

  1. The Accidental Admiral (Stavridis)
  2. Accountability
    1. Columbia space shuttle disaster (2003) lessons on
    2. responsibility, authority, and
  3. Acetylcholine
  4. Action rationalizations, limbic system influence on
  5. Adaptive Neuroscience Research Institute (West Hollywood)
  6. Adler, Alfred
  7. ADRA2b genetic variation
  8. Adrenal medulla
  9. Agape (love)
    1. Agape Leadership Exercise
    2. charity translation of
    3. as “gift love”
    4. John 15:13 expression of
    5. Neuron Play Act I use of
    6. positive outcomes of expressing
    7. realistic expectations component of
    8. ten review points on leadership
    9. three steps to leadership
    10. See also Generosity
  10. Aguilar, Michael J.
  11. Alaska Airlines
  12. Alexander the Great
  13. Allport, Gordon
  14. Alugas, Lenny
  15. American Psychological Association
  16. AMN Healthcare Services, Inc.
  17. Ancient Greece
    1. Enneagram of
    2. The Iliad and The Odyssey
    3. Plato of
    4. Plutarch’s Parallel Lives sketches
    5. scientific discoveries of
    6. Socrates of
    7. study of psychology in
    8. See also Aristotle; Love concepts
  18. Andersen Consulting
  19. Anderson, Adam
  20. Anger vs. calmness
  21. Archimedes
  22. Archipallium brain (primitive or “basal brain”)
  23. Arête (good moral character)
  24. Aristotle
    1. Aristotle pyramid of
    2. Ethos by
    3. on excellence as a habit
    4. Persuasion Model of
    5. on philia goodwill
    6. postulating that the world is round
    7. See also Ancient Greece
  25. Arthur, Stan
  26. The Art of Rhetoric (Aristotle)
  27. Ashley, James
  28. Attention span
    1. limbic system relationship to
    2. norepinephrine impact on
  29. Atwood, Don
  30. Aunt Em (The Wonderful Wizard of Oz)
  31. Authority
    1. Charles “Chuck” Michel on command
    2. the Dutch culture and parental practice of
    3. Golem effect of
    4. good communication required for effective
    5. Mike Petters on responsibility, accountability, and
    6. Pygmalion effect and
    7. storge (parental love) underlining
    8. U.S. Navy SEAL team command and


  1. Baby Boomer extroverts
  2. USS George Bancroft (SSBN—643)
  3. Bartram, Dave
  4. “Basal brain” (archipallium or primitive brain)
  5. Baum, L. Frank
    1. See also The Wonderful Wizard of Oz (Baum)
  6. Bay of Pigs fiasco (1961)
  7. BEAM (Brain Electrical Activity Mapping)
  8. Behaviors
    1. introverted and extroverted
    2. leadership
    3. Myers-Briggs Type Indicator on
    4. subconscious
    5. trust fostered by eight management
    6. The Wonderful Wizard of Oz examples of
    7. See also Personality; Psychology
  9. Belief systems
    1. free yourself of false beliefs
    2. how core beliefs reflect our true selves
    3. how our reactions are connected to
    4. importance of clarifying our
    5. list ten of your prevalent beliefs exercise
    6. review questions on your
  10. Bellus Academy (San Diego)
  11. Bennett, Steve
  12. Bezos, Jeff
  13. Blooper Brainstorming exercise
  14. Booher, Jason
  15. Boston Consulting Group recognition survey
  16. The brain
    1. the Brain Puzzle
    2. how it reacts to stories and motion words
    3. instinctual or reptilian
    4. left and right sides of
    5. the limbic system or paleomammalian (emotional)
    6. neocortex or logical
    7. neuroplasticity creating new neural pathways in
    8. research findings and debates on
    9. Three Brains illustration of the
    10. See also Neuroscience; Neurotransmitters
  17. Braverman, Eric
  18. Brennan, Jack
  19. BrightHR study
  20. Brinker, Norman
  21. Briscoe, Robert
  22. Brown, Anna
  23. BUD/S (Navy SEAL training command)
  24. Burger King USA
  25. Bush, George H. W.
  26. Butcher, Bobby
  27. Buying/shopping


