-118

tungsten and cobalt market prices, 110-113

EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) websites, 169-170

ethics, 53-55

EU-ETS (European Union Emission Trading Scheme)

European cement industry, 133-136

implementing, 132-133

prices, 82-84

regulations, 124-125

overview, 131-132

EUAs (European Union Allowances), 132

pricing, 149

surplus, 133


federal e-waste export legislation, 168

financial impact and resources (natural disasters), 9, 66-69

food procurement after disasters, 12-13

FOREC (Fund for the Reconstruction of the Coffee Region), 22

Freiburg Energy Portfolio, 77-82

benefits, 88

geothermal heating/cooling, 80-82

principles, 77-78

profit sources, 79-80

representative projects, 79

scope, 77

sustainability agenda role, 86-87

Wood-Pellet Boiler Project, 82-85

central elements pre-project cost estimates, 92

maintenance costs, 92


GAA (Global Aquaculture Alliance), 189

gCab, 294

geothermal heating/cooling, 80-82

GHG (greenhouse gas) emissions, 76

agriculture, 187

Pfizer, 76

global logistics efficiency (cargo container facilities), 210

examples, 213

problems, 211

solutions, 211-212

GroBaby Foods

carbon footprint, 205

competitors, 199

history, 198-199

infant purée production, 200

sourcing strategy

challenges, 204

compliance failure, 197-198

creating, 203-204

performance metrics, 207

selection, 202-203

supply chain

auditing, 201

overview, 200

sustainability objectives, 202

total cost of ownership, 207

gross margins, increasing, 178



Benelux cluster, 144-146

annual demand, 146

annual requirements, 146

cement blends by types, 146-155

portfolio serving Benelux, 145-154

cement history, 125-126

CCS costs, power, emissions, 146

competition, 128-129

EBITA with carbon costs, 134-152

electric power impacts, 146

emissions regulations, 133-136

EU-ETS (European Union Emission Trading Scheme), 124-125, 131-133

European cement industry, 133-136

implementing, 132-133

regulations, 124-125

overview, 131-132


pricing, 149

surplus, 133

fuel classes, fuels, emissions impacts and costs, 139-144

fuel recipe costs and emissions efficiency, 145

history, 126-128

income statement, 148

Kyoto Protocol, 129-131

National Allocation Plans, 131

off-shore capacity, 146

off-shore electric power impacts, 146


cement blends, 140

energy sources, 138-140

future improvements (CCS), 142-144

kiln, 136-137

regulations impact, 146-147


cement, 125-126

CRC, 107

GroBaby Foods, 198-199

HeidelbergCement, 126-128

Honda Automobile Thailand, 63-64

Max Foundation, 244-245

NH Hoteles, 281-283

Sodexo, 176-177


Automobile Thailand

financial impact, 66-69

flood overview, 64-66

history, 63-64

multiple plant production adjustments, 69-70

cuts news article (Japanese earthquake and tsunami), 59-62

worldwide production data, 67

human resources

coordination/collaboration, 19-21

disaster response, 9-10

organizing, 11


ICBF (Colombian Institute for Family Welfare), 22

idling engines article website, 213

IEA (International Energy Agency), 93

450 ppm scenario, 95

energy price growth per IEA scenarios, 95

reference scenario, 94-95

IFRC (International Federation of Red Cross), 22

IH&RA (International Hotel & Restaurant Association), 280


business model. See entrepreneurial-style social venture

defined, 275

Open Innovation, 220-221

production processes, 233-235

products, 235-239

R&D, 228-233


creating, 276-277

defined, 276

implications, 276

knowledge-based communities, 277

knowledge life cycle. See knowledge life cycle

NH Hoteles, 288-295

Social Innovation Capital, 279

International Energy Agency. See IEA

International Federation of Red Cross (IFRC), 22

International Hotel & Restaurant Association (IH&RA), 280


Japanese earthquake and tsunami

culture preservation in downturns, 53-55

customer base assessment, 50-52

future workforce reduction policies, 56-57

Honda cuts news article, 60-61

overview, 44-46

supply base assessment, 48-49

JIT (just-in-time) manufacturing, 44


kiln operations, 136-137

KMCI (Knowledge Management Consortium International) knowledge life cycle, 277-279

