Key Terms Index


agglomeration, 334
aggregation, 22, 334
AHP, 235
algonthms, 257
analytic hierarachy process, 235
animation, 66, 87, 95, 287, 324


book readers, 186
books, 186
browse, 153
browsers, 353
browsing, 49, 199


calendar interfaces, 324
categorical axes, 169
categorical data, 22
children, 178, 186
choropleth maps, 38
cluster analysis, 334
collaboration, 76
collect-relate-create-donate, 372
cooperative inquiry, 178
coordination, 341
CounterPoint, 105
creativity support, 372
creativity support tool, 378


data mining, 378
data type taxonomy, 364
database query, 7
database search, 14
decision support, 235
dendrograms, 334
design, 257
design evolution, 76, 287
design process, 153
detail views, 353
details-on-demand, 308
digital libraries, 153, 161, 169, 178, 186
digital library, 49
digital photos, 76
direct annotation, 58
direct manipulation, 14, 58
discovery, 378
DNA chips, 334
drag-and-drop, 58
drag-and-drop annotation., 76
Dynamaps, 38
Dynamic HomeFinder., 7, 14
dynamic labeling, 316
dynamic paths, 105
dynamic quenes., 7, 14, 38., 153., 161, 313


education applications., 178
Elastic Windows Web Browser, 211
evaluation, 87, 316
excentnc labeling, 316
expenmentation., 120
exploratory data analysis., 199


field-of-view box, 353
FilmFinder, 7
filtenng, 364
FishCal., 324
Fisheye view, 299, 324
focus+context, 353


gene expressions levels., 334
genetic analyses, 334
genex framework, 372
geographic data, 22
graphical representations, 199
graphical user interfaces (GUIs)., 38, 58, 169, 186,
graphics., 66, 95, 324
GRIDI., 169
GUIs, 169, 186


hierarchical clustering., 334
Hierarchical Clustering Explorer (HCE), 334
hierarchical data, 287
hierarchical table of contents, 199
hierarchies, 257
hierarchy, 169, 237
hieraxes, 169
highway incidents, 22
history keeping, 364
HomeFinder, 7, 14
human factors, 120, 157


ICDI., 186
image browsers, 66, 257, 353
image database, 49
information exploration, 49
information retrieval, 14, 49
information retrieval design techniques, 178
information seeking, 7
information-abundant interfaces, 372
intergenerational design team, 178
International Children’s Digital Library, 186
Internet, 49


Java, 153, 161
Java applet, 51
Jazz, 66, 95, 105, 257


label, 316
label placement, 58
learning communities, 161
levels of detail, 120
LifeLines, 308


maps, 120
measurement, 120
medical image, 49
medical records, 308
menu selection, 299
methodology and techniques, 279
microchip, 334
multi-dimensional data, 334
multiple views, 341
multiscale interfaces, 87, 220


navigation, 120
network configuration, 239
network management, 239
node-link trees, 287


ordered treemaps, 257
Orthoviewer, 49
overview+detail, 353
overview+detail interfaces, 120
overviews, 308, 353, 364,


Pad++, 87, 95, 220,
PadPnnts, 220
participatory design, 178
patient histories, 308
PDAs, 324
performance, 120
photo history, 76
photo libraries, 58, 76
PhotoFinder, 58, 76
PhotoMesa, 66, 105
picture/image generation, 279
preview, 153


quantum treemaps, 257
query previews, 31


real-time computer graphics, 87
remote access, 49
satellite networks, 239


scatter plot diagrams, 279
scene graphs, 95
search, 153
SearchKids, 178
slide shows, 105
sliders, 38
Snap, 22, 341
Snap-together visualization, 22, 341
SpaceTree, 287
spatial hypertext, 105
Spotfire, 22, 372
starfield displays, 7
statistics, 237


task taxonomy, 353., 364
temporal data, 22., 308
theory, 364
tight coupling, 7
tight coupling relational database, 341
time senes data., 313
timelines., 308
TimeSearcher, 313
tree data., 287
treemap, 66, 235, 237., 239., 257, 279
trees, 257


UIMSs, 95
usability, 120, 220
User Interface Management Systems, 95
user study, 341


video, 161
Visible Human, 49
visual data mining, 31
visual information seeking, 14
visual information-seeking mantra, 364, 372
visual languages, 14
visual query, 313


web browser, 220
web design, 153
Web navigation, 220
WebTOC, 199
widgets, 299
window management, 211
World Wide Web, 49, 199, 211, 220


zoom factor, 353
Zoomable User Interfaces (ZUIs), 66, 87, 95, 105, 120, 178, 257
zooming user interface hypertext, 220
ZUI hypertext, 220
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