  1. Call of Duty Endowment
  2. Calmness vs. anger
  3. Campbell, Jeff
  4. Campbell, Joseph
  5. Cardinal (individual) personality traits
  6. Casazza, Eric
  7. Cattell, Raymond
  8. CBS
  9. Central (common) personality traits
  10. Cerebrum
  11. Challenges/competition
    1. encouraging healthy
    2. Race Board used to encourage
  12. Chapman University
  13. Character
  14. Chatting on the phone
  15. Cheese
  16. Cheney, Dick
  17. Chief executive officers (CEOs)
    1. chief eudaimonia officer role of
    2. nurturing leaders role by
    3. PricewaterhouseCoopers CEO survey (2016) on trust
    4. See also Leaders
  18. Clancy, Tom
  19. Clinton, Bill
  20. Coca Cola
  21. Coffee cups story
  22. Colfax, Schuyler
  23. Columbia space shuttle disaster (2003)
  24. Combat Information Center (CIC) [USS Oriskany, Korean War]
  25. Communication
    1. authority best practiced with good
    2. gender differences in
    3. by leader on organization mission
    4. Neuron 3-Act Play approach to leadership
    5. persuasion requiring effective
    6. See also Listening; Stories/storytelling
  26. Compassion
  27. Confidence vs. fear
  28. Conscious Capitalism movement
  29. Conscious culture
  30. Conscious leadership
  31. Contrasting and comparing principle
  32. Cooper, Sir Cary
  33. Core values
    1. Hewlett-Packard (HP)
    2. how they reflect our true selves
    3. importance of clarifying our
    4. review questions on your
  34. Cornell University
  35. Cortex (neocortex)
  36. Cortisol levels
  37. Courage
    1. Alexander the Great on
    2. Judith A. Fedder on
    3. King George VI’s story on having
    4. philia (goodwill) connection to
    5. Plato’s definition of
  38. Covey, Stephen R.
  39. CPP (formerly Consulting Psychologists Press)
  40. Creativity/brainstorming sessions
  41. Cuban Missile Crisis
  42. CUSTOMatrix (San Diego)


  1. Daly, Pete
  2. Deci, Edward
  3. Decision making
    1. The Eisenhower Matrix for
    2. higher-order consciousness role in
    3. limbic system influence on
    4. Neuron Decision Matrix for
    5. Neuron Priority Planner for
    6. See also Motivation
  4. Deductive reasoning
  5. De Jong, Lance
  6. Delegating
  7. Deloitte Consulting
  8. Destiny (Sumerian TAR)
  9. Dietary choices
  10. Disabled BusinessPersons Association
  11. Discovery space Shuttle (2004)
  12. Disney, Roy E.
  13. Dole, Bob
  14. Dopamine
    1. description of
    2. as the eighth secret of Neuron Leadership
    3. Enneagram traits related to
    4. impact on personality by
    5. Neuron Profile of
    6. ten ways to raise levels of
  15. Dorothy (The Wonderful Wizard of Oz)
  16. Duke, Mike
  17. Durenberger, Dave
  18. The Dutch. See The Netherlands
  19. Dynamic Cognitive Laboratory (Washington University in St. Louis)
  20. Dynamic Interactive Sales Playbook (Symantec)


  1. EADS North America (Aibus Group)
  2. Eating
    1. cheese
    2. a healthy diet
  3. eBay
  4. The Edge Effect (Braverman)
  5. Edison, Thomas
  6. Edward VIII (King of England)
  7. Ego
  8. Ehime Maru (Japanese fishery training ship)
  9. 80/20 Pareto Principle
  10. Eisenhower, Dwight
  11. The Eisenhower Matrix
  12. Electroencephalogram (EEG)
  13. Elwood, LT
  14. Emotional brain (or limbic system)
  15. Emotional neuron profile
  16. Emotional pain
    1. motivation to avoid
    2. Superego learning through process of
  17. Emotions
    1. Aristotle’s Persuasion Model on positive vs. negative
    2. cycle of stored memories triggered by events to create
    3. how dopamine impacts the
    4. how oxytocin impacts the
  18. Employee engagement
    1. agape love as increasing
    2. Gallup report on low levels of
  19. Employees
    1. positive outcomes of exhibiting agape love to
    2. pragma (mature love) for successful recruiting of
    3. study findings on ludus love (fun and humor) response by
    4. survey finding on recognition wanted by
    5. survey findings on showing compassion toward
    6. See also Millennials; Teams
  20. Emulation vs. envy
  21. England, Gordon
  22. Enneagram Institute
  23. Enneagram (nine points)
    1. neuroscience of
    2. neurotransmitters related to traits of
    3. overview and traits of the
    4. personality types of the
  24. Enneagram personality types
    1. gut types
    2. head types
    3. heart types
  25. Epictetus
  26. Eros (passion)
    1. Anthony “Tony” Stewart’s passionate leadership
    2. author’s story on finding his passion
    3. being both curiosity and conscious
    4. description and history of the term
    5. Eros Leadership Exercise
    6. having vision, a mission, and
    7. how feeling guilty can derail our pursuit of
    8. Maurice Wilson’s story on rebooting his life with
    9. Neuron Play Act II use of
    10. Sangita Woerner’s story on
    11. ten eros leadership review points
    12. three steps to eros leadership
    13. Us4Warriors Foundation example of
  27. Escalation principle
  28. Ethos
    1. Aristotle triangle of persuasion
    2. phronesis, anête, and eunoia of
  29. Ethos (Aristotle)
  30. Eudaimonia (state of happiness)
    1. CEO as leader in
    2. Eudaimonia Leadership Exercise
    3. Leadership is Love secret of
    4. mindfulness metrics used to measure progress to
    5. people before profit for
    6. ten leadership review questions on
    7. Urban Miyares’ story on giving back
    8. wellness programs to achieve
  31. Eunoia (goodwill)
  32. Euodoó (“you do”)
  33. Excellence and habits
  34. Exercise (physical)
  35. Exercises
    1. Agape (love) Leadership Exercise
    2. Blooper Brainstorming
    3. Eros Leadership Exercise
    4. Eudaimonia Leadership Exercise
    5. listing top ten needs
    6. list ten of your most prevalent beliefs
    7. Ludus (fun and humor) Leadership Exercise
    8. making three important changes in your life
    9. Neuron Exercise
    10. Philautia (self-love) Leadership Exercise
    11. Philia Leadership Exercise
    12. Pragma Leadership Exercise
    13. Storge Leadership Exercise
  36. Extroversion
    1. acetylcholine relationship with
    2. description of
    3. dopamine levels and