knowledge-based communities, 277

knowledge life cycle, 277-279

defined, 277

integration, 279

NH Hoteles, 284-288

integrating ideas from collaborators, partners, and other stakeholders, 285

internal organization (NH University), 285-287

safety training, 287

specialized services training, 288

production of knowledge, 278

Social Innovation Capital, 279

Kyoto Protocol, 89-92, 129-131


layoffs (TRQSS), 53-55

LCA (Life Cycle Assessment) tool, 203-204

lean supply chains, natural disaster effects, 44-46

culture preservation in downturn, 53-55

customer base assessment, 50-52

future workforce reduction policies, 56-57

Honda cuts news article, 60-61

supply base assessment, 48-49

local, fair, and responsibly produced products, 187-188


MAN cutting tools survey website, 104

manufacturing. See operations

Marine Stewardship Council (MSC), 189

Max Foundation

cause, finding, 246-247

community involvement, 247, 250

donor propositions, 248

fundraising, 248

health return, maximizing, 249-251

history, 244-245

impact, 256

implementation partners

Aloshikha Rajihar Social Development Centre, 267

Aungkur Pali Unnayan Kendra, 268

BDS (Bangladesh Development Society), 268

growth, finding, 270-271

PARAS (Palli Rakkha Sangstha), 268

similarities, 266-267

SLOPB (Stitching Land Ontwikkelings Project Bangladesh), 268

local partners, managing, 255

marketing strategies, 273-274

measuring impact, 272

no overheads model, 247

pictures, 257-266

presence, increasing, 253-255

publicity, 248

vision, 245

medicine procurement after disasters, 12-13

metal cutting tools. See Sandvik Tooling

minimizing supply chain disruptions, 35

monitoring disaster aid, 18-19

MSC (Marine Stewardship Council), 189

multibranding (Sandvik Tooling), 104


National Business Association of Colombia (ANDI), 22

National Disaster System, 22

natural disasters. See disaster response

Network for Transport and Environment (NTM), 120

new energy finance website, 95

NH Hoteles

history, 281-283

innovations, 288-295

ecomeeting, 293

electric vehicle charging points, 294

electronic products, 290

energy conservation, 292-293

environmental protection, 291-292

gCab, 294

Nhube, 289

restaurants/buffets, 288

specially tailored hotels (Nhow), 290-291

supply chain sustainable development, 295

Woman Style rooms, 288

knowledge life cycle, 284-288

integrating ideas from collaborators, partners, and other stakeholders, 285

NH University, 285-287

safety training, 287

specialized services training, 288

mission, 283

values, 284

vision, 283

NORAM (Sodexo North America)

carbon footprint, 186

changes, implementing

energy and emissions, 184-186

local, fair, and responsibly produced products, 187-188

sustainable seafood, 189-190

water conservation, 186-187

energy efficiency site-level actions, 194

fourteen commitments, 175

future, 190

impact from changes, measuring, 183-184

local produce purchases, 188-195

operational challenges, 191

organizational chart, 176

revenue, 176

seafood purchases, 189-195

stakeholder engagement, 182

subject matters experts, hiring, 181-182


issues, 182-183

priorities, 181

NTM (Network for Transport and Environment), 120


OECD (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development) website, 296

Open Innovation models, 220-221

production processes, 233-235

products, 235-239

R&D, 228

Bosch infrastructure, 228-229

collaborations, 231-233

culture/belief standards, establishing, 229-231


challenges, 191

changes, implementing

energy and emissions, 184-186

local, fair, and responsibly produced products, 187-188

sustainable seafood, 189-190

water conservation, 186-187


problems, 211

solutions, 211-212

energy efficiency, 194

environmental regulation challenges

alternatives, 141-142

energy sources, 138-140

future improvements, 142-144

impact of changes, 146-147

kilns, 136-137

impact from changes, measuring, 183-184

just-in-time manufacturing, 44

process innovations, 233-235

restoring after disaster, 39-40

Sandvik Tooling, 103

suppliers, reviewing, 178

water conservation, 187

workforce reduction policies, 56-57

Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) website, 296


P2P (peer-to-peer) collaborations, 231

PARAS (Palli Rakkha Sangstha), 268


company overview, 74

Energy and Climate Change Programme, 76

Freiburg Energy Portfolio, 77-82

benefits, 88

energy consumption, 75-76

geothermal heating/cooling, 80-82

overview, 74

principles, 77-78

profit sources, 79-80

scope, 77

sustainability agenda role, 86-87

Wood-Pellet Boiler Project, 82-85

PierPass, 213

planning for disasters

earthquakes, 6-8

floods, 33-34

pollution. See carbon emissions

procurement (disaster responses), 12-13


innovations (NH Hoteles), 235-239

automotive e-equipment, 238-239

battery cells, 237

EcoPlusHome, 235-236

energy consumption, 237

security technology, 236

software, 236

pricing, 177

production. See operations


QSS way, 57-47

quality, 105


R&D (Research and Development), 228

Bosch infrastructure, 228-229

collaborations, 231-233

culture/belief standards, establishing, 229-231

Sandvik Tooling, 103

real energy price growth under difference IEA scenarios, 95

recovery (disasters)