  1. F9f-5 Panther jets
  2. Failure
    1. fear of
    2. as sometime consequence of mistakes
    3. See also Mistakes
  3. Faith
  4. Familiarity
    1. familia (family) roots of
    2. Ludus (love) component of
    3. Principle of
    4. Randy Jones’ story on value of
    5. See also Neuron Secret Two (Principle of Familiarity)
  5. Fargo, Tom
  6. Fate (Sumerian NAM.TAR)
  7. Fear
    1. confidence vs.
    2. False Evidence Appearing Real acronym for
    3. resilience to give up illusions and
  8. Fedder, Judith A.
  9. Ferguson, Glenn
  10. Flanagan, Tom
  11. Fight or flight response
  12. USS Flying Fish (SSN—673)
  13. Flying Leatherneck Historical Foundation (FLHF) [San Diego]
  14. fMRI (functional magnetic resonance imaging) systems
  15. FMT (San Diego)
  16. Foman, Ronnie
  17. Forbes top 10 technology firms list
  18. Ford, Henry
  19. Ford Motor Company
  20. The Forgotten Hero of The Forgotten War (Machado)
  21. Fortune’s 100 Best Companies to Work For list
  22. Forward Air Controllers (FACs)
  23. Freytag, Gustav
  24. Freud, Sigmund
  25. Freytag’s Pyramid
  26. Friendship. See Philia (goodwill)
  27. Friendship vs. enmity
  28. Frito-Lay
  29. Fromm, Erich
  30. Frost, Robert
  31. Fun. See Ludus love (fun and humor)


  1. GABA
  2. Gallup’s State of the American Workplace report
  3. Garcia-Fresco, German
  4. Garrett, H. Lawrence
  5. Gender differences
    1. communication styles
    2. in trust and seeking help
  6. General Electric
  7. General Motors
  8. Generation Xer extroverts
  9. Generosity
    1. to fill your heart with joy
    2. neuroscience on benefits of
    3. Principle of
    4. raising your oxytocin levels by giving and
    5. See also Agape (love)
  10. USS George Bancroft (SSBN—643)
  11. George VI (King of England)
  12. Germany Calling radio show
  13. Girl Scouts Operation Thin Mint
  14. Girl Scouts San Diego
  15. Goal setting. See Neuron Priority Planner
  16. Golden Eagles (Korean War)
  17. Goldrich, Jordan
  18. Golem effect
  19. Google
  20. USS Grayback (SS-208)
  21. Gray, John
  22. Greenawald, Ken
  23. USS Greeneville (SSN-772)
  24. Guinness Book of World Records
  25. Gulf War (1991)
  26. Gurdjieff, George Ivanovitch


  1. Habits and excellence
  2. USS Haddo (SSN-604)
  3. Hansen, Paul
  4. Happiness
    1. ludus love as facilitating
    2. UNICEF report (2013) on Dutch children and
    3. See also Joy
  5. Harvard Business Review
  6. Harvard University
  7. Havier than Air Marine Observation VMO 6 Squadron
  8. Healthy diet
  9. Hell Week (BUD/S)
  10. Help/helpers
    1. exercise on listing your sources of support and
    2. identifying all the sources of
    3. our need for support from our
  11. Henderson, John Brooks
  12. Hero’s Journey
  13. Hewlett-Packard (HP)
  14. Higher-order consciousness
  15. Higher purpose
    1. See also Mission; Purpose in life
  16. Hormones
    1. adrenaline
    2. cortisol levels
    3. oxytocin
  17. Hubble telescope
  18. Hudson, Russ
  19. Hugging
  20. Humility
    1. Chuck Michel’s lesson on
    2. E. Royce Williams’ story on importance of
    3. Greg “Chaser” Keithley’s story on having
    4. philia (goodwill) connection to
    5. Principle of Prosperity on having
  21. Humor. See Ludus (fun and humor)
  22. The Hunt for Red October (Clancy)
  23. Huntington Ingalls Industries
  24. Hurricane Katrina (2005)
  25. Hussein, Saddam
  26. Hypothalamus
  27. Hyundai


  1. Ichazo, Oscar
  2. Id
  3. The Iliad (Homer)
  4. Illusions
  5. Inductive reasoning
  6. Instinctual brain (or reptilian brain)
  7. Instinctual neuron profile
  8. International Space Station
  9. Introversion
    1. acetylcholine relationship with
    2. description of
    3. dopamine levels and
  10. The Introvert Advantage: How to Thrive in an Extrovert World (Olsen)
  11. Iraq Operations Desert Shield and Desert Storm (Gulf War—1991)


  1. Jack in the Box
  2. Jacob, Glenn
  3. Jacob, Jo Dee Catlin
  4. Jacoby, Jake
  5. John—15:13
  6. Jones, Jeff
  7. Jones, Randy
  8. Joy
    1. Matt’s story on having a life with
    2. Principle of Generosity to fill your heart with
    3. studies on reciprocity and
    4. See also Happiness


  1. Kabbalah spiritualism
  2. Kavanaugh, James
    1. on importance of our belief systems
    2. “Laughing Down Lonely Canyons” by
    3. “long-game” thinking view of
    4. Quiet Waters by
    5. Search by
    6. Sunshine Days and Foggy Nights by
    7. There Are Men Too Gentle to Live Among Wolves by
  3. Keithley, Greg (“Chaser”)
  4. Kennedy, John F.
  5. Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
  6. Kindness vs. unkindness
  7. Kotick, Bobby
  8. Kraus, Hans
  9. Kroc, Ray


  1. Laboratory of Brain Evolution and Behavior (Maryland)
  2. Laughing
  3. “Laughing Down Lonely Canyons” (Kavanaugh)
  4. Leaders
    1. being a positive role model
    2. importance of character for
    3. important to turn aspiring leaders into leader of
    4. integrity as the supreme quality of a
    5. Plutarch’s Parallel Lives sketches of
    6. “pratfall effect” of admitting mistakes
    7. the selfish
    8. supporting healthy challenges
    9. trust and delegation by
    10. understanding when they need help
    11. See also Chief executive officers (CEOs)
  5. Leadership
    1. Abraham Lincoln’s example of persuasive
    2. agape (love)
    3. conscious
    4. eros (passion)
    5. five lessons on
    6. ludus (fun and humor)
    7. philautia (self-love)
    8. philia (goodwill)
    9. pragma (mature love)
    10. storge (parental love)
    11. U.S. Marine Corps principles ad traits of
    12. See also Management; Neuron Leadership
  6. Leadership is Love
  7. Leadership styles
    1. authoritative vs. authoritarian
    2. extroverted
    3. “hammer” versus “rake”
    4. introverted
    5. task-oriented vs. relationship-oriented
    6. See also Neuron Leadership
  8. The Least You Can Do (Jordan)
  9. Leet, Brian
  10. Left brain
  11. Legatum’s list of happiest countries
  12. Lewis, C. S.
  13. Life
    1. coffee cups story as metaphor for
    2. exercise on making three importance changes to your
    3. having a higher purpose in
    4. See also Purpose in life
  14. The limbic system (or paleomammalian brain)
  15. Lincoln, Abraham
  16. The Lion (The Wonderful Wizard of Oz)
  17. Listening
    1. E. Royce Williams’ story on importance of
    2. philia (goodwill) shown by
    3. See also Communication
  18. Locus coerules
  19. Logical brain (or neocortex)
  20. Logical neuron profile
  21. Logos
    1. Aristotle persuasion triangle on
    2. deductive and inductive
  22. Logue, Lionel
  23. Louisiana State University (LSU)
  24. Love concepts
    1. agape (love)
    2. eros (passion)
    3. Hero’s Journey to unconditional self-
    4. leadership is being all about
    5. Leadership is Love
    6. ludus (fun and humor)
    7. philautia (self-love)
    8. philia (goodwill)
    9. pragma (mature love)
    10. storge (parental love)
    11. unconditional love oxymoron
    12. See also Ancient Greece
  25. Ludus love (fun and humor)
    1. Agape Leadership Exercise
    2. as being empathetic and caring
    3. Blooper Brainstorming exercise using
    4. of the Dutch people
    5. familiarity component of
    6. Girl Scouts leadership using
    7. as important leadership quality
    8. “Laughing Down Lonely Canyons” (Kavanaugh) expression of
    9. Neuron Play Act I use of
    10. neuroscience perspective of
    11. Randy Jones’ story on value of
    12. study findings on employee response to
    13. taking fun breaks from work
    14. ten ludus leader review points
    15. Toto’s example of
  26. Ludwig, Rick
  27. Lynch, Lynelle


  1. Machado, C. J.
  2. Mackey, John
  3. MacLean, Paul D.
  4. Management
    1. fostering trust through eight behaviors by
    2. Management by Objective (MBO)
    3. Pareto Principle 80/20 rule of task
    4. pragma (mature love) relationship to time and task
    5. Situational Leadership approach to
    6. See also Leadership
  5. Marcos, Imelda
  6. Marine Raiders
  7. Martin, Drew
  8. Master Resilience Training Course (U.S. Army)
  9. Matt’s story
  10. Mays, Willy
  11. Meditation
  12. Memories
    1. emotional responses to stories triggered by our
    2. limbic system relationship to emotional
  13. Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus? (Gray)
  14. Mental system
  15. Mentors
    1. Charles “Chuck” Michel on his
    2. consider becoming a
    3. See also Storge (parental love)
  16. Michel, Charles “Chuck”
  17. Middleton, LTJG
  18. USS Midway
  19. MIG-15s (Korean War)
  20. Millennials
    1. extroverts among
    2. study findings on ludus love (fun and humor) wanted by
    3. See also Employees
  21. Mirror neurons
  22. Mission
    1. examples of having passion, vision, and
    2. having a higher purpose or
    3. leader communication about organization’s
    4. Maurice Wilson’s story on having a
    5. vaping company’s saving lives
    6. See also Higher purpose; Purpose in life
  23. Mistakes
    1. Blooper Brainstorming exercise on
    2. encouraging healthy challenges and making
    3. Jeff Jones’ story on consequences of making
    4. “pratfall effect” of leaders who admit
    5. Thomas Edison’s comments on value of
    6. See also Failure
  24. Miyares, Urban
  25. Motion words
  26. Motivation
    1. to avoid pain
    2. dopamine relationship to
    3. instinctual consequences as
    4. value proposition
    5. See also Decision making
  27. Music
  28. Musonius Rufus
  29. Myers-Briggs Indicator