future considerations, 41

managing, 37-38

communication, 38

decontamination process, 37

progress, monitoring, 37

restoration, 37

operations, restoring, 39-40

time, reducing, 36



carbon emissions by transport modes, 120

cemented carbide prices and quantity collected, 121

cemented carbide recycling, 106-107

closing the loop, 119

environmental impact, 110, 120-121

history, 107

in-house versus outsourcing, 109-110

local sales organizations, 111-112

metal cutting tools, 97-100

recyclability of tungsten and cobalt, 113-114

reverse supply chain, 108-109

sales, operating profit and numbers of employees by business area, 115

scrap, pricing, 110

sustainability policy, 116-118

tungsten and cobalt market prices, 110-113

electronics waste stockpiles

2009 end-of-life statistics, 167

asset recovery, 165

changing demand repercussions, 163-164

de-manufacture/disassembly, 165

discovering, 161

EPA recycling information website, 169

global dumping, 168

government intervention, 165-167

industry responsibility, 164-165

recycling/salvaging, 165

refurbish and reuse, 165

RERA (Responsible Electronics Recycling Act), 168

supplier oversight, 168-169

technology changes, 162-163

websites, 162

Red Crescent Movement, 22

Red Cross, 22

refurbishing electronics, 165

RERA (Responsible Electronics Recycling Act), 168

Research and Development. See R&D

resources (disaster response)

financial, 9

human, 9-10

coordination/collaboration, 19-21

organizing, 11

reusing electronics, 165

reverse supply chain, 108-109

reviewing supplier operations, 178

risk assessment

earthquakes, 6-8

floods, 33-34

RSS (Social Solidarity Network), 22


salvaging electronics, 165

Sandvik Tooling

brochure website, 98

company overview, 102

CRC (Coromant Recycling Concept)

carbon emissions by transport modes, 120

cemented carbide prices and quantity collected, 121

cemented carbide recycling, 106-107

closing the loop, 119

environmental impact, 110, 120-121

history, 107

in-house versus outsourcing, 109-110

local sales organizations, 111-112

recyclability of tungsten and cobalt, 113-114

reverse supply chain, 108-109

sales, operating profit and numbers of employees by business area, 115

sustainability policy, 116-118

tungsten and cobalt market prices, 110-113

culture, 106

customer cooperation, 104

industry overview, 98-100

multibranding, 104

organization, 105

quality, 105

scrap, pricing, 110

supply chain

logistics, 103

manufacturing, 103

research and development, 103

reverse, 108-109

tungsten and cobalt, 100-101

Savannah port strike article website, 213

seafood (sustainable), 189-190

security technology innovations, 236

SLOPB (Stitching Land Ontwikkelings Project Bangladesh), 268

Social Innovation Capital, 279

social innovations, 276

creating, 276-277

defined, 276

implications, 276

knowledge-based communities, 277

knowledge life cycle, 277-279

defined, 277

integrating ideas from collaborators, partners, and other stakeholders, 285

integration of knowledge, 279

internal organization, 285-287

NH Hoteles, 284-288

production of knowledge, 278

safety training, 287

Social Innovation Capital, 279

NH Hoteles, 288-295

ecomeeting, 293

electric vehicle charging points, 294

electronic products, 290

energy conservation, 292-293

environmental protection, 291-292

gCab, 294

Nhube, 289

restaurants/buffets, 288

specialized services training, 288

specially tailored hotels (Nhow), 290-291

supply chain sustainable development, 295

Woman Style rooms, 288

Social Innovation Capital, 279

social responsibility

Better Tomorrow Plan. See BTP

BoP, 218

defined, 219

goals, 218

Bosch, 226-227

entrepreneurial-style social ventures

community involvement, 247, 250

donor propositions, 248

fundraising, 248

growth partners, finding, 270-271

impact, 256, 272

local partners, managing, 255

marketing strategies, 273-274

no overheads model, 247

presence, increasing, 253-255

publicity, 248

return per dollar spent, maximizing, 249-251

Open Innovation models, 220-221

production processes, 233-235

products, 235-239

R&D, 228-233

social innovations

creating, 276-277

defined, 276

implications, 276

knowledge-based communities, 277

knowledge life cycle. See knowledge life cycle

Social Solidarity Network (RSS), 22


BTP (Better Tomorrow Plan)

fourteen commitments, 175

global code of conduct compliance, 180

overview, 179-180

Supplier Code of Conduct, 180

supplier sustainability practices, 179

changes, implementing

energy and emissions, 184-186

local, fair, and responsibly produced products, 187-188

sustainable seafood, 189-190

water conservation, 186-187

Corporate Citizenship Progress website, 174

future, 190

history, 176-177

impact from changes, measuring, 183-184

income statement, 192

NORAM (North America)