  1. N2N biplane (World War I Navy Aircraft Factory)
  2. NAM.TAR (Sumerian god)
  3. Naranjo, Claudio
  4. NASA
  5. National League Cy Young award
  6. National Summer Sports Clinic (Department of Veterans Affairs)
  7. National Veterans Transition, Inc. (“Reboot”)
  8. NATO
  9. Nature theory
  10. USS Nautilus (SSN-571)
  11. Naval Academy Prep School
  12. Naval Criminal Investigative Service (NCIS)
  13. Naval Institute Press (NIP)
  14. Navy Fighter Squadron 781 (Korean War)
  15. Needs
    1. determining how to meet our
    2. exercise on listing top ten
    3. helpers for filling our
    4. taking responsibility for our
    5. See also Self-actualization
  16. Negative vs. position emotions
  17. Neocortex (or logical brain)
  18. Neomammalian (or rational) brain
  19. Neopallium
  20. The Netherlands
    1. ludus love shown by the Dutch
    2. storge (parental love) practiced in
    3. UNICEF happiness report (2013) on Dutch children
  21. Neuron Decision Matrix
    1. how it works
    2. learning to utilize the
  22. Neuron Exercise
  23. Neuron Leadership
    1. introduction to
    2. Neuron Secret One–Principle of Prosperity
    3. Neuron Secret Two–Principle of Familiarity
    4. Neuron Secret Three–Principle of Generosity
    5. Neuron Secret Four–Principle of Passion
    6. Neuron Secret Five–Principle of Courage
    7. Neuron Secret Six–Principle of Authority
    8. Neuron Secret Seven–Principle of Wisdom
    9. Neuron Secret Eight–Oxytocin and Dopamine
    10. preface to the seven neuron secrets
    11. See also Leadership; Leadership styles
  24. Neuron Personality Profiler
  25. Neuron Personality Profiles
  26. Neuron Priority Planner
    1. Dashboard Sheet of
    2. free spreadsheet version of the
    3. how it works
    4. learning to utilize the
    5. Priority Chart of
    6. Priority Planner of
  27. Neuron Profiles
  28. Neuron Secret One (Principle of Prosperity)
    1. arête} (good moral character) and
    2. on being humble and teachable
    3. creating new neural pathways in the brain
    4. E. Royce Williams’ example of
    5. eudaimonia (state of happiness) as part of
    6. euodoó (“you do”) or prosperity
    7. Greg “Chaser” Keithley’s example of
    8. the Hero’s Journey (Dorothy’s journey)
    9. introduction to
    10. Jeff Jones’s story on
    11. letting go of our illusions
    12. philautia (self-love) component of the
    13. the selfish leader
    14. Urban Miyares’ story on
  29. Neuron Secret Two (Principle of Familiarity)
    1. introduction to the
    2. Jo Dee Catlin Jacob’s story on treating everyone like family
    3. John Robert (Bob) Wood’s story on
    4. ludus love (fun and humor) component of
    5. Randy Jones’ story on value of
    6. See also Familiarity
  30. Neuron Secret Three (Principle of Generosity)
    1. agape (love) component of
    2. introduction to
    3. John Robert (Bob) Wood’s story on
    4. Jordan Goldrich on “Warrior Spirit”
    5. Lance De Jong’s story on filling your heart with joy
    6. realistic expectations component of
  31. Neuron Secret Four (Principle of Passion)
    1. Anthony “Tony” Stewart’s passionate leadership
    2. author’s story on finding his passion
    3. being both curiosity and conscious
    4. eros (passion) component of
    5. having passion, vision, and a mission
    6. introduction to the
    7. Maurice Wilson’s story on rebooting his life
    8. Sangita Woerner’s story on passion
    9. Us4Warriors Foundation example of
  32. Neuron Secret Five (Principle of Courage)
    1. Glenn Ferguson’s story on the
    2. introduction to
    3. Judith A. Fedder on courage
    4. King George VI’s story on having courage
    5. philia (goodwill) and courage components of
  33. Neuron Secret Six (Principle of Authority)
    1. Charles “Chuck” Michel on command authority
    2. Eric Casazza on leadership using
    3. introduction to
    4. Mike Petters on responsibility, accountability, and authority
    5. storge (parental love) component of
    6. Tom Flanagan’s story on
    7. U.S. Navy SEAL team
  34. Neuron Secret Seven (Principle of Wisdom)
    1. introduction to
    2. Pete Daly’s story on pragmatic leaders
    3. pragma (mature love) component of
    4. Sean O’Keefe’s story on
  35. Neuron Secret Eight
    1. dopamine as the
    2. eating cheese as source of tyrosine
    3. introduction to the
    4. Neuron Exercise and meditation practice
    5. oxytocin as the
  36. Neuron 3-Act Play
    1. Act I of the
    2. Act II of the
    3. Act III of the
    4. Freytag’s Pyramid structure for the
    5. illustration of the
    6. introduction to the
    7. principle of contrasts used in the
    8. principle of escalation used in the
    9. principle of threes used in the
  37. Neuroplasticity
  38. Neuroscience
    1. on benefits of trust
    2. Enneagram’s nine types
    3. on ludus love (fun and humor)
    4. mirror neurons
    5. “Neuroscience of Selling” (Garcia-Fesco and colleagues) on
    6. on personality and neurotransmitters
    7. on storge (parental love)
    8. validating benefits of generosity
    9. what is tells us about stories and storytelling
    10. See also The brain
  39. “The Neuroscience of Trust” (Zak)
  40. Neurotransmitters
    1. dopamine
    2. Enneagram (nine points) traits related to
    3. GABA
    4. Neuron Profiles
    5. norepinephrine
    6. serotonin
    7. See also The brain
  41. Newport News Shipbuilding
  42. New York Times
  43. Niebuhr, Reinhold
  44. 9/11 attacks
  45. Norepinephrine
    1. ADRA2b genetic variation and
    2. description of
    3. Enneagram traits related to
    4. impact on personality by
    5. Neuron Profile of
  46. Northwest Harbor Solutions
  47. Nurture theory


  1. Observational science
  2. Ochs, Robert
  3. Odysseus (The Odyssey)
  4. The Odyssey (Homer)
  5. Ohio State University
  6. O’Keefe, Sean
  7. Olsen, Marti
  8. Operation Thin Mint (Girl Scouts)
  9. OPQ32 personality test
  10. Oracle
  11. USS Oriskany (Korean War)
  12. Ovation
  13. Oxytocin
    1. chemical structure of
    2. as the eighth secret of Neuron Leadership
    3. how experiencing a story produces
    4. how stress inhibits
    5. physical and emotional benefits of
    6. suggestions for raising your levels of
    7. trust and increased


  1. Packard, Dave
  2. Pain
    1. as instinctual trigger
    2. motivation to avoid
    3. Superego learning through process of emotional
  3. Paleomammalian (or limbic system) brain
  4. Palmer, Helen
  5. Parallel Lives sketches (Plutarch)
  6. Pareto Principle 80/20 rule
  7. Passion. See Eros (passion)
  8. Pathos (Aristotle persuasion triangle)
  9. Pavlov, Ivan
  10. Pavlov’s dog experiment
  11. PepsiCo
  12. The perfect game story
  13. Personality
    1. American Psychological Association’s definition of
    2. Cardinal, Central, and Secondary traits
    3. Enneagram (nine points)
    4. introvert vs. extrovert
    5. mental system of
    6. nature versus nurture theories on
    7. Neuron Personality Profiles
    8. neuroscience on neurotransmitters and
    9. The Wonderful Wizard of Oz examples of
    10. See also Behaviors; Psychology
  14. Personality tests
    1. Myers-Briggs Indicator
    2. OPQ32
  15. Persuasion
    1. Abraham Lincoln’s example of the art of
    2. Aristotle Pyramid on
    3. Aristotle’s Persuasion Model on
    4. effective communication required for effective
  16. Persuasion Model (Aristotle)
  17. Petters, Mike
  18. Petters, Nancy
  19. Petting pets
  20. Philautia (self-love)
    1. description of the
    2. failing to pursue your dreams because of lack of
    3. Greg “Chaser” Keithley’s story on learning
    4. Hero’s Journey toward
    5. Philautia Leadership Exercise
    6. ten review points on
    7. three steps to leadership
  21. Philia (goodwill)
    1. courage element of
    2. Glenn Ferguson’s story on showing
    3. Lionel Logue’s example of
    4. Neuron Play Act II use of
    5. Philia Leadership Exercise
    6. ten review points on
    7. three steps to leadership
    8. trust built through
  22. Phronesis (good sense)
  23. Physical activities
  24. Pity vs. indignation
  25. Plato
  26. Pleasure learning
  27. Plotinus
  28. Plutarch’s Parallel Lives sketches
  29. Pope, Barbara S.
  30. Positive vs. negative emotions
  31. Pragma (mature love)
    1. ancient Greek and modern examples of
    2. Neuron Play Act III use of
    3. Pete Daly on pragmatic leaders with
    4. Pragma Leadership Exercise
    5. Sean O’Keefe’s story on gaining
    6. as successful team recruiting approach
    7. ten leadership review points
    8. three steps to pragma leadership
    9. time and task management related to
    10. trust component of
  32. “Pratfall effect”
  33. PricewaterhouseCoopers CEO trust survey (2016)
  34. Principle of contrasts
  35. Principle of escalation
  36. Principle of threes
  37. Procter & Gamble
  38. Project Aristotle study (Google)
  39. Prosperity
    1. being humble and teachable as the path to
    2. Conscious Capitalism approach to
    3. E. Royce Williams’ example of Neuron Secret One and
    4. eudaimonia (state of happiness) relationship to
    5. euodoó (“you do”) or
    6. Greg “Chaser” Keithley’s story on
    7. Jeff Jones’s story on
    8. letting go of our illusions for
    9. Urban Miyares’ story on sharing his
  40. Psychology
    1. Carl Rogers’ self-theory
    2. definition and origins of
    3. Id, Ego, and Superego concepts of
    4. Pavlov’s dog experiment
    5. See also Behaviors; Personality
  41. Psychology Today
  42. Purpose in life
    1. determining how to meet our needs and have
    2. how guilt can derail pursuit of
    3. self-actualization as
    4. self-actualization pyramid
    5. See also Higher purpose; Life; Mission
  43. Pygmalion effect
  44. Pythagorean geometry