carbon footprint, 186

energy efficiency site-level actions, 194

local produce purchases, 188-195

organizational chart, 176

revenue, 176

stakeholder engagement, 182

subject matters experts, hiring, 181-182

sustainability priorities, 181

water conservation site-level actions, 187

operational challenges, 191

revenue, 192

SMG (Supply Management Group), 177

client business risks, reducing, 178

gross margins, increasing, 178

product pricing, 177

seafood purchases, 189-195

sustainability issues, 182-183

software innovations, 236

sourcing. See suppliers

South Carolina electronic waste regulations, 166

stakeholder engagement, managing, 182


auditing, 201

challenges, 204

changes, implementing

energy and emissions, 184-186

local, fair, and responsibly produced products, 187-188

sustainable seafood, 189-190

water conservation, 186-187

Code of Conduct, 180

compliance failure, 197-198

e-waste oversight, 168-169

impact from changes, measuring, 183

operations, reviewing, 178

performance metrics, 207

selecting, 202-203

sourcing strategies

challenges, 204

creating, 203-204

objectives, 202

sustainability practices, 179

supply base assessment, 48-49

supply chains

client business risks, reducing, 178

disruptions, minimizing, 35

GroBaby Foods

auditing, 201

overview, 200

gross margins, increasing, 178

managing, 177

natural disaster impact

culture preservation in downturns, 53-55

customer base assessment, 50-52

future workforce reduction policies, 56-57

Honda cuts news article, 60-61

Japanese earthquake and tsunami overview, 44-46

supply base assessment, 48-49

product pricing, 177

Supplier Code of Conduct, 180


supplier compliance failure, 197-198

energy and emissions, 184-186

global code of conduct compliance, 180

impact from changes, measuring, 183-184

local, fair, and responsibly produced products, 187-188

NH Hoteles developments, 295

objectives, 202

Supplier Code of Conduct, 180

supplier practices, 179

sustainable seafood, 189-190

water conservation, 186-187


TAM (truck arrival management), 212-213

technology changes (electronic waste), 162-163

Thailand floods in 2011, 29-31

TMFs (Traffic Mitigation Fees), 213

tourism industry, 280-281

See also NH Hoteles

tracking aid shipments, 15


disaster responses, 13-15

pollution, reducing, 211-212


background, 46-48

culture preservation in downturns, 53-55

customer base assessment, 50-52

future workforce reduction policies, 56-57

Honda cuts news article, 60-61

Japanese earthquake and tsunami overview, 44-46

QSS way, 57-47

supply base assessment, 48-49

truck arrival management (TAM), 211-212

tungsten, 100-101

market prices, 110-113

recyclability, 113-114


U.S. Geological Survey website, 113

UK Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA), 120

UNICEF Bangladesh child birth registrations website, 272

University of San Diego e-waste collection facts website, 168


Verizon e-waste recycling, 167

VOCs (volatile organic compounds), 235


water conservation

NH Hoteles, 292

NORAM, 186-187

Wayne State University Doctor of Philosophy Global Executive Track website, 43


ABC News Business, 66

Aloshikha Rajihar Social Development Centre, 267

Aungkur Pali Unnayan Kendra, 268

BTP fourteen commitments, 175

carbon tax to curb global warming article, 135

cargo container facilities, 213

Centre for Research on the Epidemiology of Disasters, 33

CRT recycling, 166

DEFRA, 120

electronic waste, 162

Electronics Take Back Coalition, 163

end-of-life management, 165

EPA recycling information website, 169

federal export legislation, 168

global dumping, 168

University of San Diego e-waste collection facts, 168

hazardous trail, 163

EPA (Environmental Protection Agency), 170

Global Aquaculture Alliance, 189

Honda worldwide production data, 67

IH&RA (International Hotel & Restaurant Association), 280

KMCI (Knowledge Management Consortium International), 277

MAN cutting tools survey, 104

Marine Stewardship Council, 189

new energy finance, 95

NTM (Network for Transport and Environment), 120

OECD (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development), 296

Pfizer geothermal project, 82

PierPass, 213

Sandvik Tooling brochure, 98

SLOPB (Stitching Land Ontwikkelings Project Bangladesh), 268

Sodexo Corporate Citizenship Progress, 174

South Carolina electronic waste regulations, 166

Thailand flood news stories, 64

U.S. Geological Survey, 113

UNICEF Bangladesh child birth registrations, 272

Verizon e-waste recycling, 167

Wayne State University Doctor of Philosophy Global Executive Track, 43

Western Digital Corporation, 32

World Tourism Organization (WTO), 296

World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC), 296

Western Digital Corporation

factory flood

communication consistency, 36

employee safety, 35

future considerations, 41

overview, 27-29

planning and preparedness, 33-34

recovery, 36-40

supply chain disruptions, minimizing, 35

Thailand expansion, 31-33

website, 32

WooB (Wood-Pellet Boiler) Project, 82-85

central elements pre-project cost estimates, 92

maintenance costs, 92

workforce reduction policies, 56-57

WTO (World Tourism Organization) website, 296

WTTC (World Travel & Tourism Council) website, 296

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