  1. Quiet Waters (Kavanaugh)


  1. Race Boards
  2. Reboot (National Veterans Transition, Inc.)
  3. Reciprocity
  4. Recognition
  5. Recruiting success
  6. Reed, Oliver
  7. Relationship-oriented leaders
  8. Reptilian brain (R-Complex or instinctual brain)
  9. Resilience
    1. Epictetus’ story on developing
    2. giving up illusions and fears for
  10. Rickman, Alan
  11. Rickover, Hyman G.
  12. Right brain
  13. Riso, Don
  14. Rizzolati, Giacomo
  15. Roach, John “Bug”
  16. Rogers, Carl
  17. Roque, Chief
  18. Rotary International Cliff Dochterman Award
  19. Rowland, LTJG
  20. Ryan, Richard


  1. Salka, Susan
  2. San Diego Padres
  3. San Diego Rotary Club
  4. Sartre, Jean-Paul
  5. The Scarecrow (The Wonderful Wizard of Oz)
  6. Schulze, Eric S.
  7. Schweitzer, Albert
  8. ScienceDaily
  9. SEAL teams. See U.S. Navy
  10. Search (Kavanaugh)
  11. Secondary (conditional) personality traits
  12. Self-actualization
    1. driving motivation to reach
    2. self-actualization pyramid
    3. See also Needs
  13. Self-Determination Theory
  14. The selfish leader
  15. Self-love. See Philautia (self-love)
  16. Self-theory (Carl Rogers)
  17. Seneca
  18. September 11th attacks
  19. Serotonin
    1. Enneagram traits related to
    2. impact on personality
    3. Neuron Play Act III and increased
    4. Neuron Profile of
    5. storge (parental love) practice and
  20. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People (Covey)
  21. Sexual harassment
    1. how leadership can either limit or encourage
    2. Tailhook Association incident (1991) of
  22. Shamelessness vs. shame
  23. SHL Group
  24. Shooting practice
  25. Shopping/buying
  26. Simpson, Wallis
  27. Situational Leadership
  28. Six Dimensions of Wellness
  29. SkylineDx BV (The Netherlands)
  30. Social Market Foundation study
  31. Society for Human Resources Management Employee Job Satisfaction and Engagement Survey (2015)
  32. Socrates
  33. Special Operations forces
  34. The Sporting News
    1. Comeback Player of the Year award
    2. National League All-Star teams
  35. Stakeholder orientation
  36. Stanford University
  37. Starbucks
  38. State of the American Workplace report (Gallup)
  39. Stavridis, James
  40. Stevens, Ted
  41. Stewart, Anthony “Tony”
  42. Storge (parental love)
    1. Charles “Chuck” Michel on command using
    2. Dutch parental practice of
    3. Neuron Play Act III use of
    4. neuroscience perspective on
    5. Storge Leadership Exercise
    6. ten leadership review points on
    7. three steps to storge leadership
    8. as underlining the Principle of Authority
    9. U.S. Navy SEAL team commanded with
    10. See also Mentors
  43. Stories/storytelling
    1. the brain’s reaction to motion words
    2. cycle of stored memories triggering emotional responses to
    3. effective communication using
    4. Gustav Freytag’s story-telling structure for
    5. Neuron 3-Act Play for
    6. what neuroscience tells us about
    7. See also Communication
  44. Streaking (get one going)
  45. Stress
    1. increased cortisol levels due to
    2. making mistakes and healthy “challenge”
    3. oxytocin inhibited by
  46. Subconscious mind
  47. Submarine Division
  48. Submarine The Weapons Officer “Weaps”
  49. Sunshine Days and Foggy Nights (Kavanaugh)
  50. Superego
  51. Superior (or rational) brain
  52. Swank, Ted
  53. Symantec
  54. Symposium (Plato)


  1. TACTILE (conscious culture)
  2. Tailhook Association
    1. Greg “Chaser” Keithley’s executive director position with
    2. sexual harassment incident (1991)
    3. sexual harassment reports on 1991 incident
  3. TAR (destiny)
  4. Task-oriented leaders
  5. Teachable
    1. E. Royce Williams’ story on importance of being
    2. Greg “Chaser” Keithley’s story on being
    3. Principle of Prosperity on being
  6. Teams
    1. consequences of making mistakes and letting down your
    2. danger of “lone wolf” attitude on a
    3. ludus (fun and humor) practiced by
    4. pragma (mature love) for recruiting to
    5. responsibility, accountability, and authority over
    6. ten ways to raise dopamine levels in your
    7. U.S. Navy Seal teams
    8. vision and inspiration to transform your
    9. See also Employees
  7. Teamwork
    1. agape love impact on
    2. how trust enhances
    3. ludus love (fun and humor) to build
    4. Submarine Division approach to
  8. USS Tennessee (BB—43)
  9. There Are Men Too Gentle to Live Among Wolves (Kavanaugh)
  10. Theseus and the Minotaur
  11. Thirteenth Amendment
    1. introduction of bill (1864) to abolish slavery
    2. Lincoln’s leadership and passage of
  12. Thomas, Tina
  13. The Three Brains
  14. Three importance life changes exercise
  15. Threes principle
  16. “Time Management Grids” (Covey)
  17. The Tin Woodsman (The Wonderful Wizard of Oz)
  18. TOPGUN training program (U.S. Navy)
  19. Toto (The Wonderful Wizard of Oz)
  20. Tower, John
  21. Towers Watson Global Workforce Study (2012)
  22. The Triune Brain in Evolution (MacLean)
  23. Trust
    1. delegation and
    2. eight management behaviors that foster
    3. gender differences in seeking help and
    4. as Golden Rule basis
    5. how cortisol affects feelings of
    6. Lance De Jong on earning
    7. Navy SEAL teams and “foxhole”
    8. Neuron Play Act II to build audience
    9. “The Neuroscience of Trust” (Zak) on
    10. neuroscience on benefits of
    11. philia (goodwill) and
    12. role of oxytocin in
    13. team performance enhanced by
  24. Trust Factor: The Science of Creating High Performance Companies (Zak)
  25. L-tyrosine


  1. Unconditional love oxymoron
  2. Unconscious behavior
  3. UNICEF happiness report (2013)
  4. United States Military Academy at West Point
  5. University of British Columbia
  6. University of California San Diego Rady School of Management
  7. University of Michigan
  8. University of North Carolina
  9. University of Parma (Italy)
  10. University of San Diego (USD)
  11. Urban League
  12. Us4Warriors Foundation
  13. U.S. Army’s Master Resilience Training Course
  14. U.S. Department of Veterans
  15. U.S. Marine Corps
    1. leadership principles of the
    2. leadership traits of the
  16. U.S. Naval Institute (USNI)
  17. U.S. Navy
    1. BUD/S (Navy SEAL training command)
    2. Greg “Chaser” Keithley’s experience in the
    3. joint Pygmalion effect study of Israeli Defense Forces and
    4. Kennedy’s PT-109 boat duty
    5. SEAL teams of the
    6. TOPGUN training program


  1. Value judgments
  2. Value proposition motivation
  3. Vanguard Group
  4. Vaping company
  5. Veritas


  1. Wagner, Jeff
  2. “Warrior Spirit”
  3. Weaver, Matt
  4. Western Union
  5. West, J. B.
  6. Who Do You Think You Are?: Understanding Your Personality From the Inside Out (Thomas)
  7. Whole Foods Market
  8. Wilkinson, Eugene P.
  9. Williams, E. Royce
  10. Wilson, Maurice
  11. Winning/accomplishing
  12. Wisdom
    1. Pete Daly’s story on pragmatic leaders with
    2. pragma (mature love) as love based on
    3. pragma team recruiting with
    4. Sean O’Keefe’s story on gaining
  13. The Wizard of Oz (The Wonderful Wizard of Oz)
  14. Woernere, Sangita
  15. The Wonderful Wizard of Oz (Baum)
    1. Aunt Em of the
    2. book cover of
    3. Dorothy of
    4. the Lion of
    5. revealing 24th chapter of the
    6. The Scarecrow of
    7. the Tin Woodsman of
    8. Toto of the
    9. the Wizard of Oz
    10. See also Baum, L. Frank
  16. Wood, John Robert (Bob)
  17. World Trade Center attacks (9/11)
  18. Wundt, Wilhelm


  1. Yahoo!


  1. Zacks, Jeffrey
  2. Zak, Paul
    1. on concentration being increased by cortisol
    2. on decisions made by subconscious mind
    3. on Gustav Freytag’s story-telling structure
    4. his view of the brain as unified system
    5. on how the brain responses to storytelling
    6. “The Neuroscience of Trust” by
    7. on oxytocin impact on the brain
    8. on trust and team performance
    9. Trust Factor: The Science of Creating High Performance Companies by
  3. Zaltman, Gerald
  4. Zaltman Metaphor Elicitation Technique (ZMET)
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